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14276081 No.14276081 [Reply] [Original]

Doc says I need to eat more fiber for my digestive system

>> No.14276095

you could gnaw on celery

>> No.14276136

picture in the OP is kinda hot

>> No.14276146

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I started typing something like that, but I deleted it because I didn't want to be the first.

>> No.14276152

I think the rugged determination is what does it for me. I find this admirable in women.

>> No.14276157

Shit this happens to me too sometimes, I feel the need to shit but it's hard as fuck and it hurts, then hard and dark nuggets plop in the water under my asshole.

The paper is 100% clean when I wipe my back, there are occasionally some dots of blood because of the ripped anus.

I don't eat enough fruit or vegetables, I deserve this.

>> No.14276167

I wonder if you're drinking enough water, too. I think that has an effect on your poos. How clear is your urine?

>> No.14276177
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>> No.14276186
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It's clean but probably you're right, I never drink apart from when I eat and some occasional sip.

Also pic related happens to me.

>> No.14276198

3 liters a day.

>> No.14276204

I only eat beans every day
Beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans beans mmmmm beans

>> No.14276206

Hmm, pretty sure I drink less than that amount of water even if I consider juices and tea.

>> No.14276223

2.5L is ok for vagina persons. Although that would be an unusual spray pattern.

>> No.14276246

Just eat an only meat diet, you won't have to worry about taking a shit for days.

>> No.14276248
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This is great and easy to make. Only adjustments I have are to wilt the greens in a large stock pot (it goes a lot faster) and to add 1/8 tsp of nutmeg.

>> No.14276334

Just pop a psyllium husk pill daily and you won't have to worry about changing your diet drastically.

>> No.14276439

Eat raisin bran every morning.
I love frosted mini wheats but they feel like sand paper down my throat.

>> No.14276459

grape nuts, shredded wheat, raisin bran, oatmeal, beans, broccoli, avocados, berries, apples

>> No.14276460

What would you do to her if you walked in on her taking a shit?

>> No.14276465

take a few sips of some mineral oil

>> No.14276503

Just buy some psyllium husk and start cooking with it, it's cheap as shit and works like a charm. When I did keto I used to make a keto shitbomb cereal snack out of it and I shit like magic, perfect smooth shits, minimal wiping, like clockwork within 30 minutes after I ate.

2 Tbsp psyllium husk (or 1 Tbsp psyllium husk powder)
1 Tbsp whole flax seed
1 Tbsp any crushed nut or seed of your choice (I would use hemp hearts)
1 Tbsp cocoa powder (optional)
1 Tbsp sweetener (keto uses erythritol but you can have sugar if you like)
pinch of salt

Mix the dry ingredients together. In a separate bowl, heat 1/4 cup milk and 2 Tbsp butter until hot and butter is melted. Mix the dry into the wet and eat immediately. The psyllium husk will turn the porridge into a weirdly firm glob if you let it sit longer than a couple minutes, but it's only a few spoonfuls anyway.

YOU MUST DRINK A BOTTLE OF WATER WITH THIS OR IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BAD. It absorbs a lot of water but that's why it works.
Enjoy your perfect dream shits.

>> No.14276612

dahl or some split pea soup.

>> No.14276619
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>psyllium husk

this nigga knows whats up. I grab a 1L bottle and fill it with water then stick enough husk in it till it becomes runny jelly then guzzle that shit down. Makes for the BIGGEST turds yet can shit it out easily its almost pleasurable.

>> No.14277439

Lots of fiber actually causes constipation.

>> No.14277910


>> No.14277947


>> No.14277995

>"try this toilet"
>kneel down and open my mouth

>> No.14278000

anyone like a cleveland steamer?

>> No.14278002


>> No.14278019

what is she thinking aobut in her speech buble? A rock like she is pooping a rock or is that soluble mineral fiber or somethin>?

>> No.14278032

I find metamucil works extremely well. I put it in a shaker bottle, 1tablespoon of it, shake it and then wait a bit for it to get a little thick. Drink that with dinner and the next morning you'll have a smooth shit and feel 100% to start the day

>> No.14278043

As far as dinner goes, just eat plenty of vegetables. Most veggies contain a decent amount of fiber.

If you want something that's especially high in fiber, you can go a long way by mixing up some cereals, seeds and nuts. Some of the most fibrous ingredients you can use are chia seeds and flax seeds (both around 33% fiber). Mix them up with other stuff like shredded coconut, mixed nuts, sunflower seeds and crushed oats, and eat it with a mashed banana and some greek yogurt (or skyr/quark for more proteine). It's easy, satiating af and very tasty.

>> No.14278045

Oats. I eat them every morning and have zero problems with my bowels.
t. literal boomer

>> No.14278049
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Fiber is a meme. Just eat more greens (salads, lettuce, endive, rocket, spring onions, lemon balm, basil, mint, etc.). Add tomatoes and cucumbers. Make the whole lot into a salad and you'll be fine. Much better for your digestion that oatmeal or whatever the fiber meme recommends.

>> No.14278058

just take fiber pills then you don't have to worry about extra calories.

>> No.14278063
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These things are good, especially for a quick breakfast

>> No.14278064

fiber isn't super necessary, what you need to do is limit the amount of fat you eat.
fat significantly slows down digestion, because the body wants to absorb every bit of fat it can.
the long it takes for poo to digest, the drier and harder it becomes.

>> No.14278067

only if you are an athlete.

>> No.14278080

Oh man imagine her sphincter slowly turning inside out as she grunts

>> No.14278092

imagine the foul vapors from her curryshits filling the toilet booth.

>> No.14278302

If you struggle with your bowel movements, soak and puree dried prunes in magnesium water, then drink the concoction everyday.
Can pregnant and nursing women safely consume psyllium husk?

>> No.14278447

This is why I hate America's culture.
Why bother eating a balanced diet including the bare minimum of vegetables and fruits not to get sick when you can pay for overpriced supplement that barely passed the FDA low requirement thanks to bribes to balance all the nutritional depletion from your retarded fast food/industrial diet.


>> No.14278484
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you must be new here. vegetables are a socialist soros CDC world gubmint hoax designed to make us all gay and turn our boys into girls and girls into boys

>> No.14278983

but husk is literally natures poop refiner? look up its indian origins

>> No.14278997

Legumes are a top contender.
Whenever you make something, just ask "Would this be good if I added some beans/chickpeas/lentils to it?" If the answer is "yes", then just do it.

Otherwise, make it a point to have a serving of veggies with every meal and eat fruit in between.

Sorry to say anon, but if you are not getting enough fiber as is, my guess is your whole diet is probably shit, not just because of a lack of fiber.

>> No.14279001


Definitely safe in pregnant women. No studies in nursing women but I would assume safe. It's not technically a medication (no "active ingredient"). The only thing to be concerned about is absorption/excretion if taken along with medications.

t. pharmacist

>> No.14279003

>down my throat
Why is this thread so sexual?

>> No.14279513

A fruit smoothie is great for "moving things along".
Frozen fruit in small pieces, yogurt, milk, all blended together. Ratios can be adjusted to taste and which fruit/yogurt/milk can be switched around or changed up to avoid flavour fatigue.

>> No.14279519

Eat more green leaves. Lettuce, kale, spinach. Whatever. Try to have more vegetables in your diet in general. They act like a pipe cleaner for your guts and gets shit flowing again.

>> No.14279626

Shredded wheat cereal bro. Trust me.

>> No.14280245

Husks are a protective ligneous ...husk you are not really supposed to eat them

They do have a mechanical effect on your digestive tract, but so would sawdust. Please just eat fruits and vegetables from time to time instead of pills of dry cardboard made far across the world.

>> No.14280273

Fat does not harden poop. If this were true, women (who are more conscious of their fat intake) wouldn't be disproportionately represented in the group of people who suffer constipation. Fat makes poop smooth, fibre adds bulk and softness.

>> No.14280541

Lean forward and THEN piss so your pelvis is angled downward.

>> No.14280916

>What are some good fiber based meals?
Granola, salads, unpeeled apples.

>> No.14281196

Supplement? Psyllium is a grain, they make cereal out of it. It's not a supplement, it's literally a part of your fucking diet.

Psyllium shits are ascended shits. I'm not recommending you to eat pure gubmint cheese and use psyllium husk to force it out of your anus, but if you do get constipate here or there, by all means, ascend your shits. Keep crying about other people's diets, soy. I will be over here with god tier enlightened anus snake shits. I know you're jealous of my no wipe.

>> No.14281223

youre not supposed to eat them.based on what? youre not supppsed to drink cow milk because its for baby cows but cow milk has great use for the body

>> No.14281231

Me too and I hate Metamucil

>> No.14281245
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lol fiber, a decent night of whiskey will fix that shitter right up son

>> No.14282752

Hemorrhoid poster here. Foods that are high in fiber are your simple "healthy" foods: veggies, lentils, chick peas, sweet potato, oats, ect. Try to work some in via side dishes along with your protein. Stewed chick peas can make a good main dish to which you can add chicken and spinach. Experiment with ingredients, you'll find a balance that allows you to shit better.

Also remember to drink water :3

>> No.14282793

> I know you're jealous of my no wipe
ikr?! I just took it for the turds but have seen less and less need for wipes. Husk is the best.

>> No.14283090

This is what pornography does to your brain.

>> No.14283833

It is true that fat is slow to digest, though. Thats why its not a good idea to drink milk before going to sleep since your body will be busy digesting it while you sleep which adds strain. Or you can be like me and drink 1% milk because i think its nicer to drink. not great to cook but ah well.