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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14324552 No.14324552 [Reply] [Original]

whats your favourite fruit?
whats your most hated/dont care about fruit?
and which fruit you'd like to try?

>> No.14324576

banana or kiwi
every single tropical fruit you find on southeastern asian markets

>> No.14324584

How the fuck can you hate an apple?

>> No.14324607

boring, watery, often with a honest bad taste (only certain types of apples have decent taste) & 0 macronutrient intakes, but hey its subjective!

>> No.14324667
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Blackberries and mango
Pineapple, the juice is nice but I don't like the texture. Dried fruit in general.
Mangosteen and lychee, I've only had the latter in juice form.

>> No.14324746

haha they look like vaginas

>> No.14324802 [DELETED] 

tfw your pay looks like upper right :(

>> No.14324817

tfw your pussy looks like upper right :(

>> No.14324840


>> No.14325320

protip: star fruit is very bad for those with kidney disease

>> No.14325623

post it?

>> No.14325631

Mangosteen and lychee are good

>> No.14325761

why the sad face then?

>> No.14325817

Tangelo is currently my favorite fruit

>> No.14325908

White peaches or asian pears
dragon fruit

>> No.14325976

Favorite: quenepas (Spanish lime), simply because of muh childhood
Hate: I despise persimmon
Fruit to try: too many I can think of But I’ll name one: star apple

>> No.14326141

Gross. I’m top left

>> No.14326152

all girls post your vagina
shit on these jannies
push them around

>> No.14326179
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Ew do you have bugs or some shit? Mine looks nothing like that

>> No.14326272

Mine is top left but I'm giving birth in 2 weeks so

>> No.14326379

Mangosteens ca bruise ridiculously easily, but you can't notice it on the rind. Only when you open it up and find out the fruit is rotten.
I avoid buying them after I wasted money on bad ones.

>> No.14326386
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Serves you right trannyfaggot
Now join the 41% and rising.

>> No.14326409

lychees are fucking boring. like worse grapes that you have to work harder to eat

>> No.14326678 [DELETED] 
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Favorite fruit is strange fruit

>> No.14326679

i like grape

>> No.14327217


>> No.14327225


>> No.14327228
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make way for the King

>> No.14327237

papaya because it was disappointing

>> No.14327904

After having tried pawpaws (Asimina triloba) for the first time last year, definitely my favorite fruit so far. Before that would have probably said red mulberries or muscadine grapes.
Not crazy about oranges. I swear they used to taste much better when I was a kid but when I get them in stores now they're just underwhelming.
As others have said, I would definitely want to try fresh, ripe durian. I think there's an asian market near me that sells some that's pre-cut and refrigerated, but I doubt it will be anywhere near as good. Also would be curious to try fresh, ripe dragonfruit. I've had it before but I suspect it isn't nearly as flavorful after likely being picked early and shipped in from who knows where.

>> No.14328092

Are you gonna be a single mom?

>> No.14328680

Sure seems like it

>> No.14328763

Pears suck. They're bland and gritty, always. The shittiest apple is preferable to the best pear.

The only reason grapefruit doesn't rank lower than pears is because I don't recognize grapefruit as being fruit or food, in the first place.

Best fruits are apples, lingonberries, persimmons, blueberries, and pineapples.

>> No.14328986

Dragon fruit has a cool name and looks good but the taste is really disappointing

>> No.14329018

honestly, what did you expect? it's a cactus fruit

>> No.14329147
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Wait a minute... women browse on 4chan?

>> No.14329185

im a pear guy, conference

the entire citrus family can go die, only good for cocktails or squiring a bit on a shrimp sandwich

>> No.14329252

I love the variety in apples, that kiwis have entirely edible centers, and the sourest grapefruits because I'm not some corn syrup junkie lard ass burger.

Meh about oranges, pith is gay.

I want to try some rare asian shit, or winemum meme shit like blue strawberries.

>> No.14329292

No I'm married

>> No.14329336


>> No.14329357

>I'm ready to settle down with the one now

>> No.14329393
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>> No.14329412

That's called granulation tissue and no surprise it happened with a surgically massacred inverted dickpussy

>> No.14329420

pomegranate favorite
don't hate any but dislike cantaloupe
wanna try honeydew

>> No.14330821

I really want to try black sapote, breadnut/breadfruit, jackfruit

>> No.14330859
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How long do you think before you get bored and divorce him?
Or maybe he will lose his job or get demoted and suddenly you make far more than he does?
I bet that will be about the same time that you somehow feel less attracted to him yet very attracted to this guy at work.

>> No.14330938
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wtf i love fruit now

>> No.14331017

Prickly pear is a cactus fruit and that's pretty tasty.

>> No.14331052

Have sex, incel.

>> No.14331071

Grapes. No fruit better. I wish there were more things like grapes that weren't so mushy. Like I wish there were seedless coreless apples the size of grapes. Oranges would be great like that too as long as they had grape-like peels.

>> No.14331312
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just give me cold watermelon forever !

>> No.14331332

pineapple or raspberry
dragon fruit i think? i might be thinking of something else, it is a bit "exotic" but at the same time its kind of a disappointment, it doesnt taste bad and its not a bad fruit, but it just doesnt really have a strong taste to it, not as tart as you would think it to be and the texture is kind of odd
dont really have anything specific i want to try

>> No.14331391

I hate women so fucking much bros

>> No.14331444

I don’t know what but blueberries just weird me out. I’ll eat them when they’re in something or blended up or whatever. But alone I’m just reminded of a weird oozing berry and the stupid leafy tops. I’ll still eat them, just takes a min to warm up to them again.

>> No.14331613

Never. We've been together since high school and I stuck by his side during his NEET phase+ I won't be working after the baby comes. But I get where you're coming from

>> No.14331626

I only eat bananas. They're the only cheap fruit near me. Basic apples and oranges cost way more (why?).
If there's another cheap fruit, please let me know.

>> No.14331654

apples are naturally trash, and can only be kept vaguely good by sustained and extremely convoluted gargantuan human effort--and even then they still mostly suck.

I've had only 2 amazing apples in my life. I've had many amazing mangos, berries, melons etc

>> No.14331683

hehe pajina XD

>> No.14331704

I don't know why but eating apples literaly makes me vomit.

>> No.14331759

man here, I don't care what your pussy looks like. just don't be fat and dont be an SJW and you'll already be attractive enough for more than 99% of the men out there.

>> No.14333216
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You take that back

>> No.14333218
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I love all fruits but I feel like blueberries are a scam. They don't taste like anything to me

>> No.14333355

They are only good baked into things

>> No.14333372

You haven’t had a fresh pear picked at peak ripeness right off the tree, they are amazing but quickly turn into gritty tasteless shit soon after, they transport very poorly and any one you’ve bought at a grocery store has been shit because of this reason.

>> No.14333381

not true at all. freeze them and enjoy them as little candies

>> No.14333383
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I sure would eat it

>> No.14333414

Your picture infuriates me
Too many to pick, but if held at gunpoint, probably black berries.
I dont think I've had a fruit I dont like either. I know I didnt like grapefruit when I was a kid, but I've acquired a taste for it. I do have a bad memory of my parents tricking me into eating a kiwi with the skin on. Pomegranates are overrated.
Anything exotic. I remember hearing about this spiky fruit that tastes like a bunch of fruits mixed together, that one sounds cool.

>> No.14333547
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always like dried fruits myself

>> No.14333664
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wiggers don't get to taste fruits at proper ripeness, so they hate them
also they're kind of not evolved to handle sugar. Makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

>> No.14333764

What's with mutts and their obsession with blacks? We're talking about fruits anon

>> No.14333855
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Favorite fruit: either Salak or Avocado.

Most hated fruit: green apples. I don't like them. I do enjoy red, pink and yellow apples.

Most don't care about fruit: yellow kiwis or dragonfruit. They are not disgusting, they're just super bland and boring - both of them.

Would like to try: Durian. Hoe can people consistently say it smells like rotten carcass popping out of sewage water and still also say it's beyond delicious it intrigues me like crazy.

>> No.14333861

Aww shit forgot about regular Papaya. Fuck that fruit all the way to hell.

>> No.14334317

>Your picture infuriates me
Anon you need to submit to PC culture or things will not go well for you

>> No.14334418

truer words never spoken

>> No.14334511

Have you ever had black mulberries? It's the only variety of the common three that I can't find growing in my state but I hear they're the most flavorful mulberries you can get, and the fully ripened berries are weirdly tall as well so they have plenty more volume.

>> No.14334515

Sounds like you had white dragonfruit. Look for red or, better yet, yellow ones.

>> No.14334521

Try kumquats. They're a bit on the bitter side but otherwise they're very close to what you described - grape-sized oranges with edible peels.

>> No.14334545
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Don't let rambutan fool you with their flashy rinds either, they're even blander than lychees.
The only good soapberry is the humble longan. Easy to peel, the seed slips right out of the flesh and the flavor is potent and unique.

Longan is easily the best exotic fruit you can get at stores and might be the only exotic more satisfying to eat than a banana

>> No.14334594
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>favorite fruit
Longan, like my ramble above mentioned
>most hated fruit
I despise what they've done to oranges. Navel oranges in general seem to be flavorless and watery nowadays, like they were bred purely for size.
Also on a side note, anyone else notice how inconsistent minneola tangelos are, even between two batches from the same company? It's a crapshoot whether they'll be almost unbearably intense like lemons or flavorless just like navels. Wikipedia describes minneolas as mild and sweet, but this weird video from Sunkist (https://youtu.be/_H6itj1BMQk)) describes them as basically the polar opposite even though I've had both intense and mild Sunkist minneolas many times.
What the fuck are minneola tangelos meant to be?

>which fruit would you like to try?
Jabuticaba/Jaboticaba. They're supposedly creamier than real grapes which interests the hell out of me

>> No.14334620

white pulp are bland tasting, red pulp ones are lot better but made me pee very dark and acidic, yellow skinned ones are something in between in taste

>> No.14334623
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I like lychee-flavored stuff, but longan sounds more interesting in fruit-form. Will try it if I ever see it at the store.

>> No.14334735

>made to be eaten so you could spread their seeds across the land
>looking like vaginas

>> No.14334902
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even white dragonfruit can be good, the problem is he probably got it from the supermarket.

The ones from my garden or ones we get from other people's gardens taste great, but the ones from the local supermarket are tasteless trash.

>> No.14335064

I've always wanted to try durian, can't find them in Texas.

My favorite fruits are raspberries and my least favorite are papaya

>> No.14335152

I hear pawpaws are native to my area but I've never seen any. Got some seeds but they didn't germinate after cold stratification. Is there a place online or in eastern/central oklahoma I might be able to find these things? They look and sound so good.

>> No.14335164

Check Asian markets. Most large Asian markets will have a big bin full of frozen morthong durians. They're basically the lowest quality version of the lowest quality variety of durian, but they're still pretty good if you can get past the vague onion-y taste. I hear fresh ones aren't nearly as onion-y.

>> No.14335199

Wait, what? I had no idea white dragonfruit could have flavor. I have some red and yellow growing in my garden but no white. Are they worth growing some from seed?

>> No.14335237

Check with you gynecologist.

>> No.14335531

The best trade-off for frozen durian is that it numbs the smell. People aren't memeing when they say it smells. We had some fresh durian and it made the whole place reek.

>> No.14335549
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>> No.14335559

unironcally, Gala apples. They're very satisfying. I would like to try a Buddha's Hand.

>> No.14335600

i'm in a 7 year relationship with one. I'm not sure if I hate her because she's a woman, but I definitely hate her.

>> No.14335677
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I'm straight, but vaginas are absolutely vile. An open wound dripping with blood and piss. The folds of skin some women have seem designed to shelter sweat and yeast infections. And they're too close to the asshole. The most repulsive part of a woman.
On topic, I like all fruit but nothing beats a chilled peach or watermelon in the summer. Bananas and apples are best cooked or on the go. Grapefruit is the worst but the juice is good for cocktails.