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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 275x183, sush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14308437 No.14308437 [Reply] [Original]

Bland garbage

>> No.14308443

>Bland overpriced hipster garbage

>> No.14308445

that's what the bowl of sauce is for

the rest is for texture

>> No.14308457

I like sashimi and simpler sushi, but the more elaborate, Americanized sushi with lots of sauces and frying and weird ingredients is much more flavorful. Try getting like, tempura shrimp with spicy mayo and avocado

>> No.14308733

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.14308740
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*blocks your bath*

>> No.14308749

Stop buying it in a gas station, you flyover puddle of shit.

>> No.14309393

>itt poor people who eat gas station sushi think they know japanese cuisine.

>the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi


>> No.14309407
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>this thread again

>> No.14309415

>sushi which is literally just fish on rice
You mean vinegar on rice.

>> No.14309417

go to actual japan, you'll get good stuff there, there's nothing in the states its a wasteland

>> No.14309425

I have learnt from Kimagure that most Japanese fish soups are just Dashi, Sake, Mirin, Soy sauce and Sugar

>> No.14309427
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>> No.14309441
File: 302 KB, 960x1707, AA95F97D-F7A3-49F3-BC8E-806F4641223D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being this much of a tastelet
Kinda feel bad for ya senpai

>> No.14309444

It's a country of impoverished rice farmers. Until the US arrived their government was literally "whoever has the most rice is in charge." Eating meat was illegal because only the emperor (rice king) is rich enough to eat the island's only cow.

China on the other hand is defined by having shitloads of land and shitloads of chinks to farm it. No wonder they had better food.

>> No.14309451

You mean mouthfeel.

>> No.14309458

you mean vinegar and sugar on rice

>> No.14309532

>ITT: Weeb faggots that buy their sushi from Walmart


>> No.14309562

I think to be fair, two of those posts are actually just a Chinese dude with a inferiority complex and has nothing to do with American gas station sushi

>> No.14309585

boy. no.

>> No.14309587

cope and seethe

>> No.14309610
File: 524 KB, 707x378, kekistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cope and seethe
>based and red pilled
>praise kek

>> No.14309749

Eh that's fair.

>> No.14309810

I use a shit ton of soy sauce fight me nerds

>> No.14309811

I only eat them here in Brazil when its an all you can eat buffet and even then If theres shrimp in the menu. I basically only eat shrimp.

>> No.14311078
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>> No.14311165

aren't the dishes carried by the taste of the fish itself though? So if the fish tastes bad, then the dish is fucked and all

>> No.14311185

this thread is brought to you by the homosexual agenda

>> No.14311602

>t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.14311633

dude raw fish is so fucking gross

I do fishing as a hobby and I've tried to eat many of the fish I catch raw, and they're fucking gross man. like I've caught a fish and then killed it and ate some of it within like 15 seconds there's no way you can get fresher unless you eat it live like a gook, but it's fuckin gross man and most fucking fish have literal parasites on or in them

I don't even get the appeal. what differeientates human from animal is cooking. to eat a food raw is to debase yourself to the level of a beast

>> No.14311685
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>> No.14311816
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 1-666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Autistic bland shit
>this pic

>> No.14311823

most coastie sushi places still use frozen fish

>> No.14311846

hahaha tastet loling @ your life

>> No.14311863

> everything needs to be fried and drenched in sauce for it to taste good!

>> No.14311867

>gas station sushi

Do Americans really?

>> No.14311872
File: 978 KB, 2700x3600, utsU7xn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your pic
>my pic

>> No.14311874

Gas station or stalls in grocery stores where the sushi has been sitting on a shelf all day.

>> No.14312079

Cavemen ate better, considering they had invented forks and fire