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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14232076 No.14232076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck does BA have to be diverse? why can't they just cater to upper class whites and americanize dishes?

like should they start doing fucking tech stories cause you can't *just* cover food?

>> No.14232084

Why do we need 30 threads about this pseudo-political, not cooking related whinefest when there’s a reddit board for topics like this?

>> No.14232094

it's not that they weren't diverse enough its that they supposedly *weren't paying* black people


>> No.14232108

>why the fuck does BA have to be diverse?
because, all a company cares about is the bottom line.

>> No.14232124

Because the idiot jannies think that food criticism isn't food and cooking

>> No.14232125
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how much do you want to bet sohla is bitching about something that was spelled out in her contract that she didn't read because otherwise she wouldn't have gone to social media for justice instead of just hiring a jew lawyer and suing the piss out of BA behind closed doors.

>> No.14232134

hey, what about that ginger white girl that sometimes comes on. Are you saying that she gets paid for her appearances but sholah doesnt?

>> No.14232142

She's j*w

>> No.14232154

Why can't you go to the subreddit?

>> No.14232183

>using reddit

go back anon

>> No.14232186

a ton of white upper class people like ethnic food you dolt, they would loose a ton of money

>> No.14232254
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rhoda? her title is food director, video so i'm sure that's exactly what she gets paid for

anyway, the true BA waifu was in the background all along...

>> No.14232255

The worst part of BA are the brown people, except Sohla

>> No.14232293

>why the fuck does BA have to be diverse?
Identity politics.
You wanted this, you voted for this, you have endorsed this.
Its too late to make a stand against it now, it's already happened.
You should learn to enjoy living under the new apartheid laws.

>> No.14232297

You're right but now she can fuck off like the rest of the darkies

>> No.14232425

when I watched BA I felt it was actually too diverse
you got like 2 straight white guys plus a college admissions brochure

>> No.14232573

Considering her only explanation for her restaurant failing was racism (and not being overpriced in Brooklyn with no investors or concept) this makes a lot of sense

>> No.14232683

Her explanation was that people only wanted her to be some poor upstart minority and eat minority foods
Her recipes are solid and it's very apparent she has a higher level of skill than most of the people in the test kitchen

white: Brad, Chris, Molly, Claire, Carla, Delaney, Rapoport
not white: Andy, Rick, Sohla, Priya, Gabby, Christina
Jewish: Amiel (only on 4chan do I have to make this category)

So, mostly white, but still enough diversity

>> No.14232689

do you want my cashtag?

>> No.14232697

So jews and browns

>> No.14232757

I voted for Gary Johnson. I have every right to call both sides retarded.

>> No.14232799

remember if you didn't order the $60 chicken from sohla's restaurant you're basically a kkk grand dragon and should apologize for your transgressions immediately

>> No.14232808

Her restaurant was called Hail Mary and served pretty much just regular diner food. I don't get it, people walked in there expecting ethnic food because the chick at the counter is brown? I would've just assumed she was a fucking waitress.

>> No.14232825

Are you dumb? They want to sell, they want their brand to be seen by the largest group of people possible
Focusing on "upper class whites" its a shitty investiment move
Thats why marketing nowdays focus so much on diversity. It about money, baby

>> No.14232845

Amiel isn’t Jewish . He’s just polish and pronouncedly Eastern European

>> No.14232847

>shitting up this board with reddit tier threads regularly
i think it is you that needs to leave.

>> No.14232852


>> No.14232856

>Her explanation was that people only wanted her to be some poor upstart minority and eat minority foods
That's the racist bullshit

>Her recipes are solid and it's very apparent she has a higher level of skill than most of the people in the test kitchen
That's not a very high level of skill to surpass. Their interactions came across more like they were just trying to be nice and get her more involved not that she was some kind of authority

>> No.14232869
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More likely than not, it just bombed because it's the kind of place that wants almost $60 for a whole fried chicken but in her mind it must be because of the one or two times a boomer said something dumb to her.

>> No.14232881
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Agreed with this. She isnt the only one with significant restaurant experience and a culinary school background. And no one is approaching things from a haute cuisine perspective, including solha . I guess what’s significant is that she’s the only one who tried opening a restaurant (and failed)

>> No.14232894

>Yeah oh geez am I in the background of your shot?
>I totally didn't notice you guys were filming over there wow
>yeah I can help you out real quick

>> No.14233032
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Bet he's having a pretty good week

>> No.14233057

>oh claire you’re making tater tots? i got this amazing tater tot casserole recipe i definitely wasn’t asked to do, want to try it?
>uh yeah i’d love it!
>end of the video
>they eat it on camera for 2 seconds
>oh it’s too rich i only want 2 bites of it
>nobody else says anything

>> No.14233059

If it served regular diner food, it probably would have been fine, but there's no consistent theme to the food or identity for the restaurant.

She touted it as an upscale diner but there's maybe 3 or 4 dishes max that actually fit the diner bill. Who the hell wants shaved raw mushrooms with walnut and bulgur or charred greens with anchovy and plum molasses when you're in the mood for a diner/brunch. And nothing says upscale diner like a plain turkey club. It's like a fresh culinary school grad's first creative foray into making a menu without any experience cooking in the real world.

And if you look at images, the food is gimmicky as hell, homemade ice cream sprinkles that look like melted candles, fried chicken with the chicken foot attached, ugly ass plates, it's really no surprise it failed when there's so much good food in Brooklyn as it is.

Then on top of everything it's overpriced, too. She's blaming racism because it's the easy way out, when anyone with any sense and restaurant experience can tell that place would fail instantly.

>> No.14233080

>but there's no consistent theme to the food or identity for the restaurant

Which is probably why she got the occasional question of "so uh is this like an 'ethnic' spin on it or something?" Because people couldn't figure out what the fuck she was trying to do and figured they were just being oblivious

>> No.14233133

>tater tot casserole?
>wow that sounds yummy but I didn't know stupid poor brown people ate tater tots...is there some kind of ethnic twist?

>> No.14233856

>use your ethnics as a diversity prop in your parasocial cooking show.
>don't pay them in the BLM era
>act shocked when they lash out

they made their bed, now they lie in it.

>> No.14233868

because they're based in America and America is based on multiculturalism and diversity, not whiteness

>> No.14233872

>America is based
all I needed to read
God bless the USA, fellow patriot

>> No.14233974

having brown people on your show who actually know how to make their dishes is a good idea. That's not what this is about though, it's about getting paid and that's all the lady who started this shit is really after. Women are trash

>> No.14233981

You voted for Gary Johnson. You don't have a right to call anyone retarded.

>> No.14234011

how hard would it be if they released a statement :sorry () but you weren't receiving as much as your competitors because your videos were gaining () views compared to () getting () views. oh wait i already forgot these kinds of people are above statistics. im sorry but you were assigned a number at the start, and thats all youll ever be just a number and not the color of your skin

>> No.14234118

According to entertainment weekly she was making $50k as an assistant editor. That's not a ton of money in NYC but imagine working at a company for 10 MONTHS and demanding that the EIO step down and bitching that you're not paid enough. I have to hand it to her, it's working out in her favor, but the chutzpah on this fucking broad my lord.

>> No.14234123

he can't get cancelled if you don't know what race he is right?

>> No.14234139

I didn't even know Bon Appetit existed until I randomly came across a video of Brad, and then Claire soon after. I doubt anyone non white gave a shit either

>> No.14234206


Oh hell yea acstockwell is a stone cold fox

>> No.14234214

the people in the back who never agreed to be on camera much are probably so happy. zero pressure on social media for them to speak out and they will probably keep their jobs

>> No.14234251

most of them were hired/moved to camera roles specifically because people were bitching about lack of diversity. stupid of them not to pay them to be on video, this turn of events was an obvious outcome and i'm surprised it took this long to happen

>> No.14234263

they're happy now, but before this i guarantee you they were jealous as fuck of the celebrity status of people like claire. i bet you they're salivating at the thought of the BA "elite" getting crushed

>> No.14234270

go compare the views of a recipe vid they do on some ethiopian dish vs a vid on pepperoni pizza. obscure shit doesn't get views

>> No.14234287

honestly that doesn't seem that outrageous for new york. so many of the reviews bring up extremely slow service though, like an hour for shit to come out even if the place is empty

>> No.14234297

Carla is hispanic, retard

>> No.14234313

The orange jews caused them to hallucinate racism.

>> No.14234342

Aren't there laws against race-based discrimination and unpaid work? If she was unhappy she could sue but then that would uncover her bullshit.

>> No.14234418

I think the only right you have is the call yourself retarded.

>> No.14234461

>suing your own boss
>you only get paid in peanuts
>boss has an army of corporate lawyers on retainer

have you not worked before? do you even go outside in the real world? Sohla would get fired and blacklisted by the cooking world elite before she gets to dial the fresh out of college sjw lawyer. If not for the brown face and the twitter mob rallying behind her Sohla would've just been buried.

>> No.14234494
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Why can't you guys and r/BA just watch a soap opera instead of enabling this narcissistic, melodramatic behaviour?

>> No.14234573

>58 USD for a fucking chicken

you're out of you're goddamned mind. this is entirely outrageous

>> No.14234605

yea its called the minimum wage

>> No.14234628

In the biggest slave to corporate power USA? lmao

>> No.14234642

i had a look and she's eyetalian american

>> No.14234646
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>live in new york
>get offered a shitty salary
>accept offer
>get mad that you have a shitty salary

>> No.14234661

If you're looking for something to fill the whimsical wholesome food media void in your life, I recommend Off Menu podcast. The interviews with actual chefs are the best. There's no recipes but none of you actually cook anyway

>> No.14234666

>why can't they just cater to upper class "whites"
They do, that's why the push for more screen time for their pets

>> No.14234673

>just hear about this
>go on twitter to read more
>see someone posted screenshots of various BA employees' responses
>Molly's is literally the most woke and virtue-signallingest of them all

welp, it was nice while it lasted, but fucking dropped.

>> No.14234685

Any episodes you can recommend?

>> No.14234689

>stupid poor brown people
tbf middle easterners generally don't fall under the "stupid poor brown people" umbrella, you're thinking of blacks and hispanics

>> No.14234695

Molly, Claire and Rapo are all jewish

>> No.14234696

I've been on 4chan long enough, you're way off
White:Molly, Chris
Whitish: Brad, Carla, Delaney
Fellow Whites: Claire, Rapoport, Amiel
Miscellaneous: Andy, Rick, Sohla, Priya, Gabby, the Korean girl

>> No.14234697

>Sohla would get fired and blacklisted by the cooking world elite before she gets to dial the fresh out of college sjw lawyer.

That second part is what she just did to herself. Nobody will want to touch her after this.

>> No.14234711

Most of the guests are comedians / musicians, if you're interested in the interviews with food industry people there's Marcus Samuelsson, Jay Rayner, Tom Kerridge. It's a bit London-focused but the last season they went to America and interviewed people like Reggie Watts, Ronnie Chieng.

>> No.14234724

Thanks, I'll give them a listen.

>> No.14234737

>the most backward inbred cousin marrying donkey loving people aren't actually poor and stupid you must mean the other ones
Okay then

>> No.14234743

A shame, she was the only one who could cook.

>> No.14234746
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>she was the only one who could cook

>> No.14234751

hard work..

>> No.14234856

>not stealing reddit's content to make it ours
nah YOU need to go back.

>> No.14234901

are you talking about rednecks ?

>> No.14234914

>unpaid work
she was clearly salaried

>> No.14234948

It's "rustic"

>> No.14234980

>that would be $20 plus le tip

>> No.14235115

It's actually $13 but still jesus christ that's outrageous.

>Damn I must be the next Hitler for thinking this

>> No.14235150

im sorry they haven't made gourmet makes videos for the nuggies and fries you eat everyday

>> No.14235195

Not even mentioning how seniority applies to salary

>> No.14235253

yeah Rhoda. If Rhoda doesnt get paid for her appearances, Solah doesnt have a point.

>> No.14235443

He's a hapa. Father is American and mother japanese. Is real names is actually James Alt - Kenji is only his middle name and Lopez is his wifes surname that he adopted.

>> No.14235455

BA kitchen is like 95% jews.

>> No.14235462

white. ew.

>> No.14235472

Smart guy.

>> No.14235475
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Friendly reminder that /ck/ will defend the Jewish

>> No.14235610

So she worked there for three years upset with her pay and never asked for a raise or tried to find a new job. Now shes trying to use the social media mob to get more money. What a fucking coward.

>> No.14235627

>I loved it this time. And you only took 45 min!

>> No.14235638

christina never contributed anything desu

>> No.14235662

Besides the Thanksgiving videos, NYC kitchen interviews, and those other scammer videos of /ck/'s favorite glorified reality stars cooking shit together

>> No.14235938

anyone knows why she isn't with BA anymore and where I can get a fix of her videos from now on?

>> No.14235964

Doesn’t Fox News have a cooking show you can watch?

>> No.14235981


What the fuck?