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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14298309 No.14298309 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you eat out? For me, I eat out every single day using food delivery apps like DoorDash.

>> No.14298315
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Learn how to cook you retard.

>> No.14298321

I don't like the taste of the food and it makes me sweat too much since it takes so much effort to make food. There is litearlly no reason to not just eat out

>> No.14298325

It's one to thing to eat out almost everyday, but it's another to constantly eat at McDonald's and Wendy's. Do you hate food that much? Is there nothing better around you?

>> No.14298332

Wtf is wrong with Mcdonalds and Wendys? They are both cheap and fill me up easily and taste fine

>> No.14298348

Those orders doesn't seem very healthy. Do you eat any real food, like what do you usually eat in one day? Not judging tho, just curious

>> No.14298351

$15 for oatmeal, hash brown and a sandwich that you can make for $3 in less time than it takes for your delivery to get there qualifies as cheap?

>> No.14298354

Money is a reason

>> No.14298364

delivery 1-2 times per month and eating in a restaurant maybe once per month usually less

>> No.14298368

Do you go outside at all?

>> No.14298376

It's cheaper for me to buy then to waste my time making it.
No, I'm a NEET
My Mum is currently on vacation so I only eat fast food right now

>> No.14298381

>eat out
Gets deliveries to his house.

>> No.14298403

you made these purchases JUST to make this thread, didn't you?

>> No.14298404

>I'm a neet
Your time is worthless thus it's cheaper for you to cook instead of wasting your mom's and taxpayers' money.

>> No.14298411

Why would I lie on the internet?

>> No.14298413

Gotta admit, I envy you in some way.

>> No.14298415
File: 231 KB, 1080x1963, Screenshot_20200601-165226__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my brother

>> No.14298423

> neet
> "its cheaper for me because my time is valuable"

>> No.14298431

Why would I waste hours of my time when I could be playing osrs instead?

>> No.14298435

what a horrendous waste of money

>> No.14298436

The only thing I envy, is his ability to go through with an order on DD despite the 10 dollar """""taxes."""""

>> No.14298449

>Being a poorfag
My parents are rich so who cares

>> No.14298459

I'm a math major, any job I want 300k starting. The hidden fees and taxes are still downright ludicrous. I spend less money driving 2 cities down for my food than I do on Doordash.

>> No.14298502 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 430x430, 1577312323398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ I thought I spent too much on fast food.

>> No.14298512

I can't even remember the last time I ate out. Probably sometime last year.

>> No.14298515

>How often do you eat out?

>> No.14298517
File: 33 KB, 430x430, 1577312323398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys spend too much on fast food. Like damn I thought my $36-37 I spent was too much. Learn how to cook your own food.

>> No.14298518

>How often do you eat out?
1-2 a year.

>> No.14298523

Fast food is very unhealthy, tastes mediocre and is overpriced.
Why not just go to a good restaurant if you are too lazy to cook.

>> No.14298527

There's nothing you can do but LARP and seethe on /ck/ because OP's lavish lifestyle is throwing you down an envy spiral.

>> No.14298540

jesus christ this thread is so fucking autistic

>> No.14298633

two whole chickens cost less

>> No.14298669

I spend less than twenty USD a month on food and thus only ever eat out when someone else is paying. That amounts to once roughly every six weeks.

>> No.14298673

Before the pandemic it was twice a week. Zero times since March

>> No.14298680

>I spend less than twenty USD a month
where do you live?

>> No.14298682


>> No.14298689

all of my luxury spending goes towards /alc/ and weed, not garbage fast food

>> No.14298690

How is that even possible to spend less than $20 a month on food?

>> No.14298692

No one's jealous about the fact that you carelessly spend money on junk that fattens you up.

>> No.14298709

Go to food pantries.

>> No.14298712

>Cooking makes me sweat
Just say your morbidly obese and save us the excuses

>> No.14298856

Say that to my facefucker not online and see what comes about m8

>> No.14298863

Your mom should kick your useless ass out of the house

>> No.14298872

She is tho

>> No.14298914

My roommate orders food 6 days a week. We've lived together since the new year and he has yet to use the stove or oven.

>> No.14298918

I fucking hate fat people

>> No.14298937

OP is way overboard but I personally eat out nearly every day. 3-5 times a week, at least, whether it's a restaurant or ordering in. I'm not a great cook, and my roommate and I can't get on the same page with the cleaning (he cooks three times a day during quarantine).

Unlike OP though, it's almost never fast food unless something got fucked up and everything else is closed. When I'm working, I probably order in even more. The stress there is too much, and cooking at home is not something I want to do after a shit day where my brain is drained.

>> No.14298958

Okay pack it up boys this is an obvious b8 thread

>> No.14298966


>> No.14299012

Typical autistic /ck/ thread and pointless personal arguments. The board had been dead since Saturday and that loser was ordering from Domino's and couldn't tip. Thanks for the activity!

>> No.14299019

My personality has a first name its McDonalds
My personality has a second name its faggot
My personality has a third name its I will never own a home

>> No.14299054

You're missing out on plenty of dishes and delicious combinations by limiting yourself to fast food like that. Also the joy of doing it for yourself, saving money, getting better at cooking, having other people notice... Give it a chance. It's good.

>> No.14299155

Jesus Christ, who spends $20 eating fast food. At least eat somewhere good if you're spending that much

>> No.14299170

I've been getting it more often lately but thanks to you I think I'll stop entirely.

>> No.14299205

I ate out last time last year. I was gonna get drive thru ice cream from a local parlor for my bday but this post is making me realize its cheaper to just go to the store and get some...

>> No.14299235

use to be once a week with coworkers before rona hit
now most of them are laid off so i have no reason to eat out anymore
so OP id say it must be 6 months by now

>> No.14300433

They are not even all that filling, it's mostly sugar and 'meat adjacent' products. If you made your own food it would be considerably cheaper and would taste much better.

>> No.14300466

Not very often. My gf ordered from the kids menu last time we went out to eat. Hella embarassing

>> No.14300482

Just get 60 nuggets.

>> No.14302391
