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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14329902 No.14329902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any update?

>> No.14329904


>> No.14329929

hope it dies it sucked anyway and everyone who followed it here was a cooklet

>> No.14329934

Nope seems like Conde Nast is not willing to negotiate with terrorists here. Channel either dies for good or they go back to business like nothing happens and hopefully that bitch Sohla will be gone.

>> No.14329947

They haven't posted any videos of any kind since all this Sohla bullshit happened. Honestly, fuck em. Hope they stay dead for the shit they pulled. Hope they like how they killed a brand just to "stay woke".

>> No.14329959

If BA does go belly-up and the economy gets worse, who would you like to see make an onlyfans?

>> No.14329985

The talent seems to be pretty firm in their decision to not do videos until they're all paid equally but I'm sure Brad and Claire aren't willing to take pay cuts to make that happen. It's such a cluster fuck, Brad should just start his own youtube channel desu.

>> No.14329994


>> No.14330008

Any update on Hunzi? He got put on temporary leave and i'm assuming we wont make his way back to BA considering how Conde is treating the situation

>> No.14330019

Priya, obviously. But her parents would never allow that.

>> No.14330023

God yes Priya. I want to cum inside her so badly.

>> No.14330024

>Any update on Hunzi? He got put on temporary leave
Hadn't heard about this but it makes sense to stop paying your cameraman/editor when you're not shooting or editing any new video content. I honestly wonder if they'll just shitcan the YouTube channel and go back to being a dying no-name magazine.

>> No.14330030

bro he got put on temporary leave because he was shit talking bout the company


>> No.14330044


>> No.14330070

What happened? can someone give me a rundown please?
Thank you

>> No.14330163

"brownface" photo from 2013 or earlier of lead editor of BA came out, Sohla asked him to resign in a team zoom meeting, then went nuclear on social media blaming racism for why she isn't paid as much as the white hosts

>> No.14330180


>> No.14330213

It is curious how there is basically radio silence from all of em. Even Sohla is just reposting BLM shit and being a petty passive aggressive cunt liking posts from people shitting on Brad and other white coworkers but not SAYING anything.

>> No.14330238

Yes it's full of faggots and uggos

>> No.14330239

mommy claire

>> No.14330264

>Even Sohla is just reposting BLM shit and being a petty passive aggressive cunt liking posts from people shitting on Brad and other white coworkers

the fuck? sauce me up

if this is true, then there really is no way for the old test kitchen to ever come back. I thought Sohla digging at Brad by saying he "probably just found out that racism exists" a few weeks ago was bad enough for a "friendship" between the two of them.

>> No.14330271

>being a petty passive aggressive cunt liking posts from people shitting on Brad and other white coworkers but not SAYING anything
Lol, post some examples. It sounds like she doesn't want to go back, thank god for that.

>> No.14330276

no still infested with brown people.

>> No.14330300
File: 78 KB, 1125x533, qdkha02cqh651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brad had the audacity to not be a miserable self hating shit and posted a picture of himself fishing while BLM and BA drama is "ongoing"

So some fat jogger posted this and Sohla liked it then unliked it a few hours after presumably for getting shit on in her DMs or Brad himself who knows.

>> No.14330311

More info here

Thankful to see even reddit BA trannies have some reasoning left and the most upvoted posts are shitting on this bitch

>> No.14330312
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Well she got what she wanted, now everyone gets paid the same: nothing

>> No.14330318

Is she implying hat black people don't have the ability to go fishing or otherwise spend time away from the nonsense in their lives? Did someone secretly make vacations illegal for black people?

>> No.14330366

City living retards like her imagine fishing and hunting are "rich" and "privileged" hobbies that aren't regular past times of normal everyday working class people.

>> No.14330375
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Her logic is sound but her execution is shambles. Time and place people, attacking the wrong people just makes you look like an unlikable asshole.

>> No.14330379

If you're not sitting on the couch eating ice cream and posting on twitter you are not really fighting for social justice and might as well be a neo-nazi lynching black children.

>> No.14330385

>Her logic is sound
Uh wut? Blacks don't have the privilege of leisure time?

>> No.14330398

The logic that having the priviledge to completely ignore the entire political climate because you're white and it will never affect you.

However that doesn't really reach to a guy going fishing, that logic applies more to fence sitting libshits who only pipe up when they want weed legalised or some dunb shit.

>> No.14330405

the working poor, black or not, often don't have that privilege, no.

>> No.14330415

Bullshit they're just lazy and would rather spend what free time they do have sitting their ass in front of a TV and consooming.

>> No.14330417

You really need to get out of the house once in a while

>> No.14330425

fishing is about as inexpensive of a hobby as there is, all you need is a shitty pole and a lure
stop cucking, this whole discussion is pathetic

>> No.14330456

No one is working 100% of the time, I don't care how poor you are. Everyone has time to themselves. Fishing isn't expensive and the only reason poor black people don't do it is that they prefer to spend their free time elsewhere, simple as that.

>completely ignore the entire political climate because you're white and it will never affect you.
My city is 40% black and a majority of my coworkers are black and none of them are up in arms about the "current political climate." Life here is carrying on as normal and we're all getting along as well as we always have. Not every city in the country is a metropolitan/coastal shithole full of chimps. There are plenty of places where plenty of people of all races and colors are carrying on happily not giving a fuck about what's happening on Twitter or in your metro hellholes.

>> No.14330466

>Her logic is sound
It absolutely is not logical. It's self-centeredness disguised as noble caring about anyone but herself.
I looked at the wiki on BA. She only started her contract like 3 months before the shut down. Rappoport was there since 2011, and in fact, he turned around a sinking ship, at the very same time as Gourmet being forced to close. WTH did he step down? The start dates of people making more money 1) had things like better content, regular series, their ideas, their production along with their "day job" of the content they test and hone down to illustrate and prepare for the publication.

>but her execution is shambles.
No one had equal time on that channel, they were given more production responsibility, it appeared to me, based on their title and actual following. Was there a Sohla series? No. She was a new hire. She's been there less than 09mo. She's a dropout.
I think Claire went to Harvard. Is she more able to write editorials? Probably. She certainly had sense to foster her little personality online.

I was reading that it's Hunzy and Vinny that were the brains behind the cute production style of "messing up" and those outtakes inclusions. That was the whole style that brought what used to one image of a magazine of high regard, even snooty reputation to this whole younger, hipper, you can do it too kind of mindset. Breath of fresh air, and it had to help their readership, which in turn helps their ad revenue (prolly make nothing on the subscriptions). But, it's in the millions of subscribers.

>just makes you unliked
Oh, you never know. Who is in the woke mob that watches BA religiously? And, what percent is that overall? I'm sure it's all under discussion now. Remember they had no qualms about just shutting down 80yrs of Gourmet, a far better magazine reputation that was more about the food, less about the industry. Tomorrow they can just make a new publication called something more hip for whatever demographic.

>> No.14330469

she would probably have a good labor lawsuit for unlawful termination, idk how nyc works though they tend to side with corporate

>> No.14330539

I wish you niggers would shut up and die

>> No.14330543

>because you're white and it will never affect you.
>said while posting in a thread about drama that started because white people are the devil that are keeping the brown people down for current reason of the month

>> No.14330581

The mods still aren't deleting these off topic threads so they're clearly still paying to advertise here.

>> No.14330596

Mods used to delete the threads but that just resulted in a bunch of people spamming lots of these threads. If they just let one BA thread live it generally contains itself and thus only takes up one thread space instead of a bunch of them. Just hide the thread if it bothers you so much.

>> No.14330601

Mods are in cahoots with Claire.

>> No.14330646

Brad should walk away after this or BA throwing him under the bus for "white guy kimchi" but he seems too loyal and nice for that.

>> No.14330688

desu where in the united states doesn't

>> No.14330709

I don't mean fired just told to suck it up and take the 20k raise or go fuck herself and she leaves on her own

>> No.14330711

i wanna see priya's tits for free, cum, and then forget about her, hehe

>> No.14331472


>> No.14331568

Lol America is just one huge circus at this point

>> No.14331571

That means so much coming from a faggot such as you that's simply jealous and wont specify where it's from.

>> No.14331578

Use a needle and those fake boobs will pop.

>> No.14331585
File: 392 KB, 640x478, integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14331592

Wasn't that some old tv show from the 1970's, with laugh track shit?

>> No.14331596

That laugh track shit had lots of integrity

>> No.14331602

That laugh track shit has about as much integrity as my ex-gf with her marketing and advertising masters degrees. She couldn't even suck my dick properly, defintately not marriage material.

>> No.14331621

There isn't going to be one given the state of things in America. The whole situation could've and should've been handled better. Either no one should've gotten paid extra for doing videos or everyone should have. Brad and Claire will probably start their own channels. I think it's stupid that Rapaport is fucked now because of a stupid Halloween costume from the fucking 90s. If the picture was from the last 5 years, that'd be understandable, but the fact people got so offended by a Halloween costume from fucking 30 years ago just shows that snowflakes will always get what they want no matter what.

>> No.14331628

Yet you can't specify where you're from yet you keep harping like a bitch on the USA? You can piss the fuck off you fucking faggot!
Did your daddy touch you in the nay-nay?

>> No.14331637

7/10 bait, got me to respond

>> No.14331643

The only thing understandable is that you're a jealous hypocrcite sack of shit.

>> No.14331653

Jealous of what? I clearly hurt your feelings by posting my opinion because you have nothing else to say other than attack my post rather than argue anything said in it.

>> No.14331699

I hate you effeminate bon appetit fags so fucking much, so this is pretty funny. I'm really enjoying this.

>> No.14331708

stop posting this shit jesus christ atleast your old threads were about actual food content of some kind even if it was just b tier eceleb simping, this 'general' waiting for news updates and drama is even worse.
my favourite herb is sage

>> No.14331804

Yep. My workplace is disproportionately black as well and none of them have behaved any differently after all this shit hit the fan. Everything the news shows is either a lie or an orchestration. Ordinary people can't afford to care about this shit.

>> No.14331809

America is a clown show right now. Gotta own up to it.

>> No.14331813

No one cares about this right now anyway, they're all too busy with Karmageddon.