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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14326208 No.14326208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you can actually hear the lobsters scream as you boil them alive
i genuinely hope no one here fucking does this

>> No.14326212

Pretty impressive for a creature with no vocal cords.

>> No.14326232

that's the sound of pressurized steam leaving the body, buddy

>> No.14326233 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14326237

fuck off retard

>> No.14326334
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You seem to imply that people here can afford lobsters for dinner.

>> No.14326345

Live lobbies aren't expensive.
But none of these idiots own any pots or pans so it's a moot point.

>> No.14326359
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>animal doesn’t have hands but it can still grab things

What the heck!???!

>> No.14326411

I never boiled lobster but I boiled big crabs and the agony was no more than a second.

>> No.14326413

It's called claws

>> No.14326418

It’s called a mouth.

>> No.14326428

You can't scream with just your mouth.

>> No.14326431

Lobsters can.

>> No.14326434

If you put them in head first you don't hear anything. Work smarter.

>> No.14326436

Considering they also have no lungs, that's a pretty dubious statement. At best it's gas escaping their gi tract which is basically the equivalent of a fart.

>> No.14326440

Before i steam my lobster, i enter my knife into the back of its head to kill it.

>> No.14326443

Ok, you convinced me.

>> No.14326451

Bro i boiled hundreds of lobsters alive at work and i never heard them scream

>> No.14326488

ha ha farts

>> No.14326578

Can you imagine equating a human baby to a lobster and thinking you're making some kind of intelligent point?

>> No.14326586

Lobsters are literally just giant ocean bugs. Nobody cries when they kill a cockroach. Why cry when killing a delicious seabug to eat?

>> No.14326589

what do you think lobster farts smell like?

>> No.14326591

No, but I can imagine drawing a comic for the funnies.

>> No.14326603

but it’s not even funny?

>> No.14326669

>To kill it
One reason that lobsters are boiled alive is because their brain is spread throughout their body

>> No.14326675

i'm aware of that but part of its brain anatomy is in the lobster's head.

>> No.14326680

are you telling us to consider the lobster?

>> No.14326687

jordan peterson's legacy

>> No.14326692

What does that have to do with this?

>> No.14326698

These people seem to be completely detached there's no sense whatsoever in their perspectives

>> No.14326742


>> No.14326745

Probably like old Bay and the beach

>> No.14326778

Based Wallaceposter

>> No.14326783

Friendly reminder the majority of users here are bots

>> No.14326786

Mouth =/= always capable of screaming. Is the oesophagus opening in arthropods even called a 'mouth'?

>> No.14326787

lobsters don't scream on contact with boiling water, if they even scream at all it's once their insides are boiling which means they're already dead and steam is turning their skeleton into a whistle

it doesn't even matter if they scream, you're just trying to humanize them for sympathy; what matters is if they feel pain because you dont need to scream to experience pain

>> No.14326809


>> No.14327156

Funny how no trapped air comes out when you kill them first.

>> No.14327160

>Funny how if you cut an animals head in half no air comes out of it when dunked into boiling water

>> No.14327164

you mean when you stab a giant fucking hole through the body?

>> No.14327178

Life must be sad when you can't appreciate simple jokes.

>> No.14327180

I boiled one about a week ago, and I was surprised I didn’t hear the screaming as much as I was expecting. The lid on the pot rattled a lot more than I thought it was going to, though.

>> No.14327182

OP's comic is not very funny, I can't even smirk at it while I can laugh at something like Garfield.

>> No.14327187

>for lobster
How’s it feel to be a landlubber?

>> No.14327196

Yes, very sad. Especially when I consider the probability that your mind is blocked by an instinct to immediately argue politics.

>> No.14327199

the comic is a political statement

>> No.14327205

the guy who made the post literally used it to shame people for cooking lobsters alive when it isn't a valid arguement, lobsters can't scream, OP wasn't here for funny he was here to call us out

>> No.14327302
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>take a ride down the spillway in the 4wheelers
>the kids fill 2 ice chests with crawfish and crabs in a couple hours while the adults drink the beer in the third ice chest
>ride back home and spend the afternoon boiling it all while drinking more beer
>drop whole crabs in the deep fryer to see how it turns out because we got so much crab for F R E E
Inlandfags will never know such feels

>> No.14327335

Lobsters don't have vocal chords

>> No.14327352

What if I cut out the baby's vocal chords before throwing it in boiling water would that make it the same?

>> No.14327381

You're cutting the vocal cords, so obviously not.

>> No.14327908

I don't really see the merit to the whole screaming argument, but they definitely scrabble around and try to get out which makes me sad

>> No.14327931

The baby doesn't have a pressurized carapace, you idiot.

>> No.14328110

What kind of shit babies do you have?

>> No.14328113
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When I bring home a bunch of crabs and go to steam them, they would try to move for the first few seconds and their legs would be all straightened out and sometimes one fell off and it was harder to fit as many crabs in one pot. Then I learned to keep the crabs at a lower temperature so they go sedate.

If they touch ice they die, but put a towel over the ice and put them on TOP where it's just above freezing. Also the crisper drawer works. After about 20 minutes you can pick the crabs up, fold all their legs neatly against their body without them trying to pinch you, and stack them in the steaming pot like rocks. They will be alive but unable to move the whole time. Looks better when cooked, too, since all the legs are tucked in.

>> No.14328128

>Develop the screaming shits the next day, can't figure out what happened.

Yeah, fuck delta craw-dads. I'll take farm grown any goddamn day.

>> No.14328134

Why would a sea creatures be capable of screaming?

>> No.14328145

Lobsters unironically don't experience qualia.

>> No.14328166
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You can hypnotize a lobster by giving it a few good strokes down the middle.
It'll be so sedate you can balance it on hits nose and claws without a fuss.

>> No.14328177

OP confirmed for being a lobster-human hybrid.

>> No.14328181

There are plenty of mammalian sea creatures you dingus

>> No.14328205

my bearded dragon has no vocal chords, but he can still scream. You don't need vocal chords to scream.

>> No.14328264

They're both alive, so yes it is a intelligent point because most people can't understand that other species are alive just like humans

>> No.14328273

So are plants

>> No.14328280

An adult lobster is probably more 'intelligent' than a newborn

>> No.14328299


>> No.14328381

yeah newborns are basically mindless slugs that only receive sensory stimuli, they're not even able to "think".

>> No.14328409

lobsters are just clumps of cells so it's okay to boil them

>> No.14328413

So? Lobster is tasty af

>> No.14328429

> White males are such beta faggot as pussies that lobsters scare them.

lol. All you beta white weaklings deserve to get race mixed out of existance.

>> No.14328445

Why don't you just kill them before boiling them?

>> No.14328469

Jordan Peterson is a crazy tweaker lol

>> No.14328484

It's not hypnotizing; it's the equivalent of making all the blood rush to their heads and they pass out.
It's more like hanging someone until they die and going 'see? that was humane.'

>> No.14328566


I don't eat lobster because I'm not a bug-eating faggot, but if I was I'd put it in slowly while making its friends watch.

>> No.14328581

it's called being empathetic, but i guess in your shithole stomping a fellows head in instead of flaying them alive is humane

>> No.14328584

upside down or by the neck

>> No.14328589

Considering that they don't have circulatory system anything like humans...

>> No.14328591
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I agree you should give them a quick kill first but using the baby analogy, cutting the head in half or stabbing them through the heart and spine isn't much better.

>> No.14328829

Newborns know plenty of basic instincts, such as closing your eyes, kicking your feet, and holding your breath when submerged in water.