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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14225913 No.14225913 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly creates a picky eater? And I don't mean "I don't like seafood" or "I don't like garlic" or whatever, I mean OCD/Autism level picky eaters

Are any of you like this? Can you explain yourself?

>> No.14225934

High quality taste receptors mostly. There's a reason I don't let my food touch, there's a reason I make waitress refrigerate my cheese separately from my sandwich, and there's I reason I can talk to snakes.

>> No.14225942

Wouldn’t mind eating some asian girl ass rn

>> No.14225947

Jim and Sam are possibly the least /ck/ people on the planet.
Which makes it all the more hilarious that they were on fucking Bar Rescue.

Didn't O&A make a wrestler feed him a steak or something?

>> No.14225957

For a lot of them it's apparently more about texture than taste.

>> No.14225959

Not enough whuppings as a child.

>> No.14225961

Pussy parents that don't force their kids to eat whatever is given to them.

>> No.14225963

Selfishness and stubbornness. The world revolves around them. FUCK picky eaters.

>> No.14225970


If the abuse you suffered as a child forced you to change your ways, you are weaklings. Never let anyone tell you how you must live your life.

>> No.14225971

I eat virtually everything but i like fish or seafood the best although a moose stew with chantarelles does not sit bad.

>> No.14226007

Youth, inexperience, and privilege

>> No.14226015

lack of experience, source: picky eater with major lack of experience and lack of adventurousness in eating.

>> No.14226032

its narcissism. just listen to this nutcase.

>> No.14226054

yeah. how self involved do you have to be to make a video like this.

>> No.14226057


>> No.14226086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14226103


>> No.14226115

ocd and autism

>> No.14226123

parents who didn't punish their children

>> No.14226286

You guys really just come across as assmad about being abused as children and you're just projecting it on people who weren't mentally abused into liking things they actually dont.

>> No.14226330

Man kikes really are neurotic about everything aren't they?

>> No.14226334

If anything I would think your parents beating the shit out of you because you wouldn't eat broccoli would mean you're more likely to be a picky eater. My parents just told me that they weren't going to cook me something different and that if I didn't eat it then I'd be hungry. Mental conditioning like Sesame Street really helped teach me that things taste good.

>> No.14226376

I am more of a Chip guy.

>> No.14226399

I’m a picky eater and I believe my habits were formed by my parents lack of action. If I didn’t want to eat a certain food, my parents would just accept it instead of forcing me to eat it. This lead to me almost never eating vegetables throughout my entire childhood. My palette has grown since but I still have hangups about lots of foods

>> No.14226401

>it's good because the tv told me so
I don't know if you're being ironic, but for some nazi fetishist that is really strange to be so into mental conditioning from jews.

>> No.14226434

Picky eater is just a meme buzzword boomers created to try and force their kids to feel guilty that they didn't like the slop the negligent boomers made them.

>> No.14226468

Jim did a video a while ago something to do with making scrambled eggs from a Gordon Ramsey recipe. In the video Jim shows the person recording about how he has never used his oven at home and always eats out. From listening to the old O&A clips you can see that he is really fussy about eating.

>> No.14226480

formula feeding

>> No.14226496


>> No.14226498

stfu boomer

>> No.14226671

>Picky eaters think being given the same food that the adults were eating is abuse

>> No.14226693

PBS shows from when I was a kid encouraged being adventurous with new foods and to not judge a food or experience without actually trying it first. If that's Jewish conditioning then the Fourth Reich will never last 1000 years.

>> No.14226706
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>umm actually I don't eat anything except mac & cheese or tendies because my palate is more discerning than yours

>> No.14226711

I've known a few picky eaters, and it's either ARFID or this, really. For supertasters it seems to be more about bitterness though.

>not eating any of the posts he was replying to
Wow, you sure won!

>> No.14226785

Have you ever gone to bed hungry?
You might not be so picky if you had

>> No.14226791

you're just assmad that your parents didn't love you enough to parent you. Enforcing rules and good habits != abuse

>> No.14226988

It's gotta be some form of autism. You never see a chad acting like this. I know 2 people like this. My cousin won't let any food touch on his plate or it all goes in the garbage. He's some nerdy gamer type weeb. The other guy I know won't eat anything other than the same 4 or 5 foods, prepared the exact same way everytime, also fits this description.

>> No.14227003

>not bending your knee to your child's tantrums is abuse
My parents never forced me to eat anything I didn't want to but they wouldn't make me a separate meal, either. Eat it, or don't.

>> No.14227011

The guy in OP never had an egg for chrissake and has to choke it down

>> No.14227054

maybe, it might've been during a Guy Fierie segment, and then he needed something to wash it down so Guy gave him alcohol without him knowing. Faggot Sam never having drank as well as eat steak

>> No.14227101

How can you never have a drink unless you had a violent alcoholic parent or sib. I know Gillian Jacobs is teetotal too but her family has a horrific history of alcoholism at least

>> No.14227122

And I chose not to, yet we are in this autistic thread with a bunch of manchildren screaming because actual adults don't like all of the same foods. So apparently it's not okay

>> No.14227123

growing up as one, I have a had a hyper sensitive nose and over developed bitterness taste buds. Now that I'm much much older and my sense of smell is starting to fade I can eat a lot more foods than I could before, still don't like wine, beer, whiskey, or coffee straight.

I have a nephew that is worse than me, and since we understand each other and I don't attack him for it he reports similar issues though he has more problems with textures than I did. broccoli is still one of the weirdest textures I cannot stand.

I can say that my over developed sense of smell has kept me from eating a lot of food that's gone bad, that other people were happily gobbling down.

anyone who says this has never had a picky eater, a "whupping" won't change them.

another person who has no idea what they are talking about.

picky eaters would rather go to bed hungry.

>> No.14227148

The only autist here is you and you're illiterate.

>> No.14227176

Being an entitled faggot living in a first world country.

>> No.14227191

They don't have to beat the shit out of you. They just cook one thing. You either eat it or starve.

>> No.14227199

>You either eat it or starve
Hello Child protective services, we'd like a word with you about your child that starved to death.

>stupid kid wouldn't eat so I told him eat or starve.

I see sir. You have the right to remain silent...

>> No.14227207

That sandwich actually tastes unpleasant though. Eggs are nasty.

>> No.14227208

>thinking kids will starve to death when food is available

>> No.14227220

Good parents try to raise their kids to live in a world where they might not be able to get chicken nuggies and fries every day

>> No.14227225

uh yes. they will I was one of them, I refused to eat. same with my nephew. after a couple of days any parent will give in.

>> No.14227244
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Hey, Harry Potter, how's that Weasley pussy.

>> No.14227251

if CPS found out you forced your kid to eat a salad instead of pizza rolls, yeah...they'd be pissed alright

>> No.14227253

>starve to death
>I was one of them
Go wash your bedsheets you faggy ghost

>> No.14227269

you don't get it you can't force a picky eater to eat. keep saying you can, but you can't,


>> No.14227288

not sure if he has a gay voice or a söyy voice.... not saying that's wrong but eh

>> No.14227305

I eat most everything but I get really assblasted when someone makes food for me that I'm not expecting. I don't appreciate the gesture at all, and I just wanna eat one time a day, with what I want to eat, knowing what's in it. This board has ripped on me for it before.

But the only thing I WON'T eat are sweets. Fuck them. They give me an ashen taste in my mouth.

>> No.14227356

Why are you guys such spergs about what other people eat?
Who in the actual fuck cares?

>> No.14227372

there's a big difference between having a couple of foods that you dont eat, and only having a couple of foods that you will eat

>> No.14227402

its genuinely embarrasing to see a 36 year old man only eating chicken, potatoes and pizza

>> No.14227408

is this what tds looks like?

>> No.14227418

the embarrassing thing isn't that those are what he its, it's that they're the only thing he can eat without crying and whatever else he does

>> No.14227441

and he only eats cheese pizza, because the only meat he eats is chicken fingers and vegetables are icky

Sam was molested into arrested development

>> No.14227517
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>What exactly creates a picky eater?

bad parenting and anal rape

>> No.14227536

>i have a hyper-sensitive nose
>somehow this affects which textures i do and don't like

Picky eaters are mentally ill.

>> No.14227539

Not giving your children chicken nuggets and ice cream for every meal is abuse now I guess? If you go out of your way to make something entirely different to eat for your child you're a cuck, faggot and soy.

>> No.14227570

>t. Beaten as a child over not eating badly cooked vegetables

>> No.14227588

>muh textures
I didn't like onions or most veggies as bratty kid either and when I was finally forced to eat them or not eat at all I got over it. Fuck you pussy

>> No.14227607

>badly cooked vegetables
ah it was your taste for perfection that kept you away from veggies

even though most are completely edible and good in any state between raw and cooked to mush

>> No.14228554
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Why do you picky faggots even browse this board? You surely suck ass at cooking.

>> No.14228573

I thought the sign in the back said AUTISM
but anyway there's your answer

>> No.14228596

I know a teenager that only eats french fries or candy. its because he was just enabled to do this by his parents and now gags when he ever tries to eat anything else. I think that super taster thing is learned. there is no way people are just naturally like that. what kind of health problems will happen if someone only eats potatoes fried in soybean/vegetable oil and sugar for 18 fucking years? will they die of heart disease? have a stroke eventually? what can I show him to scare him into forcing himself to eating normal food?

>> No.14228603

There's going to be all kinds of deficiencies that will compound into health issues down the line
Does he take any kinds of supplements at least?

>> No.14228617

I think he used to years ago when he was about 10, not anymore.

>> No.14228723

my parents forced me to eat my vegetables but as soon as I moved out I stopped

>> No.14228770

I wonder if they are gonna make you eat them again when you move back in.

>> No.14228877

Kids that get largely whatever they want when they want. I never met a poor kid who was a picky eater.

>> No.14229052

I litterally have autism and certain textures feel bad in my mouth. I can mostly muscle past it now but as a kid I'd shuck my peas because I liked them without the skin but the skin itself had a texture that made me want to throw up.

>> No.14229378

I had a friend that literally didn't know how to eat an orange. He took a chunk of the skin off and started to gnaw at the hole to drink the juice. He grew up eating Mcdonalds every day. Wasn't fat or anything, his parents just never cooked

>> No.14229390

Cheeseburger American food good, spinach bad, fag food bad

>> No.14229433

bad parenting

>> No.14229863

Picky eaters are the worst.

>> No.14229872

>picky eaters would rather gobto bed hungry
Good. And I hope you wake up dead from starvation. You are nothing but a draon on the genepool.

>> No.14229873

Is the Jim and Sam show still on the air? I remember it being awful

>> No.14229881

For the longest time I couldn't eat eggs either. When I was a kid I had eggs, then I threw up on my Pirates of Dark Waters figures. I think I just had some kind of stomach flu or something, but for the longest time I associated the taste and smell of eggs with that experience, and I couldn't eat them anymore.
I was able to beat it as an adult, just by rationalizing that it was a dumb reason not to eat something over, especially something that's such a good and cheap source of protein. Now I have no problem with them, I've eaten eggs for over ten years and I don't really think about it anymore, as a matter of fact while I was watching this video I was laughing at how ridiculous the guy's reaction to eating eggs is, then that memory came back to me.

>> No.14229937

>High quality taste receptors mostly
seems extremely counterproductive from evolutionary perspective
you're taste buds are supposed to detect things that are bad for the body not limit your diet

>> No.14231301

I was a picky eater when I was growing up and it was the texture and/or odor of the food that put me off.

Also, how well the food is prepared or cooked mattered too. As an example my mom would cook asparagus by boiling it too long and serving it with no seasoning or anything. But later in life I tried a recipe that called for the asparagus to be wrapped in bacon and garlic and baked in the oven and it was a fucking delicious. I've gotten over most of my food phobias by retrying them as an adult and now they're some of my favorite foods, asparagus, eggs, brussel sprouts, etc. Still can't eat peas, though.

>> No.14232187

When I was a child I was very sensitive to soft/gooey textures and found it repulsive. I managed to brute force it away and like everything now though.

>> No.14232706
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>> No.14232728

What an absolute faggot. Natural selection is trying to kill him off but unfortunately he lives in a country where he can survive by being a gigantic faggot.

>> No.14232749

When I was a kid, I had a choking feeling, and my parents' cooking sucked. I wasn't picky in the sense that I'd only eat fast food, but picky that there were certain things I just couldn't handle. I ate a fuckton of peas and carrots, but I would sit at the table for as long as two hours chewing on my mom's dried out chicken until I was finally excused and could spit it out.


I would often skip food indefinitely, and no amount of "you're gonna go hungry" did anything for me. Teachers were concerned about me and my parents were brought in for conferences about my condition.

Not a picky eater by any means anymore, but kids can and will go hungry.

>> No.14232783

being clamped and cut

>> No.14232914
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>> No.14232920


>> No.14232962

How in the fuck does someone wind up like this? Picky eaters need to be tossed into a gulag or something.

>> No.14232983

Sam's dad considers the finest treats the world has ever known to be saltines in butter milk, sardines and onions sandwiches, and raw potatoes


>> No.14232989

>not being assmad that other kids never had to go to bed hungry because mummy made a separate plate

>> No.14233525

Me too

>> No.14233637

super tasters exist in the wild for sure, and there a percentage of super tasters who are/were picky eaters at some point.

but definitely agree that it's incredibly overstated. I was a picky eater as a kid, and it was almost purely mental. A lot of shit i went through as a kid led me to developing a lot of weird aversions to different foods for whatever reason.

now that i'm older i've broken most of them. I still have some oddball preferences (like i don't like lettuce on sandwiches, but i'm fine with salads, and still not a big fan of onion unless it's chopped finely and cooked) and some things i'm still outwardly averse to (like porkchops), but i've overcome most of the picky eater nature i grew up with. All the doctors i've been to have all floated the idea of me being a super taster, but i never really bought into it. As i've gotten older i found myself enjoying more bitter and spicy foods than i did when i was younger and just starting to break picky eating habits

>> No.14233688

every person i met that is a really picky eater is a limp wristed weenie both physically and mentally. i think all picky eaters were coddled as children. they are weak and death is coming for them soon.

>> No.14234809
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>125k subscribers
>most videos barely get 500 views in several weeks
He literally became Scorch.

>> No.14235086

>that other people were happily gobbling down
You know why? Just because a food is slightly past its prime doesn't mean you're necessarily going to get sick from it. I bet you throw out your shit on the exact best by date, too.