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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, 1_FILE-PHOTO-Jeffrey-Epstein-appears-in-a-photo-taken-for-the-NY-Division-of-Criminal-Justice-Service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14295012 No.14295012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do you stop drinking?

>> No.14295017

I wish I knew, OP.
t. alcoholic of ten+ years

>> No.14295019

how do I stop trying to kill myself

>> No.14295020

If you've gotten to the point where cutting back is no longer a realistic option I say go balls deep. You'll fuck up eventually and wake up either dead or in rehab.

>> No.14295021

Just don't start

>> No.14295023

How do I start drinking?
I got kidney stones and advice to drink 3L a day but it's impossible.

>> No.14295026

I think I'm turning into an alkie. I quit weed because it was giving me anxiety and brain fog after almost a decade of daily use, and I simply subbed it with beers.
Every day I say 'just one beer', which turns into four, then into a haze of god knows what else and weird texts with women. I want to stop.

>> No.14295043

Get some discipline. Say no to your primitive instincts. Get control back of your body.

>> No.14295065

weed was child's play in comparison, and I say this as a daily toker. All it took was two-three sleepless, sweaty nights

>> No.14295068

>one beer turns into four
I wish. One beer turns into fifteen, at least. Lately I've gotten into the hard stuff... vodka, rum, whiskey, whatever.
My alcoholism has now ruined three relationships. Fuck it. I'm drunk right now. Smirnoff is my only friend.

>> No.14295078

that's what I'm saying, after four or so beers it just turns into a mish-mash haze od booze and embarrassment

>> No.14295102

Alcohol is too available and enjoyable to quit easily. No smoke, no dealers, no work whatsoever besides cracking the next can.

>> No.14295123

Don't be embarrassed by your alcoholism. Either embrace it, or seek help. If you're not religious, AA is bullshit. AA is bullshit anyway.
I don't know what to tell you, man. This is like the blind leading the blind.

>> No.14295130
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>have a crate full of beer in the fridge
>am on my 7th already (5 with frens in bar, 2 at home)
>I'm already texting my friend's mom
>it's 2 am
>tempted to get another one

>> No.14295141

how do i stop collecting wine that i won't drink anyway?

>> No.14295144

drink it anyway

>> No.14295147

Stop the texting now. Drinking won't stop overnight, but dumb texting can. Take your phone to another room, shove it in a drawer, and get it when you wake up tomorrow. Drunk texting is one of the worst things you can do.

>> No.14295148


>> No.14295157

she's being coy about it but she wants the dick
>haha what are you trying to achieve with this?
>you know you won't get any
>if we went to the pool I would totally drown you
I'm cute

>> No.14295172

Nevermind, you're both wasted retards.

>> No.14295179


>> No.14295210

I'm an alcoholic but I've instituted some rules that I follow every day to dilute the effects of over drinking and hopefully keep myself from dying at 38 in back alley or hospital bed.
I don't drink before 8PM, never more than two drinks on a weekday (although I sometimes pour a little closer to the top of the glass), I have to finish the dishes before the second drink and I don't drink at all on Sundays.

>> No.14295217

damn dude, you sound like me. I'm trying to taper now

>> No.14295220

I'm not even an alkie but I drink at least 4 pints with my mates daily every day

>> No.14295241

last photo of bourdain before he died. RIP

>> No.14295254

Good luck, anon. Seriously, good luck. I'm pushing thirty-five. Get off the liquor while you can.

>> No.14295272

RIP, No Reservations man. Can't believe it's been 20 years already.

>> No.14295286

Fuck if I know. I've had two alcohol-free days since quarantine and this is one of them. I was off the hooch for almost a month beforehand and now I've put all of the weight back on. I was drinking like 20 beers a day.

>> No.14295308

how do you bloat when not drinking? The booze made me fat(ter)

>> No.14295317

how are you an alcoholic?

>> No.14295346

>I don't drink before 8PM, never more than two drinks on a weekday
Same, for me 1 drink is an 8oz glass of bourbon. I wouldn't say I am an alcoholic though, I don't get withdrawals without it, I don't crave it just enjoy how I feel.

>> No.14295355
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>used to take me like 3-4 beers to get a comfortable buzz
>now my tolerance is up to 7-8
fuck bros, I can't even get comfortably drunk now
Is this where I'm supposed to move up to strong liquor binge-drinking?

>> No.14295368

I went back to drinking, that's the issue. I wasn't bloated up from the month off, now I am.

>> No.14295370

no, you're what the average western man was like 100 years ago

>> No.14295378

boxed cheap white wine my dude. Be ready to put on significant weight tho

>> No.14295397


I just started smoking weed man. I come from a pretty privileged family so I was fortunate enough to start spending some money at the local dispensary. I weaned off every day with less and less alcohol and just started smoking more weed. Eventually I lost all interest in the alcohol after I had plenty of weed to smoke. Fuck the hangovers man.

>> No.14295404
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>> No.14295412

why do we have so many people here who can't handle their drink? you niggers are just pretending to be burnouts because you think it makes you look like cool, washed up rockstars.

>> No.14295435

>One Little Girl

>> No.14295442

weed is awful for you, makes you cloud headed, forgetful, slurs your speech, and basically delets your dreams

>> No.14295453

Alcohol does this as well as destroy vital organs that matter. I wish I could get weed where I'm at but I live with my parents and the only edibles I could get were weak as hell despite not smoking for over 2 years.

>> No.14295465

shut your mouth and have a beer

>> No.14295471

You just stop. It's simple, but it ain't easy.
I pound a rack of Miller 64s these days, but it seems a lot easier to quit than liquor.

>> No.14295473

I am on my second glass of bourbon already, would prefer weed but alas.

>> No.14295475

Is that an ancient Nintendo game?

>> No.14295492
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I personally preferred Nightmare Creatures.

>> No.14295494


Not as destructive as alcohol

>> No.14295496

good taste, I liked light hearted stuff like Kula World and Tombi. Was a Playstation fag back then.

>> No.14295505

everything that feels good is destructive for you, be it booze, weed, cigarettes, hard drugs, or fatty foods.
The bottle is no less harmful than subsisting on fast food like most Americans.

>> No.14295507

Best of three worlds. For some reason I have the urge to play Command and Conquer Renegade.

>> No.14295512

PC games were great back in the day, I remember playing the shit out of Quake, and RTS like Populous during the transitional period between the PS1 and 2 on my Windows 98 gaymen rig.

>> No.14295524
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Truly a different time, and looking back I can't honestly chalk it up to nostalgia only. Cheers!

>> No.14295525

>wake up either dead
How do you wake up dead

>> No.14295551

nigger I'm downing scotch and playing the Vice City soundtrack in the background.
How can it be nostalgia when I'm nostalgic towards music my parents grew up with? It's just good shit, and zoomers are the ones complaining about about it because they were born to witness the downfall of modern Rome. They just wouldn't know greatness if it hit them.

>> No.14295553


Did you ever struggle with addiction or anything? You sound like you're coming from a place with some life experience.

>> No.14295557

Ever had a hangover lucid dream at 5 AM?

>> No.14295560
File: 150 KB, 551x413, +_89effe623643bab0ad9a2320d2c8256a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep.

>> No.14295574

I'm a pack-and-half a day smoker on a 10 daily beer minimum quota, and I do coke when I can afford it.
Life sucks and then you die and there's no going around it, even successful people succumb to life's lowest pleasures because they're secretly miserable.
My best advice would be to find something you truly love to dedicate your life to. Life without passion is meaningless, you need the drive to do something, whatever that may be, to feel fulfilled and content with yourself.
That and never treating women seriously because they're just overgrown children in need of dad's attention.

>> No.14295575

I feel this. I think some fags even coined a term for it: anemoia. I haven't felt nostalgic for anything from around the area of ~2005, other than old 4chan nonwithstanding. Here's to the Nth 64 and raising another 80s music video!

>> No.14295602

Passion is a myth.

>> No.14295603
File: 11 KB, 400x225, cheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel it too, every day.
Personally '07-'08 was the cutoff for me

>> No.14295612

it's not. Find something you love, and just do it. Tend plants, restore cars, nurse stray animals to health, just do something that tugs at your heartstrings, and hope it makes you feel whole. Profiting off such personal endeavours is what everyone should strive for.

>> No.14295627

Not that guy, but how old are you and whats the beer of choice?

You sound like a divorced dad...

>> No.14295634


>> No.14295642

nice meme

>> No.14295643

27, local shitter brew. My actual favourites are Leffe and Paulaner.
Not divorced but got cucked by a girl after a couple of years, which I never got over. Same difference more or less.

>> No.14295646

I just want you to know I find this thread fucking hilarious

>> No.14295652

yeah alkies are great company

>> No.14295713

I never dream when I’m drunk

But that doesn’t explain how you can wake up dead because your dead

>> No.14295749
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Bumping so I can read this and hopefully it's still going after I sober up in the morning

>> No.14295752
File: 10 KB, 220x220, CJ (but not from San Andreas).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?

>> No.14295754

i hate you all so fucking much

>> No.14295767

I hate niggers :DD

>> No.14295775

i stop when i run out of booze

>> No.14295777

that, too, anon. that, too.

>> No.14295781

No you go to bed alive but wake up dead. How do you know you woke up

>> No.14295784

Does anyone like them?

>> No.14295786

die. die op you fucking idiot. I hope god kills you and puts you in his jail

>> No.14295795

best part of that retarded movie, why do I have the dvd?

>> No.14295797
File: 10 KB, 320x240, CJ (but maybe from San Andreas).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it would'nt cause' you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed.

>> No.14295804
File: 13 KB, 250x350, hoshiwomiruhito_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcoholism runs in my family horribly. I started going off the deep end a few years ago, spent every damn night at the bar around the corner. Best thing I can say is to replace it with something that isn't destructive. Instead of drinking I run every morning, helped me get mental focus and lose weight at the same time.

>> No.14295808
File: 30 KB, 504x376, 3lrOdDo5jjn_gKVVP2ndEwcSnzWSfK7U5k_lLQCCsMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling an alcoholic to die

>> No.14295809
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Are you sure that's the best part?

>> No.14295813

Yeh, but what if you drink morning, noon, and night?

>> No.14295821

But you are in the bed man that’s how you wake up dead in the first place fool

>> No.14295824

Yes. Too many alcoholics hang on for years. Just end it right now.

>> No.14295828
File: 3.51 MB, 334x251, D5C7C48B-701F-4647-8FD5-8BDC06F65E6A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best moment

>> No.14295841

Damn! That's some QUANTUM shit there man!

>> No.14295844

Seriously how do you wake up dead

>> No.14295845

I always confuse these scenes with Malibu's Most Wanted. Is that a Ford Maverick?

>> No.14295849

This is some serious shit you wouldn't understand, 'lil homie. This is about.. thuggin' love.

>> No.14295859
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>> No.14295868

Dammit Laura is pure don't drag her into this.

>> No.14295932

>drink everything you already have
>be too lazy to buy any more

>> No.14295948

Dat's how you get the DTs when you're far in the game, anon.

>> No.14296008

You get the fuck away from people that drink

>> No.14296046

anyone that quit drinking get the urge to start drinking sodas and sugary drinks as a replacement?

>> No.14296049

>You get the fuck away from people that drink
that's fuckin stupid, I drink alone most of the time

>> No.14296058

That's how it works. You've been drinking fermented sugar and now you need a replacement.

AA would call me a fag, but you should do some Canada Dry, Mio, and bitters in lieu. No, three drops of bitters won't ever get you drunk, okay MOM!?!

>> No.14296065
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>Have a habit of a pint or so of vodka nightly, chased with seltzer, five nights a week for the past 7 years minus a month of sobriety. Plus a bowl of weed most nights.
I'm just glad I'm not totally in the deep end yet, and it's the only reliable way I've found to deal with my depression. Things will get better, I'm sure, but the game is rough.

>> No.14296068

Easier said than done. Most normal adults drink. The only way to find non-drinkers is when you lock yourself in with either rehab fags or the religious.

>> No.14296079

is al/ck/, dare i say it, back?

>> No.14296083

shhh... the jannies probably have keywords

>> No.14296091

pipe her dude. get that sweet flappy mom puss

>> No.14296092

how do you stoners deal with the fear that someday you could be drug tested and lose your job

>> No.14296094

we just light one up and try to forget about it

>> No.14296095

>rape someone
>get in prison
>rape someone
>get put into solitary

>> No.14296096

they don't have jobs

>> No.14296098

Most I know deal with it by only working shit jobs that will never test them anyway. That or they work in finance.

>> No.14296101

most jobs don't drug test

>> No.14296113

Find a hobby that takes up your time and you shouldn't be drunk when doing it.
Like knife making, wood working, machining parts, something with lots of fast moving spinning objects.
You might think fuck it's to expensive but it's also way cheaper than nightly grog every day till you die.

>> No.14296126

You underestimate the fuck-it nature of alcoholism. For example, as a contractor I have to drive all the time. My employer lapsed their insurance in September of 2019.

My friend is a FedEx driver.

>> No.14296128

>>rape someone
>>get in prison
>>rape someone
>>get put into solitary
>rape yourself (masturbation)
>go to hell
>rape Satan
>become the new Satan
>get defeated by Jesus
>become a believer
>attend church
>get raped by a priest
>he surrenders
>he gets thrown in prison
ad infiniti

>> No.14296131
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yeah i had no hobbies other than 4chinz before but i started fishin
still drink nighty though

>> No.14296203

unless you're knocking back 15+ on friday and saturday you're a tourist

>> No.14296230

Holy shit, as an alchie I sleep with 3 liters by my bed that I down just because I'm so goddamn dehydrated.

>> No.14296259
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Wish I knew anon, been a pretty heavy alkie for 3-4 years now and I hate it a lot of the time. Started when I was quitting benzos and used alcohol to help ween off, escalated to like 15-20 beers a day and now I go through about a half handle of tito's every day. I try to never drink before 5pm but sometimes I just get way too shaky and anxious to not have 1-2 drinks before then. I've gotten to points where I've weened myself down a bit but always end up falling right back into it on a saturday because I think eh fuck it i'll have a few more drinks and next thing I know i cant even stand up. It can make me feel pretty embarrassed when I feel like people notice me being shaky or just kindve stare when I drink a shitload with others. It will also fuck you weight wise pretty badly

>> No.14296268

What kind of shitty doc won't give you at least pregabalin for a letdown without doing the [insert female doctor name] method of tapering? Other than abuse potential, benzos might have been less destructive.

>> No.14296271

Wasn't getting benzos from a doctor, strictly on the street, I was taking 4+ mg of alprozolam a day

>> No.14296276

Just keep all the water you need for the day in one ridiculous sized water bottle, sip it throughout the day and start pushing your limits with how much you can drink in one go till you get comfortable taking huge swigs casually, that's what got me to a gallon of water a day

>> No.14296289

>15+ on friday and saturday you're a tourist
do 15+ daily, fuckin casual, see you purgatory

>> No.14296297

gross, don't do that. Should've maybe got on a tapering schedule, but well, if we could do that then we wouldn't be here.

>> No.14296327 [DELETED] 

Taper. Wine is your friend.

>> No.14296328

Some bad sleep, shakes, and sweats. Also you will probably want to start do it again.

Faggots that say AA are trading you for another sin. It's a cult dependent on caffeine, regiment, and religion.

>> No.14296419

First: truly want to quit / change

Second: change your lifestyle, do mor shit with your body, read more

third: ween yourself

its a start

>> No.14296430

>First: truly want to quit / change
The ultimate truth. Fact is, we're comfortable. White man's burden. Except I'm black.

>> No.14296510

Man, I'm older than you and been doing it for a long time but it's starting to get out of hand, I can't remember the last day I didn't drink. I don't really want to die yet hence the taper. Think about it.

>> No.14296552

Unless you're drinking more than 24 standard drinks in a day (roundaboutsthere), then switch to shitty beer, then shitty light beer, then shitty extra light beer. If more than that, maybe you gotta go to the doc for the benzos and banana bag.

>> No.14296558

Best part is shotgun shovel you stupid drunks.

>> No.14296562

nah this method just makes you fat if you survived long enough

>> No.14296566

I-it's going to work eventually! It's not like I can find a mommy girlfriend to take care of me in my current state.

>> No.14296580
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Shoot, I almost forgot!

>> No.14296583
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Third sober night in a row after drinking 6-12 drinks a night for the past two months. Wasn't drinking enough to need the taper. Feels good man

>> No.14296590

Practicing for the olympics i see?

>> No.14296595

I'm not even all that drunk. Cheeky bastard!

>> No.14296598

drink till you can't drink no more.

>> No.14296599

maybe i'm too autistic to get into a situation where it ruined my life but i figured if i smoke and drank myself to death it would be an easy way out. turns out you still have to earn money for the booze so you end up just being a wagie slave. 31 and still not dead. although my body is to the point where if somebody found me dead they would just be like "oh yeah this guy died" instead of asking questions cheers and good luck

>> No.14296600

I was buying Kirkland vodka by the case and going though them fairly quickly. Now I'm down to Miller lites, about 8-10 an evening and if I eat I have no buzz. Starting to feel actually somewhat good in the morning.

>> No.14296610

Aite, temper with some Miller 64sTM and fuck it, we both know you're not going to jump off the booze-train. But at least you can be certain that two of them is only about 1.15 times a regular beer. Yay! Progress!

>> No.14296619

that sounds like an alcholic, unlike the guy who has 2 drinks a night and doesn't drink at all on sundays

>> No.14296630

Pouring liquor to the top of the glass twice is like 8 drinks in a standard highball. Not that I'm judging, but we all have levels of self-deception.

>> No.14296632

I think the test for whether you are a dyed-in-the-wool alky is when you buy vodka with the intention of drinking it by yourself or drink stuff that you don't even like the taste of.

>> No.14296661

>the test for whether you are a dyed-in-the-wool alky is when you buy vodka with the intention of drinking it by yourself
Don't most people do that? The point at which I started thinking I might have a problem is when I started drinking a decent amount of that vodka before getting out of bed every morning.

>> No.14296710
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yeah no you're right. we all start buying shit we don't like. what the other guy was saying is if you learn to choke down a bunch of terrible shit once you lose all of your friends you can just drink that way every night i get what he's saying

>> No.14296715

quite simple, stop buying alcohol, imagine how much money you can save!

>> No.14296717

>sell your car and ride the bus from now on!
>IMAGINE how much money you could save!
fuck you retard

>> No.14296730

120 days sober here, was doing a six pack a night for years.

dont put yourself in a state of learned helplessness. its hard but possible and worth it. find a group if you cant seem to do it alone.

life is hard enough without battling booze.

>> No.14296849

anyone here have an abdomen that constantly hurts?

i only had four beers tonight.

i have no job and everyday i go to the skatepark at around 4 to 6 to start drinking with all the other people who show up at 4 to 6 and we keep buying 12 packs until we all go home drunk.

>> No.14296867

You don't have much longer

>> No.14296960

I usually drink because I am a neurotic bastard. Once I start drinking I stop giving a shit.

>> No.14296965


>> No.14296972

Yeah a lot of times I do. Sometimes they scare the shit out of me. It feels like i am actually conscious. I've noticed as well the effects to exacerbated by stimulants when your mind is trying to sleep, but your body wants to keep moving.

>> No.14296982

Yes. I always crave a soda when I'm hungover. I've noticed that with other people as well.

>> No.14296994

Or when your body is trying to sleep, but your mind keeps moving

>> No.14297066

Switch to something else like coffee, there is a reason AAfags drink the shit all day, it fucking helps. Just start simple.

>> No.14297072

valium, thats what they give you in hospital to deal with withdrawals.
i had pancreatitis from excessive drinking and had the worst pains, stayed in hospital for a month as they pumped me so full of fluid i was constantly peeing and my stomach looked like an african childs.

>> No.14297076

fuck you for having a social life kek

>> No.14297078

>a six pack a night for years

but you do you guy and god bless

>> No.14297080

>raises blow out comb
>tips 40 - whoa fuck that - that shit is mine nigga

>> No.14297105

You can't. You need to temaon hydratesm

>> No.14297114

>1. taper.
if your condition is bad enough, having seizures sucks- especially if you live in a state where if you have two within a certain period they’ll suspend your license for a year.
>2. get some benzodiazepines from your primary care physician if you can. Just tell your doctor that every once in a while your heart starts beating like a jackrabbit and you’re experiencing shortness of breath and feeling faint.
if they try to prescribe busbars, say that you’ve tried them in the past and they make you severely nauseous. Settle for Valium or Xanax.
This will help stave off the anxiety of PAWS, and also do well to prevent seizures.
>3. stop drinking socially, or get used to drinking water and being a helpful pal to your drunk pals.
when you taper you should be at home. social drinking always drags me into wild nights and awful relapses.
>4. i know it sounds gay, but get a fucking hobby. bicycles (riding/maintenance [music helps]), or devote yourself to work if there’s anything remotely enjoyable about what you do.
>5. if you’re on good terms with them, see your family as often as possible. seeing them being actually happy about seeing you sober actually strikes a real chord.
>t. was a functioning alcoholic for five years drinking a handle every day
If anyone want to continue or add to this, feel free.

>> No.14297127

6. kys you know this is what it was always coming to anyway. who really cares about you? nobody. they just put on an act to convince themselves life really matters. it doesn't.

>> No.14297133

You pass out.

>> No.14297143

Don’t cut yourself on that edge, friend.
This thread is really only trying to help people.
Keep on keeping on with your DUDE LAMO and trying to convince yourself that you’re better than everyone else.
Right now my hobby/job is tending to crops of papayas, avocados, bananas, tomatoes, basil, several varations of peppers, and restoring houses.
Complacency is a huge part of it, and it’s a vicious cycle. As long as I can stay sober to do those things, I’m able to still have a few beers after a hard day’s work. You don’t have to be one of those sadsack “I can’t touch booze at all ever again because I have a disease” because that’s a fucking bummer to all those around you, but it is pretty important to stay sober and keep it under wraps for the first few months just so you can get out of that cycle and prove to yourself that you’ve got basic self control.

>> No.14297147

Or die. That's always a good option, friend.