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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14243878 No.14243878 [Reply] [Original]

I can't refute this and I like beer.

>> No.14243882

real men don't drink alcohol

>> No.14243899

By "real men" you mean "pussified straight-edge soy boys"?

>> No.14243902

Based Brock. He knows getting fucked up is all about time and moderation. He's gonna be chillin' with a good buzz on while Red Foreman's puking on himself as he lays on the floor and crying about his ex who dumped him three years prior.

>> No.14243904

Beer is a meme. No taste, slow and weak alcohol, plenty of weight gain. It's shit

>> No.14243906

Attempting to kombat "manisms" is pointless. They are based on cultural things, not logic. Beer is more manly BECAUSE it wastes bad. The implication is that you're not tough enough to stomach the nastier drink.

It's like if someone said you had soft hands from counting money all your life, and you respond with YEAH IT'S BECAUSE I COUNT MONEY, AND NEVER HAD TO DO PHYSICAL LABOR, YOU IDIOT. You're making the same point they did.

>> No.14243909

i have LITERALLY never tasted an alcoholic beverage that has tasted good enough to warrant the consumption of alcohol (a DRUG)
checkmate drunkards

>> No.14243913

What warrants the consumption of alcohol is that you get high off it.

>> No.14243917

Go be holier-than-thou somewhere else, man. You came into a thread about alcohol just to shit on it.

>> No.14243920

drug addled freak, don't reply to me again

>> No.14243933

Drugs are naturally occurring. Alcohol, weed, mushrooms, all stuff given to us by nature. You think you are smarter than god?

>> No.14243938

You came into his comment just to shit on it, puke-drinking sheep faggot. kill all non-teetotalers

>> No.14243942


>> No.14243943

im no longer a highschooler, i never want to get fucked up ever again, but i can pound beers all day and still function

>> No.14243944

So you think you are smarter than god. Enjoy burning in hell heathen.

>> No.14243945

Are you ESL?

>> No.14243946

yummy yummy hemlock

>> No.14243950

Poo poo won't get anyone high though

>> No.14243953 [DELETED] 

you think you're better than me?

>> No.14243958

Even a kid with Down's Syndrome is better than faggots who mass reply to the entire thread.

>> No.14243967


>> No.14243974

wise guy, huh?

>> No.14243975

More wise than some, ayuh.

>> No.14243980

>Getting fucked up at all whether its liquor or beer

>> No.14244018

Why would you want to be wasted in 15 minutes?

>> No.14244033

Getting drunk sucks. A slight consistent buzz is better. And all the sugar dehydrates you even faster making you feel worse the next day. Girly drinks are for short term thinkers.
That aside I only drink moonshine if I drink at all. Nice clean buzz, dont feel groggy the next day.

>> No.14244037


God tier:
> Highball cocktails
> Single malt scotch whiskey
> Burgundy red wine

Great tier:
> Belgian 'Triple' beer
> Gin
> Bourbon

Good tier:
> Pale lager
> Pure vodka
> Bordeaux red wine
> Loire valley white wine

Ok tier:
> Rhine white wine
> Blended scotch
> Stout lager
> Tequila

Bad tier:
> Craft beer / IPA
> South American wine
> Pre-mixed drinks

Shit tier:
> Alcohol in a fuckin fruit smoothie

>> No.14244045

Why I ought a

>> No.14244048

Check you toxic masculinity.

>> No.14244051
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>doing this

>> No.14244067

Why even have a mixed drink at that point? Just chug hard liquor, or even better pure alcohol

>> No.14244094
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Even better

>> No.14244106

Check you spelling.

>> No.14244108

I'm not a betting man, but in this case I'm pretty confident in my odds.

>> No.14244168

Autism detected.

>> No.14244176

Grow some tits you stupid bitch.

>> No.14244185

You should kill yourself on stream for posting twitter.

>> No.14244189

Shochu with soda doesn't have any kind of alcoholic aftertaste, it's pretty great.

>> No.14244190

Don't you EVER reply to me again, this is your ONLY warning.

>> No.14244193

Based as fuck man. This is why I stick to putting meth up my ass hole.

>> No.14244196

Are you a literal child?

>> No.14244198

Sorry sir.

>> No.14244199

Literally who?

>> No.14244200

But you can't admit that it tastes bad either because that would also be less manly because you're admitting that you're doing something for the sole purpose of feeling manly.

>> No.14244207

just drink whatever you like lads

>> No.14244209

I can affirm this as I'm almost ready to admit myself to rehab as a 22 year old beta. Dont drink guys its really not worth it

>> No.14244219

fruity drinks are for cooling off on hot days, if you really want to get drunk efficiently there's no substitute for straight hard liquor

>> No.14244220

water for me
alcohol is for losers

>> No.14244221


>> No.14244222

Ya just cause some substances can mimic the actions of chemicals in our brain should NOT be a justification to consume them. If anything at all it should signal you to stay the FUCK away from them. Some pyschs are OK if you really mean to take them beforehand and you only use them on rare occasions.

>> No.14244238

Imagine drinking rotten barley juice when you could have a nice Old Fashioned or a glass of Stoli

>> No.14244243

the vast majority of hominids and ancestors of hominids throughout history disagree with you. Like it or not, use of these substances is a part of the human experience, and stigmatizing or criminalizing them ultimately does more harm than good to both individuals and societies

>> No.14244244

Liquor is concentrated rotten barley juice.

>> No.14244245

If fermentation is rot then you're drinking rotten potatoes and rotten corn

>> No.14244249

Do you have any scientific evidence to support your opinion? Feelings are not facts.

>> No.14244257

Yes, because distillation does absolutely nothing

>> No.14244264

Lol what? Neither of us implied that.

>> No.14244265

Have you ever seen the process? Of beer or liquor or even wine. It's all fermented. Some have more sugar, some have a couple extra steps, but it's all fermented liquid you're drinking

>> No.14244268

Anyway, the point is, have fun drinking your carbonated swamp water and I'll keep drinking real alcohol

>> No.14244269

Ok retard.

>> No.14244284

Swap Pure vodka and South American wine, and this is the list.

>> No.14244381

Nah, it's more like this
God tier:
>Neat bourbon
>Rye whiskey
>Rum cocktails
Great tier:
>Gin cocktails
>Neat rum
>Bourbon cocktails
>Craft beer/IPAs
>German/Belgian lagers and weizens
>Sauvignon Blanc
>Alcohol in a milkshake or fruit smoothie
Good tier:
>American lagers/wheat beers
>Any hard liquor except those listed below
>Any white wine not listed below
>Tequila cocktails
Ok tier:
>Neat tequila (mid-high quality)
>Canadian/Irish whiskey
>Expensive blended scotch, or less smoky single malt
>Any red wine not listed below
>Any malt liquor not listed below
Bad tier:
>Smoky scotch/cheap blended Scotch
>Steel Reserve
>Cheap Port/Sherry
>Plum wine
Shit tier:
>Bum wines
>Pre mixed drinks
>Neat tequila (low quality/mixto)
>Chinese beer

>> No.14244385
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>> No.14244391

Ok but drinking ain't no game babby

>> No.14244402

Pretty much everyone is

>> No.14244406

Soyboys love beer though.

>> No.14244410

Ok i have in the past seen talk by experts proposing the idea that our ancestors brains were awakened and jump started to more useful pathways of thinking by using mushrooms. I don't know much else but that tidbit. I'm just a guy who thinks valuing the greater good and overall health of society should be a more successful route to our goal of existing on this planet over the possible gains to be made in consuming intoxicants, especially since I have seen the corruption left behind by substance use in the past 10 years of my own life, of my friend's lives and in strangers. Maybe I just blind to the positives of intaking these compounds due to my emotional bias and lack of interaction with certain individuals. I just feel as though these practices are vestigial and better to be left out of our descendants way of life.

>> No.14244416

>not liking smoky scotch

What're you? Some kind of queer dick sucking faggot?

>> No.14244423

>I'm drinking a fruit smoothie
ok Karen

>> No.14244429

Mimosa. Tastes like oj with carbonation.

>> No.14244431

As someone who likes beer, "5% bread flavored soda" isn't really accurate. "5% piss-flavored water" is more accurate for most beers.

>> No.14244439
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A alcoholic fruit smoothie is only efficient at giving you diabetes. If you want to get drunk efficiently you drink actual fucking +80 proof alcohol not corn syrup and Red 40 with some grain ethanol added.

>> No.14244445

real men don't eat quiche

>> No.14244449

Why can't I refute this bros....

>> No.14244450


>> No.14244456

men drink shots washed down with beer when they want to get fucked up. for me it’s tequila washed down with a shock top. I don’t usually order shock top without a tequila, but I do almost always order a shock top with a tequila. Something about those two are great together. I don’t even date girls who drink girl drinks...

>> No.14244457

Since you're a wuss have you ever tried making a mixed drink? Buy some grocery store red wine and mix it with literally any juice you think would go good with grapes. Make it a half and half ratio for a normal drink, more juice or alcohol depending on if you want better flavor or more fucked up

>> No.14244461

Oh how wrong you are

>> No.14244464

real men eat everything. They will eat a vegan burger if that is what is given to them. They will eat a steak, a salad, a baked potato, a fish, a vegetable lasagna, it doesn’t matter. We do not complain. We do not make a fuss. A real man might not order a quiche, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t eat one.

>> No.14244472

What if you were a served a penis?

>> No.14244478

There's always a dumbass who fucks up life and drugs often do amplify that. I even have a family member who is such a lost cause. Their downfall is the fault of themselves and the ones around him who failed to help their brother. If a successful businessman decides to do coke in a private party nobody looks down on him or its consider an eccentricity. To frown on these substances is a personal choice but I do not see it as a direct cause and effect for every person using them.

>> No.14244481

I've never had a quiche in my entire life and feel like I've been missing out

>> No.14244482

I've had one and they're not my thing. Would eat if starving

>> No.14244483

>what if you’re served a penis
I ate penis by choice two nights ago. you think you haven’t eaten dicks when you have eaten hotdogs? Get over it.

>> No.14244485

Rare or well done?

>> No.14244487

I’m pretty sure quiche was someone trying to recreate the Portuguese egg tart, knew they would never get it right, so they claimed their abomination was a new recipe. Some people like it. Good for them. It’s not the worst eggs I’ve had by a long shot.

>> No.14244491

Vein blue.

>> No.14244492


it's a girl drink and that dude is a faggot. faggots love being intoxicated.

>> No.14244495

Drinking isn't always about getting fucked up as fast as possible
If that were the case we would all be drinking 200 proof

>> No.14244499

I'd soak it in vodka and plug my ass with it like a man

>> No.14244503

Why not make a manly alcoholic drink that gives a good buzz, doesn't make you fat like bread, and doesn't rot your teeth off?

>> No.14244509

>doesn't make you fat like bread
Lol does your little womanly bitch body not workout? Fag!

>> No.14244512

The majority of wine I have enjoyed in the last 4 years are malbec and about 30% are from Chile and Argentina. You are a tastelet.

>> No.14244515

Statistically, yes,

>> No.14244519

He's an idiot, but south american 'bec is objectively trash

>> No.14244527

You never even drank a single one of these

>> No.14244531

You got me slacking on my workout intensity but I do workout. What would you say is the best alcohol for max /fit/ness gains?

>> No.14244533

Imagine consuming alcohol with the intention of becoming intoxicated

>> No.14244638

frittata is better

>> No.14244648

Good luck friend, remember to exercise regularly, even if it's just bodyweight stuff in your room at first

>> No.14244652

Imagine being as retarded as this guy

>> No.14244672

it's called gin

>> No.14244708

Gin is a liquor, the drink would be a martini. Which is basically just gin but you call it something else so you don't look like you have a problem.

>> No.14244728
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He should start speedrunning first if he's going down that slippery slide.

>> No.14244733

Dude gross

Why do you feel the need to say that?

>> No.14244814

>Recently got back into MegaMan X
>Decided to watch a speedrun while eating dinner to see if I could try some fancy shit
>Bars showing screen names all had preferred pronouns because that's what AGDQ is now
>Player was she/her as was the entire couch
>All were clearly born men
What is it about speedrunning that attracts them?

>> No.14244822

OP, why do you wish to refute your own choices, judge other's people choices, or one-up your friend? Dwelling on this topic in retrospection has just one lesson. Accept that sometimes your friend has more self-esteem than you, or wisdom, and it's not an insult to say so back to them, from time time. Friendship isn't a competition of wits. You attempted to bully/insult, and you failed. Remember to stop disliking what other people like. The only reaction to this guy's comment should be a laugh. You insulted him and he bested you with knowing himself better than you do.

Efficiency of your timing of a buzz, is not the only reason to drink, however. And, I'm sure your friend actually enjoys frozen fruit flavors too, or he'd have been doing shots. Both are dangerous habits if that's the goal every time you drink, in fact. When you mature a bit, you'll certain still enjoy that moment of feeling buzzed when it comes on, as relaxation, but you'll care less about the timing if you're healthy. There can always be a money factor too, in what people choose to do when not at home. Rum 151 can be popular in places that tariffs and taxes make a bar night more expensive, like Bermuda. Makes sense? People who fill up quickly, may be careful not to drink beer first, but rather later, as a pacing plan or even hangover prevention in lieu of water. Dietwise, calorie counts and sugar in the fruity cocktail might wreck havoc on the health for some. Same goes for people choosing to drink $2 beer night beers versus the aged scotch they'd prefer. Bottom line is price some of the time. To the indiscriminate or the sensible, depending how you look at it, people drink for many reasons you see. Do what you want. It's your life.

>> No.14244908

>older millenial 'geek culture' nostalgia.
>endlessy replaying the same media to create a 'safe space'.

>> No.14245013

I drank like a fish For the past 10 years and I have almost died dozens of times from it. I detoxed and quit a week ago. I drank more alcohol in those 10 years then some elderly drinkers have in their entire lives. This shit is poison. Concentrated Satan. I would recommend to not drink it, if you do don't go down the path that I did. Demons are attracted to the low vibrational energy and will attack you in your sleep and when you are awake. To get to that point you have to be blackout drunk most of the time like I was. DRINK IN MODERATION. Best not to drink at all. It also fucked my balance, my heart and my memory up, not worth it.

>> No.14245018

fruit juice sipping fag

>> No.14245019

/ck/ what are you brewing? I got a mexican lager on the go and starting to plan out a peach bourbon stout

>> No.14245035

>drinking a single strong cocktail gets you fucked up
absolutely pathetic, being a lightweight tard doesn't magically make half a shot of vodka you nurse over half an hour "efficient"
either do shots or fuck off if you're trying to talk "efficiency"
t. Gay alkie

>> No.14245045

man I wish I had a gay buddy to drink with and fuck me...

>> No.14245049

I got to the point where I would polish off a half gallon in a 6-12 hour period, after a certain point you don't get more drunk, you are just drinking more. That is how high I got my tolerance to. Not something to be proud of.

>> No.14245051

I'm brewing a nice log in my stomach

>> No.14245064

I am brewing vigilance and bloodlust for when 'murica (my country) falls apart and cityfags try to come to the country.

>> No.14245074

t. alcoholics

>> No.14245076

Now that weed is legal in my state it's my preferred inebriant. Before that happened, I had the same opinion as that tweet. It's just booze and different mixers; as long as you're not a fag about it, drink whatever you want.

>> No.14245079

Better than a mass repluer?
Without a doubt.

>> No.14245094

Beer is slave food. Always was and always will be.

>> No.14245105

Unless you hunt, wild forage, grow your own livestock/garden You are eating slave food.

>> No.14245861

Actually can't refute this point

>> No.14245869
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>Trying to sneak alcohol in a milkshake into great tier

>> No.14245870

None of you are proper al/ck/aholics if you don't appreciate all forms of booze

>> No.14245892
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>> No.14245898

You're comparing a religion to a nation of people.

>> No.14245904

no, the western mentality of drinking is disgusting and feminine. Hes right not to drink

>> No.14245911

I don't drink but I also don't look down on people who do. I was talking about the image he posted by the way.

>> No.14245913

>but I also don't look down on people who do

neither we do, we just recognize its decadent and destructive behavior and needs to be stopped right away

>> No.14245917

I like gin and tonic with some lime juice. It’s a really unique flavor and quite delicious. Alcohol does take getting used to. I didn’t like coffee the first ten times I tried it. Now I look forward to it every day.

>> No.14245929

It's only destructive to those who lack self control and willpower.

>> No.14245938

Imagine being such a sad faggot that you drink yourself into rehab at 22. Also imagine being such a useless piece of shit that you can't even taper your own alcohol consumption. Just buy a couple large beers to stave off the shakes and then eventually quit the beer

>> No.14245942
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People who think they're macho for drinking beer are all built like this

>> No.14245955

It's called a "dad bod" and all the hot babes are craving it!

>> No.14245961

You are a lightweight and a faggot. And it's still a girl drink, faggot.

>> No.14245962

except it's literally the opposite now, the chadbros are all drinking white claws, socialites & twisted teas while the soyboys drink their 7% hibiscus IPAs

>> No.14245966
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no, its destructive in total, to everyone both the spectator and participant

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.

Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?” -Quran 5:90–91

only western pigs think this type of behaviour is acceptable and promotes it to other parts of the world

>> No.14246028

I wish so bad I could be one of you guys that "switched" to weed I love booze and weed together too much they are like pb and j for me

>> No.14246037

White claw drinkers deserve nothing but scorn

>> No.14246038

You can drink liquor without becoming intoxicated. I mean, if you abstain for your beliefs, more power to you.

>> No.14246060

>You can drink liquor without becoming intoxicated

thats not the point, its a gateway to sin and will take you away from allah(swt). Somethings in moderation and moderation in moderation

>> No.14246071

I understand where you're coming from, but not everyone is the same. You can't, or shouldn't want to force people to adhere to these things. Because if you force them, it's not authentic.

>> No.14246073

Real men have sex with little girls. Its the oldest and most loving kick a man can have.

>> No.14246075

I don't think you understand how Islam works...

>> No.14246077

i wanna ram my entire cock down allah's throat

>> No.14246081

wrong, If we want to support the ummah than muslims and non muslims living it have to submit

>> No.14246094

>Get fucked up beyond recognition in 15 minutes
I'd rather just do shots
I get what hes trying to address though, the whole beer and masculinity thing is kinda old

>> No.14246095

Atleast write it the right way
If you’d actually drank that you’d know bitchboy

>> No.14246243

what's wrong with going into a thread about something you dislike so you can shit on it? Right, nothing.

>> No.14246329

Clearly you haven't tried tequila in a chocolate shake.

>> No.14246343

If your objective when you're drinking is getting positively wasted, you're making a massive mistake. Also a good cocktail (say, a Manhattan) will get you way more fucked up than whatever the fuck he's drinking without feeling syrupy sweet.

>> No.14246385
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Liquor is for getting fucked up, beer that's less than 10% is basically a water/soda replacement that'll give you a slight buzz

Seriously though why do people think fruit is somehow gay? Is it just because gays are called "fruity"? Because fruit is bright colors? Or because fruit tastes sweet and classically manly foodstuffs are more on the bitter side?

>> No.14246395

When did men start talking like white women?

Holy shit white women need to be fucking segregated from the rest of the internet. God, who thinks talking like this is funny? FUCK WHITE WOMEN

>> No.14246409

>drinking 5%
not even beer.

>> No.14246415

i like craft beer and never drink it because OPs pic

>> No.14246425

>being a shitlib

Get massacred subhuman

>> No.14246433

I learned this when I was in my early 20s. Manly shit is just nasty trash. Give me my long island iced tea, thanks.

>> No.14246459

>thinking only liberals hate that fat chud
Find another dad simulator

>> No.14246492

why are inebriates like this

>> No.14246533

>>muslim women
>>virtuous and loyal to their husbands
It's hilarious how easy it is to tempt muslim women to sin with another man anon. Separating yourself from your spouse just lets western men slip right in.

>> No.14246543

>>drink alcohol
>>but not to get drunk.
Alcohol tastes like warm piss and the only reason to drink it outside of getting drunk was to not get poisoned by unclean water. Why the fuck would you use a drug to not enjoy its effects?

>> No.14247022

Women are like that, their very nature as allah(swt) said the man needs to put them in line

>> No.14247124
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>> No.14247182

Getting 'fucked up' on alcohol is disgusting anyways, but I hate people who genderize alcoholic beverages.

>> No.14247323

>alcohol tastes like warm piss
It doesn't if you drink stuff that actually tastes nice, I generally go for Thatchers Katy and Westons Vintage for shit I can get from a supermarket, and I like using cheap vodka and Gordons for mixing with Coke.
>he doesn't know about CHUD

>> No.14247369

i've ordered shit that gets you fucked up when the mix a ton of sweet stuff because you drink it like juice

>> No.14247664

if he was efficient he'd just inject everclear into his asshole

>> No.14247680

>>14243878 (OP)
Yep, all me.

>> No.14247694

I think I'm better than you.

>> No.14247709

Based inbev marketing nigger.
>our product tastes like piss and doesn't get you drunk, and that's a good thing!
You've obviously never had cocktails, chocolate liqueur flavored wine or kahlua.

>> No.14247717

i think you're a gay retard

>> No.14247723

no you're not

>> No.14247736

I just quit drinking daily and my erections are stronge and I have abs now yrmv

>> No.14247841

I'm a beer and hard liquor kinda lady, but my husband loooooooves those pink Cadillac margaritas and Man Thais and those sorts of thing. Anytime anyone said anything he'd be like
I have SH*T in a hole!"

I always thought it was stupid to judge people on what they like to drink, anyway, but I find it funny.

>> No.14247855
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>> No.14247859


>> No.14248080

Severe autism

>> No.14248093
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Not reading lmao

I don’t even have a television or watch his program, just think it’s funny how shitlibs have such a kneejerk to a reaction image

>> No.14248361

if the goal is getting fucked up just buy the cheapest shit with highest alcohol content

>> No.14248428

>defending alcohol on the internet
why would anyone do that

>> No.14248456


>> No.14249054
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>> No.14249541

Beer is associated with manual labor going back to when there wasn't clean drinking water and Germans drank light beer during the day.

>> No.14250110

desu no one really cares that it's a girly drink in itself, the real issue is that it's a shitty drink.

>> No.14250197

imagine drinking putrid liquids everyday just to get fucked up and damage your organs in the long run.

>> No.14250329

This. If anyone here has ever homebrewed you would know beer is ready in like 2 weeks as opposed to wine, ready in like 3 months. And distilling is just flat out illegal. My philosophy is beer as a primary drink with dinner and whatnot after a long day because I have a shitload of grain stored. Wine on special occasions because it takes so long to make, and when that time of the year comes where fruit are just falling off the trees why not take advantage.

>> No.14250355

If I wanna get efficiently drunk I'd buy a $10 bottom shelf jug of vodka and start chugging.

>> No.14251049

That's it. I've known a bazillion muslim girls (I'm from the UK) and they're exactly the same as anyone else the difference being that they usually have loads of relatives and cultural indoctrination to make them behave. Doesn't always work of course but what does?

>> No.14251060

I'm more than 2x your age and drink lots of vodka every night you pussy

>> No.14251144

This but unironically

>> No.14251173

>I accidentally drove off of a bridge after getting my license, therefore all cars are bad and nobody else should drive

>> No.14251233

I drink more alcohol free beer than normal beer
Just like the taste but dont want to get a buzz

>> No.14252182

Just put the drink down. I drink almost every night. For a while i was drinking every night, then i stopped for a few weeks. It's not that hard to not drink, the only difficult thing is that it can be boring.

>> No.14252191

>Alcohol in a fuckin fruit smoothie
what are you stupid? Pina coladas are a top tier drink

>> No.14252198

The difficult part is seeing your life and the world around you with clarity.

>> No.14252212

I guess it depends on how shitty your life is. There is only one part of my life that isnt good and that's that im single. If your life sucks so much you cant stand it sober then it's probably time to do something about it.

>> No.14252221

This. Alcohol is for degenerate fuckwads. Imagine destroying your senses and dulling your mind when you could be improving yourself and creating. I immediately view anyone who drinks as non-white.

>> No.14252379

beer tastes good though, unironically
I drink non alcoholic beer more often than any alcoholic drink

>> No.14252472

I don't drink because I want to get fucked up beyon recognition
I drink because I like beer

>> No.14252498
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Literal faggots, beer cures ED and baldness

>> No.14252539
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>taj mahal

>> No.14252543

Sometimes I have a beer because I like 5% bread flavored soda
Sometimes I pour a strong mixed drink because I like to get fucked up
There's nothing wrong with either, except you can drink 12 beers just fine but often two "fruit smoothie" style mixed drinks and its just a sweetness overload. Same problem I have with ciders and many hard seltzers

>> No.14252560

I just go 60-40 vodka juice mixers at 8 oz a pop
make it so strong it's not sweet anymore
love me some good beer too but 12 oz for a beer gets me so fucking bloated if I have more than 3

>> No.14252674

Mashalla my brother. Allah guides you.

>> No.14253269

>fruit smoothie fucks you up 15 minutes later
i don't think the drink is the girly one here

>> No.14253477
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What is it about beer that makes the manly larpers come out of the woodworks to defend their shitty hobby? Woah dude you drink beer, neat. Do anything interesting with your free time?
Theres not a single chad that posts on 4channel, no one is buying your roleplay.

>> No.14253750


Drink whatever you like to drink.

>> No.14253796

>legacy preserved as ruins
>pictures of Roman and Greek ruins
Islam itself is a Roman ruin.

>> No.14253979

How are you going to name yourself red forman but be anti beer pro thot juice?

>> No.14253986

If you just want to get fucked up just drink the cheapest bottom shelf vodka mixed with whatever soda flavour you like most.

Drinking fruit smoothie cocktails will be both expensive and be a gastrointestinal massacre.

>> No.14253995

yes you can: Big Cock Man doesnt need to count calories or time til pussy is wet but not asleep.
efficiency is the provenance of small minds and quick furtive cums

>> No.14254012

>you should be drinking to get as fucked up as quickly as possible with no regard to taste
ok if thats your goal, some guy is going to say he butt chugs grain alcohol and be like lol you can call me a gross faggot, but ill getting fucked up biiiitcheeees looollll.
that guy is a fucking faggot.

>> No.14254025

well, faggots are truly the most efficient humans.
get laid faster
get high faster
get rid of annoying women faster
mke better art faster
make better music faster
secretly run everything faster

>> No.14254499

I'll never understand acquired tastelets. I was born loving coffee and beer and all that shit. I can't imagine forcing yourself to like something you don't actually like.
If you're a student then you need to get drunk efficiently because you have no money. That's why no student drinks beer.

>> No.14254536

this. It definitely is an acquired taste though.
try a strawberry daiquiri

>> No.14254580

>have disgusting meaningless sex faster
>get AIDS faster
>die faster
>make shitty art that nobody likes
>whine about everything

>> No.14254669

Eye of the Beholder tier:
red wine
chilled white wine
chilled Retsina
Ice cold Limoncello/Orujo after a copious lunch

Good tier:
Cold Beer

Russian doomer tier:
Vodka made in your grandma's house

Shit tier:
Ales or any craft beer

Anglo/tryhard tier:
Any other kind of liquor

Daily reminder that the original WE WUZ are anglos. Mediterranean chads is where it's at.

>> No.14254707

we built western culture
deal with it

>> No.14254739

Beer is the slow and steady way to taking advantage of a girl who thinks drinking is a race and ops for the most convenient candy like alternative because she hasn't outgrown being a child.
Also an experienced drinker knows that hangovers exist, and again, stay away from sugar and manchild drinks

>> No.14254757
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This thread...

Its just fucking alcohol.

>> No.14254806

>why would anyone do that
because it's not here to defend itself.

>> No.14254960

>talking down something else to make your own choices look better
that's a girl's conversation.

>> No.14255093

that guy is a retard if he thinks his smoothie has a lot of alcohol in
they're never gonna have more than a double measure
usually shit tier alcohol too, hence the fruit juice to cover up
i think the macho thing is dumb but i would call it a childs drink
one or two is fine if its a hot day but surely the sweetness gets cloying?

>> No.14255115

wow dude way to insert your retarded faggotry into what was actually an OK list..

honestly please uninstall 4chan.

>> No.14255141

GOAT is cheap but okay vodka drunk neat at room temperature

>> No.14255602

>drinking to get drunk
>drinking hard liquor that can cause hangovers
>not savoring as much delicious beer & wine as you want while functioning like a normal human being and getting shit done

I'm guessing this thread is full of plebs that only order takeout & have never coordinated food pairings or charcuterie platters in their life?
Or maybe this is because of the meme that beer = Bud Light? Sad that normies will never be able to savor an NEIPA or barrel-aged Saison or any of the dozens of amazing beers there are out there. Go outside.

>> No.14255665

""""""Real men"""""" do whatever the hell they want to do.

>> No.14255716
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It was built under the Mughals so yeah Islam

>> No.14255746

People enjoy different things

>> No.14255899

>wanting to get drunk faster than the girl

>> No.14255903

How the hell do people get addicted to alcohol?

>> No.14255931

why do people vilify beer so much? like I understand if you don't like it, but some people clearly do. Why can't you just enjoy your fruity drink without trying to destroy something else, are you a jew or something?

>> No.14256676


>> No.14256810

>drinking to get drunk
That's what girls do

>> No.14256833

I go to bars and get the girliest drink I can. This is my order verbatim.
>hey can I have the girliest drink you make please?
They give me some delicious fruity smoothie with like 5 kinds of liquor in it. Plus the bartender laughs at the absurdity of my order.

It’s either that or a jack and coke.

>> No.14256886
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>straight-edge soy boys
>most soyboys drink craft beer

>> No.14258507

gin is fucking nasty

>> No.14258511

wtf girly drinks "have me fucked up beyond recognition in 15 minutes"

>> No.14258545

based roasties

>> No.14258590

Look man as someone in the grips of alcoholism don't listen to these other posters telling you you're dumb. Stay away from the stuff. I wish I had never tried it. I was very young when I started drinking (15 years old). I'm 26 now and in the past 4-6 years I probably haven't gone more than 3 days without a drink at any given time. I hate that I keep coming back to it. Every time I try to quit is a failure. To put in perspective how bad it is, I was able to kick a pack a day cig habit cold turkey but I can't seem to quit alcohol.

You absolutely have the right mindset.

>> No.14258603

to be fair, most people aren't susceptible to alcoholism, its a genetic disease that most people don't have to worry about

>> No.14258604

that's not why people brewed beer

>> No.14258616

lightweight with a heavy hand. Do you realize how many shots you can hide in 12oz of fruit juice?

>> No.14258624

Sure you can hide a lot of alcohol in them, but they don't typically have a lot of alcohol

>> No.14258632

I give my daughter girly drinks to get her ready for "bed time"

>> No.14258864
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For me, it's Glenfiddich

>> No.14259303
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>> No.14259554

based on what

>> No.14259721

This but I swap Alcohol in a Fruit Smoothie with whatever he put in S Tier.

>> No.14259757

Yeah, honestly filling a magic bullet with fruit and then filling the empty space with vodka or rum and maybe some juice or heavy cream is actually a GOAT way to get FUBAR really efficiently.
Something about it makes it stagnate a little bit, but when it hits- it fucking hits.
Definitely S rank.

>> No.14259764

Why doesn't he just inject alcohol into his bloodstream? Sounds way more efficient

>> No.14259807


>> No.14260098

You guys obviously don’t know about seizures. I’m his age and I’ve had three already, and with two of them I bit my tongue very badly. That’s how you fucking bleed out if nobody is there to help you.
I finessed my Dr. into giving me an alprazolam script, but it took a little while and I had to be very careful and excercise HIPPA laws so I wouldn’t get flagged as a prescription seeker while tapering over a few fucking months. I also got him to prescribe my anti seizure medicine.
I’m finally getting better, but without rehab and flagging yourself it is very difficult to just “just fucking taper with beer lol”.
Plus PAWS is a real bitch, too.

>> No.14260100

>American beer : 5%
Damn that's sad

>> No.14260127

Me so manly. Me only drink strong beers.

>> No.14260128

It sucks. But to be fair, all beer sucks.
Unless I can find a decent sour or lambic I really think it’s just a total waste of time and money compared to 40% abv vodka.
Unless you’re playing beer staffs. That’s one of the only ways to get drunk off that dumb shit, and American piss water (lite beer).
Just slamming 20+ of those while playing a game is a little fun.

>> No.14260133

Oh, and that sour/lambic would have to be 9%-12% or more for me to even entertain the idea of wasting money on beer.

>> No.14260218

5-6% beers taste the best. stay away from me you faux masculine faggot.

>> No.14260277
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>I'm drinking a fruit smoothie that'll have me fucked up beyond recognition in 15 minutes
yeah that's great if you're in college and you wanna have a night of shouting and ending it with some spewing. I am not really interested in that though, I've grown tired of getting wasted, and even if I did want to get wasted, drinking sugary soft drinks is likely just to get me more nautious.

>> No.14260349

>real men do X retarded thing that I do
You'll find that real men have no desire to compare dicks with strangers online

>> No.14260354

>this fucking sperg again
I wish the mods would ban you. No, actually I wish ten niggers would break into your house, severely beat you, and steal your electronic devices.

>> No.14260362

>if you don't drink the ashes of an Islay campfire you're a fag
Well slap my ass and call me Denise then you braggadocious faggot

>> No.14261338

He's right if the only thing you value is getting drunk. At which point skip the fruity drink and just shotgun some everclear

>> No.14261355

Beer's good and all but impossible to get drunk solely on it if you have a large alcohol tolerance. Hence why i always drink bumwines and spirits with beer

>> No.14261540


What's with all the hate for tequila? A quality mezcal goes down terrifyingly easy.

>> No.14261617

Brock is going to get fat as shit off all the useless calories in his beer.
The only thing worse than a drunk is a fat drunk

>> No.14261623

>a fruit smoothie
>fucked up beyond recognition
lmfao what a beta cuck, i used to drink bacardi, smirnoff, and other shit from my parents liquor cabinet back when i was 15 and never got drunk

>> No.14262332


Mezcal is not tequila. It is often made with superior quality ingredients and in smaller batches than tequila. All tequila is mezcal, technically, but not the other way around. Always buy Mezcal, especially if you're at a shit store that doesn't carry Espalon or any other decent brand of tequila.

>> No.14263612

>getting that drunk from a fruit smoothie
This is the kind of guy who you could give grape juice and 2 minutes later he'd be sooo drunk dude you have no idea

>> No.14263638

What are you talking about? Soyboys are too hedonistic to be straightedge

>> No.14264112
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>> No.14265077

5% beers are almost always german-style lagers. Those beers originated from a german law on food safety. It's easy to store and produce but it's not tasty. The fact that it's became the norm in the US is sad. Try some belgian beers

Lambic are nice

>> No.14265114

a good thing then that the opinions of children are ignored

>> No.14265122

>If you're a student then you need to get drunk efficiently because you have no money. That's why no student drinks beer.
That's also why you drink boxed wine instead of faggoty $20 cocktails

>> No.14265129
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>bread flavored soda

>> No.14265142

I've never had a single cocktail that didn't make me want to throw up on the spot. I'll just take a pint thanks.

>> No.14265268

I prefer neat vodka am I cool yet

>> No.14265276

Your mothers box makes me want to throw up on the spot

>> No.14265320

All me, and yes.

>> No.14265554

Nobody drinks boxed wine, you just buy the cheapest prosecco. But I get the point, yeah. If you're spending £8-10 on a cocktail then you should get a cocktail which tastes like a cocktail because you sure aren't drinking to get drunk fast.

>> No.14265566

You are almost completly wrong.
Highball coctails belong in "good tier"

Belgian beer tastes of bread-yeast and you should feel bad for liking it.

Pale lager and vodka are tasteless and should belong in shit-tier.
Stout belongs in good tier
Tequila belongs in bad tier.
Craft beer and IPA belong in good tier.
Pree mixed drinks is Shit Tier.

Fruit smoothie with booze is at worst Bad tier and at best Good tier.

i dont know enough about wine to critique you there.

You uncultured swine!

>> No.14265644
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>Nobody drinks boxed wine, you just buy the cheapest prosecco

>> No.14265678


>> No.14265686

Getting fucked up is for high-school students and women. The real partricians choice is building a small buzz that you maintain for a few hours that crescendo into a stronger buzz as the night wears on, then letting it slowly fade off during a multi hour game session or talking with the boys.

>> No.14265694

Nigger a six pack of Nattie tallboys is like 5 bucks and it will do the job unless you're a six-five gigachad or fatass.

>> No.14265700
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I like the process of drinking beers , its comfy af. And I am plenty toasty by the end of a drinking session.

>> No.14265742

Yeah, prosecco's mostly a thing drunk by girls who look exactly like that, if that's what you mean. Real men just drown themselves in tesco vodka.
I have no idea what the fuck those words mean. Just drink vodka mixed with squash or coke or nothing.

>> No.14265789

Desu if you were worried about calories you would drink everclear

>> No.14265824

You don't drink to get fucked up, you drink to take advantage of the girl who gets fucked up.

>> No.14265848

What is it like being a rapist?

>> No.14265905

Jokes on you, faggot.
When I lived somewhere with liquor laws that only allowed bars to sell hard liquor after 10pm (to trick students into drinking out on the town), but would sell beer/wine/champagne until 2, I would buy a box of Franzia any time I fucked up and realized it was after ten.
Drinking a gallon of wine gives you some weird poops, though.

>> No.14265911

t. I’m 16

>> No.14266387

Do you... Do you not understand how alcohol content works?
40% abv vodka has the exact same effect on your body as 40% abv whisky/whiskey. Keep overcompensating, I hope you get the help you need.

>> No.14266421

>gaining weight
Low T detected

>> No.14266438

Then go drink liquid shit to prove how manly you are. Beer has a sweet and savory taste which is acquired.

>> No.14267244

maybe i do
maybe i pour it in a skillet on medium heat and breathe deeply for 30 seconds

>> No.14267364

You're pathetic and weak for forcing yourself to like a flavour just because your old man said you should. I loved beer the moment it touched my tongue as a toddler. I am a real man. You're nothing compared to me.

>> No.14267538

Kek this reminds me of how I have to drive 30 minutes to buy proper abv fucking everclear.
Shots of that stuff are pretty gnarly, one shot is equal to like, 2.75 shots of normal booze.
I’ll do that shit, but I’ve definitely seen many a person choke on it/ spit it through their noses.
t does make for a mean hunch punch, though.

>> No.14267814


>getting fucked up beyond recognition after 1 drink

Seems about right for a fruit smoothie drinking faggot

>> No.14268335

This. Real men are straight edge

>> No.14268942
