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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14267704 No.14267704 [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink the soup when you're done with the noodles?

>> No.14267719

Depends on how hungry I am, what flavour the broth is and whether or not I added some homemade broth into it

>> No.14267723


I cook mine with an egg, leftover meat, sriracha sauce, and chopped green onion. When you pop the egg yolk it makes the broth much tastier. Yes, I do drink the broth.

>> No.14267726

put the soup powder base in the bowl then pour the boiling water for your noodles in it first
then boil the noodles and leave out the noodle water when adding to the already steeped broth

>> No.14269281

Packet noodles? Nah, I have some of it and pour the rest

>> No.14269479

I'll have a couple sips but I'm not ingesting 80% of my daily salt + all the leftover spicy stuff.

>> No.14269498

Some days I use two packets to make a meal so I need to add a ton of water to make it not so salty, keeps me full for almost an entire day

>> No.14269503

i drink the soup first, spooning it up around the noodles and all the bullshit i put in there (i fill the pot with frozen vegetables)
then i have nice warm noodles and veggies to eat. sometimes i'll put hot sauce on it at this point since it won't get diluted in the soup.

>> No.14269646

What the fuck

>> No.14269686

No, what? Haha. You start with the broth and eat the noodles along with it as you go, saving the toppings for last.

>> No.14269798

Only if I've been drinking.

>> No.14269810

Only with shin black. Otherwise it’s just a salt bomb

>> No.14269994

I just pour it out.

>> No.14270003

Of course. Anyone who doesn't is a spicelet.

>> No.14270018

I like it dry so when I leave a bit of water in it after the noodles are cooked then I put the packets of flavor in. Good times and nothing to slurp up like some oriental savage.

>> No.14271017
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depends, pic related is all about the soup the noodles are extra

>> No.14271024
File: 217 KB, 900x923, Mama_Brand_Duck-Instant_Noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duck one is really good when duck or a rottisiere chicken is added. I'm a cheap date.

>> No.14271029

some of it but not all of it because the broth is worth like 70% of your DV of sodium

>> No.14271037

I do this too. Chad

>> No.14271050

I always make my ramen with a tiny amount of water so the broth is more like a sauce so no not usually

>> No.14271223

WTF I never knew people poured the soup out

>> No.14271236

It's only soup if you put the packets in first, if you make the noodles first in just water then pour the water out before adding any packets then its different. That's what I like.

>> No.14271245

Oh ya that's what I do too

>> No.14271255

Yes. Love the soup, especially since I tend to put some of my own seasonings into it as well.

>> No.14271527

Of course.
It tastes great... complete waste if you don't.