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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14234143 No.14234143 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who boiled hot dogs as a child?

>> No.14234149

check these dubs

>> No.14234151 [DELETED] 

Boiled hot dogs was like the first thing I learned how to cook. Super easy.

>Put hot dogs in water
>Then on heat
>Forget about them
>Eat when you remember you were cooking hot dogs

>> No.14234158

Boiled hot dogs was like the first thing I learned how to cook. Super easy.

>Put hot dogs in water
>Turn on heat
>Forget about them
>Eat when you remember you were cooking hot dogs

>> No.14234160

how else are you supposed to make hotdogs?

>> No.14234163

Boiled hotdogs are good. Not sure what the problem here is. It's where the term "hotdog water" comes from.

>> No.14234165

In the microwave like a normal person, numbnuts

>> No.14234192

Until I learned how to do them in a skillet.

>> No.14234225

Frankfurters (original hot dogs) are meant to be boiled.
If I’m grilling or cooking in a pan I will use an actual sausage

>> No.14234236

early in life we either heated them up in a pan or microwaved them (usually bursting them). then out of nowhere my mom pulled out this new technique of boiling them and we've never gone back

>> No.14234242

>depression tier
>normie tier

all the flavour and less mess

>> No.14234285

do americans really ?

>> No.14234298

Of course not, especially if you do it for beenie weenies. It makes them plumper. Also Limp Bizkit named a fucking album after it and hotdog guys all had dirty water dogs. This woman is mentally retarded from using a microwave too much.

>> No.14234300

Whats with the overlay

>> No.14234303

If you dont boil your hotdogs your doing it wrong

>> No.14234304

I only do that in a drunk desperation, I seriously hope this isn't your normal.
I will do this but only to butterfly the dogs because I don't have buns and am using sliced bread. I fry them in a bit of lard then toast the bread in that to make it crispy and eat with a knife and fork.

>> No.14234307

It looks like a diminished capacity individual shot a picture of another screen with a camera. Bless their dumb negro heart.

>> No.14234311

Technically you should steep them. The sausage water should never boil.

>> No.14234315

"Hot Dog Flavored Water" is a euphemism for cum

>> No.14234328

I don't listen to nu metal anon because I'm not retarded but it was famous enough to know about.

>> No.14234639

Here where i live it's the tradition to prepare hot dogs by boiling them in tomato sauce + water, optionally adding straw potatoes afterwards to add some crunchiness.
Tastes pretty good desu

>> No.14234652

no we BBQ them only! any other way is blasphemy

>> No.14234669

Steam them, roast them, fry them, microwave them
Anything but BOIL them fuck

>> No.14234671

You live in a third world shithole

>> No.14234681

My grandparents did, but they were super white. In my house we just microwaved them. We weren't a family that ever had "cook outs" but I married into a "fry hot dogs always" senpai and also participate regularly in grilling culture.

>> No.14234683

This is the best way to achieve an acceptable taste and moisteness.
It's still a pretty disgusting food.

>> No.14234699
File: 39 KB, 540x370, hotdog vendor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not supposed to get the water so hot that it boils, but that's the only issue I have with "boiled hotdogs"


>> No.14234703
File: 19 KB, 540x489, 1591893725494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all fuckin scum.
Boil or deepfry (blanche) than panfry to get a light char. Toast buns, add honeymustard, diced raw white onions, diced dill pickles n fuckloads of minced garlic.
Fuck you all.

>> No.14234755

No u

>> No.14234778
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>> No.14234780

Its about piss.

>> No.14234781


Still the best way. Nice and plump dogs.

Fuck all this other shit.

>> No.14234803

>tries to air superiority by demonstrating a fancy way to make an item of food that is an even more poor version of a food poor people made to preserve meat.
Ok dude.

>> No.14234810

>not in the oven at a low temperature, heavily monitored until it starts to sweat and achieves peak deliciousness
>not pan-fried at low heat in a dab of butter over the span of 15 minutes

>> No.14234816

I find they feel less greasy when boiled.

>> No.14234830

Op is a huge fag. For many many reasons. Sucking cock being the biggest.

>> No.14234833

Boiled them in chili

>> No.14234850

you mean your parents didn't build a campfire and slowly grill them on a freshly sharpened stick every time you were hungry?

>> No.14234852

They arent burgers. Casing melts. Mailard crusting is undesirable unless you have premium dogs. Boiling them is fine.

>> No.14234853

Yeah, but hot dogs on tomato sauce do taste pretty good. Try it someday, bro

>> No.14234854
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Confired for retard if you think having an extra pan to fry your dogs is fancy.
Eat dog food you lazy fuck the Human's are talking about actual cooking.

>> No.14234868
File: 429 KB, 1024x697, long-cooked-broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they prepared me like this

>> No.14234999

Now I don't expect a literal autist like you to comprehend my post, but if you thought me using the word fancy was literal seeing the context of the second half of my post; you're too late to save. It's amusing you say I should eat dog food considering hot dogs are literally the closest thing to dog food, in terms of manufacture and quality, a food meant for human consumption could be.

>> No.14235345

To this day I prefer boiled dogs over grilled or baked or fried dogs.

>> No.14235359

It doesn't matter how they were meant to be prepared, there are better ways of doing it.

>> No.14235370

Nah potted meat or really any canned meat is multitudes closer to being dog food. But I'm happy to see that someone here knows how to use a semicolon correctly.

>> No.14235373

>Honey mustard
Man child.

>> No.14235378

mope and bleed

>> No.14235412

As a kid I hated it. Now I boil them first, then throw them on my cast iron on high for grill marks and a crispy bite. They cook more even this way.

>> No.14235423

I cook them in a cast iron pan. I put a cup or two of water in then put the dogs in that. Once the water boils away I leave the dogs in a couple minutes longer to get crispy. I like to eat them with Dijon mustard and banana peppers.

>> No.14235433

Except he didn't use it correctly and you're both retarded.

>> No.14235434

>Doesn't sous vide his hotdogs

>> No.14235444

A hot dog is a simmered or steamed frankfurter in a bun. If the frankfurter is grilled, it's not a hot dog, it's just a sausage in a bun. In your heart you know the truth of this.

>> No.14235454

nobody cares about your made-up manbaby definitions, fag. shut the fuck up

>> No.14235461
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Stay mad cuck.

>> No.14235502

Sorry you're triggered, but hot dog facts don't care about your hot dog feelings.

>> No.14235612

i just remembered this kids book I read when I was like 10 -- it was one of those "chapter books" for middle readers about an elementary-aged kid who stays home alone for the first time while he's sick. His mom tells him to have some tea later and after she leaves he gets hungry and boils some hot dogs because it's the only thing he knows how to make. later he remembers to make the tea and he uses the fucking hotdog water to save time because it's "already hot" and when he drinks it he throws up.

>> No.14237093
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 1F665A6E-1772-438D-8A36-DE12B0A1E552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who spreads avocado on my hot dog?

>good but slept on hot dog condiments?

>> No.14237194

Tomatoes, ginger minced with garlic, tahini, fried rice

>> No.14237216

>>14237194 Cream cheese, jalapenos, sweet chili sauce

>> No.14237426

this so fuckin hard

>> No.14237527

Its quick

>> No.14237559

>chop up hot dog and put in pan
>when they start getting brown crack some eggs over them
>scramble eggs with hot dog slices in it
>pepper on top, ketchup on the side

Ate this all the time as a kid, dont think I had boiled hot dogs though

>> No.14237579

Wait...and chocolate starfish is...wow

>> No.14237628

ask me how I know you listen to Madonna

>> No.14237641

i still boil dogs

>> No.14237669

I still burst fire microwave them. I like the texture. If I grill I want it burned/black. Just me I guess.

>> No.14237695

What the actual fuck is this faggot recipe? If it's not
>cooked in hot water
>in a plain untoasted bun
>topped with spicy mustard and sauerkraut
It isn't a real hot dog.

>> No.14238496

why not just fry them in a skillet
that's what I do and they get nice and crispy.

>> No.14238498


>> No.14238522

i boiled hot dogs for ages because I had them grilled once and thought they were odd. Then I decided to try frying them and they were great so now I fry 'em.

>> No.14238593

According to that tweet no you are not QueenMD2025 boiled hotdogs too.

>> No.14238604

>very thin layer of water
>boil water
>add hot dogs and cover

can use beer instead

>> No.14238629

>putting in that much effort for hotdogs
>having a dirty oily pan you have to clean up after

>> No.14238637

Microwave with no plate and eat plain wrapped in wonder bread.
Welcome poverty.
or to college...

>> No.14238752

>steaming is less mess
>literally requires multiple things that needs to be cleaned instead of just one
do steamtards really?

>> No.14239124


>> No.14239187

so many retarded answer.
If the sausage is slim and long, you boil it.
If thick and short, you grill it.

>> No.14239195

No it's not. The story of that name is from when they were on tour, one of the band members was looking at flavoured waters and said
>I wonder if they have hotdog flavoured
Look it up, it's on Wikipedia

>> No.14239428

Boiled or on the grill faggot what the fuck is your problem ?

>> No.14239434

Only way they hydrate properly is if you boil them. Personally I'd stick them in a frying pan after though.

>> No.14239438

started with boiling hot dogs, then I learnt myself how to boil hot dogs, then my parents started frying them with some spray oil in the pan, then I learnt that too and now do it that way

>> No.14241238

I fry them sometimes in the pan. I enjoy the roast aromas

>> No.14241252

I ate them raw, mostly. Those you buy are already pre-steamed. As you grow you should find hotdog disgusting, though, they're too mushy. I highly prefer sausage

>> No.14241256

> a sandwich with knife and fork

The porpoise of a sandwich is that the bread acts as a food handle, for your hands, get it, hand-le, anyway clown, if you use utensiles, you should just have hot dogs with a side of bread

>> No.14241275

Why do you need to cook hot dogs? You dont need to cook or heat them up though...

>> No.14241284

Why the hell would I or anyone eat bread? I don't want to get fat and die.