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14238644 No.14238644 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I bought this super dark chocolate but it turned out to be way too bitter to eat, how should I make it less bitter/more sweet? I was thinking I could melt it in a sauce pan, add in some sugar, little bit of salt and some honey and then letting it re harden to make it not taste like eating a handful of coffee beans. Should I do something else?

>> No.14238651
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>> No.14238656


>> No.14238661

I actually buy that specific bar for brownies.

Or suck it up and stop having a baby palate, needing everything doused in sugar.

>> No.14238663
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imagine not enjoying dark chocolate

>> No.14238671

I do enjoy dark chocolate and bitter chocolate but I think I enjoy closer to 75-80%, 90% just tasted like shit to me

>> No.14238679

Make it into hot chocolate and drink it like you would black coffee.

>> No.14238680

Just put one cube in your mouth and slowly let it melt all the way. You'll get used to it quick, and milk choc will taste like kiddy shit

>> No.14238712


>> No.14238721

Yeah I was just fucking with you, when you get to that 90%+ range, either your palate is deranged or you're one of those "I only drink IPAs with IBUS > 120" hipsters.

Seriously, go check out baking recipes for dark chocolate because those bars are basically concentrated chocolate. Chocolate ganache, marquise, cake, aforementioned brownies, etc. I like shaving super dark chocolates on chocolate cakes to get that bitter, intensely chocolately, contrast to the sweet cake. Could even use it chunked in ice cream or in a chocolate chip cookie. Whatever strikes your fancy.

>> No.14238730

use it in a shortbread cookie recipe like chocolate chips. i actually use unsweetened instead.

>> No.14239096

for direct consumption? I'd agree, 90% is too much, 80% is where it's at. That said, you could do other things with it, baking mostly.

>> No.14239101

You can make some very delicious cookies with this. Your idea would be fine too if you just want chocolate. Maybe you can make yourself a little one person fondue.

>> No.14239104

melt it down, add some coconut oil and sugar, then let it harden again.

>> No.14239110
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Make it into something like a brownie

Or this and add a little more cream/salt

I bought this and my mom thought it was drinking chocolate.

>> No.14239164

It's just your palate anon. I felt the same when I first had it but now I can't go back to 70% as I find it too sweet and not chocolately enough. 85% or 90% are the only ones I eat now unless I have chocolate in the form of a cake.

I usually eat two squares of 90%/85% and break them in half again. I have a small piece, let it melt a bit in the mouth and then take a tiny sip of port or any other alcohol that complements chocolate and chew on a roasted hazelnut/brazil nut/coconut.

>> No.14240066
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Put it into a fruit smoothie. Imagine a dark chocolate banana smoothie in your mouth right now.

>> No.14240071


>> No.14240196

i chew on 100% chocolate its fucking amazing
i used to dislike it but to me the bitterness is basically gone, sometimes i eat half a bar cause its just so good

>> No.14240200

no you don't

>> No.14240223

That technique should work, OP, but add a little water to the mixture to help smooth it out because the addition of sugar and honey will make it too thick.

>> No.14240226

Based. although I agree with OP. I enjoy 70%+ but 90% was just too much.

>> No.14240230

yes i do
i try to let it melt in my mouth but i usually cant control myself and just chomp on it
ive tried the few brands that sell 100% chocolate where i live and lindt is the best imo
i think the defattened cocoa powder makes the difference

>> No.14240242

How do you not sneeze uncontrollably eating dark chocolate

>> No.14240244

use it in molé or something where you need some bitterness

>> No.14240541

I buy that stuff all the time. I freeze it, and after a meal I'll break off a small piece and eat it with some unsweetened iced tea. Seems like a nice palette cleanser.

>> No.14242069

You must train yourself to like it. Most don't like it at first. Why people do this? I don't know. If I had to guess I'd say it's just so they can feel unique to claim they enjoy something that the majority says needs sugar. A self esteem booster maybe.

>> No.14242100

Do this https://www.thekitchn.com/blondies-265953 recipe, and add chopped walnuts if you have them. Almond extract is also good to ass, if you like it. Cinnamon is never wrong.

>> No.14242113

how about milk instead

>> No.14242678

That's not even as dark as it gets, but what I did with 99% was eat about a square a day. There's no point in eating more than that or you'll just feel like shit because it's too strong. It is good stuff though, really nice to have a square while having breakfast and coffee in the morning.

>> No.14243813

Eat it with milk. If that's too rich still you can melt it and mix it with cream + sugar and then whip it up and eat. Even better if you soak some biscuits in coffee and put the choccy cream on top and enjoy.

>> No.14243824

>how should I make it less bitter/more sweet?
Stop consuming so much sugar and you'll end up noticing how naturally sweet a lot of things are. Seriously, your taste buds are fucked.

>> No.14244463

One other thing i forgot to mention. Many confuse strength with bitterness. Not all high percentage chocolate is bitter (it shouldn't be). It can be strong with pleasant additional sensations like smokiness/fruitiness for e.g. one bar i tried was strong but extremely bland, like eating pure cocoa powder without sugar or much flavour. Much like coffee it depends on the bean and the roast. With high percentage chocolate you're getting the pure unadulterated taste of the cocoa used.

Keep trying different bars until you find one you like and if it isn't sweet enough try to pair it with something that complements the flavour (if it has any!). One smoky/woody bar of 100% went really well with a blob of raspberry conserve. Another that had a kind of vanilla/toffee/milky flavour went really well with toasted cashews.

>> No.14244474

Use it to make a meal or dessert instead. Dark chocolate adds nice depth to sauces like curries believe it or not. Or just do what >>14238661 suggests.

>> No.14244476

You'd think that'd work better but it interferes with how the cocoa solids re-integrate with the other ingredients. Use water.

>> No.14244496

Just buy some milk chocolate you child

>> No.14244501

>How do you not sneeze uncontrollably eating dark chocolate
By not being allergic to it? Seriously, that is NOT normal. You should get tested and not eat any chocolate in the meantime honestly.

>> No.14244506

75% to 80% is the best for dark chocolate. White chocolate doesn't count, so I treat it as a separate thing, but milk chocolate? Nah. Anything less than 65% tastes awful desu

>> No.14244522

Mint flavour is the best

>> No.14244557


>> No.14244559

Dipping dark chocolate into tea offsets the taste even without sugar. Not sure if 90% will work out that way.
Baking is probably your best bet: melt and add to brownies or cakes or whatever the fuck.

>> No.14244573

I'm not allergic to chocolate, a lot of people get the same reaction to exclusively dark chocolate, it has to do with the powdery shit rubbing on the roof of your mouth.

>> No.14246546

super dark chocolate is nasty

>> No.14246576

/thread. It's been proven that people who dislike bitter things are more likely to be liberals.

>> No.14246581

Knew it. Fucking commies with their bitch mouths and palates.

>> No.14246584

I assume you think black coffee and other bitter things are nasty too? Ngmi

>> No.14246590
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>Hey /ck/ I bought this super dark chocolate but it turned out to be way too bitter to eat, how should I make it less bitter/more sweet? I was thinking I could melt it in a sauce pan, add in some sugar, little bit of salt and some honey and then letting it re harden to make it not taste like eating a handful of coffee beans. Should I do something else?

>> No.14246617
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It is scientifically proven that members of the based department prefer dark chocolate, black coffee, tobacco, grapefruit and tonic water. How based you are correlates with your ability to handle bitter things.


>> No.14247087

not that anon but I sneeze to dark chocolate too, also spirits. Only once when I first taste it, something in it tickles my nose.
Then I can eat it normally.

OP is a faggot for posting a bait thread too.

>> No.14248698

ok edgelord