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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14324181 No.14324181 [Reply] [Original]

None of the hungry mans are good, I still feel ripped off even though I paid $1.50 for one.

>> No.14324197

>Buy a hungry man
>Become a hungry man
Tsk tsk.

>> No.14324204

Hungry Mans are probably the worst frozen food in the market now with even Banquet upping their game somewhat.

>> No.14324205

I just don't get why some anons on /ck/ like them, i'd rather eat black beans

>> No.14324220

The only frozen things you should buy are
>meat pies
>egg rolls
>french fries
Anything else you should be cooking/preparing yourself.

>> No.14324240 [DELETED] 
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Haha oh wow, I don't like em either. Flavorless hungry man!

George Floyd was a disgusting criminal drug addict violent NIGGER and I'm glad he died. Black stinking piece of shit. Ban me. I'll be back in like 3 minutes. The mods are literally enabling niggers.

>> No.14324273

When it comes to TV dinners always go with the Salisbury Steak

>> No.14324281
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>Rib-Shaped Pork

>> No.14324490

thue most based post on /ck/ right now
watch the wolfepit on youtube he gives advices on what frozen dinners are good and bad

>> No.14324513
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Bags of frozen vegetables are nice for quick sides.

>> No.14324521

Grow and freeze them yourself lazy fuck

>> No.14324536

I think they're good. Not as good as Stouffer's, though.

>> No.14324547


>> No.14324571


>> No.14324590
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hungry man xl chicken burrito bowls are good. sprinkle some extra cheddar cheese on it (don't need alot, like half an ounce is good), give it a dollop of sour cream and a generous pour of salsa verde (pic related) and you have a really satisfying meal with a good amount of protein. 420 calories (plus sour cream and cheese so +50-100 more calories)

>> No.14324596

They used to be better but they've changed.

>> No.14324613

I know that brownie or a little cake whatever it is really sucks

>> No.14324625

that shit is really dumb. at least put some apple sauce or cranberry sauce so it goes with the "pork"

>> No.14324711 [DELETED] 
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holy BASED

>> No.14324722

>They didn’t make the English translation ‘satisfy the insatiable’ because they knew Americans wouldn’t know what insatiable meant

>> No.14324725

fuck off namefag

>> No.14324752

What’s sad is remembering when they were good, and yes I’m old lol

>> No.14324781

>pay $7 for a frozen dinner
>quality is garbage
>could literally cook a chicken parm, mash potatoes and some veggies myself for half the cost and it'd still taste better and be ready in the same amount of time
I dont get the appeal.

>> No.14324868

Frozen food is for pussies.

>> No.14324873

the rib ones fucking great. i think its the same meat as in mc ribs.

>> No.14324933

the appeal is when you don't know how to cook
inb4 huehue just learn
almost all recipes assume some sort of base or requisite knowledge, so it's not very easy when youre alone and have no one to teach you

>> No.14325012

/pol/tards are mentally ill. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14325024

I bet you can't do better from scratch for $1.50

>> No.14325132

>could literally cook a chicken parm, mash potatoes and some veggies myself ... same amount of time
There's no way you could possibly do all that in the couple of minutes it takes to microwave something. Not saying that thing isn't disgusting, but let's be realistic here.
Are you one of those people who writes "prep time 5min" on recipes with 30 ingredients?

>> No.14325168

Cooking from a recipe is a brainless rote activity. You gather the ingredients and combine as directed. How hard is that to do?

>> No.14325190
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Quit whining and do what I do

>> No.14325203

Why? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.14325265

I like the Hungry-Man. Tasty as fuck but now I just buy one of these and eat half.
Sodium based.

>> No.14325271
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picture i ferget

>> No.14325322

I laughed harder than I should have
+2 upboat, have some gold, kind stranger

>> No.14325329

Thoughtful post

>> No.14325345

Actually it's because francophones are, by definition, cucked faggots without want or desire, hence the Frenchman has no concept of a "craving", be it culinary, sexual, or otherwise. Obsessed.

>> No.14325351
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Get your ass some salisbury steaks you cunt, even those are a dollar at a dollar store.

>> No.14325357

TV dinners better from oven than microwave

>> No.14325363
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>> No.14325382

ZZ Top - TV Dinners

>> No.14325391

buy hungry man
still hungry after it finishing it

and i stopped buying them
tasty tho

>> No.14325467

So get two, eww a whole $2 plus taxes.

>> No.14325469

What are you some kind of fat bastard?

>> No.14325504
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these played a nontrivial part in why I had childhood obesity
they were SO fucking good, the modern ones can't compare the last time I tried them

>> No.14325535

they are over 5$ cad now
used to get a couple few years back when they were 3$
i would need to eat like 5 of them to get full
im a sticc with super metabolism
im always hungry

>> No.14325549
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Don't forget the butter bitch, that was fun.
Replace the knees and make a boob flap.
The land-o-lakes girl.

>> No.14325553

You're getting ripped off, we'd have riots in the streets for that stuff.

>> No.14325567
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>> No.14325573

And xacto knife and some imagination and anything is possible.

>> No.14325732

fuck off mammalfag

>> No.14325745

I got my first Hungry Man in college, the fried chicken was only one side of the chicken. the corn had exploded out of its designed zone, it was an atrocity and it sucked fucking cock

>> No.14325783

most frozen dinners need to be microwaved 8min or more.
doesnt take that long to grill a steak and microwave some frozen veg.

literally any retard can grill a steak and microwave frozen veg.
only thing i've found frozen meals useful for is for lunch at work on days i'm too lazy to prepare anything.

>> No.14325965

Saddest thing I've ever heard. You could have at least mixed it up with pierogies, son.

>> No.14327082

Sorry, lasagna isn't that hard to make.
I get most of my meat in frozen from the restaurant supply butcher, because I'm too poor and lazy to own and operate a ranch and harvest fresh meat every 2 weeks.

>> No.14327171

stop shopping at sobeys or safeway. they are regularly $3 non-sale price at loblaws/superstore.

>> No.14327494

the best is the boneless chicken one, but i had them constantly and got tired of them, also overcooking any meat makes for nasty hard pieces that makes you not want to keep eating it when you find them

>> No.14327745

i said fuck off you NIGGER

>> No.14327760
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>> No.14328171


>> No.14328188

i do love me a sloppa chicken pie

>> No.14328521

what? are you retarded?

>> No.14328524

its like 6 hours to make a decent fucking lasagna
if you dont have the bolognese already
i suppose you could freeze the bolognese tho...

>> No.14328706

>pork shaped rib

>> No.14329088

i shop at safeway and no frills because they are the only ones in walking distance(i dont own a car)

some times no frills has them on sale for 3$(5$ normal) but they arent filling so why waste my money on them anymore
no frills is a mini superstore

>> No.14329763

do you not have some cooking classes as part of your community? last time I was at the hospital they were advertising some for all age groups (not old people its too late for them)

>> No.14329776

You freeze the bolognese, but what you can do for lasagna is buying the pasta part of it dry. Once that's done, you just do alternating layers and leave it in the oven, which is a bit fire and forget.

>> No.14329785

Woah where do you live that they're 1.50? At my publix/walmart they're like 3 bucks.

For a buck fifty that's a pretty good amount of food even if it tastes like crap. But then again you're obviously paying for the 'frozen' part and being able to store it. If you're on your way home from work and are going to just heat it up it anyway it's way more bang for you buck to get some retardedly good BOGO deal from the Wendy's app or whatever.

>> No.14329786

>I don't get the appeal
Easier to not burn my house down when I'm drunk. I also don't know how to cook well. I'll make a big mess and take forever to do it, with cleaning to be done, as opposed to popping something in the microwave.

My "community" has 0 cooking classes. Certainly not anything that's going to teach me how to really shop on a budget. I can cook some things, but not efficiently for cost/time.

>> No.14329798

2nd anon here, sorry to hear that, I think food wishes is a good starting place as long as you aren't trying to make something complicated.

>> No.14330561

Nope, not going to go there. Fresh vegetables are quick to cook.

>> No.14330571

Drink after you've eaten, anon.

>> No.14330757

>Open convenient bag
>Dump and cook
>Crumple up bag and toss, or reuse it even
>Lug around massive ears of corn to get about 20% of the actual volume
>Fill up garbage can (let's face it, pig, you don't compost) with husks and bodies of the slain corn
>Litter your sink with knives, cutting boards and extra labor
>Finally, now you can slide that slimy corn in the pan that you have to wait to heat up or already overheated (because, let's face it, pig, you have poor time management skills)
>But wait, I hope you washed your hands between each step!
>Mmm tastes the same and I exerted more effort but at least I saved 0.20 cents and feel like a real fucking special guy for making corn the way I perceive to be morally correct
>Put bugs in your underwear and masturbate to dead kids >>14330571
because you're sooooo special and soooo hip

>> No.14330828

Woops didn't mean to bring you in to this

>> No.14330846

I like the healthy choice meals.
Theyre small and shit, but its good for diet. Makes you feel full afterwards and tastes pretty decent for what it is. Better than lean cuisines at least.

>> No.14330873
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I only ever eat frozen dinners during lunch break at my wagecuck job. Hungry Mans are super hit-or-miss, I found that their chicken was often gristly and dried out. $1.50 is a pretty damn good price for them, though. They're like $3.49 at the Kroger near me.

Tried out some of these bad boys recently and they were okay. Pic related I would even say was good. Next up I plan on trying Boston Market's frozen stuff.

>> No.14330879

Is that cat real

>> No.14330887

I unironically would like to try one of those old oven tv dinners someday
Does anyone still make them like that?

>> No.14331816

I had a friend that never knew how to cook so when his parents would leave town all he would eat is Hungry-man. He was 31

>> No.14331883

Uh, after eating I'm too full to drink anything. Or I have to drink twice as much to feel the same, and it's gotta be hard alcohol or wine.

Coming home and drinking some beers before popping something in the microwave is comfy. Chugging whiskey after 45 minutes of cooking and cleaning is not.

>> No.14331904

Which implies his parents cook his every meal and he eats all the snacks they buy at the market. Sounds like a sad sack, probably developmentally disabled.

>> No.14331912
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TV dinners used to be high quality and in thick foil packaging.
Microwave dinners are absolutley garbage tier and I feel like I''m getting cancer when I eat them. I haven't had one in about 5 years.

>> No.14331923

I did but I don't have a garden.

>> No.14332210


I would but them at $1.50
$3.50 (current price of them here) is too much.

nice little meal that you don't have to work at preparing.

>> No.14332226

Yer fuckin up bud

>> No.14332541

the boneless chicken ones are decent.

>> No.14332600

they were the last bastion, last year I ate them and I swear they changed something, was shit.

>> No.14332610

>13.55% meat protein pork patties
Where does the rest of the protein come from?

>> No.14332617

They released a set of new bowl meals but then Covid struck so I'm not sure if they were cancelled or not.

>> No.14333169
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Alright, you sons of bitches, you goaded me into it. $3-3.50 at Walmart, let's do this

>> No.14333173
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Mmmmm. I'm a rather hungry man, hopefully this satisfies.

>> No.14333197
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Potato mixing process...

>> No.14333204
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>> No.14333207
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Now for a few more minutes of microwaving

>> No.14333219
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And Wala, bone app on teeth

>> No.14333246
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Everything cooked evenly. Chicken is mediocre but not awful, a little watery or rubbery but still has flavor, Potatoes have the frozen mashed potato taste but beyond that are decent thanks to the cheese, bacon and ranch dumped all over the dish. Not bad, a little pricy but it is pretty filling compared to other microwave crap. Has a weird dill pickle taste that is kind of disconcerting.

>> No.14333310
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I eat lean cuisine every day at work

>> No.14333422

How is your post so long without saying a word. Stopped reading at your meme speak.

>> No.14334270

Sorry you can't keep up, thanks for the (You)

>> No.14335810

>The Sloppashit

>> No.14335849


>> No.14335855

Obsessed faggot

>> No.14335868

Looks decedent/good for the price

>> No.14335889

>internet exists
>have constant access to like half the sum of all human knowledge accessible to you for free
>waaaaahhh cooking hard
Just do research and teach yourself, you cretin

>> No.14335911

I fucking love these.
Another thing I like to do is put it on some white rice and break it. The gravy soaks into the rice and it's fucking delicious as fuck.
honestly works with any pot pie dish, but i feel like i'm the only person who ever does it.

>> No.14336003

they get a bad rap, but the pastas are pretty good actually.