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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 1200x800, spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14334762 No.14334762 [Reply] [Original]

How are Spaniards as a people so healthy when they use comparatively large amounts of olive oil to pan-fry/saute?

Every time I look at Spanish dishes to make (migas, tortilla, pollo al ajillo, sopa de ajo, etc.), they drown the ingredients in olive oil. How do you do it, Spain?

>> No.14334763

I have never met a Spaniard who isn't chubby.

>> No.14334774
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Every Spaniard I met and/or fugged looked like pic-related: a built, burly, bearded, hairy, handsome bear of a man.

t.been to Benidorm, Ibiza, and Mallorca

>> No.14334775

>Spaniards as a people so healthy
citation needed

>> No.14334790
File: 457 KB, 400x226, Non, non, non, Bernd!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They already have a life expectancy of around ~83.4 years, definitely on the higher end of the world average (Top 5). Meanwhile Burgerland has an average of 76, and ranks at 40th place.

Obesity, heart disease, and diabetes metrics are also dramatically lower in Spain compared to Burgerland.

>> No.14334795

>Spaniards as a people so healthy
Are they? I'm assuming it's the whole mediteranean lifestyle thing like with italians but also whenever you hear/read about the healthiest peoples and nations it's always taking into account traditional diets and traditional lifestyles that are being replaced with hamburgers and sitting at a desk for 16 hours a day for each new generation

>> No.14334812

>US vs Spain
>apples and oranges
Spain has universal healthcare, the US has the worst, and most expensive, healthcare system in the developed world

>> No.14334814

It's because they're all healthily chubby. You're just a vain homosexual showcasing your insecurity on /ck/ under the guise of a food related thread.

>> No.14334845

Spain is in the top 5 when it comes to longevity... it doesn't even need to be compared against Burerland to realize the Spaniards are one of the healthier, longer-living people.

>> No.14334882

olive oil is good for you

>> No.14334948

The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest and most balanced diet.

>> No.14335162

for Mediterraneans
One size does not fit all

>> No.14335183

You've got a shit taste in women mate.

>> No.14335490

Try a Spanish man.

>> No.14335497

carbs are the culprit, not oil

>> No.14335514

It's the government subsidizing shit that makes americans fat.

>> No.14336721

There is literally nothing wrong with olive oil, specially if its good quality like the spanish.

>> No.14336733

Don't compare liberal use of olive oil to ideal dietary practices. Compare it to how average people eat.

>> No.14336887

Spanish people eat at home.
Sure you can go out to have some beers or to a restaurant once a week but even zoomers know how to cook.

>> No.14336898

Olive oil is fine, so is pretty much any other cooking fat/oil except for really processed stuff like vegetable shortening. Low fat diets actually aren't that healthy, you need fat to absorb the nutrition from food properly, and low fat diets actually increase your stroke risk.

Spain still has a fair amount of overweight/obese people though. Cheap processed food and a lack of exercise are probably the biggest contributors.

>> No.14336937

The reason why is because of the olive oil, you retard. Nobody on this board understands nutrition. Dumb fucks

>> No.14336990

Because you're not in Spain, you just know spanish recipes. Been living there for a few years now and I kind of understood only at my third. Point being: Spain is divided. If you're in Spain no one will talk about "spanish cuisine", they will talk about basque cuisine, galician cuisine, catalan cuisine, andalusian cuisine, etc. Every single one of them is so huge it's stupid so there's a lot to choose from.

What do I mean by this? That 90% of the time people cook at home. The whole tapas thing is just a way of meeting with friends.
As explained before, there is an incredible amount of light dishes to do as well, same as fish or meat recipes. They do not eat oily things daily.

Also, if you think they "drown the ingredients in olive oil" you're doing wrong. Most dishes only use a little of olive oil so the frying pain becomes slippery.
Also, it's not only about using "olive oil" but which olive oil. Spain is number 1 producer of olive oil worldwide and rapes everyone in quality every single year. Premium Italian olive oil is produced in Cordoba in few batches. The only requeriement it needs to be italian is spend a month in Italy (in a warehouse, you name it). This motherfuckers use it as daily oil while everyone else pays top dollar for it.

They drink like fucking gods too, fucking good wine daily if they want and refreshing beers for the hot weather. IMO, spanish wine is the most underrated wine worldwide and it would be a shame when americans catch up with it cause the prices will skyrocket.

Take advice from me: you will not eat better anywhere than Spain - AFTER LIVING A LITTLE THERE. As a tourist you will never experience it as you would go for the americanized vision of what spanish cuisine is. For instance, I was rather dubious about the whole idea of spanish cuisine (thought it was a light mexican style - duh) but man, it is worth it.

Only con is their coffee. It's bitter as fuck, served in a little cup at magma-tier temperature.

>> No.14337010

damn surprisingly accurate, where are you staying?
also, about the coffee, its not coffee kek. its torrefacto. i can only enjoy coffee when its dark and bitter because of it.

>> No.14337013
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im dumping spanish dishes

>> No.14337018
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x667, arroz-con-bogavante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw im from valencia, so a lot of rice.

>> No.14337022
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>> No.14337026
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>> No.14337029
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>> No.14337033
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>> No.14337038
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>> No.14337040

Hey do you have the andalusian pork chops with tomatoes? thx

>> No.14337044
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>> No.14337051
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this? idk what excatly you mean, as other anon said cuisine here varies too much from region to region, we can only keep up with the most know dishes.

>> No.14337053
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>> No.14337056
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>> No.14337059

Yeah, it’s close to that but more of a pork chop over the sauce on the bottom. Thanks for the memories, maybe an Andalusianfag can weigh in.

>> No.14337062
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>> No.14337065
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>> No.14337067
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>> No.14337069
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>> No.14337073
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>> No.14337074

I'm staying in Logroño now living with my gf, who is from Girona.

First time I was blown away was with "pa amb tumaca" or whatever the name is written when I went to my mother-in-law's. I thought I was being memed to hell and back but dude, the mix of garlic, salt and rubbed tomato in rustic bread with embutido is out of this world.
Then I tried roasted rabbit which was a big deal breaker for me (never eaten before at the States) and by the end of it I was fucking demolishing it like a caveman slurping on the bones.

After that it was non-stop. Everywhere I went I tasted their speciliaties and fell in love each time.
I was specailly blown away by the traditional allioli (with morter) and how different is from the overseas product. The style I always found everywhere is called "ajonesa" (dunno wtf that means though) according to my gf and not allioli.

Thanks about the torrefacto thing, never knew it. It's strange how they became so attached to it and most of them just cannot taste any other type of coffee. My gf never drinks coffee when we're in the US for example.

Where are you from, tío?

>> No.14337079

sounds like you are enjoying spain the best way, u can have an A+ comfy life in this country if u play your cards well.
im from valencia, feel free to come by.

>> No.14337084
File: 223 KB, 745x478, receta-arroz-a-la-cubana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337093
File: 998 KB, 1000x667, restaurantes-comer-valencia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337096

Thanks man. Rest assured, will do lol.

Which is your favourite dish from each region? Maybe there is something I have not tasted and having an spanish opinion might be enlightening.

>> No.14337098
File: 51 KB, 800x450, Tapas-en-Salou-Calamares-Andaluza-O-Romana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337110

well from the ones that ive tried and come to mind.
callos madrileños/cocido madrileño - madrid
quality pulpo a feira/fresh rodaballo on the grill/ chuletón de vaca rubia gallega - galicia
gazpacho manchego/cochinillo al horno de leña - castilla
calçots with romescu sauce - cataluña
gazpacho andaluz/pescados al espeto - andalucia
paella valenciana, arroz negro, etc all the valencian rice dishes

really i like all of the different spanish dishes, these are just the ones that pop more in my mind.

>> No.14337112

the food supply in the USA is heavily tainted by factory farming and giant national supply chains. Food in small countries is fresh and local and organic. That's what happens when you outlaw HFCS and GMO

>> No.14337120
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, ajoblanco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a few I tried my dude.

>> No.14337123
File: 70 KB, 512x341, almejas a la marinera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14337125

Covid is NEVER going away because Americans are TOO FUCKING STUPID to stay healthy and take care of themselves. I hope every single one of you fucks catches it with permanent lung damage, so you can painfully waste away while your healthcare system fucks you up your diseased asshole

>> No.14337126

Another valencian here, this anon is right. Could really go for a arroz a banda right now desu

>> No.14337128
File: 94 KB, 800x533, Escalivada-de-verduras-al-horno-con-atun-y-vinagreta-dulce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calçots with romescu sauce - cataluña
Have to say, having a catalan gf I had to try this (seems to be a religion there) and to this day I still find it the most difficult dish to explain to someone who is not from Spain.

>> No.14337131
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>> No.14337134
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>> No.14337135

Hahaha yeah lol. I have a blast eating them and i really like em. Do u like them too? Some people find hard getting into them

>> No.14337136
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>> No.14337140
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Fucking loved them. I shit you not If I tell you I ate like 30 of them drinking from a "porró". They were made in the open fire in a traditional "masia" too and rumescu was hand made.
However, it's one of those things you need to try with a clear mind. I was too sure myself before tasting them, didn't seem too appetizing.

As I said, I wouldn't dare to recommend them to my pops for example as he'd surely give me a weird look.

>> No.14337148
File: 289 KB, 1600x900, sobrasada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for last... an special treat I tried once in Mallorca. Holy fuck this shit is one of the most top tier foods I have ever tasted and it seems to be so unknown everywhere else.

Maybe this is the whole point, being too divided, spanish food kind of remains a secret to anyone who isn't living here cause there is no real "spanish food" as a concept.

>> No.14337153

Oh man, brb im gonna destroy the mayorcan sobrasada in my fridge with some bread. U have to try a "bocata" of sobrasada, sauteed onion and some cheese, un the oven/plancha for a bit, one of my favourite things

>> No.14337157

>olive oil
Where did you get that from?

>> No.14337160

Olive oil is made from olives. Vegetables, fruits, all that grows in from the ground, tend to be healthy. Not 100 percent but olive oil is very healthy.

>> No.14337459

>pa amb tumaca
LOL your guiri is showing

>> No.14337533
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I'm from Seville and I'm having lunch right now. Drinking gazpacho and having some carrillada.

>> No.14337556

I do not know to spell it correctly man, catalan is hard af if you want to write it correctly.

I'm from N. Dakota, give me a break.

>> No.14337698

What do you do? I know it's none of my business but my partner is Spanish and we have been thinking of moving to Spain.

>> No.14337729

This. Big Marge really did a number on OP

>> No.14337736

And in Catalonia definitely, diabetes is a huge problem. Cats eat a lot of sugar

>> No.14338397

Veggies, olive oil, pulses, good meat (rabbit meat is absolutely great and healthy), fish, mussels, eggs. Also, generally low sugar intake. Most chubby spenirds cases from eating huge quantities rather than garbage food.

>> No.14338406

>olive oil is very healthy.
it's not, it's just not as bad as lard but it's still bad.

>> No.14338413

>t. never been to spain

>> No.14338424

I'm Spanish, friend. It is true, however, that the amount of obesity cases due to processed garbage is increasing but that's been a whole recent thing. I don't know what it is with zoomers/millenials being attracted to shit food. I normally eat lunch at bars.

>> No.14338431

>good meat
I have never seen a meal without pork.
??? wrong country
>low sugar intake

>> No.14338437

Americans buy olive oil cut with shit oils. They think their 10% olive oil 90%cottonseed is healthy

>> No.14338447

El conejo se come en la costa mediterránea, subnormal MANDRILeño.

>> No.14338457

>low sugar intake
I'll raise a cup of thicc cocoa with churros and a nugget of turron to that.

>> No.14338467

This. Amerilards don't even have access to any real olive oil

>> No.14338473


Californian olive oil is winning international awards, Spanish and Italian olive oil costs 1 euro at Aldi.

>> No.14338488

Sure it does, the trick is just that you can't eat 4 Arby's gyros for every meal and expect to lose weight on your med diet, lardass

>> No.14338495

>international awards
I'm not american and I dont want to shit on California or their oil, but when those awards are made by the very same people that also pretty much control those markets, its not a very good benchmark.
They are marketing tools, nothing more.

>> No.14338500

It's still pure olive olive. Most of the stuff I see at the grocers is despite what seething Euros are saying. Cut shit is probably what they're using at restaurants.

>> No.14338614
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>> No.14339178

Catalan is a bitch to learn my dear amerishart. Don't get tricked into learning it. Learn Spanish and tell your Gironina and her Girofag parents to deal with it. Correct spelling would be "pa amb tomàquet"

>> No.14339267

Actual spaniard here. We are healthier because we eat less calories. Good olive oil is healthier than butter. Although It does add up to a lot of calories if you put too much. We eat a lot of vegetables; specially on salads and stews. We eat much less sugar. We don't usually eat dessert or sweets unless it's special occasions like birthdays or christmas.

>> No.14339287

We're just genetically superior.

>> No.14339296

>We don't usually eat dessert or sweets unless it's special occasions like birthdays or christmas.

>> No.14339554

shut up weeb

>> No.14339741

This shit is S+++ tier.

>> No.14340717

>They already have a life expectancy of around ~83.4 years, definitely on the higher end of the world average (Top 5).
Try doing fuck all work and sleeping for a few hours in the afternoon, you'll probably live longer then too.

>> No.14340726

>the US has the worst, and most expensive,
[citation meeded]

>> No.14340729

patrician tier

>> No.14340751

Olive oil is healthier than 98% of what americans ingest on the daily, so yeah.

>> No.14340757

Agree spanish wine is good. US poses no threat to it as they tax the fuck out of foreign wines. I doubt their beer is any good, I imagine it's shitty lager like most continental beer.
All the daegos I've met have been cunts though.

>> No.14340783

A large amount of olive oil in the EU is counterfeit or cut or uninspected, with organised crime being heavily involved. Nice job EU.

>> No.14340812

>costs 1 euro at Aldi.
Unlikely to be real then

>> No.14340821

>Good olive oil is healthier than butter

>> No.14342200

>I doubt their beer is any good

Beer depends on the region you're staying. I.e. you'd find light refreshing lager beers in Andalusia, where it's hot. You'd find different types of beer if you go upwards. Voll Damm's Marzenbier or Estrella Galicia 1906 are incredibly good beers and very easy to purchase almost everywhere.

Nevertheless, in my experience people drink beer but not as much as people think. Meaning, most of the people here thinks tapas is something you drink with beer when you actually drink it with vermouth, sangría or tinto de verano. Keep in mind that most sangría is hand made and while you can find it in stores everyone I know makes it themselves.
When going out at night people drink cocktails and cubatas but not so much beer.

Most people eat with wine when going to a restaurant too so beer is something to drink inbetween, when finding friends mid-afternoon.

With this in mind, having wine, who needs a strong beer? It's like going down the ladder.

>Californian olive oil is winning international awards, Spanish and Italian olive oil costs 1 euro at Aldi.

I do not even know where to begin with this one. The delusion is too high.

>> No.14342907

Ate this today, should have made photo

>> No.14342913

The most retarded post on 4chan of the day goes to you. Ding ding ding, congratulations!

>> No.14342950

Olive oil is good for you and pan frying isn't unhealthy. There's a lot of nonsense being tossed around about nutrition in burgerland

>> No.14342958

>good for you
Who talks like that?

>> No.14342967

olive oil being "healthy" is literally just marketing.

>> No.14342984

I do think olive oil is healthy, as all fats are. I'm Spanish and I was raised on what zoomers today would call a keto diet. We ate ham, cheese, olives, beef, salads, good stuff. We used to only have desserts in special occasions. Buying sugary shit was a special thing back in the day.

>> No.14343101

You're in a thread about people being healthy while eating lots of olive oil. What do you want people to say? Whether you say healthy, good for you or something else is semantics.

>> No.14343840

>I do think olive oil is healthy, as all fats are
Some are more healthy that others. Animal fats are more essential than plant fats. >>14342913
Well done, the most retarded post of the day goes to you.

>> No.14343864

>only beer on offer is shitty lager
Pathetic. But I suppose I shouldn't epect much from non-whites.

>> No.14345251
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x800, spanish-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we found the perfect nutritional balance.

>> No.14345521

>How are Spaniards as a people so healthy

no, we arent anymore

>> No.14345536

Barcelona reporting in, my father eats Lidl beer for breakfast every noon ;(

>> No.14345831

nice set of pics, what is this?

>> No.14346298

Paella in which the rice hasn't yet absorbed the broth

>> No.14346346

I murder my dinner with cooking oils because it's delicious and I'm in pretty darn good shape. You just a. Don't eat too many calories in a given day and b. Get enough exercise and boom you can make delicious dinners, wow so hard

>> No.14348210


>> No.14348266

Bless 'em for sherry

>> No.14349938

Bless you child.

>> No.14350940


>> No.14351319

Citation still needed. The US has the best healtcare in the world (that's why the rest of the world's rich travels to the US for treatment) and is only expensive when government forces people to buy insurance policies they don't need - otherwise it's cheaper than a phone plane.

>> No.14351339

US healthcare is only bad if you're poor, because you can't afford it. If you're rich, then it's some of the best in the world.

>> No.14351830

>US healthcare is only bad if you're poor
If you live in a state the requires you to be charged for treatments you'll never have any need for but someone needs to pay for the illegals*

>> No.14352868

I like how you say that as though you're in the one percent. It's adorable.

>> No.14352978

It's almost as if where you get your calories doesn't really matter so long as you get enough fats and protein.

>> No.14353001


Spaniard here. Everything you said is completely correct.

>> No.14353036

>t. samefag

>> No.14353044

Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.14353298

This. It's still great healthcare even if you're poor.

>> No.14354318

recommend me a restaurant in valencia? For like traditional/local food?

>> No.14354676
File: 2.54 MB, 4608x2112, IMG_20191225_145844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish here.
For starters, olive oil is good for your system, also usable during diet (my Italian gf uses it every morning a tbspoon with a squeezed lemon to regulate her guts), good for the skin as a cosmetic and an overall 4x4 in gastronomy.

Today I included extra virgin olive oil in my lunch, just a bit to make some grilled cherry tomatoes for the pasta. My dinner, a salad where I also used a 15 yo Jerez vinegar and the food I made for my working days, salted veggies with jamón serrano.

Im not a big consumer of oil myself. Not like my parents for example, using it in breakfast as well or as a dip. Nor like my GF using it to add flavour to her Italian dishes. But this is mainly because I don't really made me in that way.

Truth be told almost every Spanish dish, I would dare to say 100%, have olive oil, usually virgin or extra virgin. There are various types with a stronger or milder flavour, but then again im not an oil crazy guy. Although this is not the secret of our diet, it is true that its a great addon.

As a Spanish kid I usually eat a wide variety of stews, soups, broths across the week. On top of that, also meats, veggies and dairy.
This carries a problem as well, our diet is so wide and so rich that you might find something you go crazy for, and our generation got it easy so the grannies could feed people to the max, causing a high rate of obesity. Of course this is only when you are young and you will lose all that shit when you run twice a week, but excess can carry obesity in every diet.

It's quite sad for me to see how people in UK, my current job is here so fuck my soul, eat on a daily basis. Things like black pudding are top, but others like Yorkshire puddings make me wonder why the fuck should I eat cake with my 4 sausages full of fat.
I also miss our cheeses and charcuterie. But Spain is going to shit anyway with the economic recession so fuck me.

>> No.14354704

Portion size, you fucking behemouth.

>> No.14354754
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Thanks for the insight anon. Really interesting. The use of olive oil is not a health concern, but eating unhealthy in general is what causes health problems. Also, jamón serrano is fucking delicious, great in paellas.

>> No.14354760

Wow, didn't know that churros where from spain. I thought they where from mexico. interesting.

>> No.14354795

Originally they are from here and Portugal. I would like to try some day the mexican recipe with spicy hot chocolate.

>> No.14354820

Casa Carmela, Isabel de Villena 155

>> No.14354844
File: 67 KB, 1024x554, 9A1C535A-55B3-47D4-821F-183D434D2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Americans coping as usual

>b-but my healthcare is expensive!
>Spain has socialist healthcare
>they don’t even circumcise their kids EEEEEEW

According to the average American is doesn’t matter if you eat unhealthy shit every day like a dumpster because if you have socialised healthcare you could virtually live forever because taxpayers money is here to fix you and most importantly you SHOULD exploit the system without remorse.

Please be quick with your BLM subversion and get nuked once for all.

>> No.14354855


>> No.14356519

A good chunk of mexican and south american cousine comes from Spain and Portugal.

>> No.14356526

Gay as fuck

>> No.14356566
File: 41 KB, 1080x334, Screenshot_20200704-031426~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of Spaniards live in cities, and most walk a minimum of 4-5 miles everyday. They walk to work, to the metro, to grocery stores, butchers, bars, and restaurants. People enjoy walking.
Spaniards have food engrained into their culture. This was one of the toughest things to adapt to as am American living in the Basque country. They eat (and drink) at regular times, and always with others. They eat higher quality food in smaller portions. They do not snack frequently. They spend more money on groceries than any other nation.
Americans have been robbed of this lifestyle by corporate opportunism. Instead of relying on fad diets, people should focus on enjoying food in regular portions, at regular times, with friends and family. They should also work to incorporate exercise into their daily routine.
This is part of the reason why Spaniards can be so "healthy" even when their diet contains high amounts of oil. Stop viewing food in it's base chemical form so that you can begin to appreciate it as one part of a complex lifestyle that promotes health, happiness, and well-being.