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14301941 No.14301941 [Reply] [Original]

I just wanted a meatloaf recipe

>> No.14301972

So hubby called her a faggot?

>> No.14301977

No, the writer is the father of Zane.

>> No.14302012

>writes recipes for meatloaf online
>uses online recipes to tell shitty life stories like anyone gives a shit
>includes pseudo intellectualism bullshit in a desperate attempt to seem smart

his son is right

>> No.14302044

based Zane

>> No.14302151

How do can you allow yourself to get bullied by your own child? Degenerates

>> No.14302203

and one afternoon, as I was making scrambled eggs, Jack was sitting at the kitchen table. As I added salt, I told him that he needed to season the onions before closing the lid.

He muttered, "thanks a lot, junky."

what do you do when your son calls you a junky?

I'm not sure if I got this right, but the first thing I did not do was flinch. The second thing I did not do was ignore it. No, flinching would mean that I was scared of him, and ignoring it would mean that I was actually high on antidepressants. I shouted from the top of my lungs, "THAT'S FUCKING ONE NOW!!"

"What do you mean, one?"


"You're just mad that I called you a junky."


I added salt to the mixture of milk and eggs, and then added in pepper and salt. "The Ramsays are like bumblebees. Physicists and aerodynamic engineers have proven conclusively that a bumblebee has too much mass for its wings to generate sufficient lift. In other words, they have calculated that a

>> No.14302323

I normally think beating your child is a way for low IQ parents to make up for being too retarded to explain why some behavior is wrong, but your son calling you a faggot to your face is definitely the point where you break out the belt instead of doing some gay counting down shit.
Though if you do do that shit you probably are a giant faggot so maybe congratulate him on his pattern recognition skills.

>> No.14302336

>naming your kid zane
what sort of faggot tree is this?

>> No.14302343

>the people who name their kids zane dont beat their children
The kid is ironically correct calling her a faggot. She's a huge faggot.

>> No.14302364
File: 16 KB, 261x163, 3Mo0LK0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending about bumblebees is the opening statement of the bee movie, maybe it's some elaborate shit posting?

>> No.14302367

>calling her a faggot
He called his dad a faggot, and he was right to do so.

>> No.14302369

If you try to reason with a little kid you are the retard.

>23Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.

>24He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

>25The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul: but the belly of the wicked shall want.

According to God if you don't beat your kids early and nip that shit in the bud you hate them. It's easier to send your kid to their room or plop them in front of the TalmudVision babysitter than to actually rear and raise them up right. It's why there are so many shitbags in the world, because people try to reason with people with the minds of a toddler rather than doling out punishment. If you don't do it yourself you're gonna be on tv later crying about the cop that killed your shitty kid by kneeling on his neck.

>> No.14302377

>quotes the bible
like clockwork

>> No.14302379

You take issue with the Bible? IT;s arguably the most influential and important book of parables and lessons gathered throughout all of recorded human history. What's your problem with it?

>> No.14302382

I'm saying rednecks like you are all violent retards for a reason, and you all have the same justification for it.
Last reply you're getting from me, I know it's pointless to argue with someone who has had any form of critical thinking beaten out of him.

>> No.14302388

>I know it's pointless to argue with someone who has had any form of critical thinking beaten out of him.
The irony is palpable lmao

>> No.14302397

I mean...you weren't physically disciplined, and look how weak, both intellectually and physically, you turned out. You would've benefited from some strict discipline growing up, whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.14302404

post lifts and body

>> No.14302407

For what purpose? Would the results invalidate the points I made?

>> No.14302411

>t.Shitty Parent
How's that single motherhood working out?

>> No.14302413

My parents used to smack me sparingly and I am glad that they did, but on the other hand I had a day carer who used to smack me all the time even when I had no idea why and I don't think that was particularly beneficial to my psyche.

>> No.14302416

Yeah, being a little bitch would invalidate the point that getting beat has made you physically strong.
Don't come in the thread being a keyboard warrior claiming to be stronger than people and then damage control when you get called out, lol

>> No.14302418

You coping that hard really confirms you are a soft little bitch

>> No.14302419


>literally the lowest crime rate of any demographic
>lower than godless leftist economic powerhouses like commiefornia

You know how I know you don't read books?

>> No.14302421

Physical discipline should only be administered by the parent. If a day care worker physically disciplined my kid without my explicit agreement, I would fuck them up.

>> No.14302426

You soft inside and out lmao

>> No.14302429

I'm not even >>14302382, I just saw some kid trying to win an internet argument by saying he could beat the other kid up and called him out, and now he's using his shitposter buzzwords panicking lol

>> No.14302430

Getting beaten for good reason isn't the same as your DontCare beaner babysitter beating you for being white.

>> No.14302433

You're a bitch nigga.

>> No.14302436

>I just saw some kid trying to win an internet argument by saying he could beat the other kid up and called him out
Huh, is that what happened? Hmmmmm. Care to point out where this was stated?

>> No.14302437

stop posting

>> No.14302439

You are taking any avenue trying to get out of having to prove you're strong at all.
You didn't even post any numbers, probably don't even know what main lifts I or anybody who actually lifts would be talking about.
What a joke you are.

>> No.14302441

I think that was entirely going on in his mush brain probably triggered because he's also a soft little bitch with no self-discipline

>> No.14302443

post of the week for all of 4chan

>> No.14302444

>12Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.

>13Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

>14Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

This triggers the spoiled brat.

>> No.14302449

>bro just beat them up at the drop of a hat
>bro never beat them and don't say anything mean, let them call you a faggot and be your bull

Both are incorrect. The stick should be used sparingly so it doesn't lose its effectiveness, not only with kids but with anybody. Be stern only with things that really matter and laissez-faire with anything else. Once a boundary is step on, a single look will end the dispute. This is the only way to truly achieve respect from men, women and children alike.

tl;dr: do not command what you cannot enforce, do not command too much, once you command, commit to it no matter what happens or your authority is damaged forever.

>> No.14302450

Not a single one of these posts are within a minute of each other, you must be seething really hard at getting called out for being a weak little faggot to resort to samefagging this obviously.
The absolute state of keyboard warriors. Seethe harder cleetus. Must suck not knowing how to use your own words so you have to try to pick physical fights but then would lose those anyway lmfao

>> No.14302451


>> No.14302456

Lifting doesn't make you tough. True strength is in the spirit. Without the spirit of God you have nothing, it's all vanity. David was an average man, Sampson was an average man, it was the spirit that made them invincible.

>> No.14302465

No one is samefagging... how are you gonna start crying too lol no one is seething but this soft little bitch

>> No.14302471
File: 192 KB, 760x640, Screenshot_20200625-085736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to exercise more than your abs Tyrone. How many times a day do you inject things into your buttocks? And I'm not talking about the 'roids, faggot.

>> No.14302480

No one is saying to beat your kid without a cause, but calling your dad a faggot is worthy of being beaten severely. And to raise your hands against your mother or father is an act worthy of death.

>1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

>4And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

>> No.14302506

Everyone here sound like a faggot to be fair so I don't know why you're arguing. I'd be worried of any of you have kids.

>> No.14302521

That's ONE, Zane!

>> No.14302528
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>> No.14302571
File: 37 KB, 586x428, Pfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She continues the article talking about fucking Bees
Anyway Based Zane

>> No.14302579

Fuck you and your kike propaganda. The bible is trash and so are you fuck face

>> No.14302587

Iron age kike nonsense

>> No.14302595
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 42F190DC-900A-4DA5-916E-68D60657C90E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to God
You mean according to the filthy jew who wrote that passage

>> No.14302600

>As i crushed he breadcrumbs

>> No.14302605

The pejorative "kike" comes from the Yiddish word for circle(Kikel). When the Jews who couldn't write English came through Ellis Island they were asked to sign their name or make their mark. They refused to mark with an X because it looks too much like a cross and Jews hate Jesus more than they hate Hitler. So they signed their mark with a circle or Kikel. The term kike evolved from the workers at Ellis Island who used the term to label Jews who refused to sign with an X.

Dilate while reading a book, Zane's dad.

>> No.14302616

Thats really interesting but i still hate jews

>> No.14302651

>Thats really interesting but i still hate jews
This is what the Bible says about Jews, Anon.
>For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

And Jesus himself called them children of the Devil. That's why they hate him and crucified him. Because he took the kingdom away from them and gave it to the whole world. Which means they are no longer chosen or special.

>> No.14302708
File: 427 KB, 976x603, FAGGGGGGGGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I finished the meatloaf mixture and it was time to throw it into the oven. I grabbed my favorite airbake cookie sheet (no cripsy bottoms for me this time!) and i fashioned the meatloaf into a phallus, drizzled a little sour creme aioli on the delicious, meaty tip and salivated as i opened the oven door.

>"wow your meatloaf is gayer than you are faggot"

>"thats two," i calmly said. see i knew my son was testing his bounds, he was about that age—the right age to experiment. little did he know that i smelled a different odor on my favorite dragon dildo—the one i use to exercise my ass muscles with—a distinct odor of cumin, an ingredient in his favorite dish, jamaican jerk chicken etouffee—so i knew he had been pegging his own asshole with my very own ass-sexcerciser, so i knew he was curious. i placed the meatloaf, tip facing forward into the oven and quickly spun around to retort

>"so, i know you love to eat sausage stuffing at thanksgiving, is there any other time you enjoy sausage stuffing?" i quizzed him as my hands entered my pants to feel my ever-increasingly turgid penis. his look said it all to me, you could see sweat building on his forehead like he was topping a transvestite hooker in an interstate rest stop bathroom.

>"dad-2 let me explain--" No need to explain, i said, as i cut him off gently applying my finger to his lips, i understand perfectly. his flopsweat and red cheeks said he was embarrassed but the diamond-hard cock between his legs, now pulsing with every quick heartbeat, told a different story.


>> No.14302900

idk what the fuck this thread is about

>> No.14302920

Hes wrong about bumblebees.
No physicist has made that retarded claim in 50 years.

>> No.14302925

A bunch of faggots playing tough and smart on the internetz

>> No.14302945

OP never got his meatloaf did he

>> No.14303430
File: 31 KB, 184x184, 1299023641506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a fag that doesn't really believe in gays having kids, but man if I had a kid and the little shit called me a faggot to my face, I'd slap the shit out him right there. Then laugh and call him a little bitch as he cried about it.
Unless he manned up and didn't cry. Mad respect for the cunt, then.