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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14267994 No.14267994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate him again?

>> No.14268001

he's not white, it's that simple. And he's not racist or hates women which we consider terrible

>> No.14268002

I like him already who is he?

>> No.14268004

Because you constantly spam his dumb face and at this point I'd rather just not look at him than watch one of his mediocre videos.

>> No.14268006

The bodies.

>> No.14268012

Because he's an autistic spaz that throws tantrums when jannies delete his CP threads that he tried to disguise as "icecream" threads.

>> No.14268013

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14268014
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I never understood either. I just know that when people make hate threads about him, he's making a stupid face with juice running down his neck. Maybe he's one of those gross mukbang eaters?

>> No.14268027

Because he's a little bit strange, so it makes it easy..

We all wish we could make a good living traveling, eating delicious food, and sacrificing third world children. Instead we grind at soul sucking jobs, or collect NEETbux and kill our humanity day by day by isolating ourselves and replacing real interaction with this facsimile.

The dude makes people realize we all have a very finite time to exist and comprehend the universe around us, and we're wasting it in a system that grinds us up and gives us pablum to sedate us. Most of us could have done what he did. But we didn't, because we're sleepwalking through life.

And that's not a comforting thought. Who wants to really face how much of their time was spent in misery? Much easier to just laugh at the man who makes weird faces and drinks child blood.

>> No.14268032

Exactly, have an upboat good sir

>> No.14268066

See, the problem with Mark Wiens and /ck/'s approval (which I will be dissecting in this essay) is this: Mark Wiens is a normal individual that is successful, the complete OPPOSITE of everyone on /ck/

Mark is able to dissect and break down complex thoughts and feelings into a simple series of words that resonates well with the common folk. Being able to describe the food he's tasting in this way makes him easily relatable. People just want to hear if the food tastes good or bad and Mark does a very good job at conveying these feelings.

Echoing the point that >>14268027
said, Mark has trademarks that make him easily hated but the problem lies with those that hate him, not Mark himself.

Hopefully this insight will implore you all to be reflective of yourselves and realize that maybe, just maybe, Mark isn't such a bad guy. Thank you.

>> No.14268322

>eats some food


my gf loves this guy - thats all his videos are

>> No.14268333

Where's the essay?

>> No.14268834

Why do you want to read an essay?

>> No.14268850

I dont hate him, he just makes me really nervous. Remember what he did to those kids? I know it was really never 100% proven, but everyone knows he did it.

>> No.14268857
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>> No.14268881

>Mark is able to dissect and break down complex thoughts and feelings

He's good at doing that with the corpses of Laotian children too.

>> No.14268915


>> No.14268945

I just always see him do that big smile after he bites and then he leans his head to one side, the same way in every webm or gif I've seen. It bothers me a lot. I've never seen his videos, he's probably a fine dude.

>> No.14269079

Because he's gay.

>> No.14269149

I don't hate him but I definitely watch his videos for the food/location and not to watch his bug eyed "oh wo-owww" routine he does for literally anything. I am convinced if you were to get an elderly minority in folksy clothes to hand him anything at all he would react the same

>> No.14269193
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>> No.14269236

Yeah his reactions can get sort of tiresome, but it's understandable - it gets him views. If you watch his older videos you can see how he's basically a caricature of himself
now. However, the food/places he goes definitely pass the eye test.

When I went to Thailand, all of his food rec's were fucking ridiculously good, he definitely knows what he's talking about(at least for Thai).

>> No.14269277

>Why do we hate him again?
I don't think we hate him? There's someone here who should be banned for smearing this guy's name. He'll pop into this thread and talk about something accusations. Just watch.

I like the vlogger and his comfy family too. If I had any complaints? It's not on his intentions or joy of life. It's my own personal offense (and possibly people who own restaurants watching him, or other diners).
It is poor table manners. The oversized bites are simply too big in polite society, and you'll see the food in his mouth while talking. He also eats overhanded like a child would, two fisted even, manically talks with the weapons waving about. Home training or difference in culture. Who knows? His dad doesn't eat like that.

I have wondered how he is so skinny with the food obsessions and I am guessing a lot of fasting, and I am thinking a poor childhood, possibly, and just very little bodyfat formed. The neck is painfully thin skinned. :/

Is he autistic? I don't think he is, but there is a commonality of guys with foreign brides having women who don't know enough about the other culture to notice they're odd or different, something their peers rejected at home.

>> No.14270513

have sex, incel

>> No.14270516

People like him will be more common in the far future, as many white men will be breeding with asian women. They may as well be the new white people.