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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14341228 No.14341228 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of eating """healthy""" when you're gonna die in 40 years anyway? I basically only eat fast food and takeaway and for the most part I enjoy every single meal I eat. I never have to worry about doing dishes or food prep either so I always have way more free time than most people.

>> No.14341232

Would you rather eat til 80 or 40?

>> No.14341241

Better to live 40 years as a lion than 80 years as a sheep

>> No.14341248

Manchild detected.
Nothing is stopping you from living off tendies so feel free to keep doing it. Also why bother walking? Just ride a Rascal everywhere.

>> No.14341253

More like living 40 years as a cow vs 80 as a human, desu

>> No.14341280

thats so fucking stupid. does fast food make you a lion? what?
also, yes I want to live to 80, you get there by having a healthy diet and being active, sort of like a lion.

>> No.14341300

>this thread
people in this thread, excluding me

>> No.14341317

plenty of 80 year olds smoke and drank every day and barely ate a vegetable in their life. I know my dad is the first male on his side of the family to live to see 60 in several generations. age is mostly genetic.

>> No.14341321

Yes goy continue eating your slop
Consume product
Pay taxes
Die young Yolo

>> No.14341325

based retard

>> No.14341329

or you could also exercise and eat healthy so you can eat thrash food from time to time until the last day or your life ffs

>> No.14341334

Lions run and are fit as fuck

Lambs get fattened to get eated

>> No.14341336

yeah, it's definitely genetic and not the fact that your dad's family collectively treats their health like garbage by eating the same slop and having similar daily routines

>> No.14341337

I meant to >>14341241

>> No.14341344

>I basically only eat fast food and takeaway
I really pity your Heart right now

>> No.14341358
File: 65 KB, 768x1024, 590FD90C-BB9F-445E-8E93-C9E0703BC7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you risk early cancer, heart disease, stroke eating like shit everyday retard

do you want to have a stroke in your 30s and then live as a braindead cripple until your 60s?

>> No.14341361
File: 133 KB, 1500x1620, jagged edged kidney stone and your urethra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not just when you die it is how you die. You may be able to extend your life for two years or twenty. There is no guarantee. It is a fact that the healthier you are the happier and more comfortable you will be. Aging creates pain and the less you take care of yourself now the more that pain increases over time.

You will want to age with a maximum amount of vitality and mobility. It's not even just eating healthy it's eating good well rounded and delicious meals.

If you think eating fat and salt is tasty that's fine, it can be. If you think eating nothing but fat and salt is the tastiest then you are a dopamine addicted tastelet who's going to piss out a kidney stone the size of a golf ball.

>> No.14341367

Based outlook. Think about it. You could've died from cancer at 2 years old. Every day is a gift, so enjoy yourself. No one is promised tomorrow.

>> No.14341368
File: 97 KB, 796x828, 1F8CD3F6-8FA5-4AAA-A058-F4633B3EC6D6_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age is mostly genetic.
>Better to live 40 years as a lion than 80 years as a sheep

based retards

>> No.14341375

>do you want to have a stroke in your 30s and then live as a braindead cripple until your 60s?
let him, one less retard on this shitty board

>> No.14341379

Learn to cook, you fucking manchild.
The only reason why fat people refuse to eat healthy is because they don't know how to cook tasty healthy food.

>> No.14341395

Life was only ever kind to western boomers (outside of nobility) that's why they're the most obsessed with living as long as possible
I'll gladly destroy my body then end it all if I'm crippled by my decisions. Not like this fucking gay earth is worth living on
I'm just glad I can shitpost with everyone here before I'm killed or forced to do it myself

>> No.14341430
File: 96 KB, 800x1200, Garlic-Steak-Cheesy-Bacon-Potato-Hash-Foil-Packs-IMAGE-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually thinking that "fast food" is "eating like a lion".

Some of the best tasting and feeling foods can be quite healthy as well. Always better have another big juicy steak than a stupid soda.

>> No.14341454

>Some of the best tasting and feeling foods can be quite healthy as well.

anon, if you think cheese & bacon are healthy I've got some bad news for you....

>> No.14341487

40 years of unhealthy life style is uncomfortable. Imagine the constipations, low energy etc that comes with it

>> No.14341505
File: 209 KB, 1242x1293, 1a9c359c5c116cd1d1798d84b745352dd7ab07f51c7f34ba0c2924db3178da03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die in 40 years
So you're 5 years old then? Kek

>> No.14341584
File: 25 KB, 272x189, Big$BigPrizesILoveIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one could die tomorrow. It's not about trying to live longer, but better
If you eat healthy, you don't feel like shit all the time and live a happier more fulfilling life

>> No.14341591

Have fun living 40 years as a sheep, retard

>> No.14341603

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.14341697

Get off my board shitter

>> No.14341739

Enjoy being obese, dying in 30 years and feeling like shit in 10 years

>> No.14341745

Well I enjoy cooking and since luckily I didn't fuck my tastebuds by overloading them with salt, fat and sugar at every meal, I enjoy a lot of my sick ass healthy meals I make

>> No.14341856
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>> No.14342109

>so I always have way more free time than most people
Proud incel here.

>> No.14342272
File: 105 KB, 400x400, why-are-you-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14342277

Because you don't usually suddenly die from bad health, you get different kinds of diseases and you life is miserable for years and years before you actually die from it.

>> No.14342280

Quality of life. You assume your poor lifestyle means you will just drop dead but before that you will have to deal with a myriad of lifestyle diseases which will make your life a living hell far before you die.

>> No.14342285

>imagine thinking fast food is the pinnacle of taste
Live 40 years as a pleb.

>> No.14342505

Have you actually seen old people who have an unhealthy lifestyle? They can barely move. I don't want to be one of those old people that need a nurse just to do a simple task.

>> No.14342935

When you reach around 35 eating becomes a little different. Well I found it did a bit.

I'd love to eat fast food every meal, but I'd feel like shit at the end of the day.
It's sort of like drinking. I used to drink a fuck ton and then one year I just sort of stopped it was strange. I just listened to my body. People in their 20's love to virtue signal so much about health and fitness and how they can do this and that, but getting old happens in stages and hits you like a wall sometimes.

>> No.14343961

>40 years
Do you honestly think it takes this long to become fat or develop any sort of health issues from your diet? It's not even a fucking long term issue, you can become sick immediately, or some hours or maybe a day at most, after a shitty unhealthy meal.

>> No.14343989

Why do 35 year olds talk like they are over 45?

>> No.14344227

>you're gonna die in 40 years anyway
didn't know that like 55 was the average age of expectancy in America

>> No.14344249
File: 154 KB, 1242x1102, EYVcQIGWAAIG0Iz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and I'm also 35 and it's not so much the age but the fact that we're a bunch of lazy desk goblins who haven't had any real exercise since 2004 and have spent the last 15 years just abusing and neglecting our bodies one way or another.

This next generation is gonna be fucked twice as fast. For me there was no internet until I was like 17 years old and I didn't really get into "gaming" until I was like 24 years old.

>> No.14344265
File: 708 KB, 640x640, 1583760793313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foods are inherently healthy or unhealthy
t. fatty who thinks eating salads will help him lose weight

>> No.14344271

>>foods are inherently healthy or unhealthy
yes retard, trans fats, processed foods are objectively unhealthy

>> No.14344683

my childhood friend's dad basically ate only drive thru food and he was always slim. he even drank soda but never candy or sweets. he'd probably eat a large value meal and call it quits. sometimes he would eat pizza too. when he did cook it was very basic pasta with meat.

>> No.14344690

a single burger from mcdicks or bk could have beef from 10 to 20 different cows the way they process it.

>> No.14344692

I do. I'm looking forward to finally getting some female attention.

>> No.14344694

"And here is our son's room. He posts on /k/"

>> No.14344705

cooking can be a hastle but honestly i don't mind. i guess i could save hours each day by not cooking and washing dishes, but I embrace the grind. I'm not some fancy fuck who needs everyone to wait on him. I mow my own grass too, and change my own oil. I guess I'm missing out on binging netflix and playing the latest game.

>> No.14344742

he always rented apartments a basically would come home and watch tv and play softball. i guess eating fast food gave him time to watch more tv.

>> No.14344759
File: 2.00 MB, 299x267, 1319677290572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 try harder next time, k?

>> No.14344773

>What's the point of eating """healthy""" when you're gonna die in 40 years anyway?
The point is that it allows you to live without discomfort and pain caused by something so childish as wanting to eat melted cheese every day. It is not as if you have to eat nothing but lettuce and tomatoes to be healthy, you can have a burger and a chocolate bar every once in a while, just make sure you're not actually giving your body a hard time keeping itself running.

>> No.14344779
File: 131 KB, 800x720, fat lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14344792

Did he dieded?

>> No.14344802

Unhealthy diets do get diseases, my father eats steak daily and he gets diagnosed with a new thing every day.

Unhealthy diets just make your life uncomfortable, healthy ones just make it cozier

>> No.14344816

does he make it like this


>> No.14344828

What is that video. Didn't watch.

No he just eats steak daily

>> No.14344851

Unfortunately, no.

>> No.14344880

Wow, that's so edgy and cool, wanting some jump man to die, you must be a truly hardcore individuall, do you watch Death Note?

>> No.14344961
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1524035958945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was probably the most tame, milquetoast joke in the history of 4channel and you sperg out like that?

>> No.14346278

I ate very healthy throughout my life and still got cancer at 23.
You never know

>> No.14346304

Because each year is gonna be worse than the last if you’re dying of obesity dumbass

>> No.14346318

No more evasion. Answer the question. Do you or do you not watch Death Note?

>> No.14346755

>I ate very healthy throughout my life and still got cancer at 23.
sorry to hear that. of course you never know, genetics is real. but overall for the majority of people, diet plays a role in turning on or off gene expressions that could be negative for our health

>> No.14346799

40 desu. Tired of this shitty world.

>> No.14346883

No I've never seen it

>> No.14346922

holy shit amazing bait anon

>> No.14347505

Fucking KEK

>> No.14347704

Atherosclerosis and the nasty shit it includes can hit you in your 30s if you don't watch your cholesterol and have shitty genes.

>> No.14347758

There's no such thing as healthy or unhealthy food. You can eat fast food just very little of it unless you have high activity.

If you only eat one big mac meal for the whole day you'll be in the peak health.

Fucking usain bolt and michael phelps fucking love fast food. It's fine if you fucking move and exercise instead of storing the calories.