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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 270 KB, 1080x765, Screenshot_20200612-154726__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14237021 No.14237021 [Reply] [Original]

Which one gets more use in your kitchen, and why?

>> No.14237024


>> No.14237027

I use cast iron because I'm a real man. Skillets and non stick pans are for soy boys, domesticated house wives, faggots and home economics class. Fuck anything but 100% pure cast iron. I'm a 100% god fearing blue collar masculine American man and no one is gonna tell me to use anything except cast iron. Just the way of the world.

>> No.14237031

Ahahaha fuckin fag

>> No.14237036
File: 24 KB, 700x700, calphalon deep fry deep skillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonstick skillet

>> No.14237051

ss. i dont even own cast iron and dont like it

>> No.14237058

ss dont fall for the cast iron or nonstick memes.

>> No.14237071

Depends on what I cook. Both get used just as frequently. Tourist fucks who don't actually cook are the only ones bitching about pans, those who do cook understand each pan has its strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.14237078
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Just barely bought this Tramontane a week ago.
Been lightly using it to fry chicken thighs and breasts here and there.
I try to keep the heat to medium and low, but I'm still getting this nasty discoloration.
Am I fucked, boys? Is this appearance normal?

>> No.14237081

cast iron gets more use because my stainless pan wobbles

>> No.14237085

Left because I am not a retarded cityfag cuck that has to have a steel pan coated with chemicals to cook certain foods.

>> No.14237087

my grandma would be able to get that off but it's really not necessary

>> No.14237092

iron is a chemical, anon

>> No.14237094

I can cook anything in a cast iron without fucking it up. I can even do It over and open fire. Most people are complete retards.

>> No.14237101

So is my jizz, doesn't mean It is the same as (((Teflon))) or similar garbage.

>> No.14237102

you can't deglaze your cast iron pan with acid without fucking up your pan

>> No.14237106

no one's talking about (((teflon))), you hillbilly retard

>> No.14237107

if i could get some guru to explain how to take care of my cast iron properly, i would use that more. but i dont so i use the other more. even professionals all have different methods to taking care of their cast iron. i need an old black lady that does nothing but fry fucking chicken in hers to tell me how to really take care of it. goddamn i love friend chicken, you niggers are alright

>> No.14237110

I'm not saying you can't, but there are things that other pans do better and goes to same with cast iron being better for some applications. I also don't think there's anything wrong with even just owning cast iron and nothing else. What I don't understand is all the circle jerking over what type of pan is "above all else" because at the end of the day, none of them are unless you're comparing two polarizing levels of quality in manufacturing.

>> No.14237112

Midwits like you are the worst, go kneel at the town square.

>> No.14237117

t. witless

>> No.14237126

I understand what you are saying but I live off grid in the mountains and cast irons are priceless and don't have non-stick chemicals. When shit collapses and cityfags eat each other I will be cooking venison over an open fire waiting for them to walk into my .308 at 500 yards.before any tard asks how I can 4chin while off grid, solar panels and solar chargers. Remember you are here forever.

>> No.14237133

For your situation then that sounds perfect for your needs. I've just been speaking in general terms in the context of cooking as a whole. By all means, if I was in the same situation you were, I'd be running majority cast iron as well. The ability to cook over open flame without fucking your pan up is invaluable.

>> No.14237134

Nope, you can't even read the thread or figure out that Teflon is on pans and is therefore relevant to the thread. KYS yourself.

>> No.14237135

you seem really dumb and paranoid, even for a larp

>> No.14237145

>solar panels and solar chargers
Neither of which provide internet access. This reeks of homeless cityfag using library or fast food wifi.

>> No.14237152

Absolutely. Cast iron for me or nothing.
>L-larp, no one on the heating foodstuffs enthusiast pin board can live in the woods!
Cityfag cope.

>> No.14237157 [DELETED] 

Smartphones exist you stupid double nigger.

>> No.14237160

you don't even seem to understand how the basics of how networks operate

>> No.14237163

SMARTPHONES. I will become a billionaire tomorrow because I just invented it. Look for it in the news.

>> No.14237167

smartphones require on grid infrastructure

>> No.14237168

will cast iron scratch glass stove tops?

>> No.14237173

No shit, when I mentioned library or fast food wifi did you think I was implying the homeless were taking their desktops?

>> No.14237176

You are right, solar chargers and solar panels don't exist. I am about to invent those too.

>> No.14237182

I only have two pans, a big one and a small one. I would buy more if I needed more but I never did.

>> No.14237184

You are right along with the other guy. Solar chargers and solar panels don't exist. Will be inventimg those soon.

>> No.14237189

you use the sun to charge your own personal cell tower?

>> No.14237193

There are towers around me. I live in the sticks, not the tundra of Alaska or Canada.

>> No.14237196

>Solar chargers and solar panels don't exist.
Says who? All I said about them is that they don't provide internet access.

>> No.14237201

oh right, because you're a larp

>> No.14237205

Smartphones do though.
>T. Never traveled outside of his liberal paradisenclave.
There are towers in rural areas but you would never know that because you are too scared to experience nature.

>> No.14237210

nature doesn't have cellphone towers in it

>> No.14237221

And the city has no free people. I am not full Eskimo ultrafree but I doubt you live freer than I do. SEETHE more citysoi.

>> No.14237222

>Smartphones do though.
Correct, but not via magic and not for free. The closest to off the grid that I'm willing to believe you are is having enough solar power to run all your shit and I know people in the suburbs who can make that claim. That said I don't believe a single bit of this.

>> No.14237227

Steel is better for stir fry but thats about it I use cast iron more

>> No.14237239

>what is a data card for pc and cell phone internet

>> No.14237240

I don't care if you believe it. I have tried to make people on this board believe it with timestamped pictures and the only responses I get are megacopes by cityfags. I beginning to think I am the only rural person on this board.

>> No.14237248

>something that requires on grid infrastructure

>> No.14237257

If you think only urban centers have cell towers or that the only rural people are Alaska injuns or French Canadian northern fur trappers you need some more life experience.

>> No.14237260

Things that you clearly don't understand.

Rural is not the same as off the grid. I'm willing to believe you're rural, I am not willing to believe you're off the grid.

>> No.14237273

i have enough life experience to know that there is no cellphone service in remote off grid areas

>> No.14237285

Use Barkeepers friend and steel wool that's shit will come right off

>> No.14237286

You don't understand what rural or off grid is. There are plenty of rural people that are off grid. Have you been to rural areas? Interacted with them dirty cletuses and Mary Anne's? I am guessing not.

>> No.14237290

Remote=/=off grid. You motherfuckers are dumber than a bag of rocks, fuck this board.

>> No.14237294
File: 335 KB, 2048x1536, nerves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being poor and having your electricity cut off=/= off grid either
you're still a larp

>> No.14237295

stainless. i even use it for steak and get a great sear. cast iron has its uses but i almost never use it.
I do however have an enameled cast iron sauce pot i use for rice. I start rice first when cooking and let it sit on the stove while i finish. the heat retention keeps it nice and hot (i remove it from heat earlier than i would in another pot)

>> No.14237298

Barkeeper's Friend will fix this.

>> No.14237301

just scrub with a soap pad or something abrasive. You wont hurt it.

>> No.14237309

>You don't understand what rural or off grid is.
As someone who used to be able to shoot rabbits off his back porch I assure you I very much do. I also understand that you are, at best, rural. Yes there are plenty of rural people who are also off the grid and you are not one of them.

>> No.14237316

bruh thats stainless steal. wtf are you talking about? it doesnt even leach iron like cast iron does

>> No.14237318

I don't understand the cast iron meme, it has really terrible heat distribution on a normal (small) burner, it's heavy, the heat retention mostly makes it harder to control temperature, and it has issues with acidic foods. In return you get... some non-stick properties, which is irrelevant if you know how to use oil properly.
Nonstick is a meme also. Just use stainless steel what the fuck

>> No.14237321

More cityfag cope like I was typing about. I will now assume everyone on this board is a cosmopolitan homosexual city dweller except for me.

>> No.14237333

why so obsessed with city faggots tho?

>> No.14237336

I am and no amount of citycope will change that. Kiss tyrones feet for yourself.

>> No.14237338


>> No.14237341

Because you all hate freedom and are retarded as fuck.

>> No.14237345

do you want the city faggots to come live ""off grid"" with you? will that make you feel better?

>> No.14237354

>I am
No you just really want to be.
I'm also starting to think you're 16 and if you do post a rifle it'll probably be your dad's.

>> No.14237356

No, keep that faggotry away from me. Cityfags get the rope and the bullet if they try to change the way I live.

>> No.14237360

i think you want to rub dicks together

>> No.14237362

>Your dad's rifle.
>Your moms backyard.
>Working on a farm for pennies and rent.
These are some of the cityfag cope responses I get even if I post timestamped pictures of where I live. Nothing satisfies the delusional deranged cityfag that doesn't live in reality.

>> No.14237364

Why are cityfags obsessed with human penises?

>> No.14237367

same reason you're obsessed with cityfags
>we all want to rub dicks together

>> No.14237373

I can't wait until the cities burn and your neighbors and pet niggers eat you alive.

>> No.14237382

me neither
it'll also be fun when we run for the hills and rape you to death on the way

>> No.14237389

The archive seems to indicate that this is a lie and you're making excuses to avoid posting anything.

>> No.14237390

Pleade come. We have more guns, explosives, bullets and expertise than you will ever have. Come eat some explosions and .308 dead boy.

>> No.14237399

I am sure you just went through years of threads and posting in a matter of minutes. Truly a genius.

>> No.14237405

you know you can't stop the nigger faggot rage
why else would you fear us so much?

>> No.14237414

I don't fear you faggot, I hate you. People in these rural areas have years of food and seeds and can grow it. Thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo and know how to use them. You WILL get shot and blown up. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.14237422

>implying guns and ammo is difficult to obtain and use

>> No.14237436

Does the government still find a way to make you pay taxes if you are able to live off the grid?

>> No.14237437

It is difficult to obtain and use when Cletus sets up 20 IEDs and waits for the horde at a half a mile back with his .50 bmg and other cletuses do the same thing. We are going to go full gorilla warfare on your asses.

>> No.14237441

>implying one person with 30 guns stands a chance against 30 people with 1 gun

>> No.14237442

Remember. No one lives rurally or off grid on /ck/ it is merely all a "larp". So don't ask here. Go to /out/ where it is mostly cityfags larping as outdoorsmen.

>> No.14237447
File: 55 KB, 600x528, Laughing WoWfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Search function
>"dad & rifle"
I no longer believe that you could set up or even maintain the equipment you claim to own.

>> No.14237451

are you a hacker?

>> No.14237452


>> No.14237458

>Other cletuses.
We coordinate with our neighbors and we talk to each other about this shit all of the time. One guys see you coming and then he tells everyone else and the shit starts. Shit starts with cletuses and combat vets that have been shooting rifles for decades, who are explosives experts. Quality is better than quantity, you better hope you don't have children. We Will turn them into slaves and I will personally freeze erect penises and shove them up your ass then sew it shut.

>> No.14237463

No, he is a liar, a retard or both. Most likely both. All in all cityfag cope.

>> No.14237466
File: 18 KB, 540x427, abacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We Will turn [literal children] into slaves and I will personally freeze erect penises and shove them up your ass then sew it shut.
i knew you were a kinky faggot

>> No.14237468

Depends on how off the grid you are. If you're squatting on public land living in the woods then no. LARP Anon does however pay taxes because he has a phone which means he has a bank account and ostensibly a job. His employer will send info to the gov't and if they don't get what they feel they're owed they'll snatch it out of his account.

>> No.14237474

Nope, just know you cityfags are. We Will tie you up and shove frozen erect horse penises up your ass and sew them shit so you can die from spetic penis shock.

>> No.14237477

Cheap nonstick ceramic one.
I've got both a lodge and an all-clad, but they're so annoying to work with.

>> No.14237479

and you'll have a raging boner the whole time ;)

>> No.14237482

Fox news knows me as 4chan.

It'd be impossible for me to lie about checking the archives, you could just check them yourself and point out your posts. At worst I didn't find them but those keywords don't bring up many posts on this board. "Dad's rifle" specifically does not come up until this conversation.

>> No.14237499

I don't have a bank account, a job or even pay taxes. I don't even have an I.D. card. I never signed the draft card, not registered to vote and I am not an organ donor. GOML cucks. Also what are prepaid smartphones at wally world for 1 gorillion Alex. Cash master race.

>> No.14237500

tannerite targets aren't IEDs moron

>> No.14237502

So I'm at a loss?

I see. It does seem odd to use a cellphone out of all things. If I wanted to be off the grid I wouldn't want a tracking device with me. It'd suck not having the internet though.

>> No.14237513

I am surprised that you know that. Don't come to the sticks. We Will fight to the last man.

>> No.14237514

If you have any sort of grid-ties infrastructure, you aren't 'off grid.'
Off grid is rural Appalachia and such where there are NO utilities except roads.
You are a massive retard and a larper.
Unless you live in Texas off a trust fund, none of what you're saying is even remotely true or happens outside of sundown towns and sisterfucker enclaves mao.
Nobody who is 'off-grid' carries a fuckin tracking device with them.
>Inb4 'hurr I turn off the gps'

>> No.14237522

Definitely at a loss. Everything on 4chan is a larp.

>> No.14237526

i lived in the sticks for half my life, that's how i can tell you don't. nobody there is as obsessed as you

>> No.14237565

OK I'm done, you aren't even trying anymore.

>> No.14237571

The property I am on has no electricty except for my jank ass charger and solar panel and I barter for rides to town (hours away) to get phone cards that I want to be on 4chan "forever" I do not own the property, I merely defend it. Cityfags are demon spawn.

>> No.14237581

Enjoy that hustle and bustle.

>> No.14237585

>Mountain Men Rise Up!

When the glaciers of nuclear winter swallow your ass, I'll be laughing from the bottom of my radioactive crater.

>> No.14237587

>larping as a serf

>> No.14237592

Then you have never met the crazy hillbillies I live around. Half the time they are thinking about and preparing for the horde of cityfags that will try to come out here.

>> No.14237596

>Being an actual serf in the city.

>> No.14237611

>I do not own the property, I merely defend it.
Imagine thinking this is freedom in any sense of the word

>> No.14237620

More freedom than trying to do whatever you want in the city and the nice swat team kicks in your door.

>> No.14237642

it's almost as if america is not really a free country lmao

>> No.14237657

Lol, made me lol.

>> No.14237663

It never was. It was created by wealthy cocksuckers that wanted to usurp cocksuckers that were wealthier than they were.

>> No.14237876

isnt that just pan seasoning?

>> No.14237922

Cast iron is too heavy to use one handed

>> No.14238014
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>> No.14238218

Carbon steel for me

>> No.14238339
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1591555069815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonstick pans and toaster ovens are for low IQ retards. If somebody tells me they use either of those kitchen items I instantly know they are an idiot.

>> No.14238804

This. Best of both worlds.

>> No.14239092

I think I own some stainless steel but I don't care for them, cast iron just works and I like that its heavy, however the pots and pans I have are stainless.

>> No.14239112
File: 3.11 MB, 4160x3120, 20200613_053702_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mistake that a lot of you must have made that say you don't like cast iron skillets oh, is that you must have bought the new sand casted kind instead of the old-fashioned drop forge ones. Pic related is my Griswold that was made before 1900, belong to my grandfather. I use it for literally everything

>> No.14239226

Cast iron caramelizes better and does a great job of fussing flavors. Its a pretty heavy but after a few months you can pretty much pick it up with one hand no problem. Stainless steel is good and all but i find it dosnt sear the same way cast iron does. If you want a mean steak go with cast iron. If you want nice veggies and eggs go with stainless steel.
The trick to not leaving a mess isto clean cast iron right after you use it. Just hit it with somw hold water while its stil hot and everything comes right off.

>> No.14239256

>waiting for them to walk into my .308 at 500 yards.
Hope you cab stay awake 24 hours a day. Oh wait youre larping on /ck while you should fuck off to /k

>> No.14239293

teflon is literally the most inert material ever made, thats why stuff doesnt stick to it. unless you crank your stove up to to the max and leave the pan on the heat for half on hour, your fine. fucking schizos

>> No.14239375

I use cast iron exclusively both coated and uncoated. None of my pans are newer than 1940.

>> No.14239429

>not cooking with teflon

never going to make it