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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.87 MB, 3888x2592, Jiflhg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14339940 No.14339940 [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible for people to enjoy the flesh of an animal swimming in a pool of its own blood? Its fucking disgusting.

>> No.14339943

Based pointing out the issues with animal products anon

>> No.14339944

This was written by feminine hands and conceived by a feeble prey-like mind

>> No.14339949

I partial to pan fried with a light breading of corn flakes and a few seasonings.

>> No.14339954

eat a dick, you dumbfuck puddle of shit vegfag

>> No.14339959
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>> No.14339970
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It's fucking tasty we don't care about pee pee poo poo cows are conscious and have feelings, I just want my goddam meat RARE and flooding my mouth with flavour.

Go eat grass or something if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.14339972

That's not blood, it's actually myoglobin.

>> No.14339995

Imagine placing your fingers on that filthy marsupial rat. Imagine placing your hand, one of your most prized possessions in the whole world, 3 inches from those jagged, likely disease-ridden teeth. Imagine not splitting it's ugly skull in half with a Ruger .22 on sight

>> No.14339999

You can pretend its something else, but that is literally blood its sitting in.

>> No.14340002

That’s not blood dumbass

>> No.14340003

Easy, you make it swim in water instead of blood. Just let any fucking meat.

>> No.14340006

flavour + seasonings + texture.

Chewing on a steak that's not tough is pretty damn satisfying.

>> No.14340013
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based and vegpilled

>> No.14340014

What a waste. If you're gonna post bait while stealing 339999, at least do it well.

>> No.14340041

plant based diets are for slaves

>> No.14340047

I don't know anon, I just don't know...

Which is why I intend to find out, by grilling a tri tip tonight and ribs tomorrow.

>> No.14340057
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Enjoy eating cysts

>> No.14340184

Have your tasted it or are you just a faggot sage nigger?

>> No.14340188

eat it with mashed potatoes. So fucking delicious

>> No.14340189

Because it tastes good. Animals are just a resource, don't be so squeamish and sentimental about it.

>> No.14340192

What would compel anyone to taste blood?

>> No.14340203

He said whilst eating a fig.

>> No.14340204

opossums are extremely docile and very rarely bite, even when antagonized

>> No.14340222

That isn't bun bo hue dumbass. Blood congeals. I'm sure someone better at this will correct me, but that's myoglobin, not hemoglobin you're seeing. It's the same red you're seeing inside your steak, the difference is that cells have burst releasing the pigment and water (as well as other things) out onto the plate.

This happens not only during cooking, but during freezing and thawing or other activities. Hence what we call 'purge' being in the bag. That lovely discolored substance that is a mass of water and damaged cells.

>> No.14340255

animals dont have feelings

>> No.14340267

your mom has feelings for my dick

>> No.14340268

Its not blood retard

>> No.14340274

i also have feelings for your dick, anon :(

>> No.14340283
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It tastes good when I eat it, retard.

>> No.14340294

The wonderful taste obviously.

>> No.14340321
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1536, p9PLsdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very clearly blood.

>> No.14340466

You're so right, OP
That's why you let it rest
Just 5 more minutes and all the moisture stays inside the meat, making it that much more delicious

>> No.14340477

My blood doesn't look like that.

>> No.14340486


>> No.14340495

Dobt like eating meat when I'm stoned. Think about it too much. I feel like when I'm sober I'm a terrible callous desensitized piece of shit tb h

>> No.14340498

Because steak makes me salivate and it's delicious. Blood sausages are a thing too, which is gross food for poor people but still better than vegan food.

>> No.14340510

women will complain about anything.
imagine starving for weeks and a cow comes along. what do, femoids?

>> No.14340550

no it's tasty.

>> No.14340557

it's myoglobin and very clearly NOT blood.

>> No.14340677

isn't myoglobin basically just a hemoglobin tetramer?

>> No.14340681
File: 1.13 MB, 2701x2700, GfwcNaD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very clearly blood.

>> No.14341019

Not a fembot but I don't see animals as food and I would like for a edible wild plant. Animals fight back and there's videos of livestock attacking humans and plants can't fight me

>> No.14341027

God what's wrong with that steak? I've never seen such an unappetizing fat cap as the one right there is.

>> No.14341042

That doesn't even look like blood. You could have at least spent more than 15 seconds finding a better image to "prove" your bs point that everyone already knows is wrong.

>> No.14341157

How does that not look like blood pooled on top of the flesh?

>> No.14341163

Because that's not what blood looks like?

>> No.14341177

Yes that is what red watery blood looks like. Of course the meat is filled with blood.

>> No.14341194
File: 110 KB, 960x720, Structures+of+Myoglobin+and+Hemoglobin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's blood-like, but it does not taste or look like blood does. Even without this veg person splitting hairs about whether it's blood or not, it's delicious animal juice

>> No.14341240
File: 30 KB, 700x350, 988BF493-A527-4545-8FD7-E7E71FE467A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s the circle of life, bitch.

>> No.14341308

Its not splitting hairs, this blood is directly from the flesh of a murdered animal and its fucking disgusting. If someone enjoys it then its proof they are psychopaths.

>> No.14341333
File: 2.15 MB, 177x150, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14341340

How is it possible for you to dilate?

>> No.14341371

That happened on a series of The Island with Bear Grylls. Female island had barely eaten, the came across some piglets that were obviously farmed and place on the island by bear. Instead of have a hogroast they adopted them as pets and cuddled them.

>> No.14341378

How can one be such a bitch at the sight. Suck my dick you fucking faggot.

>> No.14341388

So it proved that women and vegans in general have a superior moral compass than toxic violent males.

>> No.14341412

No, it proves that feminism and female empowerment would vanish in a societal collapse where all our conveniences were taken away

>> No.14341427

It's myoglobin, not hemoglobin.

>> No.14341444

Wait...is that....


Pink meat, pi-sizzle meat-izzle!

That meat is way undercooked, put it back in the oven, and you'll be in for a meal of lovin'.

This message brought to you by the Food Safety Administration.

>> No.14341476
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>> No.14341491

You seem to enjoy sucking on cock swimming in its own cum, I find that fucking disgusting. Why don't we just say to each their own.

>> No.14341513

But what youre claiming is that in a situation where they're starving and need food, they still stick by their morals and protected the bigs despite it being illogical.
That shows theyre morally strict and willing to stand by their ideology. If anything its a testament to human morality and ethics.

>> No.14341525

Nice projection. I never even said I didn't eat meat

>> No.14341889

Its just atoms joining with other atoms.

>> No.14341909

So would you like someone murdering you to make atoms out of your flesh in its own blood to eat?

>> No.14341923

By not being a massive faggot

>> No.14341950

If I were delicious and full of nutrients, it's basically nature's law.

>> No.14341954

God I love steak. I could eat 3 of thise right now.

>> No.14341961

I would fight back, but I wouldnt blame him or think him bad for it. Rules of nature.

>> No.14341973


>> No.14342012

This might be the most beta post in the history of 4chan. Sack up you gaping vagina.

>> No.14342036

10/10 would eat

>> No.14342039

That's myoglobin. Blood is thicker, and tastes like copper.

>> No.14342196

Can't wait to eat rare, bloody meat again

>> No.14342202

it's not blood it's myoglobin
it's iron rich and delicious

>> No.14342204

Do we tell him, guys?

>> No.14342206

>those teeth
>that hair
what's the problem here?

>> No.14342327

people do it all the time

>> No.14343002

>Yes that is what red watery blood looks like. Of course the meat is filled with blood.
I think there's something wrong with your blood.

>> No.14344085

That looks fucking delicious,

>> No.14344112

Imagine being such a big whiny pussy about what other people eat...

>> No.14344176

Arnt they the niggas that play dead lol

>> No.14344186

I don't think it's steak, that looks like a poorly done prime rib...

>> No.14344270

>why do people care about murder?

>> No.14344315
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>defending literal death cult behavior

>> No.14344374
File: 100 KB, 394x329, apu coffee zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guarantee this niggas pro choice lol

>> No.14344376

caveman correct

>> No.14344582

I agree, OP, that looks unenjoyable.

A proper piece of meat would have some fat or at least gelatinous rendered streaks on it. Filet mignon is for goy cattle

>> No.14344588

I love it when rare met soaks in its own blood, extra juices extra flavor