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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 870x565, 1597848283401232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14245889 No.14245889 [Reply] [Original]

Basically food for women or hipsters that are more about style over substance.

>> No.14245905

fuck you faggot

>> No.14245909

>rice and fish
>not filling
Sounds like you're just poor.

>> No.14245915

>Not filling
Amerilard detected

>> No.14245923

Rice and fish CAN be filling when not pretentious or gimmicky like sushi. Sushi are made to be eaten in one bite each so you have to eat a fuckload of it to even be satisfied, unless you're a 4 foot skinny woman or a child. Paella and other fish + rice dishes are much more delicious and filling than the retardation that is sushi.

>> No.14245935

If you're gonna eat sushi you do it at an all you can eat place

>> No.14245936

>you have to eat a fuckload of it to even be satisfied
Again, you're just poor.

>> No.14245959
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>> No.14245963

I've been dragged by my family to eat at "high end" sushi places and they're all the fucking same. You still have to order a shitload just to be full and even with long omakase they fill you with drinks and extra food (that aren't sushi). Sushi is a retarded gimmick for Cali hipsters.

Post a pic of how much money is in your account with timestamp, let's compare. I can already tell I'm richer than you are because you're very insecure about money for some reason.

>> No.14245973

>I can already tell I'm richer than you
Let me guess, soy bean farmer?

>> No.14245992
File: 44 KB, 472x354, 6DBEF87B-784E-401C-9FAD-187B9CE668C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop having a pissing match over sushi and your bank accounts and post unsatisfying foods

>> No.14246001

imagine letting CHINKS touch your food with their filthy hands while they scam you with tiny baby portions. imagine not knowing they're laughing at you in the back rooms

>> No.14246009
File: 174 KB, 1200x1800, 43BD1C24-4A55-41E8-8913-75BF7FABB951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could pound this shit all day

>> No.14246010

>Sushi is a retarded gimmick for Cali hipsters.
Sounds like your problem with Sushi is you live in a shit area that panders to shit people.

>> No.14246018
File: 129 KB, 1200x1800, D2919D39-6F65-4D41-872B-A47FF87FD804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not filling at all

>> No.14246025

How can you ever be disappointed by a Bretzel ?? It's literally bread dough you cat make it more filling.

I understand it's not filled with 12 different industrial cheeses and not deep fried on cheesy puff crust but you amerilards need to understand that instant heart attack is not a good criteria

>> No.14246031

>Sushi are made to be eaten in one bite each so you have to eat a fuckload of it to even be satisfied
What does this even mean, this sounds like "1 kg of feathers 1 kg of steel" retard logic

>> No.14246032

I'm curious what is this ?

What do you eat it with? With pita bread I usually find that a couple are enough to trigger my satiety signals with all the fat and protein in there

>> No.14246033

Bread just isn’t filling to me. I’d rather eat cabbage.

>> No.14246035
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>> No.14246039

Bretty much this. It's the "fancy restaurant are a scam because you are still hungry" all over again.
Because a food is sophisticated or elegant people or lower class/social capital have to crap on it to feel better. Yeah us real man we eat a paella it's much more filling than sushis, amiright?

>> No.14246062
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Not even that, I'm just confused by what he even means or implies that sushi is less filling because you have to eat it one bite at a time? Everything is eaten one bite at a time. makes no fucking sense and rice is literally a filler.

Seems like there's just always one guy who's boiling red hot mad at sushi in /ck/ all the time for no reason. I remember one time it was that "sushi is too big for my mouth so it's gross"

>> No.14246068

i feel personally attacked by this post

>> No.14246076

i'm going to make sushi just to spite you and also because i enjoy sushi

>> No.14246101

You're just a fat fuck that can't feel full unless he eats three double cheeseburgers from McDonald's and a McChicken or an entire pizza.

>> No.14246137

I like how this went from "rice isn't filling" to "OH YEAH WELL POST YOUR PERSONAL FINANCES" in the span of two posts.

>> No.14246163

If you actually read the thread, you would know the first guy to bring up money was the insecure third worlder scared to show his poorness. And that I was merely responding to being called poor twice beforehand with a very fair retort. But no, just cherrypick and take things out of context because that's all you can do. The original OP post doesn't even have anything to do with the sushi's price.

>> No.14246213

nah you're poor not because you can't afford sushi
you're poor because you binge eat while driving to the next nearest fast food restaurant

>> No.14246216

>a very fair retort.
"no ur poor, not me"

Still doesn't change the fact of
>not filling

>> No.14246228

Sushi is filling, it's just overpriced and overrated. And it's fucking cold. Japanese hot food is way better, gyudon, sukiyaki etc beef and rice bowls will definitely be more satisfying for less price

>> No.14246232

yeah op I am also poor and feel the same way about sushi

>> No.14246274

>And it's fucking cold.
It's supposed to be room temperature.

>> No.14246310

I could, and I'm willing to compare. Go ahead and post how much money you have in your account with timestamp. You won't do it because you know you're a projecting third worlder.

That's not how the thread went at all. Everyone with functioning eyes can see that, so cope.

>> No.14246317

>not filling
kek, just eat more of it...

>> No.14246326

Dont get pedantic you know what I meant. It aint served hot.

>> No.14246332

>/ck/ still taking this bait
Fucking retards, all of you

>> No.14246345

I would call it "cold" as in it's not hot sure, but it's not "fucking cold" by any means.

>> No.14246355
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This shit right here. I was sure glad the gf was into it back when i had one.

>> No.14246356

Yeah it's not hot, that's what I just said.

>> No.14246376

You never addressed the state of your Americanization though

>> No.14246411

Sushi eaters are literal cuckolds.

>> No.14246418

If you spend around fifty dollars at a typical decent sushi place you will get a perfectly filling assortment of fish and rice. Not that different from what you'd spend at a decent restaurant for good quality Western food.

>> No.14246421

There's more than hot and cold. There is a whole spectrum of temperatures, much like the autistic spectrum you are a part of

>> No.14246422

lol fatty fatty boombalatty

>> No.14246438
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>not filling
Wrong. White rice is plenty filling. Falls between lentils and cheese.

>> No.14246458

ha fat

>> No.14246471

Exactly, I was making green arrow memetext to point out how ridiculous it is. It's absolutely filling.

>> No.14246477

Sounds more like you're the autist here. When boomers in restaurants complain about their food being "cold" they actually mean it's around room temp, aka not hot. Rarely is the food literally ice cold.

>> No.14246485

>street food


>> No.14246494

i think he means that sushi are bite sized and you only get a few per plate, meaning only 4-8 mouthfuls
so after a "whole plate" of sushi OP's fatass is still hungry

>> No.14246498

Use it as a sandwich spread

>> No.14246501

Sorry, my bad. I even thought about that for a second before posting but didn't feel like doing my due diligence and reading more carefully up the thread reply chain for whatever reason.

>> No.14246515

Pretzels fill me up, I get it for lunch at the mall

>> No.14246519

Sushi isn't a street food anywhere.

>> No.14246527
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I could eat two basket and a pitcher of salsa and still want a meal

>> No.14246572

USe iT aS a sANdwIcH SpREaD

>> No.14246582

I can get full for $15 at a Mexican restaurant and it's a lot better than gay ass sushi

>> No.14246585

You're a dumb faggot. Sushi is meant to be eaten by the fuckload. You don't just have 2 pieces, you have like 10 or more. It's not even expensive, depending on where you live.

>> No.14246592

That's the problem. Chinks shouldn't be making Japanese food.

>> No.14246600

just use it as a sandwich

>> No.14246611

This. It's actually very easy to make if you're not retarded. You just have to make sure (if you're using raw fish, which you really don't have to, even Japanese often have cooked or non-fish items on their sushi) that the fish was caught literally the same day that you eat it.

>> No.14246637

This is the most brainlet take I ever done saw
If you eat by weight the same amount of fish + rice in paella or in sushi it is the same amount of calories, and ergo should be the same quantified amount of "filling"

You let your low-test prejudice fool you into not feeling full and now you're bitching about your fatassery to a food and cooking board.

>> No.14246838
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Do you only eat ONE piece of sushi?

>> No.14247295

Subhumans who drive to a restaurant to pay for tiny fish on tiny rice don't have the sufficient IQ to know they're being preyed upon.

>> No.14247335
File: 126 KB, 976x1632, 95875907_10157541375093214_2878987011677487104_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet picky eater detected.

>> No.14247339
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>he's too poor to affording a filling amount of sushi
I found some food for you, OP

>> No.14247349

>not filling
OP's micropenis isn't filling

>> No.14247357


>> No.14247391

>Because a food is sophisticated or elegant people or lower class/social capital have to crap on it to feel better.
I know right? These uncultured savages can't comprehend something as high class as some pressed rice with a thin slice of fish on it. Imagine how they must feel about other displays of international culinary genius such as
Indian slop on rice or African slop on rice, or even South American slop on beans. Such seething jealousy.

>> No.14248349

>Basically food for women or hipsters that are more about style over substance.

post hands. Lets see that fat wrist

>> No.14248355

>"sushi is too big for my mouth so it's gross"
I remember that thread. Fucking Mouthlets I swear

>> No.14248358

I am finding myself increasingly irritated with nice tacos that I feel should be around 2.50 or less but are now 3.50 or even more. I understand that sometimes the place is working hard on the ingredients but it just feels fucking stupid to spend 4 bucks on a single taco of this size. Sell me 3 and put a plate price on it and give me a little rice and some beans and I won't be mad about it.

>> No.14248359

cope and seethe

>> No.14248364

post your wrist

>> No.14248627

post body

>> No.14248644


Steel is heavier than feathers, though

>> No.14248655

gives me monster shits but i love it anyways

>> No.14248692

I don't think you get it depending on the sushi joint its ether a traditional high class sushi experience where you get 4 plates of fish or its a train with beer and saki and every one pigs out and drinks fuck loads or any where in between.

>> No.14248701
File: 19 KB, 366x380, oh shit nigger what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1kg of steel
>1kg of feathers
>heavier than

>> No.14248770

Yeah, that's your right to be poor and have it limit your options. Not everyone is working with the income of an hourly wageslave though.

>> No.14249310

Omakase is about putting quality on display retard. You went to an omakase and got quality sushi AND they feed you other shit so you left full. What's the problem here? If you want to be full on sushi go all you can eat like everyone has told you to do. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.14249346
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>> No.14249367


>> No.14249421

>t. fatass

Go back to eating you quintuple bypass burgers faggot.

>> No.14249435

>Subhumans who drive to a restaurant to pay for a tiny fish on tiny rice don't have the sufficient IQ to know they're being preyed upon
sushifags are just tryhard plebs that just want something "cultural" to post on their instagram or weebs who would eat anything made by asians, no one actually enjoys the flavor of sushi or gets full from it

>> No.14249442

>He actually believes this shit

>> No.14249479
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You can't really reason with retards who worship a group of people whose idea of humor is faces turning red and use primitive tiny sticks as eating utensils.

>> No.14249488

>food that are not filling
For me it's McDonald's and the like. Whatever I eat I'm hungry again a couple hours later. I wouldn't mind if the food wasn't so calory dense.

>> No.14249495

What are you on about? I've never left a sushi restaurant hungry. Not my favorite but it beats bullshit like haute cuisine or molecular gastronomy by a landslide.

>> No.14249501

>no one actually enjoys the flavor of sushi or gets full from it
If you're a toddler, a girl, or a skinny fedora wearing soy-boy with no testosterone that you can get full from sushi.

>> No.14249508

>Rice and fish CAN be filling when not pretentious
So presentation directly effects your sense of satiety?

>> No.14249540
File: 1.25 MB, 1222x761, --------.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushi is the biggest meme food of all time. Instead of getting a dish of whole fish with a lot of rice you get bitch portions that force you to order more. It 100% just relies on how colorful and pretty it is instead of how filling it is. The 'subtle flavors' meme is also stupid because they put seasonings on it or advise you to put wasabi or soy sauce on it. Nigger, if you wanted subtler flavors then just don't overseason fish when you cook it. I've been to fucking Japan and tasted their authentic sushi and I still vastly prefer all the superior fish meals I had from Italy and Dominican R. Sushi is garbage.

>> No.14249557

Wrong. Once I ate 32 salmon nigiri at a nice las vegas buffet. Unforgettable experience

>> No.14249561


you have a gutter palate. good sushi is S tier food

>> No.14249574

>"60 salmon sashimi and one spicy eel maki please"

>> No.14249580

that would still fill you up more than small slivers of fish laid on small blocks of rice

exactly. animetrannies pretend to like this gimmick but it's neither filling or flavorful. for fuck's sake just buying good fish from a good fishmonger and cooking it at home = more flavor, better portions, less overpriced, less gooks touching your food with their dirty hands. there's literally no scenario in which eating sushi is ideal, it fails on every level

>> No.14249729
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>2020, the year of our Lord
>eating food that tastes good in reasonable portions
>shiggy diggy

Jesus, this thread reads like it's written by a bunch of fat, Midwestern white men who can't handle anything besides fast food and don't eat vegetables "because that's what my food eats". Enjoy your slop, piggies. Gorge yourself on burgers and Doritos, leave the real food to the grownups

>> No.14249731


Most hipster taco joints around me are $7-8 per taco. It's insane.

>> No.14249744
File: 618 KB, 1082x1200, 1562012991174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most hipster taco joints around me are $7-8 per taco
What kinda fucking tacos are they making to justify that price?

>> No.14249925

consoomers have been brainwashed to think sushi is fancy, its one of Gookland's greatest scams

>> No.14249965


>> No.14250045
File: 316 KB, 499x542, superandyguy-me-and-my-girlfriend-hado-chan-i-look-rly-ugly-54289621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're a toddler, a girl, or a skinny fedora wearing soy-boy with no testosterone then you can get full from it
Or if you're just a wapanese neckbeard that wants people to think you're a cultured refined 'individual'. Notice how most of these people never actually learn the Japanese language or travel there, they just blindly praise all slantshit even if they're bad. Sushi has underwhelming flavor and isn't filling but they pretend it is so they can be deep like their animu characters.

>> No.14250057

fat ass detected

>> No.14250129
File: 14 KB, 258x258, 1589554409164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people dont realize the amount of rice used in a standard roll is equal to a small bowl of rice, that shit adds up quickly when people order 2-3 rolls

>> No.14250146

Not many Japanese people eat sushi. Good quality sushi. expensive there. You just hate Japanese people.

This thread is a shitty >>>/pol/ thread in disguise/

>> No.14250158
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>> No.14250176

it is filling, there's so much rice in sushi, I was completely bloated after like 20 pieces and wasn't hungry for the rest of the night.

>> No.14250615

t. cope and seethe

>> No.14250693
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>> No.14250739

Sushi is a meme, but not because of the portions, idiot. It's bland, and people (aka spicelets) make p excuses for their bland palate by saying "muh subtle flavor".
And then you had to be a /pol/nigger about it. Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.14250748

No matter how many meat patties they add

That shit is aire puro

>t, Someone who eats a quad stacker and a chicken tenderscrisp in just one sitting and gets hungy again 10 minutes later

>> No.14251401

Sushi is faggoty on the same tier as those sissy martinis with jolly ranchers. I hate "arty" food that can only please zoomer arthoes. Give me have a whole fish on the bone with some rice instead.

>> No.14251732


>> No.14251752

Not only you are poor you are also a big faggot lol

>> No.14251757

>Not filling and satisfying

>> No.14251762

People who hate sushi are the real faggots here lol.

>> No.14251769

/ck/ - Filling Your Gut & Cooking

>> No.14251815

You know you’re allowed to eat more than one piece of sushi at a time, right? Generally when you go out for sushi you order several different items. Most people don’t order a 2 piece nigiri and call it a day. Just because you do something wrong, doesn’t mean it’s “pretentious” or “lacking”, it just means you’re retarded.

>> No.14251827

>I hate "arty" food that can only please zoomer arthoes.
It's literally just fish over rice how is it arty

>> No.14251909

wasn't ever considered a meal by arabs to begin with, the closest it gets to that is being part of a mezze breakfast

>> No.14251933

I do think sushi is overrated by normalfags, there's a lot of more filling and flavorful Japanese food out there.

>> No.14251940

I think sushi is what your gravitate to naturally when your palate becomes more refined. When you no longer need to stuff your gullet like a retarded child. Every foodie I know swears by Japanese food. It is the French food of today.

>> No.14251964
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>sushifags are just tryhard plebs that just want something "cultural" to post on their instagram or weebs who would eat anything made by asians, no one actually enjoys the flavor of sushi or gets full from it
lol no. Nobody knows how much sushi I eat and I have no social media accounts. I get it because it's really enjoyable food and super-easy on the GI tract to boot (as long as you stick to nigiri; supermarket roll sushi always has all those retarded seeds poured on for no reason that rape your intestines).
Nice soft white rice, enjoyable and decent sized pieces of tuna, salmon, eel, or any number of more exotic choices, and you get the wasabi and so sauce to further enjoy it all with last second modifications of the taste.
Mexican food in comparison (which I think OP and/or other anons have brought up as an alternative they prefer) is definitely way cheaper, but it also tends to sit heavy and you can get sick of it pretty quickly. Sushi is the safest bet for a meal that will digest perfectly well and leave you feeling satisfied rather than bloated and sick. And you'll probably stop eating it after a while because of the cost rather than because you're tired of it. Once I got a promotion and started making a lot more money I went for months eating nothing but sushi at my office for lunch (delivery to our front desk security people through Uber Eats so I wouldn't even need to worry about picking it up myself).
And all that aside it's solid nutritionally. Most people don't get enough fresh fish in their diet, and if you tend to be underweight the combination of rice and fish makes it easy to get a decent number of calories in without making yourself sick chugging whole milk or eating giant plates of chicken or whatever other gains approaches you might have going on already.
>If you're a toddler, a girl, or a skinny fedora wearing soy-boy with no testosterone that you can get full from sushi.
Won't get full from 20 pieces of nigiri? Bullshit.

>> No.14251971

From out of town at Dallas Zoo on a weekday during the summer, girlfriend at the time works at Dallas World Aquarium. I'm doing the shutterbug thing, no breakfast because she's bad at keeping house. I'm hungry as fuck. Food pavilion approaches, bretzels and beer. 10AM. Was fucking magnificent. Was so big I even shared it with a squirrel, he liked it dipped in the beer. Called the girlfriend up and told her to get employed here because the aquarium could lick my balls with it's shitty little barely open cafe.

>> No.14251976

>imagine sperging out that much for an obviously bait thread

>> No.14251987

>sperging out
I just wrote some text on an anime website. Not like you raised my blood pressure.

>> No.14251992

calm your ass down, autist

>> No.14251995


>> No.14252034

>no one actually enjoys the flavor of sushi
I do. I don't know what your problem is. If you don't enjoy the flavor of sushi then just say that. Don't project that bullshit on me. I have stuffed my face with sushi many a time. It was very unladylike.

>> No.14252037

You quoted the wrong post.

>> No.14252039

this thread boils down to rednecks who have never even tasted sushi saying it is gross. thread closed.

>> No.14252042

That's fine.

>> No.14252060

>not knowing the consistent appearance of a successful bait thread
Welcome, newfag.

>> No.14252069

I don't know why anons like you love screaming over and over again that it's a bait thread.
I know and I don't care. I just like discussing the topic and arguing against anti-sushi posts. Even if the anon making these posts isn't sincerely thinking that way it's definitely true that people exist who do sincerely think that way.

>> No.14252072

you are ze best baiter in ze world
we are all so impressed down here by your baiting prowess
give yourself a nice handy this evening
you deserve it, champ!

>> No.14252088

White rice is digested to quickly to be filling

>> No.14252094

Poe's law in action.

>> No.14252096

>chimping out about baits for ads revenue
Hiro said thank you for all of you autists.

>> No.14252102


>> No.14252117

Damn that's a lot of seethe

>> No.14252135

Looks like Dobos torte.

>> No.14252143

>i'm poor
>so i could only afford two pieces of sushi at the fancy sushi restaurant
when will poorlets ever learn?

>> No.14252153

sushi is sugar laced my dude

>> No.14252222

Not sure what your point is, but I've never not been underweight well into my 30s now. Diabetes isn't a risk for me (though I doubt rice in sushi would even be much of a risk for anyone else for that matter; not exactly the diet that comes to mind when you think obesity epidemic).

>> No.14252229

wasted digits

>> No.14252237

What did you want me to do with them exactly? Tell you a funny meme about Navy Seals and turning around 360 degrees to walk away? They're my digits and you'll respect them, faggot.

>> No.14252249

Hard to first dip without biting.

>> No.14252258

>rice and fish
>not filling
I mean, looking at how short, malnourished and skinny japanese people are yeah. These people literally don't grow to adult size.

>> No.14252317

It's because they don't eat monstrous quantities of growth hormone laced beef. In hindsight, it might have been a good thing. I used to be a nerdlinger in my youth, but now people describe as a "giant". I don't feel like one, but ok. I guess it was all the beef I ate. It was always my favorite food.

>> No.14252320

I will not respect them

>> No.14252326
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*teleports behind you*

>> No.14252341
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heh....you werem't quick enough.....

>> No.14252544
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fk this stupid vege. Not filling, barely any flavor and has less nutritional value than a lump of quartz. Any farmer that uses his plots to grow this shit instead of a cabbage needs to go to a re-education camp, being only fed the lettuce that got soggy in the back draw of the fridge!

>> No.14252660
File: 1.32 MB, 326x326, zawarudo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yu mo gwai gui fai di zao
yu mo gwai gui fai di zao

>> No.14252692

Even many people from poor countries that don't eat lots of hormone laced beef, they actually grow to being tall adults. Most japanese are skinny, short, malnourished, no physiques and no dick. They don't get full from tiny pieces of fish on tiny squares of rice. They don't grow past their teen age physically but they're not getting enough sustenance.

>> No.14252731

>skinny, short, malnourished
>thinking all Japanese eat is sushi

turn off your PC and actually live in Japan you moron

>> No.14252746
File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't like sushi are officially retarded.

>> No.14252806

...how? Its okay for some people to not like things.

>> No.14252907

Where do you live that has shitty soft pretzels? I’m going to assume that it’s somewhere in the Midwest, probably ohio. Also let me guess, you’ve never actually had one outside of a Kmart?

>> No.14252913

>Its okay for some people to not like things.
It isn't.

>> No.14252951
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>> No.14253463

sushi is the same as eating sweets my dude

>> No.14253533

What's your point? If you aren't fat the sugar in rice isn't going to cause you problems.

>> No.14253544

its a crepe cake stupid

>> No.14253570
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>> No.14253582

No, ketotard.
If you aren't overweight you almost certainly aren't anywhere near the point of pancreas damage from sugar content in rice. And in fact the rice diet is one of the only confirmed methods for reversing type diabetes insulin resistance in overweight people who already have damaged themselves.
>We have for the past 15 years treated numerous diabetic patients with the rice diet. Since more than 90 percent of the calories in this diet are derived from carbohydrates, it was anticipated that increased amounts of insulin would be necessary to keep the blood sugar at its previous level. However, the opposite proved to be true. As previously reported, not only is the rice diet well tolerated but in many instances the blood sugar and the insulin requirements decrease.
>There is no indication that healthy people taking a diet rich in carbohydrates are especially liable to diabetes; in fact numerous observations show improvement of carbohydrate tolerance following its greater intake. The Staub-Traugott effect is a classical example of this in acute experiments. As a long-term effect diabetes mellitus is not especially common among the huge and mainly carbohydrate-eating populations of the world-e.g., the Chinese-except the rich and the sedentary among them who partake of large quantities of fat as well and encourage obesity by overeating.

>> No.14253589

lol someones hungry for (you)'s

>> No.14253595


You people are stupid pieces of shit that can't make your own sashimi/sushi. You're people that should be put to the knife.

>> No.14253607

About the rice thing? That's just a fact. You've been hearing too much disinfo meant to make you think anyone can have pancreas problems / type 2 diabetes when really there is a massive overrepresentation among those who are overweight (at least 90% of them are overweight with the remaining minority having not yet understood genetic risk factors, or more commonly, simply not being overweight at the time of survey because they had such a severe onset that they rapidly pissed out all their excess weight overnight).

>> No.14253608

Do you even know the glycemic index of fucking rice?

>> No.14253611

Stop being a fucking baby.

>> No.14253613

Yes. And it's not an issue when you aren't overweight you idiot. You need to break your body first by getting too heavy, THEN it becomes a problem.
I'll post more links in a minute to help you out here.

>> No.14253616

Sugar doesn't cause type 2 diabetes. Sugar's what you become unable to process effectively when you have insulin resistance / type 2 diabetes.
>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but by genetics and lifestyle factors.
It's still an open question as to what does cause it, but the academic consensus leans towards weight gain, particularly since you can even find reliable connections between different specific kinds of fat deposits on the body and your risk for it.
>The mechanisms by which visceral obesity results in insulin resistance appear to be related to excess lipid accumulation in liver. This may be due to excess fatty acids from visceral adipose tissue draining into the portal vein.

>> No.14253619


I'm 5 10 and 144. I don't need you fucking help. I just need people to know that rice isn't the worst carb. You being a piece of shit doesn't help.

>> No.14253624

I'm saying rice isn't bad.

>> No.14253631

Well. good. You're right. It's not great, it's not terrible. 3.6 roentgen essentially.

>> No.14253637

Why are you worried about glycemic index if you're 5'10 and 140lb? Blood sugar spiking doesn't cause type 2 diabetes. Being overweight causes you to become vulnerable to blood sugar spiking.

>> No.14253671

Lmao wtf? Pretzels taste good but they aren’t filling. I think sushi is delicious but it isn’t filling either. No need to play armchair psychoanalyst.

>> No.14253710

I have a local biergarten that serves the best pretzels with a beer cheese sauce, I can eat one of those and not want anything the rest of the day. Great for filling space while drinking.

>> No.14253726

dude it's not the sugar content of rice
it's the fact that each piece of sushi has ~15 grams of sugar added to it

>> No.14253733

Carbohydrate itself does not cause diabetes, however If there is no carbohydrate in the diet there is no t2d, there is not a more effective treatment of obesity and diabetes, requirement for insulin injections goes away.

Fructose (which is 50% of sucrose) is linked to NAFLD because it is processed entirely in liver similarly to alcohol, mostly into fat which will go onto organs if subcutaneous fat tissue is full and accelerate insulin resistance. it's fatty organs (visible as pot or the so called beer belly) that cause most problems, this explains why there are landwhales without diabetes (body able to store massive amounts of fat in subcutaneous adipose tissue) and stick men with t2d, known as TOFI ( unable to store subcutaneous fat ) they are the ones who can seemingly eat anything and stay thin, then die from heart disease.

Combination of carbs and fat, god forbid sugar and omega 6 vegetable oil ( Standard American Diet ) is the most fattening, elevated insulin and caloric density leads to increased fat storage. Eat either low fat high carb (which leads to misery and hunger due to sugar spikes ) or the natural human diet which is high fat low carb, it provides natural satiety and allows continuous fat burning for energy.

>> No.14253737

But that's a side dish you eat with rice.

>> No.14253783

>I have to eat until I'm full every meal
>being pretentious about it

>> No.14253788

[Citation needed]

>> No.14254409

Only good post ITT

>> No.14254418
File: 88 KB, 1280x600, sushi-burrito-ultimate-handheld-meal.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seafood is not filling and is a known cause for 20th century obesity in wealthy folk

when I moved into australia I've realized quick sushi stalls sell these bad boys in rolls, uncut. I eat 3 or 4 of them for a meal. it is refreshing to be able to say I'm full after 3 pieces of sushi, up from 20 kek

>> No.14254430

why are anti-sushifags so bitchy?

>> No.14254613


>> No.14254644

>If there is no carbohydrate in the diet there is no t2d, there is not a more effective treatment of obesity and diabetes, requirement for insulin injections goes away.

>> No.14254680

I wonder what the average income of /ck/ is. it has to be under 30k. bitching this hard about sushi is somthing only the poorest of fags would do. It really isnt even that expensive. sorry its not 30 cents of rice and beans mexi-feed.

>> No.14254683
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webm related
it's OP

>> No.14254711
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I wanna crush that midget!

>> No.14256023

>t. cope and seethe

>> No.14256065

/ck/ used to be a much more adult board, but most of those people are gone now and were replaced with 2016 kiddies and /fit/ crossposters, so unless you post a bowl of oats, or a bowl of stew, or generally just a really boring bowl of slop that university kids can replicate themselves they will cry. People used to debate tipping, and now the very idea of eating at a restaurant sends people into a rage.

>> No.14257489

an average meal of sushi consists of 15+ pieces