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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 1400x1400, koreans-invented-pizza.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14295680 No.14295680 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of these fucking italians claiming what is rightfully korean.

>> No.14295696

gooks are delusional

>> No.14295717

Haven't seen that before. Got a good laugh

>> No.14295722

Flatbread with topping.
Wow what a revolutionary concept.
Every society with grain had this.
"Pizza" has a specific form and ingredients, it is a modern Italian dish.

>> No.14295726

I didn't know that the Korean empire stretched all the way to America.

>> No.14295730

>bibbedi boobbedi babbedi
cope harder luigi

>> No.14295740

Hilarious :)

>> No.14295759

>Koreans are now laying claim to the credit for things they didn't actually invent
So, did Koreans steal the concept of stealing credit from the Chinese?

>> No.14295774

>we wuz
>a korean speaking the words "the great chinese people"

I keep a very well-calibrated bullshit detector, and the readings are off the charts right now.

>> No.14295791

Are Koreans the Asian niggers?

They barely accomplished anything as a people other than being enslaved by the Chinese and the Japanese.

>> No.14296021

koreans invented everything and the world stole it from us. damn japanese stole our boats and pottery. damn chinese stole our land and innovations as there. and the goddamn italians stole our pizza.

>> No.14296300
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>this statue is the first buy one get one free garlic bread
i nearly shit myself

>> No.14296322

>Inventing everything and still couldn't prevent getting enslaved by all your neighbors and having it stolen.

>> No.14296358

This is literally just gook version of /pol/ All you /pol/tards sound and act exactly like this guy.

>> No.14296439

You sound like little bitches. Hangul is pretty neat though.

>> No.14296446

Italians have always copied good inventions from other cultures and made them exceptional.

Beretta took Walther's designs and made them sexy. The discovered noodles from China, removed the dog, and created pasta. They stole the idea of arches from the Etruscans and used them to contruct collisseums and aquaducts. They took the gladius from the Iberians and conquered the world with it. They learned about sex from the Greeks and realised you could also have it with women. etc.

>> No.14296489

that's a weird way to spell "whites"

>> No.14296518

>so many people itt not getting this is a sketch
is this real life? are these honestly the people i post with every day?

>> No.14296523

Korea was invented in Naples.
Cheque and make.

>> No.14296607
File: 69 KB, 605x454, 1539559546417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Koreans I'm sick of hearing my relatives say literally everything had origins in Korea. Every few days a week when I lived with them I had to listen to my relatives talk about all that bullshit about how pizza is originally Korean, how Spaghetti ripped off Korean noodles, and all sorts of of literal shit about everything. Every single time I would ever mention Japanese food they'd go on a rant about WW2 and how all of their food is based off of superior Korean food. They'd also talk about how Japan stole all of their technology from Koreans whenever a Japanese company came up. Fucking so sick of this shit I specifically went out and married a Japanese girl to piss them off.
Yeah the video in OP is a joke but I had to listen to people seriously talk about that kind of stuff and I seethe with anger every time I think back about it holy shit I'm so fucking angry

>> No.14296617

Why do you hate your people? Do you post on ilbe?

>> No.14296634

El Ron Hubbard was a Black man.

>> No.14296694

I was born in America and call myself American. I hold no allegiance to Korea but my relatives treat it like the holy land. Even to this day they refuse to properly learn English and instead stick to their Korean ghettos comfortable in their little hugbox. They're always talking about how great Korea was and how they want to go back but they never do. They sit here in America complaining about this country when they're living comfortably in the middle class. Every single Korean person from Korea I've known is like this. They still abide by stupid Korean customs and refuse to become part of the culture of the place we live in. This is probably due to my close proximity to them for the vast majority of my younger life but it was a huge negative impact of how I view them. I was even called a race traitor for liking Japanese video games and anime. I had friends of all colors as a child but my relatives used to constantly tell me not to talk to black people, mexicans etc. The blatant racism was shocking. I used to post on ilbe but I just hang out on here and some JP sites nowadays and I don't use Korean anymore really. Of course, I don't just ignore every Korean I meet. There's exceptions to everything and not everyone is retarded but the vast majority being that way just affected my general view of them.
This is of course all off topic though and sorry to the janitors who have to see this.
On the topic of pizza though Little Caesar's is one my favorites because my friends and I used to get it all the time for cheap and we'd sit around in the back of a pick up truck eating it and playing D&D.

>> No.14296720

I came here expecting people to talk about korean pizzas. I'm not sure if I should be surprised at how this thread turned out or not. Are there any korea specific pizzas even?

>> No.14296755

Its a satire commercial for "Mr. Pizza", calm down lol

>> No.14297173
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>> No.14297290

They put corn and mayo on pizza. No joke.

>> No.14298946

Interesting perspective. I knew nothing about Korea until I was stationed there. Got married and 3 kids later. I help cook for wifes k church and forced kids to learn Korean... IDK I love Korea, food gets kinda boring quick though. I have lived in Korea 5+ years 3military and 2 civilian. Son will have to either give up passport or join k military at 18. Weirdly my brother married a Korean American and she is like you I guess. Intentionally did not learn Korean to piss off family. Hates being called Korean etc.. She is from Socal as I am sure you are. This pizza thing is funny. The worst pizza you can get is in Korea. Mr. Pizza is ok and "Pizza school" chain is alright. But go to an "italian restaurant" and they will give you a tortilla with a glob of cardbord cheese and covered in honey. My realatives always try to treat me to a western restaurant there and I beg not too... Koreans have SS tier bread shops odly enough. So I make lots of ham sandwiches or pizza like bread. I start to insanely crave in-n-out after a while. Moms touch makes decent chicken sandwiches and subway is more common which is great for me. Blog over.

>> No.14298968

Whew lad.. Mr. Pizza is expensive as all hell but prob best Korean pizza chain. They will not make you a half and half pizza and look at you like you are from mars if you ask for it. "Can I have half cheese and half pepperoni?"... NOPE. They had a great chicken curry pizza a few years back but no more. They still make the shitty Asian style pizza: Squid chunks and cherries with corn and sweet potato stuffed crust covered in drissled honey and ranch.

>> No.14299879

I haven't seen this pasta in years. Thank you.

My life was in a very different place last time I saw this.

>> No.14300628




>> No.14301071
File: 89 KB, 720x706, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7333536666544e7a716d6e4d59773d3d2d3333313631323331302e313438353039376235653461363064343537363739343932373932332e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizzagooks invented frog pose.

>> No.14301091

>there's a pizza box on his head
>and garlic bread
Fucking lost. 10/10 came in thinking it was going to be legit.

>> No.14301092

Koreans are the worst asians

>> No.14301125

best feet though

>> No.14301268

Weird. Im half korean but my moms family all moved here from Korea as adults.
Outside of the nip hate I've experienced basically none of that, and even with that nobody cares I love anime and my mom used to practice Kanji with me when I learned it in high school. Theres still some of the korean pride and wanting me to date a korean girl, but for the most part they all prefer America outside of going back to visit once in awhile.

It might be a difference in social class. My moms family are all poor farmers who became successful in America and are now upper middle class. So their lives are way better now and they're very aware of it.

>> No.14301278

tldr; koreans are unfathomably based

>> No.14301329

>re ruz italian n shiet

>> No.14301331

>tldr; americanized koreans are unfathomably based
fixed that for you

>> No.14301443

Hope you see this post. I posted up on thread. My 3 kids are half Korean. Looking back is there anything you regret or wish your parents did more? I love Korea and am trying to get wife to move back to Korea. Kids can speak and sorta read. But, that means putting them in 100 percent Korean schools (oldest is soon grade 3).. Anyways, just wish to know from your experience any advice rasing half Korean kids or struggles they find in identity or fitting in. Wife is the Korean side btw. We go back every summer for 2 months for last 10 years, this year cant. My father in law misses me.. We go bar hopping and Norebang lol. Keeps asking wife when I can come haha. Miss the dude.

>> No.14301470
File: 895 KB, 878x930, 3D Pig Disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, someone put someone on ground grains.

Asians will try to steal anything they can. These fuckers will go through their history and try to find any excuse as to why they technically invented the radio, applesauce, or anything else that gives them more prestige. They can find evidence whether it exists or not.

>> No.14301476

Pasta is not noodles nor is it from China. Pasta was brought to Italy way back in the day through trade with Carthage, which is where it originated in its modern form. Carthage itself got it from trade with ancient Persia, but Persians ate it as a dessert, boiling it as normal but serving it with crushed ice, rose water and honey whereas the ancient Berbers of Carthage ate it with meats and vegetables as a savoury dish. The most common form still eaten in North Africa today is couscous but modern pasta is more similar to tlitli and berkoukes, which are also common in North African though less known abroad.

>> No.14301737

Have you seen all the other subhuman third worlder chinks. Gookland is like the asian canada in comparison.

>> No.14301744

>They're always talking about how great Korea was and how they want to go back but they never do.
>They sit here in America complaining about this country when they're living comfortably in the middle class.
>This is probably due to my close proximity to them for the vast majority of my younger life but it was a huge negative impact of how I view them.
Chink here, you're not alone. You should see some of the ridiculous one sided fake shit they share on wechat that just spirals them deeper and deeper into delusion.

>> No.14301751

I think every race does this.. the funniest being the we wuz kangs blacks.. thinking that they were the med euros that made egypt.

>> No.14301780

well, they're not far off the truth with the noodles/spaghetti thing

>> No.14301816
File: 28 KB, 750x530, c78151707571367b8eee26612331fcae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right on, OP. The Roman Empire (and by extension, modern Italy) stole all of its culture from East Asia. Even the fasces, a symbol of power in ancient Rome, is clearly nothing more than a bundle of chopsticks.

>> No.14302075

>Two separate people have the same basic idea
>OMG one of them has to have copied!!
t. didn't watch the video

>> No.14302077

You probably did. You reacted like a typical humorless white pride channer.

>> No.14302257

Kinda late but just woke up.
Honestly can't say much, we grew up in texas far away from anything korean. I wish my mom had taught us some korean since I speak next to none. Imo just force them to learn korean, they might hate it now but they'll appreciate it when they're older.

Otherwise from my experience, nobody in America cares that you're Asian, but koreans will judge you on being half not korean. I never experienced anything too horrible, but in korean groups in America as a half i was always seen as an outsider rather than a "real" korean, though that might also be in part because I can't speak any.

>> No.14302520

Wait until you guys hear about the Finno-Korean Hyperwar.

>> No.14303073

> too stupid to tell its a joke

>> No.14303282

Asians have the best commercials.

>> No.14303346

>stopped caring which race did what some time ago
>quality of life vastly improved

>> No.14303362

ok boomer

>> No.14303473

you're confusing koreans with finns, anon