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14335304 No.14335304 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all

>> No.14335329

Black Bush all day

>> No.14335336

Love Bushmills 16

>> No.14335350

Ah, I remember the first time I had a twelve-year-old.
...The whiskey was good, too.

>> No.14335401

They're very different. I wouldn't compare Jameson to any other whisky despite have the category of spirits of whisky.

Here is the deal. Either you adore peat and smoke, or you don't.

Jameson was innovative, and has a process no other distillery had figured out. They found a way to keep tainted smoke and dirty earthy peat flavors out of their product. Jameson does NOT have smoke nor peat. Their malting process uses a roman bath innovation that lights a fire underneath a brick floor, so that the source of the smoke never actually reaches the toasting groats to permeate them in smoke that just concentrates further during aging. Even triple distillation doesn't negate these flavors without removing wanted flavors.

Other things that Jameson did (first) such as the recycled use of sherry casks is copied nowadays, but they were the ones adding the complexity of partial wood char sugars that took years to access during the sherry aging process. It was more expensive, but it was also necessary to get casks imported. Much of northern Europe was deforested at the time of the Vikings.

Do you want complex flavors from a partially charred sherry barrel, or you want sharp oak wood flavors or bourbon flavors or whatever trend they're trying now with the peat/smoke addition of course. Do you buy into the magic or rarity of a single-malt-is-best-whisky mentality, or maybe, do you trust a master blender to splice a bit of their older product and blend up something really miraculous? The more you know...

>> No.14335414


>> No.14335415

Cringe, kill yourself

>> No.14335416

Thanks for skimming Wikipedia, reddit

>> No.14336517
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>> No.14336616

It's Jameson and everyone knows it.
At least for drinkers. Sipping hipster faggots may have a different, wrong opinion but fuck them.
If you drink a lot you know Jameson is better, but Bushy's is still pretty damned good.

>> No.14336881

both are good every day /sips/

>> No.14336918

I like Jameson very much but in my mind I would somehow recommend Bushmills for a better whisky experience

>> No.14336920
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>> No.14337004

I choose the 12 year old jameson. I just prefer its flavours.

>> No.14337206

>irish whiskey
>talking about peat

>> No.14337209
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as an alcohol aficionado I wouldn't kick either to the curb.

>> No.14337214


>> No.14337228

Jameson is proper Catholic whiskey. Bushmill’s is for protestants, the niggers of Christianity.

>> No.14337469
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fuckin proddy scum

>> No.14337473

All these people shitting on prots here probably aren't even irish.

>> No.14337486

>t. pr*testant
Enjoy your 500 extra years in purgatory.

>> No.14337491

>t. 12 year old edgy tradcath from random shithole like poland or slovakia

>> No.14337523

I got a massive hang over from drinking most of the bottle in one night.

>> No.14337763
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>> No.14337799

first faggot in the thread
neck yourself, retard

>> No.14337814

>Thanks for skimming Wikipedia, reddit
Wrong. I visited Midleton Distillery when I was younger. Private tour. Whiskies of the various world styles in a taste-testing at the end. Some people learn things on museum tours and retain their knowledge.

>> No.14337815

500 years is w/e
i've taken shits that have taken longer than that

>> No.14337816

>t. reddit

>> No.14337837

Big oof. No better way to show you know fuck all about the topic.

>> No.14337843

>Americ*n spirits
Oh dear.

>> No.14337866

both are good imo

t. living in dublin for the past two years

>> No.14337883
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Try Lambay, new Dublin brand. Decently cheap but great quality for the price.

>> No.14337951

You literally parroted Wikipedia and WhiskyTribe's video at Midleton verbatim.

>> No.14337966
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Jameson is pretty bland desu. For an excellent entry - level Irish whiskey, Powers Gold Label is what I always reccomend. Pic related is the finest Irish whiskey, if not one of the best whiskeys in the world. Pricey though

>> No.14337991

Just bought my first bottle of Jameson earlier today before I saw this thread. It's pretty nice, sweet and smooth, although I feel it's a bit weak.

>> No.14338024

Can I try it at the Dingle Whiskey Bar (when it opens back up)?

>> No.14338053

Not sure honestly, it's fairly widely sold so it might be. But if you're in the area go to Porterhouse nextdoor and try their seafood chowder and oyster stout, both are excellent.

>> No.14338075
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What an embarrassing display of samefaggotry.

>> No.14338095

Thanks for the rec!

>> No.14338111
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What an embarrassing display of brainletry

>> No.14338121
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Because phone and pcposting simultaneously is not a thing.

>> No.14338132
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can also confirm, and would like to add that I have been politely saging since my first post.

>> No.14338306

go back to somethingawful

>> No.14338476

Black Bush because it gets you so fucked up you'll wake up in the bushes.

>> No.14338489 [DELETED] 

Catholics aren't Christians just ask one and they'll tell you.
>every Catholic country on earth is a brown shithole
>the first world is white Protestant
Really makes you think, Pancho.

>> No.14338504

The only time I dug Jameson was the Guiness barrel aged one. Normal is swill that bros drink cause they love Boondock Saints

>> No.14338705




>> No.14338723

>Guiness barrel aged one
That was vile. Any beer barrel aged whisky belongs in the trash imho.

>> No.14338892

Based redbreast poster

>> No.14338947

>You literally parroted Wikipedia and WhiskyTribe's video at Midleton verbatim.
I visited Midleton before wikipedia existed.

>> No.14338987

Buy a more aged whiskey = more flavors.
It's the first rule of Whiskey. So before you call anything bland or compare Jameson to so called superior Powers, you have to compare apples to apples in the years labelling. There's also going to be some labels not sold for export.

You'd be wrong about 1608 Bushmills, however. It was 1784 for Bushmills, which actually makes your point the reverse of your intention to say which preceded the other. Jameson beats Bushmills by 4 years, in that case.

>> No.14339381

Powers is as well known, and roughly the same price as Jameson here in Ireland, which is only drunk by tourists and people mixing it with gingerale. I compare them based on taste, because I'm not a nerdy faggot who has 'rules' for whiskey

>> No.14339655 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 500x1072, 6E9F67FB-F122-4B20-922B-9F6FB2EBF36F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Bourbon is God tier

>anime posting

Literally neck yourself

Protestants are zionists and have kikes Israel

>> No.14339661

Jameson for me

>> No.14339664

>t. e michael jones convert
go back to youtube

>> No.14339707 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14339725

I have no idea who your faggot e celebs are zoomer

>absolutely bananas


>> No.14339733

cringey samefag, even the filenames match

>> No.14339735

Jameson hands down

>> No.14339778

Had this. It was nothing to write home about.

>> No.14339978
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>Drank about half to 2/3 of Jim Beam (a fifth) within an hr or two
>Passed out and ended up puking a ton

I usually have a few drinks when I watch a movie, but this time I wanted to finish up this bottle since I've had it for a while. Now that it's empty though, i need a new one. Any recommendations for a poorfag?

>> No.14340079

I like Johny black. Good without breaking the bank and avaliable everywhere.

>> No.14340098

Jim Black or Tully are nice if you're broke.

>> No.14341007 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 1681x2802, ChristianLaws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic, protestant who cares? They're all christcucks and philosemites.

>> No.14341017
File: 248 KB, 1785x1745, ATAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Bourbon is God tier
It's peasant tier and truly revolting.

>> No.14341078 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 488x488, GUEST_fc448674-b6ed-4270-9663-34cbac3530c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protestants are zionists
Oh my sweet summer child.
>implying Protestant Catholics are any better than Catholics
I'm Independent Baptist, you Papist filth.

>> No.14341079

>american bourbon is god tier
>anime posting bad
Um, what? Bourbon and anime go together like peas and carrots. Are you sure you're from here?
>{/pol/ nonsense}

>> No.14341133

I honestly can't tell the difference between different spirits. I just drink vodka when I want to get drunk.

>> No.14341307

Evan White

>> No.14341311

dial eight

>> No.14342244


>> No.14342343
