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14275391 No.14275391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been this drunk in public?

>> No.14275406

The drunkest I ever been was when about 10 years ago in a bar in hawaii. I got so shitfaced that I was seeing tripe and could barely stand up. I ended up rolling myself out of the bar, laid down under a tree, and went to sleep. Woke up to an old lady staring at me and shaking her head with disapproval.

>> No.14275448

Do they speak English in Hawaii?

>> No.14275465

you've never been so drunk you saw tripe?

>> No.14275477

I got drunk in osaka, and did a bunch of coke. I ended up just wandering the alleys at 3-5 in the morning, and somehow I ended up at my hostel. I was walking for 2 hours.

>> No.14275488


My brain is being destroyed by alcohol.

>> No.14275493

>in osaka
i find it unlikely you found cocaine in japan. on the off chance your story is true tell us more about how u obtained such a substance

>> No.14275508

There’s a bar in Osaka where lots of designer drugs come through...it’s one of the only hot zones in Japan. It wasn’t necessarily “coke” but had a similar chemical profile, was fun as shit either way

>> No.14275535

French guys invited me to a club (I speak a little french, canadian educated.) The club had 2 dancefloors, that's all I really remember about it. A french guy got it for us, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.14275545

i was walking back across the river to get on the red line and for some reason CDOT had the state st. drawbridge up. i couldn't figure out why, despaired at the hopelessness of my situation (instead of just turning around and walking four blocks back to the next stop) then just passed out. woke up like three hours later and the bridge was down. nice.

>> No.14275558

flipped a car driving home from the bar right before christmas a good 4 years ago. that didnt sober me up tho, the alcoholic hepatitis did like 4 months ago. feels better to not constantly either be hung over or drinking. i do miss some of it tho but i know i couldnt stop if i started again so im just gonna stay sober for a while until another bad time comes again

>> No.14275578
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Not in public because I always have to drive home. I DID however wake up to this on the inside of my biceps a couple days ago. I guess I took quite a spill one night drunk . No memory of it.

>> No.14275582


>> No.14275610

>I ended up rolling myself out of the bar, laid down under a tree, and went to sleep.
Yikes, you could have died!
>Woke up to an old lady staring at me and shaking her head with disapproval.
Yea, that's kind of unspeakable behavior. It's why there are public intoxication laws and why some neighborhoods cut off times to serve alcohol and such. It kind of ruins local businesses not to be respectful when you leave. :/ She could have called the police on you!

>Do they speak English in Hawaii?
Of course they do. Not sure that Japanese people handle their alcohol any differently, plus many have that weird issue in their genes with alcohol metabolism.

>It wasn’t necessarily “coke” but had a similar chemical profile, was fun as shit either way
Sounds wrong. I sure wouldn't have tried any random substance from a club in Osaka of all places, loljustsayno.

>> No.14275614

I have been stupidly drunk before.
It was not good.

Fortunately, I’ve learned how my body responds to alcohol so thoroughly that I hit that sweet spot of intoxication almost every time. You know, where you can still walk and talk but everything just feels better and you aren’t worrying yourself to death.

>> No.14275623

Yikes. Quite a bruise! Looks like something pokey and sharp impacted there, two big purple dots there. There wasn't anything knocked over?

>> No.14275627

>Fortunately, I’ve learned how my body responds to alcohol so thoroughly that I hit that sweet spot of intoxication almost every time. You know, where you can still walk and talk but everything just feels better and you aren’t worrying yourself to death.
You can? I hate being in public after a few days without drinking and I feel the buzz coming on. I'm afraid what I'll say or do. It always scares me.

>> No.14275646

Nothing knocked over. I must have hit my coffee table. I'm just glad it was my arm and not my teeth.

>> No.14275656

Hells yeah man, the secret is to have a little food in your stomach and to sip slowly. Before you know it, there’s a smile growing on your lips, and you’re talking to everyone and they actually seem to enjoy talking and worry melts away.

Notice how I didn’t say to pound back drinks. That’s how you end up praying at the porcelain altar when you come home. The reason younger drinkers get sick off booze is because they don’t know their tolerance (and just how little it is).

Drink little, but drink well, my friend.

>> No.14275688

I got carried out of a family party after falling out of my chair drunk. Strangely enough, corona has prevented any gathering since.

>> No.14275705

>he believes coronavirus is real

>> No.14275711

Real or not, the media circus has kept me from having to go to family gatherings.

>> No.14276151

i poop my pant

>> No.14276161

>Real or not, the media circus has kept me from having to go to family gatherings.
*helpfully prevented me

>> No.14276175

One time I lost my stuff in a club: my phone and pack of cigarettes together. When I realized it was missing I went to the bar to ask the bartender about it. I hadn't felt that drunk up until now, but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak the words came out all fucking jumbled and wrong and I realized I was in over my head. With much yelling over the music, the bartender handed me my phone. I was so drunk that I couldn't think what else it was that I was missing, only that it was the other thing I had been holding together with my phone, so I kept asking over and over again for "the other half" of my phone while crying and the bartender had no idea what the fuck I was talking about. Then I fell down six stone steps on my way out of the bar and broke my ankle.

True story. Feels bad. There have been plenty of other really drunken stories but this is the one that comes to mind as having been so drunk I could neither walk nor speak.

>> No.14276386

Only to English speakers. Locals get to hear everyone talk about houlies, dry pish and da kine.

>> No.14276444
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>At anime convention
>Drunk as shit with my friends in the lobby
>Suddenly feel the need to hurl
>Only receptacle within range is a box of wings some guy left near the coach I'm on
>Vomit all over them
>Close the lid, walk off into the crowd
>how I imagine this guy's face when he came back and found his wings with special sauce

>> No.14276538

I’ll never understand why some people need to puke into something. Like, sure, if you can, but just puke on the floor and get out of there. Not worth ruining someone’s wangz.

>> No.14276548

It was a nice hotel, and I didn't want the convention getting in trouble for it.

>> No.14276569

Well that’s nice of you. Cheers.

>> No.14276608
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>not puking on yourself
never gonna make it

>> No.14276614

In all my years I've managed to never to do that. Even when passing out, it was puking off the edge of the bed.

>> No.14276705

My best moment was having around 10 shots on a rum distillery tour (niggas were generous with samples) then I visited Ikea for the first time, while also being completely shitfaced and stumbling around in a blur, got the meatballs while I was there. Was with my dad just to add to the fun of this

Fortunately I had a hypothesis that because the rum is smooth as fuck I wouldn't be hungover, this ended up being true and I went to an amusement park five hours later lightly hungover. Think I pissed on the outside of my pants at some point

>> No.14276974

I went to a Halloween party at a bar shitfaced, To this day I don’t remember getting back home but I woke up with multiple bruises, someone else’s scarf in my bed and a fake $100 bill. I think I was raised but didn’t end up pregnant so that’s good I guess

>> No.14276978

I meant raped god dammit

>> No.14277009

The drunkest I've ever been in public was at a bookfair that, um, had $2 drinks.
The only eventful thing that occurred was I walked into a street light and passed out for a few minutes. Some nice crust punks came to see if I was ok.