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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14269062 No.14269062 [Reply] [Original]

I've been getting into prepping and shit recently. MRE's are fuck-you expensive, so I've looked at ways to extend the shelf life of normal products. My go-to would be to put stuff in zip-lock bags together with silica gel packages. How's that for starters?

>> No.14269066

Cans and freezing is the only solution

>> No.14269082

>the only solution
Fairly certain the reason the emergency rations I have last until 2040 is because they're freeze-dried and vacuum sealed.

>> No.14269094
File: 12 KB, 210x240, 1554328393681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're already going to go out and buy a bunch of food have you ever considered, like, just buying the stuff you want to eat for the next few days? And then going back to the grocery store 2-3 times a week and doing the same thing? I promise you it will be much cheaper and much better quality. There's not going to be a zombie apocalypse in our lifetime, anon.

>> No.14269104

>There's not going to be a zombie apocalypse in our lifetime
Nope, but the nigger apocalypse is happening right now.

Also, point is to buy something that you can leave somewhere and don't need to rotate for like half a decade at least.

>> No.14269109

Not OP BUT U REALIZE WE JUST CAME OUT OF A QUARANTINE? Most people were short on literally everything. What the fuck are you saying lol

>> No.14269128
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>tfw stocked 2 months worth of supplies back in Jan/Feb

>> No.14269135

>most people were short on literally everything
Wut? There was like a week and a half when you couldn't buy toilet paper, spam, and tuna. Other than that it was basically having to settle for off-brand bread.

>> No.14269153

I still find several dry and canned goods sold out, and I'm living in one of the most 1st world countries on the planet.

>> No.14269158

>Cans and freezing is the only solution

Those items are tucked into leather purses and items that if moisture caused things to stick together and hold moisture further, then that item might actually mold and become unsaleable?
Desiccants are far too expensive for food storage, really not used except in tiny amounts in like jerky.

>> No.14269172

I live in America too, but things sold out before the pandemic and it's really not that different at this point.

>> No.14269200

America is a 3rd world country at this point, bro.

I live in Northern Europe.

>> No.14269207

>living in northern europe and getting your news about america from fox

>> No.14269221
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get them from live streams linked on /pol/, dude. It's pretty fucking obvious that you're entering a civil war.

>> No.14269237

>have you ever considered, like, just buying the stuff you want to eat for the next few days? And then going back to the grocery store 2-3 times a week and doing the same thing? I promise you it will be much cheaper and much better quality.
This is immature (or damaged) frontal lobe logic. Vegas would love someone so positive like you! They depend on people like you.
Too bad you know nothing about statistics, probabilities and odds. Maybe he just wants to limit his waste of disposable gloves and masks, or gasoline in the vehicle. Who knows? It's his stress and relaxation to cook once and then eat off of it.

>There's not going to be a zombie apocalypse in our lifetime, anon.
Bashed in, rioted neighborhoods, and destroyed stores with police standing down, is nearly an apocalypse no one could imagine in their lifetime? What happens when a hurricane or flood finishes off the ability for police to protect you? It's exactly why some people were doomsday preppers in the first place. Use your imagination to guess how bad it could get when sensible people go out and vote their sensible way yet again, and cheated angry losers don't agree with civilized society, yet again. There's going to be hell to pay the next police involved shooting, election or court upset, and so on. It could get better or it could get worse, but you're not able to see the future. Let this anon prep to his heart's desire. He might buy the last turkey breast on the market when the shortage finally happens on Thanksgiving. Plenty of empty shelves across every grocery and it's not getting better, it's getting worse.

Anon, I have a dehydrator in a cupboard, that I clean up twice a year or so and slice up some mangoes, bananas, or whatever bumper crop going on from my yard. Dehydrated fruit is amazing in quick breads and muffins, pancakes. Freeze them if you won't use them within a couple weeks though, even though dried, or else you need to dip them into "preservatives"

>> No.14269242
File: 441 KB, 1000x736, FoodStampDispenser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a gun and learn to hunt op
I recommend at least a 9mm for mushroom hunting

>> No.14269248

In the process of getting a RGS. Due to my country's laws, it'll probably be some time in autumn/winter before I get it, though.

Also, have a waterproof booklet on edible mushrooms in my biome, it's nice.

>> No.14269250

/pol/ is literally just reddit kids who's parents could only afford one TV so they grew up watching nothing but Fox News and had the fear mongering and disinformation instilled in them at a very young age.

>> No.14269253

I'm sure you need to convince yourself of that in order to function.

And what part of "live stream" did you not understand?

>> No.14269329
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1587262376998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ kids: haha, let's go down to the south side and take videos of all the niggers chimping out! maybe we can even join in!
>northern european anon on /pol/: wow, my country has a mere two villages outside of my humble hamlet and i can't possibly fathom anywhere else being different. surely this one single dumpster fire constitutes a veritable civil war!

>> No.14269632

What am I supposed to do with these packets? They don't taste very good are they for sprinkling in the bag as a preservative?

>> No.14271218

well yeah but what's the practicality of you personally freeze-drying your own food, guy?

>> No.14271221

imagine believing any state-sponsored media

>> No.14271225
File: 137 KB, 1039x559, 1592263440395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get food storage, numanna looks good but I think they're probably still on backorder.

>> No.14271226

Yeah, but only in USA. USA stopped mattering about a decade ago.

>> No.14271238

You have to season them before consumption, but make sure to store them unseasoned!

>> No.14271284

For dry goods, vacuum heat sealed in airtight mylar bags with am oxygen absorber inside

>> No.14271293

>the nigger apocalypse is happening right now.
In your shithole country, maybe.

>> No.14272184

Compared to buying a pallet of freeze-dried food, buying a freeze drier and operating it is actually cheaper.

>> No.14272191

Yeah but I would get bigger bags. I know grainger sells a box of large silica bagS for about $120.