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14304194 No.14304194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I will not eat anywhere that forces me to wear a mask.

>> No.14304200

Jack is based.
He's a soldier.

>> No.14304206

How do you eat when you are wearing a mask?

>> No.14304209

LOL jack is about as high risk as it gets. He's a dead man if he were to get infected

>> No.14304213

Why the fuck are you talking about it then? You think you're special or something?

>> No.14304217
File: 49 KB, 425x282, 514165BF-A208-4A89-A211-D5E1522047E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ewww it smells like boomer in here

>> No.14304218

I will not give my money to someone who refuse it. Hope all those restaurants goes bankrupt, all those brick and mortar shops, all those fuckers should close down and stay at home.

>> No.14304222

Why do people hate being told to wear a mask so much? It's a little piece of paper you cover your face with for a few minutes before leaving.

>> No.14304226

you all are a bunch of fags. im immuno compromised but im not about to wear a mask lol

>> No.14304231

Better than zoomedr names like Baker, Harley, Hunter, Ryder, etc imo

>> No.14304244

>Probably gonna fucking die.
>Lol I'm not wearing a 2$ light mask I'm not a fag.

>> No.14304245

The far right is just as mentally ill as the far left in America

>> No.14304246

Kinda proving his point, you retards start seething when told to wear a bit of paper over your face

>> No.14304249

why would i wear a mask for a nothingburger?

sorry im not a fascist i guess?

>> No.14304254

Why? I mean besides that you just wanna be a contrarian.
>t. Bill

>> No.14304255

There is no far right in the USA

>> No.14304258

No that's not correct the right is way more mentally ill. It's not even a comparison

>> No.14304262


>> No.14304266

there are fine people on both sides

>> No.14304267

>t. Jyden

>> No.14304269

If it's not the corona you're going to die from something stupid.

Like getting a small cut and refusing to clean it bc ??. Once it's infected and your weak body can't fight it off the sepsis will come.

L8r Sk8r

>> No.14304274

i clean my cuts though??? nice false equivalency though??

>> No.14304278

Why do you clean your cuts but not wear a mask?

>> No.14304283

Wearing a mask has nothing to do with your immune system. The primary purpose of wearing masks is to prevent YOUR breath and spit particles from entering the air so that in the unlikely event if you being an asymptomatic cattier you don’t infect others. In terms of lowering your chance of getting infected it’s not doing much. Bottom line is, it doesn’t hurt anyone to wear a mask, but it could help prevent the spread of diseases.
>b-b-but muh principle
Yeah I get it. You don’t like being told what to do by anybody except your wife’s boyfriend and Fox News

>> No.14304293

cause the mask is a nothingburger?? no worse than the flu. hello??

okay so why, as an immuno compromised person, bother wearing a mask when it doesn't even help me????

and i dont even watch fox news???

>> No.14304294

The world's going to be a better place when your body fails

>> No.14304298

weird. you dont care for other people??? i thought that was the point of wearing masks??? so you dont care about other people???

>> No.14304305

Flus are bad and kill people. Was a good idea to have everyone cover up many decades ago, not just for SARS-CoV-2. Asian countries already in the habit of doing this from the first SARS weren't hit nearly as bad as we were.

>> No.14304309

>I will not eat anywhere that forces me to wear a mask.
Why not?

>> No.14304313

also how does ME not wearing a mask affect ME? i thought masks were to reduce the spread to other people? whether i wear one or not wont affect if i get it???

>> No.14304315


it's most certainly worse than the flu, what are you talking about.

By your logic everyone shouldn't wear a mask because it doesn't benefit them. We're all for the worse then

>> No.14304318

Fucking based holy fuck

>> No.14304321

well there's no point in wearing one if you dont have symptoms. the asymptomatic transmission wasn't as bad as they initially said

>> No.14304322

How old are you? Now I'm curious

>> No.14304326

It's not weird. You don't know if that's the same anon you're thinking of from before. And you can get annoyed at someone and feel like you want to harm them even though you wouldn't in real life. Almost none of the people saying they want to harm or kill you on a website are actually violent murderers. Meanwhile keeping people in general less likely to get sick is a basic rational stance you can hold in spite of being angry at specific people.

>> No.14304328

i dont care if people wear masks though??? im not a fascist sorry i guess??

answer the questions cutie ;)

>> No.14304334

Wearing a mask of any material is better than nothing. A fucking dishtowel is 83% effective at catching particles the size of the virus.

>hurrrrrr i need academic journals by scientists
Both pages cite several.

>> No.14304335

he wishes death on me?? i thought yall cared about people dying??? wasn't that the point of wearing masks????

>> No.14304343

i thought the cdc said masks didnt do anything??? and were unnecessary??

>> No.14304346

I'm pretty sure we were told not to wear masks a couple months ago and that they were useless

>> No.14304348

I didn't wish death upon you. I just said when you die from your own stupidity, the rest of us will be better off.

>> No.14304353

>Yeah I get it. You don’t like being told what to do by anybody except your wife’s boyfriend and Fox News
You're confusing your politics.

>and i dont even watch fox news???
Confirmed for dumb.

Why you would want to take ANY risks with your own health is your own depression or frontal lobe damage. You play russian roulette every day, no matter what the odds are all about, it's the fact that there is no cure. If you end up wrong, not only will you be dead, but you can endanger others from the people you contact to the final health workers. If you care about no other people in the whole wide world, again, your own mental health there.

The point of slowing down spread is so you don't all hit the E.R. at the same day. Not that the E.R. can do that much for you.

A lot of the people who don't want to wear a mask have asthma, claustrophobia, or some kind of misinformation. Muh freedom! The law is on their sides, and ordinances to force it are illegal. But, common sense and common decency and etiquette means normal people care about others, if not themselves.

>> No.14304357

oh wow??? i thought you cared about people not dying??? showing your true colors i guess??

sorry im not a fascist i guess??

>> No.14304359

Why would you care what the CDC has to say?

>> No.14304361
File: 7 KB, 320x224, scd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one lady with WHO who claimed that walked that comment back after everyone else said she was wrong.
>Atop World Health Organization official clarified on Tuesday that scientists have not determined yet how frequently people with asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 pass the disease on to others, a day after suggesting that such spread is “very rare.”
>The clarification comes after the WHO’s original comments incited strong pushback from outside public health experts, who suggested the agency had erred, or at least miscommunicated, when it said people who didn’t show symptoms were unlikely to spread the virus.
>Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead on the Covid-19 pandemic, made it very clear Tuesday that the actual rates of asymptomatic transmission aren’t yet known.
>To some, it came across as if the WHO was suggesting that people without symptoms weren’t driving spread. Some studies, however, have estimated that people without symptoms (whether truly asymptomatic or presymptomatic) could be responsible for up to half of the spread, which is why the virus has been so difficult to contain. Isolating people who are sick, for example, does not prevent the possibility they already passed the virus on to others.
>“All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In fact, some evidence suggests that people may be most infectious in the days before they become symptomatic — that is, in the presymptomatic phase when they feel well, have no symptoms, but may be shedding substantial amounts of virus.”

>> No.14304363

ummmm???? what?? just answer the question??

>> No.14304369

why would you trust the ccp backed WHO???

>> No.14304371
File: 368 KB, 1700x2048, McDonalds_no mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mask no service

>> No.14304378

america really is full of bootlickers and fascists

>> No.14304379

Nono you misunderstand. I care about our population as a whole not any individual and especially not any individual that is harmful to the population, like yourself.

I would never harm you or wish that you fell harm. I'm just saying that we will be better without you.

>> No.14304384

yikes! passive aggressiveness level are off the charts!!!

>> No.14304391

No this is just being regular aggressive. There is nothing passive when I say, I'll be happy when you die

>> No.14304392
File: 146 KB, 863x1200, EZFimV4U4AAWyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i thought the cdc said masks didnt do anything??? and were unnecessary??
The fact they said this DURING A MASK SHORTAGE threatening to make nurses quit at a time when they needed them not to quit might have has something to do with that you autist.
They played down its effectiveness because it'd be a way worse medical crisis for hospital staff to not have PPE.
Read pic related and consider the context. If masks didn't help at all why were they freaking out about the mask shortage?

>> No.14304396

I wish, death squads would be based.

>> No.14304400 [DELETED] 

The CCO completely opposed the WHO in that article. Are you even trying to make sense?

>> No.14304404

>why would you trust the ccp backed WHO???
The WHO admitted they were *wrong* in that article. Are you even trying to make sense?

>> No.14304407

there was never a mask shortage lol

>> No.14304408

nice food and cooking post /pol/tard

>> No.14304412

Then why did they freak out and try to get people to stop buying masks? Why did they hunt down and seize PPE from people who bought large amounts of it to take for hospital use instead?