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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 919 KB, 1033x990, Tireswithasideofsteak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14257233 No.14257233 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone noticed Michelin Star restaurants are only in liberal cities?
Michelin makes fucking tires.
Imagine trusting their opinion on food.
7 of their "3 star" restaurants are in San Francisco where it's legal for the chef and staff to intentionally give you AIDS without your knowledge.
The entire Michelin Guide is full of actual cock sucking faggots and anyone that trusts them is a faggot as well.

>> No.14257238

Sorry the Denny’s in your backwoods MAGA shithole didn’t make it, really I am.

>> No.14257250

you're both fucking cringe imho
op is worse with his literal homophobia but neither of you are good in my books
t. Married gay Canuck

>> No.14257262

like the California laws are fucking shit but let's be real California is a horrid shithole in general besides the laws that allow for bugchasers
y'all don't have fucking water
but crying about "literal cocksuckers is retarded"
i can outdrink and outsmoke and out-eat you competitively, you honestly think sucking a pole negates that? get real you fucking retard, i can probably out-shoot you too
and you, trying to blame everything on MAGAshit and trump? why don't you look at the democrats and how they're doing everything they can to shoot themselves in the foot? trump might bra about grabbing pussy, but biden is the only one with allegations that he literally grabbed the pussy
i fucking hate you both

>> No.14257267

but crying about "literal cocksuckers" is retarded*
scuse my typo

>> No.14257273
File: 190 KB, 1434x793, 1558544460473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post food prices you snowbeaner

>> No.14257279
File: 507 KB, 750x980, 1b9d770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, almost like anyone who is smart, talented and driven to achieve is liberal and moves to a major city.

Sorry no one has given any awards for Bubba's deep fried quadruple bacon cheeseburger served in a bucket of ranch dressing or whatever slop you eat in your shitty, inbred farm town.

>> No.14257282

oh no you're a fucking retard who thinks nunavut pricea apply to the rest of the country
should i take snapshots of the prices in Alert, Alaska and act like i totally owned you?
i bought a quarter pig from a local farmer for $200 in march and still have eaten it all
you have nothing against me, absolutely nothing
retreat while you can because all you did was embarrass yourself

>> No.14257285

>higher quantities of a better cut of meat cost more

>> No.14257287
File: 42 KB, 800x820, 1498751319720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defends liberalism as every liberal city is actively burning
>reddit picture
checks out

>> No.14257290

>Bubba's deep fried quadruple bacon cheeseburger
Also fucking cringe
I am sorry anything with calories triggers you into oblivion
Have some carbs you miserable citiot
t. Same gay Canuck

>> No.14257300
File: 221 KB, 1735x1300, 1558545216606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Langley B.C.
You can spit on Washington from there.

>> No.14257312

>haha this is from one of the most overpriced shitholes in Canada, GOT YOU
should i take pics of prices of similar quality meat in Manhattan
you are really fucking dumb
why do you keep doing this dumbass nonsense when you know you're wrong
also you haven't refuted my local $200 1/4 which is $150 usd
shut the fuck up or debate me properly, idiot

>> No.14257322

all you've done is show me you're a fucking retard who doesn't bother putting in any effort any just goes to the local walmart for food
how on EARTH are you claiming superiority

>> No.14257324

If the critics enjoy the taste of sucking cocks and semen in their mouths, then they are not a good judge of taste and should not be trusted.
How is this difficult to understand?

>> No.14257358

There are michelin star restaurants in the middle of fucking nowheresville - whatfucktalia countries.
But yeah most of the restaurants are in huge, urban centers. Its nothing political, its just where most of the people are, dude.
Bound to change, when this pandemic is over and with the acceptance of remote work, we are in for some kind of urban exodus.

>> No.14257360
File: 119 KB, 1200x952, 1592204389025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's still about 50% more than it should be and American pork isn't allowed to be pumped full of growth hormones.
I can get a quarter of a cow for $150.
Also I thought pork was halal and outlawed in Canadastan?

>> No.14257361
File: 1.27 MB, 960x775, 308997a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least people are going to build the cities. The rural parts of the US have been decaying for 50 years and no one has bothered to rebuild because it's a worthless area full of worthless people.

also, who cares about reddit vs 4chan in 2020? There is so much overlap in both sites it's basically one site. Half the images posted on here are from reddit and vise versa. you may as well be arguing about Coke Vs Pepsi.

>> No.14257368

Yes, why don't more people acknowledge this?

>> No.14257384
File: 98 KB, 518x355, anon is transabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that specific meat is from southern ontario, read the label you fucking faggot

>> No.14257393
File: 74 KB, 950x534, 950x534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popping in to say that I hate Canada and everyone in it, go fucking kill yourself

>> No.14257400
File: 33 KB, 1000x500, 4fc6af4ab58fcbf385540c911ad1560e2c4946f4a9150f72c61f7d6686c2b05f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better hope the U.S. doesn't have a race war because Canada will become lawless and I will drive up there and rake you.

>> No.14257424

>Has anyone noticed Michelin Star restaurants are only in liberal cities?
Two 3 Michelin star restaurants are in a tiny villlage near my hometown

>> No.14257427

>t. Married gay Canuck
Can I come over and rim both you and your husband?

>> No.14257447

???? the fuck does that even mean
you have a dick in your mouth so your tastebuds are bleached?
fucking retard
you don't actually think people suck dick for the taste, do you? no wonder you're a virgin

>> No.14257454

$150 usd is $200 cdn, retard
also we have higher standards than you for hormones and antibiotics, are you stupid? that's the whole reason american milk cannot be sold here

>> No.14257460

ajax is rural as shit, retard, try again

>> No.14257467

gay Canadian here, I'm coming to fuck you in the ass like the defenseless slut you are

>> No.14257469

I've fought bears and gay bears, whore, you think I'm frightened of an internet citiot tough guy?

>> No.14257472

no we are 10000% monogamous but i am flattered for the offer

>> No.14257475
File: 1.27 MB, 1875x1250, Ajax_ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is rural as shit

>> No.14257487

>too far away from city centres and has less population than the suburbs of said city centres
love it when people who aren't from here try to argue about prices
@ me about my quarter pig you ugly cunt

>> No.14257500

It's 45 minutes away from toronto. It's not rural you fucking retard. Also wtf if this pig?

>> No.14257501

why are you guys screeching over how much meat costs

>> No.14257503
File: 21 KB, 200x200, t_28d8f99a71012000a2ee02ca622aa69bb9f15f1a81213247c4a3c0ad5e3063ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being afraid of a faggot
>being afraid of a canadian

>> No.14257504

brb gonna remote nuke all of Detroit
(not that it would be missed)
(not that i am serious)
(speaking of serious i am SERIOUSLY HUNGRY)

>> No.14257512

Because Canadian beef costs 5X as much as everywhere because it's a gay distopian hellhole

>> No.14257524

>Bound to change, when this pandemic is over and with the acceptance of remote work, we are in for some kind of urban exodus.
Is this true? Anything to suggest thisnis happening already?

>> No.14257526

illiterate retard

you don't even own a gun you dumbass cuntifornian

because retards like >>14257512 are permanently clenched despite only Americans allowing legal AIDS-spreading
it's honestly hilarious how they try to pretend they're more masculine than me when they live in the suburbs and have never fought literal or metaphoric gay bears

>> No.14257528

I've only read this far and I already hate all of you

>> No.14257533

fight me irl pussy
you're from commiefornia so you won't
i eat ass but somehow you are a bigger faggot

>> No.14257537

>he can't tell the difference between coke and pepsi
the absolute state of slash cee kay slash

>> No.14257538

good brb

>> No.14257539

>illiterate retard
Nice counterargument. Not every person who disagrees with you is the same individual you fucking fag.

>> No.14257561

>7 of their "3 star" restaurants are in San Francisco
Quince is very good.

>> No.14257564

It is a nice fruit when cooked properly

>> No.14257569

I am from Texas and I assure you I own enough guns to perforate you with a wide variety of hole sizes, from .54 call down to .22 and all sorts in between.

>> No.14257578

I assure you he has one hole that's already perforated enough

>> No.14257598
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, ENWo--8XYAACsbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is everyone even arguing about anymore

>> No.14257608
File: 301 KB, 600x536, 33bd60278a05ceb9d68f48bd5ddaec2f1eff72bb73a096d2a16fb4353e1434f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14257620

The canadian is desperately trying to defend his massively overpriced meat

>> No.14257629
File: 72 KB, 600x480, Carp-6783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate canada

>> No.14257632

laughed tbch, we switch

good for you
too bad you can't hit the broadside of a barn

>> No.14257633

$10 and you can suck my dick
how is that over priced

>> No.14257638

read all of my posts then dumbass
that's why you're illiterate

>> No.14257639

>completely ignores the dozens of allegations against trump
Yup, redhat detected

>> No.14257641

Bet I can still hit the broad side of your open Canadian hole, you faggot

>> No.14257644

good people, camping, fishing, and hunting if you aren't looking for big game
stop being a cunt and come hang out
I'll host you up in Huntsville and we can fish and grill

>> No.14257649

voted for Trudeau in 2015-16 and liked Bernie the most, but try again


>> No.14257657

Didn't know Trudeau ran for president in 2016

>> No.14257661

Nice larping, retard.

>> No.14257687
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 9A28E275-A589-4658-9BC1-DE2DB21F653C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.14257701

Illiterate would imply I have the inability to read or write. I'm just too lazy to read your shitty comments responding to someone else.

>> No.14257704

lol do you own a restaurant that didn't get starred bud?

>> No.14257709

Why would I pay for something I can do for free?

>> No.14257715

Why do faggots only speak in gay innuendo?

>> No.14257718

This is an argument how?

>> No.14257723

>so triggered by one comment about his shithole he wrote a whole fanfic
you know the soy diet might be good for you seeing how much of a sensitive bitch you are

>> No.14257744

Can you name any genuinely good rural restaurants that aren't just slinging BBQ and diner tier food that is worthy of stars?

>> No.14257746

>who cares about reddit vs 4chan in 2020? There is so much overlap in both sites it's basically one site

Spoken like a true redditshit liberal bitch

Enjoy overpaying for your cockroach infested grey box, your pollution, and high violent crime rates.

I’ll just enjoy cheap air, fresh land, and access to beaches/mountains right on my back yard.

>inb4 your cope

All the city dwellers save and penny pinch for decades to leave the city and move to places like Florida lmao

>> No.14257750


>> No.14257760

I'm kinda confused too, wasn't the original point of the michelin system too point out good restaurants along long drives through France, the UK, and the US. What's the point if they're all on the coast.

>> No.14257764


>> No.14257767

hahaha steaming mad

I’d tell you to take a walk and cool off, but you might get dome pieced during your annual riot. Best to stay inside, maybe there’s something good on Netflix for you :^)

>> No.14257768

not sure, seems to be a yank problem
place is huge and maybe there isn't really anything worthwhile in those areas

>> No.14257773

I meant from real countries. I kid but really I mean the US where clearly flyover OP resides.

>> No.14257775

I mean I doubt it, people the world over like good food. I mean you'd think there'd be a fore more in more inland cities if nothing else.

>> No.14257790

Colorado is really bad and not as trendy as LA.

Faggot Californians, PLEASE stop moving here.

>> No.14257794

Cali fags PLEASE go to Colorado Texas is full ty

>> No.14257813

>costal cities are the best >:(
>meanwhile califags keep moving to Texas and Colorado and New Yorkers keep moving to Florida

Who are these dumbasses trying to convince?

>> No.14257891

>Who are these dumbasses trying to convince?

>> No.14257916

bump. is there really going to be an urban exodus because of coronachan?

>> No.14257951

When the economic depression really sets in I'd expect it, yeah.

>> No.14257977

>Michelin makes fucking tires.
>Imagine trusting their opinion on food.
The purpose of the parent company isn't the reason to hate them, though. There was a utterly logically linked travel guides from Zagat, AAA, and online sources too that are simply paired to travelers, whether flying or driving, ie simply about areas you might visit.
The reason to think the Michelin reviews are shit/biased/political and lacking comprehensiveness is based on leaked documents and testimonials about the corporation and the process from actual reviewers. Things have changed drastically over the decades in the business model of that company, as it has for almost every publishing company to be fair. How it's been run in recent years should piss off alot of people, but should really instead downgrade the significance of this review to a thing of the past.

The actual reviewers are unqualified to be reviewers. They are not experts, lifetime epicures, wealthy silver spooned and experienced, full of wisdom or jetset, educators, other chefs. NONE of the above.

They are not told who to review or told to review everything in a region, nor are they compensated to the degree they would buy this as a valid job for anyone at all. They are just unqualified opinions, not based on repeated visits, trials of all on a menu, or on anything at all (based on reviewer accounts), but just person's one anonymous opinion.
You will see fewer and fewer chefs are using their stars as a badge of honor swinging it about like people used to brandish. They know more than you. They know that it's going to make them look stupid to do that among their peers, people they actually do care about.

>> No.14258001

Yeah, especially with teleworking

Who wants to live in an over populated, over priced, disease ridden shithole full of riots and violence?

>> No.14258112

in canadian elections obvi
i liked bernie for usa but i can't vote there

just because you can't settle down doesn't mean i can't


>> No.14258115

get HIV, demonrat

>> No.14258128
File: 398 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191227-034823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you thought this movie was bad??? why don't you make one that's better!!!
not how that works

why is your anus full of cum if you're less of a fag than me, you prancing lala homoman?

>also, who cares about reddit vs 4chan in 2020
pic related


#believewomen unless it's tara, got it

>> No.14258136

That's what you get when you shop at Save-On-Foods which, ironically, is the most expensive grocery store chain in the West, even worse than Whole Foods or Urban Fare.

>> No.14258146

out of curiosity what's the cheapest BC chain
do you guys have food basics, freshco, or no frills? or a different set of chains entirely?

>> No.14258147

this thread is literally unintelligible

>> No.14258202

The chains that are owned by Loblaw's are all decent. Smaller places will have stuff like No Frills and ______'s Independent Grocer, etc. Where the prices are slightly cheaper but it's western Canada you're getting financially raped regardless.

>> No.14258221

Fear and disgust are entirely different things.

>> No.14258233

not really though

>> No.14258238

Are there cows in canada?

>> No.14258243
File: 13 KB, 300x300, nAMq6I6e_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a more accurate ranking of restaurants than michelin?

>> No.14258249

The place is lousy with cows

>> No.14258275
File: 3.91 MB, 400x300, qfIzhv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really though
Ya, really.
Fear makes you run.
Disgust makes a nigga bite the curb.

>> No.14258282
File: 37 KB, 1089x463, yelp wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a more accurate ranking, with as much integrity

>> No.14258295

youre on the losing side of the cultural war and that isn't going to change. keep coping

>> No.14258296

this board is such a shitshow now. you faggots defending all this globohomo bullshit. kill yourselves.

>> No.14258303

>genetic dead end telling anybody they're on the losing side of anything
Enjoy your colon cancer and AIDS, Malefactor.

>> No.14258319

if youre interested in birthrates i have bad news for you anon

>> No.14258350

>Jew implicating himself as the literal faggot anti white parasite that he is on a public board
When you are hog tied and Chad is blowing your brainstem to hell remember this post you vile kike rat. The greatest tragedy about WWII is the gas chambers weren't real and the 6 million is a lie to give the Zionists a free pass to steal Palestine and genocide the indigenous brown people who have lived there for 1000 years. You're on the wrong side of eternity you satanic heeb cocksucker. Enjoy the undodgeable oven that God made.

>> No.14258411

Hello, based department?

>> No.14258576
File: 9 KB, 125x125, 1591978237299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good people
Canadians are some of the rudest assholes. And the meme about Canadians being polite is horseshit. And I say this as a Canadian. Every time I go to the states the people are very kind and welcoming.

>> No.14258596

Why is the dog fat?

>> No.14258658
File: 23 KB, 241x568, one big happy family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stayed together to make it work

>> No.14258661

I’m not white and I hate gays


>> No.14258710

>I’m not white and I hate gays
that's because of low iq, same for

>> No.14258797

>ackshually it takes a high iq to prolapse your asshole

>> No.14258804

>being disgusted by degenerate perverts that choose to literally consume excrement
>low IQ
Doh ho ho!

>> No.14258822

There is nothing more comfy than a michelin star restaurant in the french country side. Too bad you live in a country whithout food culture

>> No.14258824

A quarter cow is significantly more meat than a quarter pig, 110lb vs 50-60. So he did challenge your "low price".

>> No.14258831

>i bought a quarter pig from a local farmer for $200 in march and still have eaten it all
I was at a wedding where an entire pig was catered and roasted. It cost 350 dollars.

>> No.14258848
File: 1.80 MB, 1914x1114, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal evangelized african proaganda

every time

>> No.14259077

You are the cancer ruining my country. Go to California and take your AIDS there.

>> No.14259125

>Lithuania 94
Eh. Are the older generation dragging it down because I got the impression they're smart as hell, but have little opportunity. I mean they're multilingual and school is really difficult.

>> No.14259130

It comes out to 12.52 USD a pound for the mountie meat on the left. So... 2.5 times as much as the US.

Are you okay up there, snowniggers?

>> No.14259152

>Are you okay up there, snowniggers?
No, we are subjected to the whims of literal food cartels who control certain people that it is illegal for me to name, and no it's not 'The Jews'.

>> No.14259348

Guess which populations are growing :^)

>> No.14259366

dilate you fucking faggot

>> No.14259370


This is true

Joel robuchon is a flaming fagget wholl infect on the downlow, no joke

>> No.14259402

>ain't right
pick two

>> No.14259414

>literal homophobia
pH 11

>> No.14259426

>in San Francisco where it's legal for the chef and staff to intentionally give you AIDS without your knowledge.
This cant be real

>> No.14259432

Hes dead you faggot

>> No.14259586


>> No.14259652

Um, fucking based.

>> No.14259783
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>> No.14260792
File: 65 KB, 1200x900, Scotty-Kilmer-Net-Worth-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free. Sorry your satanic wife of a former president didn't make it, really I am.

>> No.14261399

What the fuck would a tire manufacturer know about dining

>> No.14262219

didn't expect this to become a Canada hate bread

>> No.14262238


>> No.14262248

>Michelin makes fucking tires.
>Imagine trusting their opinion on food.
That's kind of the point. They wanted people out driving their cars more so that they would need to buy tires more often, so they started compiling lists of places that were worth driving to.

>> No.14262315

Fuck my ass instead, Im so bored during the beer virus

>> No.14262327

All culture is in cities and all cities are liberal, retard.

>> No.14262328


>> No.14262440

There just plain aren't many good restaurants in rural US, and I'm saying this as a person who hasn't lived in a major city for more than 3 consecutive months within the last 20 years. Try to drive across the country and like 99% of places off the highway are franchised restaurants You can't get blood out of a stone, so they say.

>> No.14262536


>> No.14262553

>All culture is in cities

Americans need to be gassed. Some bistro that's two generations old and an overpriced art district isn't 'culture'.

>> No.14262568

>European countryside
>castles and villages from the 13th century
>American cities

>> No.14262576
File: 29 KB, 460x322, 1541553763378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about america
>complains about replies talking about america

>> No.14262592

Rural Europeans are just as ignorant and impoverished as rural Americans. The only difference is that they have even less options available to them as the flyovers who have no other option than shopping at Walmart.

>> No.14262795

>he doesn't know what a copy-pasta is
oh no no no

>> No.14262798

California got it's wealth under Republican leadership and having been spending it away like trust fund babies ever since they flipped.

>> No.14262799

i can tell your a amerishart from this

>> No.14262811

I've not been to a Michelin restaurant in the US despite living here. The ones in central Europe are top notch with no gimmicks.

>> No.14262866

>michelin star restaurants only exist in US cities

sharter reading comprehension

>> No.14262874

>7 of their "3 star" restaurants are in San Francisco
Maybe try actually reading the OP before accusing anyone else of a lack of reading comprehension next time.

>> No.14262884

>Rural Europeans are just as ignorant and impoverished as rural Americans

Yeah dude, I'm sure you're a wealthy captain of industry. A regular Bloomberg jr. Not some broke office drone working a menial job shuffling back to your shabby apartment block hopping a crack head doesn't mug you every night.

>> No.14262897

If you want those reviewers come to your little backwater town then you have to do more than serve frozen hamburgers/french fries and bland ass food.