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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 563x419, grocery store 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14269487 No.14269487 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh, anon! You're going the wrong way! Please follow the arrows on the ground!

>> No.14269489

all these poor employees that are gonna get bitched at by fat boomers for enforcing rona rules when they have exactly nothing to do with any of it

>> No.14269495

>Enforcing rules for a company you are expendable in.
Maximum cuck.

>> No.14269497

There is nothing worse than minimum wage employees who take their job way too seriously

>> No.14269566

shit my bad niggy, they should give you masks

>> No.14269572

ya man ya see you next time

>> No.14269577

Oh yeah? Where's your MASK faggot?

>> No.14269584

i just beat myself to death

>> No.14269590


>> No.14269605

i would go ballistic if someone did that to me

>> No.14269615

fuck off wagie, i'm colorblind

>> No.14269619

did anyone actually go to a store that did this, i have yet to find one.

>> No.14269622

Happened to me today at the store. It wasn't en employee but it was some old boomer lady saying I'm going the wrong way when I walked literally 3 feet into the aisle to look at a shelf. Stupid fucking bitch.

>> No.14269627

I've been to one. It's a pretty tight store. There wasn't anyone guarding the ailes, but they has stickers on the floor saying which way to go.

>> No.14269635

recently i've only been to one grocery store that doesn't do this. old people ignore it (big surprise there) and almost no one seems to care later in the evening when there's not as many people shopping, seems like only when it's busy do people care about it.

>> No.14269641

Yep they've got it in my local wal mart. Nobody and I mean NOBODY follows them. Half the people coming in don't even follow the mask rule anymore and the store isn't enforcing it.

>> No.14269644

An employee asked to me stand behind a red line then ignored me for 5 minutes. I said well if you are going to be a piece of shit and fucking ignore me I am leaving. Fucking wagies think they are some hot shit now. Bow down and do your job you fucking penny earning slave piece of garbage. You have a job because I shop there you ungrateful cunt ooze.

>> No.14269648

Kroger had the arrows pointed directly at each other where the end of the aisle enters the meat section. I was stuck for hours

>> No.14269654

Woops I seem to have wandered into a wal mart by mistake, glad you caught me I don’t shop at poorfag stores full of fat stinking coloreds

>> No.14269655

yes. a whole foods and a food lion. there were signs and arrows, I actually tried following it at first then noticed I wasnt actually doing it half way through my shopping on both trips. then looked around and noticed most people were shopping like normal too.
I know someone that said someone announced on the PA she was walking the wrong way in an aisle, they were watching her on the security camera. I would have lost my shit and just left the store right then.

>> No.14269657

Based. Fuck uppity wagies who think they're on our level.

>> No.14269658

basically everywhere I've been, but I'm in NJ where things are more strict

>> No.14269741
File: 96 KB, 600x598, walmart_cape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thanked your local Walmart essential worker superhero anon?

>> No.14269746
File: 37 KB, 400x700, sorbitol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharts in your direction

>> No.14269751

I saw McDonalds employees wearing shirts with a sideways M spelling Essential. I would have burned that shit on the doorstep.

>> No.14269797

You need a hovararound and a mask, to be safe

>> No.14269818

Shut up punk, you couldn't burn a match if you tried. Go back to yammering.

>> No.14269825

Lol why is it only fat people I've seen get asspained over covid rules? Too fat to wear a mask or something?

>> No.14269838

What rules? It's when media and government gets together on some stupid shit that people start the heard mentality and start wearing masks, like faggots.

>> No.14269843

Seems to me as if it's a power grab, to see how much shit people will take.

>> No.14269845

>you're fired :^)

>> No.14269847

I'm in AL and I've been in whole foods and walmart in the last 4 months and both of them use arrows. reading on local forums, publix, target, and kroger all have the arrows and markings on the floor for social distancing. all of the gas stations have markings and hardware stores even have all of the sidewalks marked for distancing because huge lines form at all of them. ikea has also been doing it since before corona was a thing

>> No.14269851

Maybe drop some stock prices then buy low, sell high; or maybe the opposite.
Some folk are making money from this.

>> No.14269862

ikea's a maze though

>> No.14269867

Those places were designed that way, way before "the evil virus"

>> No.14269871

literally every grocery and department store around me has the arrows and shit. i try to follow them but sometimes you forget shit your the list you're working off is out of whack and you gotta double back for some shit. it's made shopping even longer for me when before i could be super efficient.

>> No.14269878

yeah? that's why it doesn't really belong in the list

>> No.14269882

No, you as a man, make a list and stick to it. Don't fall into some bitch trap, that's faggots with marketing and advertising degrees.

>> No.14269886

Yeah. They're separate things.

>> No.14269894

I have not been to a single establishment that has actually enforced those things.

>> No.14269897

Look at how cows are hearded together for the slaughter, aren't you that wearing stupid masks?

>> No.14269901

>did anyone actually go to a store that did this, i have yet to find one.
I was in the grocery many weeks ago, and not too loudly heard someone else angrily bitch to another patron there about them going the wrong way in the aisle(!), and I turned around in shock in case they were talking to me in that tone of voice or something to get myself ready to defend/apologize or fight(!), and they weren't. Phew. Then, I looked down and only then noticed some tiny arrows on the floor. I was in the clear just by random chance and hadn't gotten closer than 12' to anyone else, skipping aisles to go back to later if someone was already in one, but geesh.
I've been many times since and no one is paying attention to the arrow pattern. The issue I find is that someone comes right up into your personal space to get something right over your shoulder or lingers kind of oblivious blocking all of the frozen area, you know, lacking all personal space distance concerns, and like their spouse will notice you politely waiting back, and apologize and hustle along their stupid significant other. In other words, these kinds of people were self centered dumbasses prior to covid, obviously.

>> No.14269904

If these places actually cared about preventing a virus spreading they wouldn't force everyone to shop in a 12hr window. This only exacerbates the situation. It's being used as an excuse to reduce operating costs.

>> No.14269905

What precise store and where?
I call bullshit.

>> No.14269913

"forcing?" What are you on about?
Be specific if you're capable.

>> No.14269924

These dumbasses with A's in circles on their pleather jackets that like to fuck with businesses are full of fucking shit.

>> No.14269929
File: 126 KB, 1019x772, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boomer

>> No.14269932

NOOOOOOOOOO, I need this job!

>> No.14269935

Leftist power grab.
>establish fake crisis
>take away freedoms with the excuse of (((security)))
>never reinstate freedoms
You need to fight them every step of the way or you'll wake up under a communist dictatorship. Yesterday it was free speech. Today it is masks and house arrest. Tomorrow it will be work camps and disappearances.

>> No.14269938

>I would have thrown a temper tantrum because I can’t follow arrows on the ground
You sound like a cool dude

>> No.14269940

Stores used to be open all night, now they are closed from 9 or 10 until the next morning. It forces everyone to day shop. Allow night shopping and crowding is drastically reduced especially now with so many people who don't have to work the next day.

>> No.14269942

now that's based

>> No.14269948

Post body

>> No.14269958

Imagine being a faggot who cares about having to follow arrows.

>> No.14269961

all my stores have them
I don't comply with it

lets assume someone is infected
lets say that person wants a bottle of fresca in the middle of the drink aisle
under normal circumstances they would walk half way up the drink aisle, and then back out the way they came

under these silly rules they now have to walk up the drink aisle, then keep going for the remainder of the aisle, go to the one next to it, and then walk the full length of that back down to get out

by making the aisles one way you are forcing them to cover 4x the distance they would have otherwise to get around the store and potentially exposing 4x the number of people that would've been exposed

>> No.14269983

Not if everyone follows the arrows so that nobody comes within 6 feet of each other. But alas, people still spend 10 minutes in one spot picking out what flavor chips they want. So they work in theory, but as you point out, they are counterproductive.

>> No.14269984

Lol... Imagine how much money got wasted printing those shirts up.... Only for the thing to fizzle out a few months later(along with their bonus $2/h raise). If i worker at mcdonalds id have preferred they just gave me the $4 they spent on the shirt to me... or even a charity(Not "THAT" one....)

>> No.14269986


You're all fantastically dumb

>> No.14269990

>interacting with people in stores
It's quite possible one of these wagies has tried to bother me about their silly corona signage, but I wouldn't know. I just don't pay any attention to them, or really any of the other patrons in the store for that matter.

>> No.14270004

>house arrest
Just wear a fucking mask and then you can go outside dumbvass

>> No.14270008

Yeah right, but you're the faggot wearing a mask.

>> No.14270015

The grocery stores and walmart I go to have the arrows but it's not enforced and almost nobody follows them.
Half of everyone there whether it's shoppers or staff don't even wear masks.

>> No.14270020

Actual smart people don't nitpick stupid shit like spelling mistakes. You understood what he was trying to say but had to correct him to feel and prove you are smart. Typical midwit.

>> No.14270023

Americans are too extroverted. I just start autistically ranting and they walk away eventually.

>> No.14270039

humans aren't robots, there's more to shopping that just throwing stuff in your cart
compare brands, compare prices, look at ingredients
it's unreasonable to treat shopping like its a constantly flowing thing

therefore, these arrows are theater and actually counter productive and should not be obeyed

>> No.14270049

Yes but I ignore them. I am already wearing my face diaper for them and I refuse to cuck myself more

>> No.14270058

God I remember in high school I worked at BK and they made us wear these fucking "BK Customer Appreciation Day" shirts. They didn't get any sizes bigger than Large and I was obese as fuck back then. They told me to just wear it cause Megan (Who was like 300 lbs) fits in hers (It was literally so tight you could see every fucking curve of her body)

The best part was they were white and it gets gross in the back and then customers bitched we were wearing stained shirts.

>> No.14270071

I agree with you but I am the only one I see that looks at ingredients and compares when shopping. NPCs everywhere.

>> No.14270077

Same, most of the time I leave my cart at the endcap of the aisle so that I can squeeze past the obese fuckers with their carts strewn about and not feel guilty if I stop and read a label

>> No.14270092

Same here. Everyone but me is also moving at 0.5mph like they enjoy being there or have nothing better to do.

>> No.14270112


>> No.14270130

I had someone try that on me at the peak of the panic and I told them I had a condition. They had the balls to ask what it was and I told them they committed a HIPAA violation

The condition was obesity however most retards don't consider being fat a problem

>> No.14270132
File: 58 KB, 581x429, 1591193930221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I am only 27.
I actually do have those problems. Sucks being crap genetics.

>> No.14270178

Don’t walk past people in the store that’s how you spread covid. Jesus

>> No.14270180

fuck off queer

>> No.14270188

>lol its so cucked to avoid losing your job

>> No.14270198

I walk right up to them and reach around them because they are slow retards. Just because your body and brain is slow as fuck doesn't mean mine is.

>> No.14270208

>bro just stop saying anything against the radical leftist party line then you can have free speech

>> No.14270225

>miss the hand basket three steps in
> have to zig zag all the way through the store to start over
"You'd better not take that mask of sir!"

>> No.14270230

literally never had someone confront me about not following the arrows
get fucked, mindcuck
confront your own insecurities.

>> No.14270233

Ok have fun getting covid because you’re obsessed with giving fat people reach arounds

>> No.14270235

Fuck you, I'm not gonna stand around like a chump and wait for you and the other fuckwad blocking off the aisle to move, I'm squeezing between you both and you can scoff and sigh all you want faggots.

>> No.14270256

Learn to move faster then you obese piece of shit.

>> No.14270262

Another based Chad has arrived. FUCK slow and obese retards. All need to get gassed.

>> No.14270267

Post body

>> No.14270272

>Minimum wage
I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, huh?

>> No.14270274

Post tits then gtfo.

>> No.14270293

not that guy but safeway at college and claremont in oakland went from 24hrs/day pre-covid to 7am to 9pm. seems like they relaxed a little, now it's 6 to 10.

>> No.14270295

They never post body folks. All “you’re a fatty” posters are projecting.

>> No.14270304

Kill yourself fatty.

>> No.14270315

>post body
Go back and never come back.

>> No.14270325

Wow you sure got me
>you’re fat
>n- no I won’t post b- body with a time stamp be- because yo- you’re fat!

>> No.14270329

>Sorry about that man, I guess I wasn't paying attention.
>Thanks for lookin' out! Stay safe!

>> No.14270330

Go back to plebbit faggot.

>> No.14270333

And then you bend over and take it in the ass.

>> No.14270485

They're used to getting yelled at by fat boomers by now.

>> No.14270965

luckily my local shops are still running as normal
i've been to some busier places that have taken it to the extreme and i just don't care to follow their rules

>> No.14270973

>Oh okay, sorry about that

>> No.14271043

Complete cuck move

>> No.14271060

>bad genetics
Ok fatty

>> No.14271080

>his shitty country still has Covid-19

>> No.14271083

when NZ was in lockdown (2 months ago) the supermarket was only allowed to let 5 customers in at a time.
everyone else had to line up outside with markers 2m apart from each other indicating where to stand.
paid off though. no virus and only 21 dead.

>> No.14271133

It's a good thing too because covid isn't as deadly as they want us to think

>> No.14271137

Lots of people don't understand arrows. I've been noticing this in parking lots for years. How do they even survive without being able to comprehend such a basic symbol? Seems weird to me.

>> No.14271149

Im not a KHV or incel at all but this really pissed me off. I was going up the down aisle and like 3 people and their cart were coming down the aisle. They almost didn't move out of the way and she was like "just keep straighr, he's going the wrong way" and the one I presume is the boyfriend fortunately moved the cart anyway. Sure I was going the wrong way but trust me in that store and most stores literally nobody plays any attention to the right and wrong way paths and on top of that it was just rude. If I was in a bad mood and wanted to start some shit things could have easily gotten physical from how close proximity we were and she wouldn't have done a damn thing.

Why do females always try and instigate shit with men just to get their boyfriends to fight and get in trouble? Dammit.

>> No.14271161

Pretending your celibacy is a choice doesn't make you not an incel.

>> No.14271179

Low quality post

>> No.14271204


>> No.14271306

shuttup, cope and wear your mask you fag

>> No.14271312

>Fat boomers

Nice one millenial wagie.
Get off your phone and back to work.

>> No.14271315

Because you can't follow simple fucking instructions can you, dipshit

>> No.14271348

If you believe covid is an issue then plan your shopping out - buy your shit and then get the fuck out. If you dont believe it's an issue then why follow anything at all? So many people will be fine standing 6 feet at the registers but have no problem reaching past someone to grab a different brand. I'm convinced 90% of the people shopping at grocery stores right now are absolutely functionally retarded.

>> No.14271432

>5 customers
no cunt it was far more than that. 5-10x as many depending on the store size.
source: i live here

>> No.14271617
File: 607 B, 192x192, Gtthatfirstoneitsthesmirkstatusicon_38695c201584e042157b95f5ac1db154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat and bearded but have a custom made mask that fits better than the fit clean shaven employees at the stores
Also the rules keeping mouth breathing retard Baby Boomers and Gen Xs out of the stores because they're too triggered by mask requirements and social distance is great

>> No.14271619

Only fucking americans could turn wearing masks and keeping each other safe into a fucking partisan issue

>> No.14271649
File: 48 KB, 693x528, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to wear masks in supermarkets and public transport
>print pic related
>people smile and wave, cashiers say they love it
>doesnt even work
amazing how easily people are fooled. just pretend you care or that you do your part and they are happy

>> No.14271697

realistically, that thing won't work any worse than using a shitty mask

>> No.14271701


If I'm at the wrong end and need something fairly close I just back down the aisle. Sorta like when you take the wrong exit on the freeway.

>> No.14271703
File: 146 KB, 826x1024, 1590686725776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.26% CDC, including death cert fraud and hospital malpractice.

>> No.14271807

What the fuck does any of that mean? Just wear a fucking mask mate, it's not hard
oh wait, there had to be a huge fucking campaign to get americans to wear seatbelts too lmfao

>> No.14271813
File: 513 KB, 672x713, efc3097ec2c61d494da22a1869ae2b52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing a mask can negatively affect respiration and health. You idiots believe anything if it comes from MSM and the government.

>> No.14271997

>no filter
>doesnt seal to the sides
yeah, i dont know anon.

>> No.14272016

we're talking about the country where this kind of stuff happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZITP93pqtdQ

>> No.14272025

>average shitty mask
>does not fit the face
>people wear them wrong
>air escapes through the sides
I am drawing a worst case picture sure. But hence I said shitty.

>> No.14272027

if you can't breathe through a mask you must be obese, try doing a bit of exercise. you know what else negatively affects respiration and health? COVID. you idiots will believe anything if it's posted anonymously on a transnistrian flagmaking forum

>> No.14272044

Has nothing to do with obesity. It's just basic health info.

The CDC's own number is 0.26% of a mortality rate. Learn to think for yourself instead of just being programmed by MSM and government.

>> No.14272070

you're quoting government statistics and telling me to not to trust the government in the same post, so which one is it

>> No.14272134

yeah i guess you have a point. still, my point also still stand that people just dont care as long as you pretend to "flatten the curve"

>> No.14272185

I mean, in the end it is not that much of an issue if you are reasonable about it. Much like you would not need masks for everyone if you could assume reason. In the end the masks are there so you protect others from getting infected when you somehow caught it. It's just not something you would want everyone to do, which is the only point you can hold up against it.

>> No.14272230

Correct, you can just wear the same useless home made mask every day and people will tell you how responsible you are. Its the equivalent of posting #pridemonth so everyone can like your post and move on to other virtue signaling

>> No.14272373


I know stores which make you queue up outside with a 2 meter distance and letting only a limited number of people into the store but once inside people just ignore all physical distancing.

>> No.14272383

>and you can scoff and sigh all you want faggots.

Ironically it is precisely that scoffing and sighing which is more likely to generation aerosols which are going to spread the virus. Passing past a normally breathing person without saying a word is virtually negligible when it comes to spreading.

>> No.14272649

the hardware stores near me are like that and the markers aren't even 5 ft apart. who the fuck owns a hardware store and doesn't know how to use a tape measure?

>> No.14272655


>> No.14272680

The local used book store chain here has them, they also limit the number of customers in the store. Grocery stores just have markers showing where to stand while waiting at the check outs.

>> No.14272762


>> No.14272855

> They had the balls to ask what it was and I told them they committed a HIPAA violation
I fucking seethe every time I remember that this is a thing. What’s the point fucking point of this shit when anyone can just say “I have a condition” and become immune to any and all rules? The worst is when fat karens pull the service animal bullshit and bring their mangy mutts everywhere with them

>> No.14272881

Absolutely based. Fuck those fucking ungrateful wagie pieces of shit! You are absolutely right that if humans didn't shop then they would be out of a job!

>> No.14272983

120k minimum. americans are morons.

>> No.14272999

What is it about skeptics and conservative pundits where they are exclusively capable of quoting singular, individual statistics without any contextualization or any depth of analysis?

>> No.14273078

Do I look like im over 75? I don't care about your fucking coof.

>> No.14273102





>> No.14273227

No, anon a black got killed by the police, crowds are good again. Keep up.

>> No.14273756

The only thing you accept are numbers from the government, what else could we use that you’d understand. We don’t want to have to rely on these statistics.

>> No.14273766

they hire at $15

>> No.14273771

Too bad with the service dogs and Karen, since if the establishment owner is well versed in the policies, they can use the words straight from the book to get them out

>> No.14273843

Only in the more liberal states where the cost of living is already so high they have a net population loss.

>> No.14273909

>I am leaving
oh no you showed him

>> No.14273943
File: 110 KB, 600x847, calories-and-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucks being crap genetics.

>> No.14273950
File: 264 KB, 467x700, 1573980815609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's bait, but I genuinely want to know how someone who thinks this gets to be so self-entitled that they think being an employee means you need to cater to the customer's every need. This "customer is always right" bullshit isn't even followed by the managers, they all tolerate them but couldn't care less if anal customers shop there or not. A couple old boomers and Karens boycotting the store isn't going to affect the company's bottom line.

>> No.14273956

Entitled americans. Try that shit here and the employee would tell you to go fuck yourself

>> No.14273984

Live in a time when some crackhead ods and as a direct result the founders of your nations statues get torn down after a month of nationwide rioting. You may not have to listen to Karen but you better listen to Kayronshequa

>> No.14273990
File: 93 KB, 526x600, 80019EC9-416B-4807-AD21-86C472DE3465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx for the kek

>> No.14273998


>> No.14274309

>the founders of your nations statues get torn down
I don't remember Christopher Columbus or Jefferson Davis signing the Declaration of Independence.

>> No.14274319

Oh no! Not Christopher Columbus! He is such a divisive person! I'm glad they torn down his statue!

>> No.14274367

Moving the goalpost.
Regardless, it's not like Christopher Columbus was even the first European to discover America, nor did he spearhead the colonization of the Americas, you can thank Amerigo Vespucci for that. He came to turn a huge profit and monopolize what he thought were undiscovered spice routes to India. The dick also woke up one morning, heard that one of the lookouts had spotted land, and claimed he actually saw yesterday, AT NIGHT, so that he could claim the lifetime pension from Isabella for the first man to spot land.
There's not a whole lot to celebrate him for, other than being one of the luckiest bastards on the planet given how many times he narrowly escaped death. Case in point, even during his own lifetime, he was so anonymous and unimportant of a figure that we have no self-portraits or detailed descriptions of what he actually looked like. He was also widely detested by all the Iberian and Italian royal courts as well as his fellow spice traders in West Africa when he worked there.

>> No.14274373

Mo' money mo' problems, yo. Haters gonna hate, dig?

>> No.14274415

He died relatively poor for a merchant and with all of his privileges and governorship revoked by the crown for his gross negligence and misconduct. Not a whole lot of money, but he sure did have a fuckton of problems.

>> No.14274578

>Wearing a mask can negatively affect respiration and health
some one tell the surgeons who have to wear masks for several hours before its too late!

>> No.14275194

How it's supposed to work is they have to stay outside and an employee does their shopping for them

>> No.14275212

I live in Ohio and there's not a single "minimum wage" job that actually starts at minimum wage any more, except maybe waitresses.

>> No.14275446

>An employee asked to me stand behind a red line
He wanted you to stand because seeing a fatass sit in a mobility scooter is depressing and embarrassing for everyone.
Lose some weight already.

>> No.14275591

fuck you, I'm not a robot.

>> No.14275612

Fat people can hardly breathe at is it.

>> No.14275681

Some cunt ar the grocery store is super bossy with this shir even when no one else is in the store. What a sad life when power tripping over such bullshit. She doesn't say it politely, she barks it at you like you're a child being scoldes

>> No.14275686

>Stores used to be open all night, now they are closed from 9 or 10 until the next morning. It forces everyone to day shop. Allow night shopping and crowding is drastically reduced especially now with so many people who don't have to work the next day.
I too was kind of shocked at the reduced hours. I was wondering the rationale of it when it first started everywhere, like maybe they were doing overtime hours with their employees? Was business majorly hurting to cut shifts? They were hiring extra people, so hrm.

They claimed it was so they had time to stock and clean. Maybe they were once so mobbed with panic buying that they couldn't actually put up new toilet paper, but I kind of doubt they really are cleaning like they should at this point. The current mentality seems to be about everyone will get it, and if it's your time, it's your time. Very lazy.

>> No.14275699

Saw these at my local WalMart too. Half the people weren't paying attention. No one cared.

>> No.14275703

take your meme virus and shove it up your ass, cuck. If you can't survive the flu, you deserve to be culled

>> No.14275728

This happened to me early in the morning on a hot as fuck day. I wanted to get a jug of water because I was going to be working outside for 10 hours. The one giy seemed like he would make an exception and let me in and then some Karen came and told me i had to wait. Fuck old people anyway

>> No.14275738

Don't tell me where or how to walk, faggot. You got a problem with that? Huh?

>> No.14275763

I usually do my shopping at night after work since the drive home goes right past a Publix, but since this bullshit they're closing in the middle of my shift now. I can't shop on the way in since I live in Florida and the heat would ruin everything in my car.

To clean was the excuse I heard./

>> No.14275769

>be me
>walking wherever I want
>headphones on
>can still hear but pretend I can't
>lady shouting "sir! Sir!"
>ignore it, keep walking
>runs up to me
>waves her hand to get my attention
>smile and wave back as if shes greeting me
>start reading label of product on shelf and continue to ignore her

>> No.14275800

Based friendly poster. Even if you do it passive aggressively it's still another smile and wave put into society.

>> No.14276112

I've been in a few stores with it but its never enforced nor do people really follow them.

>> No.14276467

I don't look like someone who anyone would ever say that too.

>> No.14276477

Walmart does it now but I ain't walking to the other side when I just need to walk 10 ft to pick up a family size box of Cheez-Its Hot 'n Spicy.

>> No.14276519


Yes, last week in one some Asian cunt said I was walking the wrong way, just said "I know". Devilish.

>> No.14276644

I've been doing this way before coronachan, but I'm just Asian, and I like rules, and shit.

>> No.14276724

i mean it really depended where you were.
down here our supermarket wasnt taken chances, but mind you we had some nearby towns and villages barricading their roads and threatening to shoot non-locals trying to get into town.

>> No.14277916

I can't drive 55

>> No.14278140

no one in the walmart near my house was following the lines on the floor. hell I didn't even notice them till I was halfway through my shopping.

>> No.14278143

based schizo /pol/-reject

>> No.14278145

we call the walmart by our house ghettomart. when I want to go to a walmart I drive to a rich side of town.

>> No.14278150

They're all the same.
The ghetto one near my house is just as shit as the rich one on the other side of town. Sure there's less obese people over there, but if I'm going to walmart its because i want something asap and I'm too lazy to order from amazon or deal with the grocery store's bullshit.

>> No.14278156

the one on the rich side of town is clean and never has ghetto babies running amok in it. it's like night and day, and makes you actually want to go back to it. all the other walmarts in our city are trash.

>> No.14278169

Walmart is a private entity, they can enforce whatever rules they want

>> No.14278196

Enforce this
*whips out cock*

>> No.14278211

Never had an employee tell me, but had plenty of customers get cunty with me for not following the arrows. Only thing sweeter than that is their reaction when I ignore them or indicate that I don't really care. Impotent rage so thick you can cut it with a knife.

>> No.14278232

>tfw got fired like 2 weeks ago and now have unemployment cash
Best decision of my life

>> No.14278250

>proceeds to cover the arrows with the dogshit on my shoes

>> No.14278264

>im ok with some dog mom telling me how I should walk in a store and have low T levels
you sound like you are hyper socialized and like watching other men fuck your girlfriend.

>> No.14278355

All this virus did was make me hate boomers at the supermarket even more

>Abruptly stop to stare at things
>Block isles to stare at things
>Bring entire family who don't need to be there
>Aggressively demand not to follow rules because they're mildly annoyed by them
>Rude to employees who are just trying to do their jobs

>> No.14278360

Every supermarket near me is doing that, both national chains and smaller "artisinal" ones. Doesn't matter though since basically no one gives a shit about following them nor does anyone enforce them. Just a polite suggestion.

>> No.14278723
File: 104 KB, 606x1024, 1588132205651m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14278741

Compellingly confusing.

>> No.14278867

They should make designated boomer hours.
Morning hours = must wear masks and follow instructions. .
Evening hours = go ahead and give yourself and other the rona

>> No.14278927


>> No.14278947

>did anyone actually go to a store that did this, i have yet to find one.

Uh, yeah:

>Harbor Freight
>locally-owned liquor store
>motorcycle dealership
>and so on

Thanks Connecticut.

The only uncucked stores found so far here are U-Haul and local gun stores, where even employees don't wear masks.

>> No.14278975


Bitch, I'm wearing a mask, fuck you and fuck your arrows.

>> No.14278991


>sat & sun weekend
>holiday off

Holy fuck, no wonder people tell you to go to college.

>> No.14278996

I've seen people wear cloths over their face. Your not fooling anyone masks are to reduce the spread of it.

>> No.14279020


>> No.14279188

What's in the blue one?

>> No.14279276

Wait, is that name a misspelling of "Cortez"?

>> No.14279553

better be either infinite cupcakes or infinite chickens

>> No.14279703
File: 310 KB, 776x598, 1574134729630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14280724

They have the arrows on the ground at a few local stores near me, not all of them of course. I saw them being followed the first week they put them down, but after that people stopped caring.