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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1600x816, sandwich_cutting_debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14270683 No.14270683 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14270690
File: 153 KB, 408x430, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D. None of the above

>> No.14270692

Egg salad and tuna salad get diagonal.
Turkey, ham, bologna, fried egg, or the pink sandwich spread gets none.
Spam gets middle.

>> No.14270703

D for diagonal you fucking moron

>> No.14270714


Anyone who prefers a cut sandwich is 5 years old.

>> No.14270716
File: 434 KB, 853x480, multiple-choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 3 options on OP's pic, 4th letter in the alphabet is D

>> No.14270717


t. idiot with zero spatial recognition

>> No.14270718

you picked c and called it d tho

>> No.14270722

It depends on what type of bread it is. Baguettes and other long sandwich rolls require a (diagonal cut the short way. Otherwise, no cut is best.

>> No.14270727

Lurk moar.

By OP's pic, A = none, B = middle, C = diagonal. Stop being retarded.

>> No.14270812

And you chose diagonal. Get a dictionary, lad. Learn something.

>> No.14270910

You made a post about how someone cuts a sandwich? Sign yourself in for shock therapy before you shootup a school.

>> No.14270913

>corner to corner is the same as my pic
Kill yourself retard.

>> No.14270943

Middle is for psychopaths

>> No.14270959
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>eating the cr*sts

>> No.14270961

>no quarter cut

wtf do you even sammich?

>> No.14270971


toasted sandwiches ALWAYS diagonal

non-toasted sandwiches ALWAYS middle

only ludites dont cut their sandwiches

>> No.14271030
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>> No.14271042
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>cutting a sandwich

>> No.14271048
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>not eating crusts

>> No.14271054
File: 509 KB, 820x664, SandwichCut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only true choice

>> No.14271073

>eating bread
What am you, some kind of ancient peasant? We have access to actual food now lmao.

>> No.14271104
File: 922 KB, 500x333, 334252345fsdft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till this dumbfuck takes chemistry and learns about isomers.

>> No.14271110
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, 1591758619245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not cut my sandwiches because I am not a child.

>> No.14271119

Who cuts their sandwich down the middle like that?

>> No.14271121

>Cutting your sandwiches, something practically universal when sandwiches are sold or served is now childish according to /ck/, the board that legitimately argues that eating out is cheaper than cooking for yourself.

>> No.14271122

That's just middle done twice. Or diag done twice.

>> No.14271126

Took chemistry over a decade ago, don't remember anything from it. You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.14271129

B8 you fell for hard

>> No.14271130
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>> No.14271132

Cutting a sub style sandwich is fine and expected as it is genuinely a large and unwieldy piece of food to eat. But cutting a regular loaf slice sized sandwich? The absolute state of "men" nowadays. Hands too small to grasp anything bigger than their shrunken low T dicks I guess.

>> No.14271140



>> No.14271151


>> No.14271176

That"s C

>> No.14271184

This assumes the order of the ingredients inside the sandwich are not symmetrical.

>> No.14271222

Keep it whole.

Eat the crust first to save the middle, the best part, to last.
The same with burgers.

>> No.14271233

The bread itself is (rotationally) asymmetrical

>> No.14271235

Horizontally across the middle

>> No.14271239

>being 5 years old

>> No.14272510

But it doesn't have a handedness. If you mirror the sandwich, ignoring contents, you can rotate it to get it to match up again.

>> No.14272527

Just to clarify, imagine you put a slice of ham across the sandwich, then a tomato in the corner. With just the tomato, or just the (idealized) ham, you could mirror the sandwich and rotate it back to match, but with both it's impossible, making a handed sandwich / sandwich isomers.

>> No.14272540
File: 57 KB, 850x1272, 1591545746983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the lunch bag special

>> No.14272564

What is the psychology behind this? Crust is literally the same thing as the rest of the bread.

>> No.14272568

In defence of middle, sometimes the ingredients don't lend themselves well to a diagonal cut

>> No.14272593

Is the left-most sandwich shopped? It looks like it has a cut from bottom left to top right that's been shooped away. There's a weird blur. Am I tripping balls?

>> No.14272867

I like to cut mine in a way that it makes it look like a boat

>> No.14272889

None at all

>> No.14272892
File: 200 KB, 450x292, ChopStickBitesPB-BOBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14273088

Sort of, the original poster might has been bait - but I'll take 'd' diagonal over 'c'
I hate it when sandwiches are perfectly diagonal cut, 'd' option is a skewed disagonal cut.

>> No.14273098

I work for a living, I aint got time for fucking cutting sandwiches like some fag

>> No.14273123

I also work for a living. Cutting a sandwich in half makes it easier to pull out of a container or sandwich bag without it flopping open.

>> No.14273130

I don't make my sandwiches with shitty bread

>> No.14273417

That's what I do too

>> No.14273426

>pull out of a container
Alright I can see that, still silver spoon af
>pull out of a bag
Its a ziplock, is it really that fucking hard?

>> No.14273429

Why is it that i feel compelled to cut diagonally for tuna specifically?

>> No.14273441

You absolute buffoon.
It's not perfectly diagonal, that is the point.

>> No.14273495

Everything is hard when you are hour 18 into a blizzard and you're trying to shovel calories into your mouth in the back of a truck real quick between job sites.

>> No.14273532

Everything? :^)

>> No.14273552
File: 1.07 MB, 1199x1080, sketch-1592592423935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14273574

This man eats tendies

>> No.14273605

Lineman work?
Lord knows I was gonna move into that from laying cable but I despise working in a hurricane here, so fuck doing it on a poll

>> No.14273947
File: 674 KB, 611x594, theproblemwiththecut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in defense of middle, it creates a more symmetrical small sandwich.

Diagonal leads to pic related, you take that middle bite and you're just left with corners. Brutal.

You never noticed a distinctly different consistency and taste? Don't play dumb.

>> No.14273952

You start eating the triangle from the corner. There. I've fixed your life.

>> No.14273953
File: 2.03 MB, 215x320, 1477013062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first bite in the middle and not at a corner

>> No.14273969

That is not a point. If OP had called it triangles, then there is a point.

>> No.14273979

listen there's all kinds of ways to go here
but you're tellin me when you cut a clean diagonal you have never wanted to take a big bite of the core?

If we MUST start on a crusty corner, why not just have a nice middle-cut sandwich?

>> No.14274046
File: 436 KB, 524x545, fake cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>14272593 wtf
It looks like they cut it halfway, put the pieces back together and tried to blur it out

>> No.14274053

Could be rope.

>> No.14274060


>> No.14274518

All uncut sandwich eaters will get it.

>> No.14274598

Crusts are delicious, a nice bit of crust with every bite is the way to go

>> No.14274648

The crusts are the best part of a sandwich, you dumb fuck.

Diagonal gives you the best crust ratio, with only 2 true corners, which are the worst part of a sandwich because they're an excessive amount of crust so you have to awkwardly eat half of them. The diagonal cut eliminates half the corners, making it the most efficient cut possible.

A double cut into 4 triangles has other issues, like disturbing the integrity of the sandwich making it flimsy to hold, and making the pieces slightly bigger than bite sized so you have to awkwardly take 3 bites and the last one is never good.

>> No.14274783

>The crusts are the best part
>...best crust ratio, with only 2 true corners, which are the worst part of a sandwich because they're an excessive amount of crust so you have to awkwardly eat half of them.
ok retard

crusts are good on GOOD bread, something fresh. Most pre-sliced bread doesn't have good crust. I don't fucking throw it away or anything, but a bite of crust with possibly less ingredients between is not the best part...

>> No.14274924


>> No.14274935 [DELETED] 

Never cut a sandwich in my life with anything else than my teeth

>> No.14275564

>underage posting on 4chan

>> No.14275615

None but only because I'm too lazy and I don't want to add extra utensils to the dirty dish pile.

>> No.14275625

What kind of sandwiches do you make that don't require a knife?

>> No.14275673

Pbjs mostly, but ham and turkey periodically.
You can use your hands for most of them.

>> No.14275740

With no spread? And how do you get the peanut butter out of the jar?

>> No.14275744

Most sandwiches don't require a knife numb nuts thats why theyre sandwiches

>> No.14275747

cringe at u faggot it was a good post

>> No.14275757

>No butter
>No condiments
>No ingredients that need chopping
Most sandwiches? Hardly

>> No.14275831

With your fingers...?
A slice of bread is about 3 fingerfuls of peanut butter and jelly.

>> No.14275839
File: 248 KB, 967x827, tumblr_pc6bjptOnl1rgeh0wo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14275859

Lawful evil works great on thick sliced bacon sandwiches.

>> No.14275870

I don't cut my sandwiches, but I think there's validity in preferring it. Think about taking a bite out of the edge of an uncut sandwich versus the cut side of a cut sandwich, it's two pretty different experiences.

>> No.14275875

>i have my mom cut them for me

>> No.14275895

no no no no no

you cut diagonally.
eat the two corners first.
slowly typewriter-bite your way across the center, left corner to right corner.
the center bites will very slightly push the sandwich components outwards, giving you a fulfilling crust finale.

obviously you eat the curved half first and save the more triangley half for last.

>> No.14275946

This is the best

>> No.14275971
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>> No.14275988
File: 37 KB, 690x460, sambwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using your own uncrustable maker like a pleb

>> No.14276014

Honestly I hate this more than I hate the crust.
So.ething about it is just gross. But at least it keeps the jelly off my hands.

>> No.14276018

Whole or diagonal are the only sane choices. People who cut vertical are psychopaths.

>> No.14276040

this. literal autism tier. just fucking eat the damn thing.

>> No.14276646

diagonal with the knife at a 45 degree angle to the board to maximize surface area of the first bite

>> No.14276777

I eat the ingredients separately

>> No.14276893

None usually, middle if it's really going to be that messy if I don't cut it, diagonal exclusively for grilled cheese.

>> No.14277045

This is how I do my sandwiches, makes them very convenient to dip into soup. It is cut in such a way that you can bite and always be able to dip. The standard diagonal cut truly is not as good. It is a mix between middle and diagonal.

>> No.14277062
File: 521 KB, 496x662, 1591943361604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ham and cheese/turkey and cheese etc get diagonal cuts. most everything else gets cut down the middle

>> No.14277905

What's the point of splitting it?

>> No.14278069

Diagonal if it's a hot sandwich containing cheese.
No cut if it's any other kind of sandwich.

>> No.14278101

It's easier to pick up and eat without it falling apart, and it's more aesthetic

>> No.14278823

Two whole pieces of white bread.

>> No.14278946

>options are none, middle, or diagonal
>"lol none of the above B^)"
>posts a distinctly diagonal cut anyways

>> No.14278966

I just take the poor sandwich and roll it into a cylinder so i can pack the thing down in 1 or 2 bites

>> No.14278969
File: 304 KB, 823x749, Screenshot_20200522-225325_Samsung ApexService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so pathetically edgy you have to contrive some contrarian way of cutting a fucking sandwich just to prove how badass you are on an anonymous image board

>> No.14278986

If good is triangles irrespective of law or chaos why is neutral good a giant square and neutral evil also triangles?

>> No.14279016

Duality of man

>> No.14279536

i'm not a sandwich

>> No.14279627

i like to cit it diagonal both ways. for some reason my mother would always REFUSE to do it like that. even my dad would ask her "Why?" and she would just get shitty and yell about how hard everything is

>> No.14279795

I eat my burritos from the middle out because less shit can spill from the ends

>> No.14279863

I usually forget to cut it and put the knife in the sink so I wind up eating them whole half of the time.

>> No.14279871

why would an adult male ever cut a sandwich of this size?

>> No.14279958

this is based

>> No.14279963

imagine being so edgy you get this strangely assblasted over some autist cutting his sandwich at a weird angle ahah nun mask lole

>> No.14280011

>diagonal cut
disgusting savages


>> No.14280014
File: 33 KB, 320x240, openpbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

z axis

>> No.14280016


>> No.14280180


For me, soft stuff like egg salad and tunafish is True Neutral while sandwiches with conventional lunch meat are Lawful Neutral.