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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 1200x851, AL4VHKJTVVDY7DZ7EP5QHYFAMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14264233 No.14264233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain to me why this is racist?

>> No.14264243

Because it hurts my feelings

>> No.14264248

because he's black. Can't have any niggers showing up in my food products. They must be all white.

>> No.14264249

uncle was nickname for house negros. and he looks like the servant in the house, or other subordinate. households with hired help that live there: very very bad. hotels, yes. homes, no. and its an historic racist trope. check out the song from the musical hair "uncle tom aunt jemima little black sambo" (ok i typed uncle ben and that was incorrect but aunt jemima is in there) black people see this as racist. racism is in the eye of the beholder. they are now sick of this shit. we lose NOTHING important as white people by surrendering these tropes. let it go.

>> No.14264254

because blacks are underrepresented and we must also take away the few mascots they have

>> No.14264261

Wrong on every single count.

>Since 1946, Uncle Ben's products have carried the image of an elderly African-American man dressed in a bow tie, which is said to have been based on a Chicago maître d'hôtel named Frank Brown. According to Mars, Uncle Ben was an African-American rice grower known for the quality of his rice.

>> No.14264264

I'm hoping for a calarts tier redesign featuring a cool zoomer friendly Uncle Ben.

>> No.14264267


yeah but it's racist

>> No.14264269
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>> No.14264270

Completely irrelevant. Learn how to read, dumbass

>> No.14264273

Fuck coddling the niggers and their child minds. Sensitive ass pussy motherfuckers. Time to end all fucking handouts too. If they are sick of these so-called "tropes" I'm triple sick of feeding and clothing these fucking parasites through entitlement programs.

Nobody in my family ever owned a nigger. Fuck these fucking crybabies.

>> No.14264280

They're suggesting that black home cooking is on the same level as MRE rice.

>> No.14264281

>this upset about a rice mascot
>why are niggers such crybabies!?

Lemme guess, you're not crying, they're crying right?

>> No.14264286

>uncle was nickname for house negros
No it wasn't. Try harder before your faux outrage. Didn't bother reading the rest.

>> No.14264287

It's a representation of a successful black man on the face of a product that's become a household name. Now it's being erased and that's one less portrayal of a successful black man in a product.

>> No.14264288

because it implies that black people are responsible for making shitty fucking rice.

>> No.14264297

it's not

>> No.14264304

now that's one thing i'll agree with

>> No.14264305

He's black. Apparently showing black people is now racist. I think it's hilarious, can't wait until I can shop or turn on the TV without seeing a bunch of blacks

>> No.14264306
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>> No.14264307

I'm black and I think you should kill yourself you stupid fucking leftist.

>> No.14264310

Uncle Tom stereotype

>> No.14264313

>>this upset about a rice mascot
It's not the nigger on the box, it's the 24/7 crybaby niggers burning down leftist shitholes broadcast 24/7 by the rat Jew media that I am fucking absolutely fed up with. Fuck you and fuck all niggers.

>> No.14264317
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Still has nothing to do with what anyone said. Read a book or follow your leader you larping coon

>> No.14264322
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>It's not the nigger on the box, it's the 24/7 crybaby niggers burning down leftist shitholes broadcast 24/7 by the rat Jew media that I am fucking absolutely fed up with. Fuck you and fuck all niggers.

>> No.14264326

idk. I dont see the niggers making threads on 4chan 24/7 about how badly they're losing the culture war. cry some more faggot.

>> No.14264329

Its not, the left is literally full of insane authoritarians.

>> No.14264335

>losing the culture war
Spotted the Jewish sodomite.

>> No.14264336
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>> No.14264339

you're absolutely right, we should show those authoritarians who's boss by militarizing the police, removing homosexuals and immigrants and suppressing voter turnouts. That'll show 'em!

>> No.14264345

What does Argentina have to do with Uncle Ben?

>> No.14264346


sounds like a pretty solid plan

>> No.14264348
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Ah yes, a well dressed wealthy black man who heads his own company. Can't have that, it's an unrealistic portrayal of the modern African American and it's racist.

>> No.14264350

awww, whats wrong Anon? Don't like people using your same language against you? Oh, guess we're out of arguments already? Time to dust off the /pol/ conspiracies! Well played, you sure won this argument. Quick! Go tell everyone how you owned some libs or whatever.

>> No.14264352

niggers are fragile

>> No.14264354

>you're absolutely right, we should show those authoritarians who's boss by militarizing the police, removing degenerate perverts and illegal aliens and eliminating voter and election fraud. That'll show 'em!

>> No.14264358
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This image makes leftists seethe

>> No.14264359

Im not the one demanding everyone erase everything because of insane feelings and demands. I am generally libertarian, I don't want any of that shit so stop living in a field of straw men. The modern insane left are going to create the very fascist they have been calling every normal person for the last handful of years now.

>> No.14264361

give them an inch and they'll take a mile
any concession is a mistake

>> No.14264373


>Bend the knee!

>> No.14264376


quick question, how many black people are arrested a day, how many days until 10,000 are met

then with that metric, how many are killed per year vs white

statistics are fun

>> No.14264384

>wah the billionaires are hoarding all the monies need to vote for Barnie and Gommunism

>Uh oh half the billionaires are Jewish

>LoL time to inject my fentanyl and disconnect from reality and suck another dudes cock to forget how disturbing reality is LoL

Leftists in a nutshell.

>> No.14264385

It's time to go back

>> No.14264387

Here you go, you can look at all the data for yourself. It's proof that systemic racism does not exist in policing.


>> No.14264390

But why are they arrested.
HARDMODE: No mental gymnastics.

>> No.14264392

Niggers can't think. What do you expect?

>> No.14264393


>Racist stats

no thanks

>> No.14264394

quick question, from victim reported crime who makes up what proportion of offenders?

>> No.14264395

So how many black people arrested for non-violent offenses are killed vs white people then? Why did they explicitly limit their statistics to "violent crime"? What about cases of "traffic stops" or "being detained"? Why did they so narrowly reduce their field of interaction with the police to such a specific category?

>> No.14264397

>be upset about syrup packaging
>tantrum on cooking board calling others crybabies

>> No.14264399


hot take, what the fuck are you even on?

>> No.14264400

Here's the answer to your question


>> No.14264408


Black fragility means you're "terrorized" by a bottle of syrup.

>“It’s an image that harkens back to the antebellum plantation … Aunt Jemima is that kind of stereotype, is premised on this idea of Black inferiority and otherness,” stated Richardson.

>“It is urgent to expunge our public spaces of a lot of these symbols that for some people are triggering and represent terror and abuse,” he added.


>> No.14264412

One group that's 13% of the population makes up about 50% of the offenders.

>> No.14264424
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I’m sick of /pol/ddit crybabies shitting up /ck/ with their pseudo-political conspiracies and right-wing virtue signaling. I don’t browse reddit so I don’t see this “librul nigger crying” that you care so deeply about. The crying I see all the time is you faggots. You’d think you’d take a hint from the leftists that constantly bitching and forcing people who really don’t give a shit to listen to your opinions constantly isn’t how you win them over. Go back and get fucked, /pol/ddit newfag.

>> No.14264429
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>enters a clearly political thread
>cries about /pol/

>> No.14264431

So glad the Irish goons aren't as fragile as niggers and I can keep eating me lucky charms.

>> No.14264443
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>I don’t browse reddit
Why do you homosexuals have to lie every time.

>> No.14264459 [DELETED] 
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Spotted the oven dodger.
Your time will come, femboy. You kikes are like women. You will eventually overplay your hand like you've done 109 times before.

Imagine being a group of such despicable people that you have to spend billions of dollars to pass laws making it illegal for people to dislike you? Imagine being so despicable that you have been kicked out of 109 countries because of your criminality and anti social behavior and yet blaming all 109 nations that kicked you out instead of taking a look at the creep in the mirror and figuring out what's wrong with you? And instead you insist that everyone else has the problem and not you...

You all need to be put on a prison island like the Aussies.

Have fun shooting brown Palestinian children and stealing their land you fucking animal.

>> No.14265042
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You children never learn. Thanks for the laugh. Have an upvote.

>> No.14265080

Shut up, bluegums are making it so I'll never have to see another one of them again.

>> No.14265149


>> No.14265300
File: 12 KB, 191x255, oinkoinkoink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leddit tier memes
Bunkerchan called, they want their fellow faggot back.

>> No.14265310
File: 152 KB, 1170x658, Sambos-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like that with an order of Sambos fried chicken, gravy and a side of pancakes.

>> No.14265419

Change the name and picture to something white. Erase blacks from our culture, we've given them 100 years and endless resources to become proper humans and they're still a net drain on humanity.

We gave up the fucking stars to babysit those shit monkeys.

>> No.14265425

>idea of black inferiority
Sorry m8 what have they contributed? What are they equal to or greater than whites in? I'll wait.

>> No.14265468

Ah yes a tranny seethe thread

>> No.14265533

cute girl!

>> No.14265536

>who heads his own company
That's a revision of history they only made him "chairman" in 2007 after they thought "hmmm this shit might be a bit too racist for the mid 2000s"