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14290976 No.14290976 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do i stop drinking lads

>> No.14290980

you do not hahahahahah, die motherfucker die

>> No.14290981

Kill yourself

>> No.14290992

Considering how shit the world is right now, why would you want to stop?

>> No.14290991


i watched this

>> No.14290997

The naked mind. I'm there with you

>> No.14291014

it already tastes like shit

>> No.14291035

Cherish your mornings

>> No.14291097

Join a SMART group near you. Taper or get benzos for the withdrawal or getting a medically assisted detox.

>> No.14291117
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x1908, 20200110_021033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I was growing increasingly concerned about my obscene daily drinking but things just kept coming up in my favor and now I have a great paying job I enjoy, money in the bank, and all my bills paid except faggot property tax. Just last year I was considering killing myself and here today life's a ball and I'm having the best year of my life despite changing nothing and carrying on as usual. Pic related is my empties from January lol

>> No.14291135

How blasted do you get every day?

>> No.14291149
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This. Try 51/50ing yourself as a suicide, they'll hold you for three days and be forced to medically detox you along the way and probably discharge you with some benzos. Don't lie about your drinking history if anything exaggerate it. Once you get out it's relatively easy to stay sober as long as you develope good coping mechanisms. AA, Smart, Cognitive behavioral therapy. Those all help, pick your flavor of recovery. I also suggest medically assisted treatment so you can get your hands on naltrexone, acamprosate, or gabapentin. Those all have an effect of cravings. Avoid antibuse that shit helps no one. If your liver numbers come back funky get a CT of your liver and check fatty buildup or scarring. Start eating again. get some vitamin b1 and b12 to help unfuck some of the damage. Gets some vitamin D and potassium too since your levels are probably super low depending on how much you drink.

t. brutally severe alcoholic

>> No.14291192

1140mL vodka per day, after i complete a full day of work

>> No.14291199

So black out standing up levels of drunk?

>> No.14291221

How do you drink that much daily and not have to continue drinking at work? At that level aren't you hungover the entire day?

>> No.14291234

I'm sure you can keep doing that forever lol

>> No.14291259

sublimate your anguish and cravings into something useful, like art or music
or just find a replacement addiction like chronic masturbation, scratch-off lottery ticket or giving away your money to internet whores like /r9k/ does

>> No.14291274
File: 80 KB, 960x948, 99157932_10222893156266473_6372254462370643968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

during quarantine i went from "having a dram once in a while" to killing an inch of a liquor bottle every night.

>> No.14291278

I quit a fifth-of-98-proof-liqour-a-day habit in part by joining a SMART group. I actually hosted one weekly before the pandemic. I found a lot of stuff in the SMART program helped me, but what I realized was that the biggest benefit it brought was having something to be accountable to. I like SMART because I learned a lot from the people I met there during open discussions, which as far as I know AA discourages(no cross talk). Honestly no program could have really taught me what I learned form talking to other people. I've been sober over a year now, and despite all the shit going on my life is looking up for the first time in a long time.

OP if you're serious and you can't stop by yourself, doing what >>14291149
said is a good idea if it's available to you.

>> No.14291284

you're drinking lads?
pray away the gay, anon

>> No.14291346

Nah I usually go to bed around 1am nicely tired but not wasted
Never drank at work and have no withdrawals except shaky hands at 31.
Probably not but 10yrs strong and I'm in great shape, cheers to ck lads

>> No.14291375

Smoke weed

>> No.14291391

hahaha how is alcoholism even real haha like nigga just stop drinking hahaha

>> No.14291411

I don't drink that much and wake up toasted. Not sure how you can work with that much still in you.

>> No.14291646

I never had an issue unless I had premeditated calling off work. As long as you get 5-7hrs and a decent meal in you'll be right as rain

>> No.14291651

Jesus and I was feeling guilty about having a few beers every other day.

>> No.14291758

Hopefully you'll have a really bad night where some bad shit happens but not stuff that is too bad. Just enough to make you realize you should dry up a little.

>> No.14291765

Just don’t

>> No.14291767

I've expected that night for years and instead only received good times and hilariously lucky days

>> No.14291808

Different anon here. Been drinking like a fish For a decade. 28 now, I have blacked out hundreds of times and almost died dozens of times. Once my Trumpbux are gone I have to stop, I can see my lights fading and Satan is on my ass like a motherfucker. Never wanted it to be like this. It won't last forever. Stop drinking, not worth it m8.

>> No.14291827

Drinking is fun. I just know that it took me quite a few ugly nights before I decided I would stop chugging vodka like the other guy in this thread. I was drinking a bottle of vodka throughout the day taking nips at work and would get sick without it. Right now I have a bottle of wine but that is all I purchased because I don't want to be sick/stuck on vodka again. I took 90 days off and it helped immensely.

>> No.14291832

Drinking is fun but I take it to a retarded all or nothing level where I will slam a half gallon of cheap vodka in 6-12 hours.

>> No.14291845

Found the russian.

>> No.14292177

Just don't drink, you pathetic faggot.

>> No.14292374

More like how do I start drinking. Everytime a social situation calls for drinking, I really have to force myself to do it. Alcohol tastes TERRIBLE. How does anyone ever get addicted to this stuff.

>> No.14292388

3 and a third shots? If you spread that throughout the day, ain't it fine? For me, that would just make me drowsy

>> No.14292453

>Just don’t
this. just stop bro . what are you retarded?

>> No.14292662


>> No.14292671

>stop using 4chan
unironically, same thing

>> No.14292677

kratom unironically helped me from quitting a handle every 2 days habit. I have no desire to drink now save for when I'm with family which is rare, and when I do I only have enough to be buzzed. It's not for everyone but for me it's a godsend. I lost everything, fiance, job, friends, from my drinking. Please help yourselves anon, it's possible. You CAN get to that place where a drink doesn't even sound particularly enjoyable.

>> No.14292715
File: 30 KB, 480x480, d8b4463866a9f84b19999a2f7a765631db05b569_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop using alcohol
>but take this opioid of unregulated purity and dosage, it's totally safe my dude

>> No.14292729

>start dating a girl from Wisconsin
>drinks more than any other girl I've ever met

Fuck me man. I used to only drink on Fri and Sat nights before going out but now I'm basically drinking throughout the whole week.

>> No.14292738

replace it with vinegar

>> No.14292751

you can stop without medical intervention but it's gonna be an absolutely miserable two days and
shakes, sweats, elevated blood pressure and heartrate, more vomiting/dry heaving than you ever thought possible, total insomnia for at least one night due to the unrelenting assault of manic closed-eye hallucinations (followed by three or more days of intense dreams and night sweats), blurred vision, loss of equilibrium, coordination and dexterity, urinary retention, and a paradoxical combination of constipation and foamy diarrhea

waking up sober and well rested feels real fuckin good a week later though

>> No.14292777

Ask her to give you a cheesejob sometime, those are the friggin' bomb.

>> No.14292810

The age old question lads:

Is today going to be an eating day or a drinking day? I am leaning toward drinking myself

>> No.14292862

stop now dont wait retard. spend the last of it on some pot.

>> No.14292868

everytime you want to drink , just drink water instead bro.

>> No.14292929

is it alcoholism to just have a couple beers every night?

>> No.14293022

according to modern day standards yes but your grandpappy's grandpappy probably started chugging gin with breakfast.

>> No.14293032

Dont have any alchohol in your home. Nothing. If is there you will drink it. Get rid of it all. Then dont buy any. No beers no whiskey. Even when you get the urge for beer and pizza. Dont give in.

>> No.14293118

Asceticism is not the answer. Although if you are a bonafied alcoholic, you need to quit completely.

>> No.14293177

Keaton is weak af chill

>> No.14293380

Develop a taste for expensive liquor. When I stopped buying the cheap stuff, drinking became less about getting drunk and more about appreciating the different notes and flavors in a whiskey.

>> No.14294161

What is a cheesejob?

>> No.14294252

come over here and i'll show ya pretty boy

>> No.14294306

According to google, a job at Chuck e cheese

>> No.14294369

Get into weed instead

>> No.14294394

try to find a constructive activity that fills the void in your life that you've been covering up with alcohol. if thats not the case, then find a constructive activity that fills the void that will be left when you stop using alcohol. you absolutely CAN do it, and you will succeed eventually even if you stumble sometimes. one fuck up doesn't undo all progress you've made. if you trip on a shitty sidewalk while you're walking to the park, you still get to the park if you get up and keep walking.

>> No.14294419

i went to rehab for a year and many, many AA meetings.

>> No.14294464

did it help?

>> No.14294482


coming up on two years in august, so yeah

so glad i got off the booze cruise. fuck that life, man.

>> No.14294488

Technically yes. According to modern standards anything more than 3 beers a month is minor alcholism.
However humans have been operating on the glass of wine/2 beers a night thing for fucking thousands of years.

>> No.14294541

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/31090957