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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14229799 No.14229799 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give my a tldr about the Bon Appétit situation? And what’s the situation with /ourgirl/ Claire? Did she do anything wrong?

>> No.14229809

pointy man good

>> No.14229818
File: 648 KB, 1080x1085, IMG_20200611_134924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just about to ask the same thing. I don't care about SJW nonsense, but from his video appearances this guy has always seemed like a douche so it's pretty funny

>> No.14229819

Dunno. It's all just ruined because they'll never recapture the happy family vibe

>> No.14229826

Brown lady that sucks at business and contract negotiation blames white people for her personal failure

>> No.14229827

>what’s the situation with /ourgirl/ Claire? Did she do anything wrong?
Yeah. She's one of (((them.)))

>> No.14229833

To be fair, not being white legitimately deteriorates your negotiating position.

>> No.14229834

I never liked the guy but I wish he'd been fired for sexual harassment or something else like that, because that "brownface" photo is a laughable reason

>> No.14229841


>> No.14229844

Maybe in Alabama it does
But not in the heart of New York

>> No.14229845

At this point I wouldn't rule it out. Women always like to bring up these stories ones the person is already down on the ground. But yeah guy is obnoxious

>> No.14229849

>quit last job "because racism"
>restaurant closed "because racism"
>new job suddenly bursting from the seems with "racism"
They really should've done their homework before hiring her.

>> No.14229853

Most naive comment I've seen all year, and that includes comments claiming COVID-19 is just a flu and/or a hoax.

>> No.14229856

Anyone hiring her after this deserves what they get

>> No.14229858

Which brown lady? They have a bunch of mexicans, indians and blacks employed in the company

>> No.14229862

it's the 5g towers man, also new zealand isn't real

>> No.14229867

I hope Delaney and Brad are alright, they're my favorites

>> No.14229869

The Dora haircut one

>> No.14229870

What is a Dora haircut?

>> No.14229875

Fuck you Schlong

>> No.14229876

dunno, explore it on google

>> No.14229882



>> No.14229884

>Sohla makes a social media post about racism at BA
>Background members of staff start posting claims about on-camera member
>All of a sudden every single member of the youtube cast starts flinging shit at each other.
>Members of the public start digging into peoples' social media history
>More shit gets flung

Seems like no-one understands how Human Resources work and are just trying to save face on social media.

>> No.14229889
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>> No.14229895

Glad that Serious Eats could tell that she was going to be a shit-stirring SJW and canned her before she could be a problem

>> No.14229897

I know that I can't do it.

>> No.14229903


>> No.14229912
File: 39 KB, 780x439, adam-rapoport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you that haven't seen it, this is the offending picture. It's literally Borat-tier shit. Love the email from BA that described it as "horrific"

>> No.14229921

...What? I'm not being funny but if you ask me he cold pass that off as a tan.

>> No.14229922

Cant even tell. What is he supposed to be a cholo? Looks like he just went on vacation. Have seen typical white girls tan darker over the summer.

>> No.14229925
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>> No.14229929

You might not know what he was doing, but he did. He wouldn't have done it otherwise. Pretty weird costume if he didn't.

>> No.14229935

What was he doing?

>> No.14229938

And this is exactly why no one complaining about it is sharing it. They know it's basically nothing but want to exaggerate the fuck out of it and leave it to your imaginations. The Prime Minister of Canada has specifically done the exact same thing but way worse and he's still in office.

This is how I know that someone was just mad they didn't get a raise or got passed over for a promotion and posted this while race is extra touchy in the US.

>> No.14229940




>> No.14229942

Parodying a culture via negative steteotype.

>> No.14229947

kill yourself

>> No.14229949

the most shocking thing about this is that he is not gay.

>> No.14229952

Calm down gaybo

>> No.14229953

Yeah I was shocked to find that out too considering how basically anyone besides Brad is either a woman, gay or just acts very very gay

>> No.14229957

That's not chris

>> No.14229962

Why is garbage like this allowed to stay up when Dinotendies got banned for posting his YT? There's literally no difference. I wouldn't touch his YT channel any more than I would BA's, but only one of them got banned for shitting all over /ck/.

At least Dino was somewhat /ck/ related, this retarded shit about some pajeet trying to pretend she doesn't smell like garbage doesn't belong here.

>> No.14229963


isnt this the one that everyone in the comments is gushing about how "chill" she is and to protect her at all costs?

lefties cannibalizing each other, ya hate to see it

>> No.14229967

Food journalism, especially elite food journalism like Conde Nast publications, IS food and cooking. They're tastemakers, it's naive to dismiss one of the US's most popular food magazines as "not food and cooking"
But sure, delete this thread in favour of another fucking instant ramen thread. Stop pretending to give a fuck about food.

>> No.14229971

I knew there was something about her. She seemed like a cunt as soon as she appeared.

>> No.14229975

I just hope Molly comes out of it OK because she's the only person at BA that can cook worth a shit and her videos are the only ones I find useful and informative.

>> No.14229982

man these people are completely insane, wtf

>> No.14229984

theres nothing wrong with that

>> No.14229993

I don’t want to be offensive, but what the fuck is wrong with Americans? That’s it?!! He dressed up like some Mexican? Holy shit people in your country are crazy. That’s some totalitarian dystopia shithole level of political correctness. I think that even in commie countries this level of petty snitching didn’t exist and by seeing protests in your country it’s only going to get worse.

>> No.14230005


99% of americans aren't like this.

there is a VERY vocal minority that weaponizes platforms like twitter to go after white people that do anything even remotely offensive to other races and brigade people's workplaces and schools to get them fired or expelled. because businesses and public institutions care about profit above all, these people are often terminated because they don't want to risk backlash if they don't act

>> No.14230008

I miss dinotendies

>> No.14230010

LMAO she's easily one of the worst "chefs" they have. She's definitely the cutest though.

>> No.14230016

It became a jumping-off point for Solah to air her grievances with BA over every little thing. Basically mad she doesn't get paid more and that they hired minorities solely for the sake of diversity but also need to hire more minorities to increase diversity

>> No.14230019

Well, it seems that it’a not such a small minority. Look at the protests and some of the stuff what they were doing and yelling. Politicians, media, entartainment industry, academia, big companies, and regular people support it. And even if it is just a small minority it doesn’t matter. They’re chaning your country culturally and politically.

>> No.14230027

I don’t understand why there are people screaming this doesn’t belong on /ck/
It’s literally a thread about a cooking channel
When I heard something was going down at BA, I didn’t think to check /pol/ or /tv/, I came here - because it’s a food related topic
Joyless fuckheads

>> No.14230034

Exactly the are food celebs yes. But if a thread about Gordon Ramsey fits a thread about youtube chefs fits

>> No.14230039

How many yids are in this photo ffs?

>> No.14230044

This. What made BA great wasn’t the recipes. It was the comfy feeling that you had a window into a super-positive work environment that was happy and fun for everyone there. Now that illusion is shattered forever - we’ve seen that what we thought was so positive was really just a nest of snakes who were ready to backstab each other at the drop of a hat. We’ll never be able to watch them again and not know that.

Success on YouTube is, I’m convinced, 100% down to personality - to likability. There’s no likability left in BA after we’ve seen this. And for me, that means there’s no reason to watch anymore.

>> No.14230050

Delaney is currently in hot water for shit he did a decade ago. One is for a Vine where he uses the word faggot (which Rick and Andy called him out on), another is for a cake he made designed to look like a confederate flag (supposedly for a friend who was moving to a southern state for school).

>> No.14230054

Yeah you right. Hopefully Brad and others create independent channels and can re. Hopefully working at home showed them its possible.

>> No.14230055

Well looks like BA's golden goose on Youtube is as good as dead

>> No.14230058

Brad is shit without Vin, new camera guy is soulless.

>> No.14230059

They just want to bicker with each other about fast food and find this distracting

>> No.14230063
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The jewdar is off the charts, captain.
Why are they so nepotistic and corrupt in general. Most of these fuckers can't even cook, why won't they hire actual talented people instead of their cousins and shit? Holy fuck.

>> No.14230064

And apparently Chris is getting shit flung at him because he decided to stop the sassy gay man bit and is staying away from the drama, which is apparently the most heinous form of bigotry

>> No.14230067

>New people come in and ruin the good thing they had going
Many such cases

>> No.14230069
File: 482 KB, 675x1022, 20200605_142308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rapo with a brownface pops up. Sohla uses this as a crutch to complain about not being compensated as a diversity prop in videos. Turns out other ethnics aren't being paid as well when they cameo. Everyone at BA hates Rapo, multiple anecdotes of being a shitty boss, so they happily threw him under the bus. The parasocial cooking bubble is popped. BA are turning on each other airing dirty laundry. Turns out your internet friends are not as good as they are on camera.

>> No.14230073

Brad's a dago, but Molly's a Jew.

>> No.14230075

I haven't seen anyone shitting on Chris

>> No.14230079
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>> No.14230082

>Create a culture where everyone walks on eggshells and is trying to not look racist
>Throw a fit when they do exactly that

>> No.14230083

>Turns out other ethnics aren't being paid as well when they cameo
Good, none of them are any good on camera.

>> No.14230089

Well, sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
I also like how Jews are only white when it's convenient.

>> No.14230093

I just dont understand why these people crucify others over things that happened so many years ago. sometimes upwards of decades of time ago. Seriously? it's just ridiculous to me, as if they've never done anything regrettable in the past or said something they shouldnt have. why are they all such backstabbing cunts?

>> No.14230098

Fucking kike filth.

>> No.14230100

>I just dont understand why these people crucify others
Been at it for 2000 years m8.

>> No.14230105

As a European I just cannot understand all these racial issues in the USA. It's like, people constantly whine about POC not being equal and stuff like that, making companies have to hire POC SPECIFICALLY for their skin color, and then that's seen as bad again. what the fuck

>> No.14230106

Because they genuinely do not give a shit about any of that. It's exaggerated and fake outrage used to vent actual and more petty frustrations. This is why it's popping up right now while every conversation in the US is about racism and not on a random tuesday.

>> No.14230110

>gets hired to reach diversity quota
>calls them out for shoehorning her in for diversity
>oh, you're right
>reevaluates resume
>gets fired

>> No.14230112

I'm Puerto Rican, and honestly dude is looking fly as hell, looks exactly like my dad back in the early 2000s. He pulled it off good. The whole "it being a costume" thing is kind of dumb I guess. Dude looks good though

>> No.14230113

I feel like it's basically because people like seeing diversity hires until it happens to them. That and it's derived from an ideology centered around being upset, so naturally they'll be upset no matter what.

>> No.14230116
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POC being jelly of whites thats all.
Cant blame em

>> No.14230124

This is what flyovers ACTUALLY believe

>> No.14230125
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>> No.14230134
File: 33 KB, 448x350, kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opens restaurant in Brooklyn
>It's just an upscale burger bar with hilariously tiny portions
>No gimmick, despite being in an area where EVERYTHING has a gimmick and random "ethnic" sounding names for menu items
>People ask Solah "so what's the gimmick?"
>People get tired of paying $15 for a burger that'd be $5 anywhere else
>People get tired of poor service and Solah giving people attitude

>tfw you and your coworkers don't have to deal with this stupid drama queen anymore

>> No.14230145

That kike was dressed like a typical NJ guido and they cancelled him for it LMAO.

>> No.14230147

Good point, it probably doesn’t even help in Alabama anymore

>> No.14230157

Imagine giving up your job because you were a decade late in mocking a stereotypical mid-00's Jersey Shore douchebag.

>> No.14230158

Might have gone overboard there a bit lad

>> No.14230167

>$32 for a fried chicken dinner
>$6 for a coke
>60% of restaurants in NYC fail before 1 year


>> No.14230169

I swear to fucking christ NYC leftits crybabies are the worst type of people on the fucking planet
There's literally nothing offensive depicted in this photo

>> No.14230174

>Circling based Chris
>Not circling Mollystein

>> No.14230180
File: 89 KB, 750x1000, hail mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$15 root beer float
>$4 Miller High Life
>$9 for a pint of Founders All Day IPA (Michigan here, it's usually $4-5 even in super bougie places)

>> No.14230183

I mean I get where he's coming from, when you see all these entertainment/rich people that are jewish despite being a small percentage of the population it does seem off.

I'm jewish though and have never gotten any benefit from it, in fact some times the opposite. Guess I'm just the wrong kind of jew or something. Fucking blows.

On another note there is an actual reason for not hiring truly talented chefs, one is that most real chefs would not want to abandon what they love to make shit youtube videos, and the other is that it's fake/entertainment. You don't hire actual spies to be in action movies, you hire Tom Cruise.

>> No.14230191

>$15 shakes

>> No.14230192

There's also the fact that any chef who's actually personable to be on video is probably already making a fuckton of money schmoozing and opening restaurants.

>> No.14230193

this is what I hate about identity politics regardless of where it comes from.
It will never really hurt the nepotists, why would it? It only amounts to "lets blame x for y and everyone else that vaguely resemebles x"
Its the problem with pol niggers and actual niggers, everyone that participates is utter cancer.

>> No.14230194

who the fuck goes to an expensive restaurant to have not even homemade ice cream, for 5!!! dollars/scoop....

>> No.14230201

Only a racist wouldn't want to pay $5 for factory made ice cream.

>> No.14230203
File: 110 KB, 634x636, 2017 winston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I'm in NZ right now
am I a brainwashed govt. deep cover agent?

>> No.14230211

in my country a scoop of ice cream is about 1.50$ lmao

>> No.14230212

Americans are utterly psychotic and everyone over there except for a very few, is literally insane in some way or another. This has mainly to do with a very capitalist "friendly" society where the individual will always just be thrown under the bus if he just for 1 second inconveniences their boss. This culture is pervasive, and of course mental and physical health care are basically non existant...

>> No.14230221
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POC lick brand name ice cream and pay with 20 years in jail and whitey won't even foot a 5 dollar bill??????????? smhtbqhwyfjfc**facepalm**

>> No.14230228

Give them an inch and they take a mile. These people will run the show soon. They're already specifying that being white is a dealbreaker if you want to be EIC. Wonder how Brad & Chris will explain to their white wives that the raise will be a little smaller this year as the money needs to go to brown people. Wonder how they'll look at their white kids knowing in the backs of their minds what awaits them down the line.

>> No.14230231

Wish that ice-cream was my dick

>> No.14230232

Did she really get fired from se

>> No.14230239

True, like all the people taking advantage of that situation and being shit heads will continue to reap the rewards of fucking other people over and the ones that don't participate get fucked from both ends.

I always see it as a rich v poor thing. Rich people will continue to aid their rich friends and empower the children of other rich people, while poor people have to fucking toil.

Even poor people that become well off, like the director at my current work. Dude makes good money, but it took him 20 years to get there and works like a fucking dog.

A rich kid I went to high school with is probably 17 years this guys junior and is currently a director at a large ad agency. Guess what his parents do.... You guessed it they're partners at the large ad agency. He has never had to work a shit job that paid less than $50K a year, never went into debt, never had to work without vacation or good benefits, took like 2 months off for his honeymoon, never has to worry about finding another job, I mean it really is endless.

Not saying this kid isn't talented, smart, or capable, it's just that there are literally millions of people as qualified or more and he will never understand the difficulties most people have to go through.

>> No.14230241

If not fired, basically demoted/not used enough that she decided to leave. I just remember hearing rumors about her basically going on a soapbox every time an obvious troll was trolling her and management told her to calm the fuck down and ignore them. Wouldn't be shocked if other people noticed her being a drama queen with social justice twinges, and how that could bite them. Meanwhile BA hires her because she's established and mistake her personality as just being quirky instead of a future HR nightmare.

>> No.14230253

shes defs better at cooking than a lot of them

>> No.14230255

I know Sohla started all this shit but she just wanted to be paid. Meanwhile Delaney is getting cancelled for no reason. Even Andy(!) is not diverse enough

>> No.14230261

I'm a staunch leftypol antif* BLM-supporting leftist
but even I'm getting sick and fucking tired of this racism hot potato musical chairs bullshit that's everywhere, everywhen nowadays. When the fuck are people going to grow a spine and tell these people to kindly go fuck themselves and not let them dictate their lives

>> No.14230263

Delaney is useless

>> No.14230268

Who the hell is the guy in bottom left E? Never saw him before

>> No.14230269
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Sohla her shitty burger

>> No.14230274

That's Rick, who's gay AND latino

>> No.14230277
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>This costs at least $16

>> No.14230279

looks like fucking ass

>> No.14230281

>she just wanted to be paid
Just wanted to be paid MORE. There's a dozen ways she could have argued for a raise with the powers that be, but she knew it would get more traction if she implied a racial undercurrent.

>> No.14230282

Is he new? I haven't watched BA in a while but I don't remember him

>> No.14230290

Imagine not purging your social media the second you get any kind of job in the public eye.
Jfc I work in medicine and I don't have any social media with my name on it, too many crazy people.

>> No.14230306

because people abstract their personal problems and convince themselves it's political. See: Sohla and her repeated professional failures. just to remind you, this all exploded because some puerto rican lady repeatedly submitted the same essay to the editorial office over the course of years and BA just wasn't interested. it was pure cynicism for her to leverage this Rapaport photo now vs any other time.

>> No.14230309

Why start with prices so high? I guess I don't know what a typical burger joint charges in NYC. Around me a burger with a side from a "higher end" joint would be like $12, and from a non-sitdown restaurant it could be as low as $4 not counting chains.

I get that it's NYC, but small portions, no sides, weird takes on burgers doesn't sound like a winning combination.

Also why the fuck would you open a pretentious burger place in NYC? All these clowns love to bash people like Guy Fieri, then try to do the same shit as him and fail miserably. Love it.

>> No.14230311

is this legit from her? what a mess

>> No.14230314

>Guess I'm just the wrong kind of jew or something
This is unironically correct. It's kind of sad to see how all the anger of people against the overrepresentation of Jewish people in the elite also trickles down to people like Moishe the shoemender who just wants to provide for his kids.

>> No.14230317
File: 390 KB, 680x524, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brad in 2024

>> No.14230324


he's been around BA for a while, but he's not one of the BA regulars. he comes and goes

>> No.14230330

We just need /ourguy/ brad to pull through.

>> No.14230332

The restaurant I work at is owned by a millionaire tech yuppie who more or less wants a place to have a burger and beer with friends. If it loses money, no big deal. If it makes money, that's nice too. Essentially a man cave that pays for itself. That said, even WE don't pull this much shit because it's just dumb and scares people off.

I'm willing to bet they started off with such high prices first because they thought they could, then kept prices high because they had to and were afraid that lowering prices would keep them low forever or be bad optics.

>> No.14230335

it really depends where in the city you are. if you're in soho, greenpoint, williamsburg, long island city, you can expect to pay at least 20 dollars for a burger. if you go to harlem, the bronx, or deep brooklyn you can find normally priced food.

>> No.14230345

Delaney is a smug chud and deserves everything he gets.

>> No.14230357

It's all about class, not race/nationality/ethnicity. Real leftists know this, it's only the SJWs, the neoliberals and the /pol/tards that make everything about identity politics.

>> No.14230363

Sounds like the place I used to work at

>> No.14230369

$16 would be reasonable if it was delicious and came with large fries and a shake/pint.

>> No.14230381

It's kind of weird how many restaurants are basically just rich people flexing on each other

>> No.14230385


>$11 for seasonal greens and vinaigrette

>> No.14230386

I wish I was rich so I could open a restaurant

>> No.14230389

I'd be so happy if this whole situation leads to Brad and Hunzi going independent or at least get a series on Netflix or something. They are the only truly good thing at BA anyways.

>> No.14230398

Even Kenji's place apparently doesn't really make money for him, and I think it's pretty successful.

>> No.14230405

Anyone else love seeing this? I hate the fake relationships these people pretend to have on camera and I hate the weirdos in the comment that act like a tumblr fandom even more. Plus the added bonus of ultra left loons eating their own. Absolutely stellar.

>> No.14230409

I never liked her recipes but never saw people trolling her lel any good examples?

>> No.14230413


I'm on the left but it's really interesting to see how this thing makes co-workers who at least had the illusion of liking eachother go straight at the throats of one another

>> No.14230414

>prices this high
>people give her the benefit of the doubt
>ask what's special about the burger or other food
>try to find an angle that justifies the price and appearance
>she wonders why people keep asking about exotic/ethnic ingredients

>> No.14230428

Just wait until the video of Babish doing a funny indian accent in 1998 leaks.

>> No.14230435

You have to wait 50 minutes if you're the only ones there and then the staff argues with you.

>> No.14230439
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Hey, it's not all bad.

>> No.14230440

good on ya

>> No.14230441

reminder that sohla played this whole thing from the start, framing it as "white people get paid to be on camera and coloreds don't," when the only ones paid specifically for video had years of seniority and their own show, and even she admits to having had one in the pipeline despite being there under a year

>> No.14230443

I thought Shola was pretty cool. Complaining that she was more experienced and working under people less experienced. Every single person has done that at some point. Doing jobs you're not paid to do ? in 99% of cases that's how you get promotions.
She seems to have a super fragile ego and a strong sense of entitlement and she is using legitimate issues as a smoke screen.
Yes minorities should be paid the same amount the stuff about Rick being looked down upon because he is a one trick pony or whatever is absurd if the guy has a speciality of course he should do that.
the whole "happy family" work routine is great 99% of the time but even actual family piss each other off and when they do fall out at least they don't do it on social media

>> No.14230445

>genuinely liked BA and had them on my list of "comfy" media that I watch when I don't wanna deal with politics or outrage or societal conflict
>Honestly thought the BA crew seemed like a functional group of friends just making good food
>Particularly liked Sohla, she seemed very relaxing to be around and seemed like someone you'd want to hang out with

Well there goes that

>> No.14230455

Wonder if Claire will get cancelled too.

>> No.14230462

disgraceful chart

>> No.14230471

why are threads like this keep getting deleted?

>> No.14230472

What the fuck does Delaney even do?

>> No.14230476

Rick is based but otherwise accurate.

>> No.14230483

How dare those racists not spend a weeks worth of groceries on a single meal at her restaurant

>> No.14230484

Made a confederate flag cake and said faggot on social media.

Maybe something else ?

>> No.14230487


He's now the "Drinks Editor" for the mag, I guess that's his title

>> No.14230490

How does TK recording time even get divided up? I know Chris has a night video or two. You'd think the staff could go in and take video at any time with just the help of a camera crew.

>> No.14230492

Isn't he technically the alcohol and cocktails guy? Back when BA was still just videos of hands making stuff with overlaid narration I think that was his gig

>> No.14230495

As much as you might hate her for being incompetent and whiny, she's their biggest moneymaker, so that's not happening. The entire BA YT-channel was basically build on the "Gourmet Makes" videos. If they get rid of her, they might as well close down the channel completely.

>> No.14230500

smash push
eat other people's food
gets payed by his (superiors) to eat anywhere he wants
uses his nug grinder to make coffee
trolls around when everyone else is filming

he sucks but he's cool

>> No.14230502

And not only that we've seen multiple instances of multiple videos/projects being worked on at the same time in the test kitchen

>> No.14230505
File: 241 KB, 401x500, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed your shitty list

>> No.14230512


Nah man, she's friendly and smiley but that's about it

>> No.14230518

How itf does Amiel get at the top?

This is a chart for gays that hate good looking gays.

>> No.14230525

that's all shes there to do. She floats through a screen being super friendly and enthusiastic. She isn't sold as anything more so i don't see that as a problem.
There has never been a BA video that is worse for her having been in it.

She is chilled and doesn't outstay her welcome ever.

>> No.14230529

Don't know, don't care, that channel and the people on it are not interesting in any way.

>> No.14230532

Oh, you're right. I've seen the camera high fives.

If they wanted to keep the main channel selective, they could just start a BA2 or whatever they want to call it. Just pump out content and new ideas to see what sticks.

>> No.14230543

She makes empanadas and yerba mate. Gaby is pure kino.

>> No.14230553

Absolute trash
Irritating and brings her faggot son in all the time
He has good recipes but he irritates me, I'll put up with it because his cooking is solid though
S-Tier, I want to fill her tight turmeric-scented puss and have her make me a spicy grilled cheese after

>> No.14230555

Literally nobody gives a shit about these fucking youtube rejects

>> No.14230557

you're thinking of Morocco and his collection of novelty blindfolds/general prissy demeanor.

>> No.14230558

is it just me or does amiel look fatter than he actually is ?
Always so shiney and bloated ? is it just coke bloat ?

>> No.14230560

Sure is I don't know what this word means in here.

>> No.14230570

>kitchen goblin in S tier
>mexican faggot who paints his nails in A tier
opinion discarded

>> No.14230574

>rail mad lines
>blast on the screen like a rainbow cannon
I can respect this.

>> No.14230581

You're a fucking nobody

>> No.14230585

sad and tragically true. Where did Vin even go?

>> No.14230589


>> No.14230598
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Im glad you're able to provide actual criticisms

>> No.14230607

who's the most based?

>> No.14230632

oof I wonder if Brad regrets those collaborations in hindsight.

>> No.14230650

Brad is S*

>> No.14230690
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>> No.14230706

>doesn't show the alleged "brownface" photo
gee I wonder why. :^)

>> No.14230713


>> No.14230727

i'd put andy and rick in c tier, but wouldnt change anything else

>> No.14230735

fucking kek

>> No.14230737

im fairly left wing but literally who cares about this shit, the self flagellation is insane

>> No.14230753

>fairly left wing
not anymore. Regular lefties are now centrists, radlefties are regular left, lefty terrorists are radleft

>> No.14230760

Lol this is a fucking Spanish tortilla burger. Honestly the dumbest culinary creation I've seen come from a "restaurant"

>> No.14230768

She's always looked like a hysterical bitch teetering on the edge of a fucking mental breakdown. How no employer has ever seen through this bitch baffles me. They deserve it.

>> No.14230770

i literally think socialism (actual socialism, not like sweden) is a good idea, i just think radlibs are deranged and self-hating

>> No.14230779

How do i find a restaurant like this bros? It sounds like heaven

>> No.14230781

>S-Tier, I want to fill her tight turmeric-scented puss and have her make me a spicy grilled cheese after


>> No.14230795

The place I worked at was owned by some rich dude who never came in. He'd pop in once in a blue moon.
It was pretty comfy hanging out after hours and smoking at the bar, doing lines in the washroom, and getting shitfaced.
I miss it

>> No.14230797

Now it’s perfect

>> No.14230799

Oh, and blasting your own music too

>> No.14230801

she also gives no fucks about whatever "toxic culture" everyone is crying about. Actual immigrants who grew up outside the US truly don't comprehend this shit.

>> No.14230814

I had a Tortilla sandwich for lunch was tasty AF. however if someone tried to charge me $15 i'd tell them to get fucked

>> No.14230822

is the orange apron girl jesus? which one would be judas

>> No.14230823

he looks kinda like ali g in the photo

>> No.14230830


>> No.14230838

im not. Adam Rapp is incredibly camp.

>> No.14230845

I once read of a study where they reported on who was considered the most important or favorite person in a family by how close to the center of the picture they were. Claire FTW.

>> No.14230849

>a cuck shoehorning race into his argument
like clockwork

>> No.14230868

how are they ever gonna recover from this??

>> No.14230873

Priya and Rick squeezing that white bich out

>> No.14230874

tell that to Barack Hussein Obama and Jay Z. Fuck off you self hating piece of shit

>> No.14230875
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>cute baking wife
>funny charismatic unique guy
>cool gay guy
>jewess mommy
>(only here for looks)
>totally not a jew charismatic blondie
>likable personality
>unique personality but is sometimes annoying and intentionally over the top
>(incoherent speaking)
>barely on the show and underwhelming

>> No.14230879

diversity +1 and nerf the wypipo

>> No.14230883


Priya might be the most annoying one on the whole channel. But yes Brad is S tier no doubt

>> No.14230884

I find it funny that literally every white person is highly successful on BA but Sohla is still mad thinking its about racism.

>> No.14230889

I admitted she is just there for her looks. I ironically have a thing for NY-type jewish girls and brown girls. She is constantly underwhelming and not nearing as engaging as anyone above D tier.

>> No.14230895

There's no question. Guys are just thirsty for those New Delhi milk trucks.

>> No.14230905

Claire: kind of high strung, often stressed, introverted neurotic gf

Molly: free-spirited, fun, and flexible gf

Carla: Jew gentle femdom mommy, will bank roll you and make you pizza at her parent's house

Priya: Will show you off to her parents and try to immerse you as a white boi into her culture

Gabby: grandma tier

Sohla: will report you for being racist after wanting you to talk down to her during sex

>> No.14230930

Switch A and B tiers and it's perfect

>> No.14230931


molly may be fun but there is definitely some crazy lurking around there somewhere.

>> No.14230943

ngl i'd want a gf like claire

>> No.14230947

he was apparently not paying the people of color for showing up in videos
i think its more then just the blackface but hes a straight up racist

>> No.14230948

I think Carla and Andy could almost be S tier, but you have to give some credit to Claire and Brad for being the backbone of the channel - views/content wise. Gourmet makes curbstomps literally every other show despite being repetitive.

>> No.14230952

Sohla was quickly becoming a fan favorite. If she has waited a tad longer I've no doubt she would have got her own show or at the very least could have negotiated for one and even left BA like Claire to get leverage for higher pay but nooooooo she had to be greedy and impatient.

Now she's forever ruined the test kitchen and the big stars might actually pack up their shit and leave. With them leaving there goes the relevancy of the channel. Too fucking stupid to see that shit heads like Rapo don't determine the popularity of personalities, the fans do. At the stupid NPC fans also too stupid to realize they watch Brad and Claire WAY more than the rest of the cast. God damn just a shit situation all around. Especially sad too cause I actually enjoyed Sohla she was very comfy and had a cute personality but the illusion is shattered.

>> No.14230960

I feel the exact same way. I respected Sohla for being able to present herself well and convey her thoughts clearly.

>> No.14230967

>accepts $50k salary in one of the most expensive cities on the planet
Did she not know how to negotiate or walk away? Claire only got the pay she has now by negotiating.

>> No.14230971

>get hired based on your skin color and not your cooking skills
>have the nerve to complain about it

there is no winning with these people

>> No.14230975
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>dress as a puerto rican 16 years ago
>become editor-in-chief of bon appetit
>start insanely successful youtube platform
>hire Sohla
>she ruins your career 10 months later


>> No.14230977

She had no way to negotiate starting off. Claire was only able to do so once the popularity of her show started to take off.

>> No.14230978

Priya is a top-tier waifu
>Rich boomer Indian parents
>Mild personality
>Hidden milkers
>deep-seated inherent Brahmin drive to get COLONIZED
Her cooking isn't mind-blowing but it always looks pretty tasty, and what else do you want in a wife?

>> No.14230979

>S-Tier, I want to fill her tight turmeric-scented puss and have her make me a spicy grilled cheese after
This man knows whats up

>> No.14230993

This is what you get for hiring based on diversity instead of merit.

Get woke go broke.

>> No.14231003
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it's unevenly cut

>> No.14231008
File: 367 KB, 750x1151, 89A1D47F-2209-4279-BB13-0DC49102810C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything for her is people keepin her down cuz of her brown skin, it's her go-to complaint her entire life, even when her restaurant failed.

>> No.14231009
File: 491 KB, 220x220, b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll smiped too hard on Claire and she let it get to her head. All you white knights can do is watch, cause you can't help her in the end.

>> No.14231015

That was also my reaction

>> No.14231019


>> No.14231020

Good comeback

>> No.14231026

God she seems like such an awful person behind the scenes.

>create good series
>get paid for it

seems fair to me

>> No.14231031

fuckin delaneys getting called out by andy or some shit...?
how the fuck are these people going to work in the same kitchen again.

>> No.14231035

yes, how dare those parents provide a good job and safe life for their child. FUCK THEM!!!!!! THEY PROBABLY NEVER HAD TO WORK FOR ANYTHING!!!! AND NEITHER DID THEIR PARENTS!!!!! THEIR BLOODLINE WAS PLACED ON THE EARTH RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you commies are retarded. i built a company, and when my kid grows up he's going to run it, unless he's incompetant. none of my employees are even in the fucking running, no matter how long or how well they've worked. know why? because they don't have my blood in their veins. my goal as an organism is to further my bloodline, not make sure everything is just oh so fair.

>> No.14231045

Her parents are in the videos so often they should call priya out on ig for not getting paid

>> No.14231046
File: 286 KB, 936x545, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like chris even though he seems to be the kind of person to be upset when he's not the smartest one in the room.

rick is b tier because his chili colorado and chocolate chip toffee cookies are among the best recipes BA has published. i favor his muted personality and scant video presence. the only reason he isn't a is because he wears nail polish when he cooks.

molly is c because her recipes suck.

amiel and delany serve their bro functions and are automatically demoted to d for only being food adjacent.

andy sucks even if i appreciate his persian culinary contributions. his personality and twunk fascism blows

christina is irrelevant. priya can't cook, but i would rank her parents as a or b.

>> No.14231050

But there's some merit to being a bipoc (I learned this word yesterday!)

>> No.14231051

Everyway to Cook an Egg 26M views, chicken 9M
Gourmet Makes dozens of videos 5-12M
It's Alive dozens @ 2-5M
Carla prods some celebrity, close 3rd.

Claire should be printing money desu.

>> No.14231060

Please explain to me how being brown inherently makes you a better cook.

>> No.14231074

The radiant energy bouncing off your milky rolls over cooks the food and makes it tough.

>> No.14231084

same but I always got the impression that Rapo was a typical disconnected boss so that surfacing wasn't surprising

>> No.14231090

>too much ego to keep your fat face off the camera
>too hopped up on your own farts to get out of the way and let the staff pay your bills

>> No.14231096

Haha legit the guy should have just rocked it as his actual style, he unironically looks fly as fuck

>> No.14231099

Her parents are going to watch and give objective criticism when you're trying to smash.

>> No.14231110

this but unironically

>> No.14231111

Imagine licking Priya's dad's 1000 year old yogurt off her big milkers haha

>> No.14231128

I don't know why people always shit on Priyas cooking. Sure every recipe is from her mum and dad but is that any worse than cooking french stuff they learned in cooking school ?

she is definitely going to be low key high maintenance in her personal life

>> No.14231135


>> No.14231138

>dress and act like the gayest man on the planet
>get called a faggot
dios mio rick how could we have seen it coming

>> No.14231143

I think as long as you can provide her a decent house in the 'burbs and a Lexus she'll let you slap her around
Pajeetas are materialistic as fuck and your kids will have all kinds of complexes, though

>> No.14231147

No one actually called him a faggot, that's the sad part. Delany just made a dad joke about a bundle of sticks.

>> No.14231158
File: 431 KB, 750x882, E7F7816F-0406-45BC-93AB-1E530E0CF54A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Priya only dates white guy

>> No.14231173

Andy used his position of power to kill a bipoc woman's stories repeatedly, which I'm taking as a pathological streak of misogyny.

I hope /ck/ will join me in calling for Andy to resign.

>> No.14231182

>$58 for a chicken
this must come with a blowjob right?

>> No.14231223

they're all still friends, especially Vinny and Brad. Vinny is implying now that he left because of the shit that's going down now.

that's Hunzi, who has actually been editing the show since the beginning. Brad definitely seemed like he was having more fun with Vinny though

>> No.14231228

>Vinny is implying now that he left because of the shit that's going down now.
Sauce? Does he have a Twitter or something?

>> No.14231233

Some weird BA fanboi shit itt.

>> No.14231236


jesus lol christ

I am a whitest fuck alive but I get tanned real quick and I am much more brownface working in the office than that guy wtf are you sjws smoking? I don't want any

just google the fucking pic are you kidding me

>> No.14231240


It was on his Instagram story a few days ago.

Vinny seems like a cool dude

>> No.14231242
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>> No.14231243

Everything could have been negotiated and settled like adults if everyone were transparent about their contract and compensation. Most of the BIPOC workers in the test kitchen are fairly new, so maybe that was why some or none of them were getting paid for minor video appearances. There’s no definitive proof. Were the white employees getting the same deal?

>> No.14231245

he killed stories about antoni porowski being put in the magazine and the writer is saying it was one of the worst moments of her life. Antoni is a hack anyway and that's probably why Andy hates him

>> No.14231251

Kind of cringe by Vinny. Was thinking he's based but he's just being as soy as everyone else. Admit you left because Babish was going to pay you more, idiot.

>> No.14231266

BA is just claire and brad and chris

dunno why the fuck you'd watch anyone else, especially the ethnics on the show?

>> No.14231272
File: 786 KB, 964x1146, both times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine crying because gay men are catty

>> No.14231274

this. the channel was nothing and complete dogshit until they accidentally made hits out of It's Alive and Gourmet Makes. With Claire quitting briefly, they had to throw a shit ton of money at her to come back. That was probably when they decided to boost salaries for series creators

Turning down Hawa's ideas for a series is confusing to me. They obviously wanted a black woman to make videos, but instead just give her 400 bucks to make two?

>> No.14231280

Getting hired for diversity reasons = bad
Not being paid more because boohoo other whites can get paid more = bad
Public apology and being offered better circumstances precisely because this inequality shit needs fixing (?) = bad
Digging though co-workers' social media history for something to scream about & every non-ethnic American openly talking about shit they've bee silent about for years = good

>> No.14231289

Looks like she would be crying because they wouldn't give her all the food that they cook.

>> No.14231295

this woman and one other are also the ones coming after Carla and saying they were scared to ever come down to the test kitchen if she were there

>> No.14231297

I'd ban this woman from the test kitchen if you know what I mean

>> No.14231302

>Jay Z
Drug peddler who made his way as an industry giant through being a creative which requires less negotiations for being a rapper. What if he wanted to go into pop music, he'd be mogged by all the other white stacey's who have a nice rack and legs.

>Barrack Obama
Widely disliked by almost every republican American (thus 50%+ of the population) and retarded hicks protested because he wore a tan suit

Cope harder

>> No.14231309

>calling out carla as a racist after getting caught being a greedy fuck loitering around the test kitchen

>> No.14231310
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>> No.14231313

It was his Halloween costume. At first I thought he was dressing as a guido and didn't even know it was supposed to be Puerto Ricans.

>> No.14231314

SJW's treat crying like it's fucking DNA evidence. "i cried so xe/xir/hym/zhe/zim must be at fault."

It's not very yass queen when it happens to you is it ?

>> No.14231325

That and her cookbook is literally about bastardizing Indian food.

>> No.14231328

if only I worked for a more well known company all of the times I felt disrespected or my feelings got hurt. I could have went public with it!

>> No.14231333

technically that means whites are the minority in the BA kitchen

>> No.14231335


seriously you guys never shut the fuck up with this obsession; jew this, jewish that, jew jew jew


>> No.14231337

I don't get it, are you supposed to be aware and responsible for all of your coworkers wages?

Cancel culture is a mental illness

>> No.14231338

Safety concerns. Most above ground structures have a weight limit.

>> No.14231340

you know she was just waddling about the test kitchen clumsy waving her stubby little fat people arms around the way obese people always do trying to make a joke out of always coming up to try food whilst everyone secretly hated her

>> No.14231345

kneel and bury your head in the sand.

>> No.14231356

everyone seems to forget Andy's video where he was exploring Indian cuisine. He had Priya on in the beginning and it was a complete shitshow in the comments from Indian people. They were all saying everything she said was either wrong or offensive. They deleted the video within a couple hours.

So Priya literally isn't a trained chef and only features Indian-ish recipes from her book. Why continue to feature her even after that backfires?

>> No.14231362

forced diversity

>> No.14231365

You fell for the hokey, forced “whacky” vibe of BA hook line and sinker. I bet your dumb ass liked it cause it reminded you of The Office

>> No.14231367
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>spells her name wrong because she's just here because of cancel culture

>> No.14231372
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Brad confirmed as racist for not liking Mac and Cheese


>> No.14231375

>liking white peple even once

>> No.14231379

I often wonder what is the "correct" ratio of races for these woke SJWs.

Like if Bon Apetit has 20 people, what is the breakdown of race/orientation/sex that the group needs to have to not be problematic?

Is it woke to pay everyone the same wage regardless of experience or draw?

>> No.14231383

what happened with brad on hot ones?

>> No.14231385
File: 78 KB, 724x260, ayys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 outliers are representative of all non-whites in America
haha yeah

>> No.14231397

I always knew Carla was the best. Go Carla! Her kids would be bullied hard tho

>> No.14231402
File: 79 KB, 1379x766, GrandExhaustedEskimodog-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally says it right there. Brad doesn't think mac and cheese belongs in Thanksgiving.

>> No.14231403

I think he was given the choice between two thanks giving sides one being mac and cheese, he thought it was an unusual choice for thanks giving and picked the other.

Can't comment not being american ? It seems like it may be a southern/black people thing ?

>> No.14231409

All the whites can get fired unless they're jewish or members of LGBTQ+ community. If a white members gets kept he/she/whatevertheyidetifyas should always bow in front of all BIPOCs.
BA also needs more people of color of various ethnicity, doesn't matter if they don't speak English. Subtitles can be added. Extra points if they identify themselves as Apache helicopters.
All in all, quotas of different categories. BA is fucked

>> No.14231416

yeah, even if they try to attempt the same vibe in videos everyone will be nitpicking every single reaction even moreso than they do now or it will feel scripted. The format is dead

Brad could still have Going Places though. He seems happier doing that shit anyway

>> No.14231419

who fucking knows anymore man

i just want quit my job and live out in the wilderness away from this madness

>> No.14231420

Only a black thing I'd say. From the south and have never had thanksgiving dinner anywhere that served Mac n cheese.

Not that I'd mind but yeah not what I'd consider a staple

>> No.14231433

brad said he wasn't the one who signed sohla's contract and he's right
it was actually me who signed it

>> No.14231435

Confirmed to be staying at BA so far:

who do you realistically think will leave the company? My guess is Delaney, Carla, Claire, and possibly Brad.

>> No.14231438

>apache helicopter
One Joke

I don't disagree with you but get new material

>> No.14231444

meant for

>> No.14231448

I thought he wasn't even a real employee

>> No.14231452

:o why didn't you negotiate for her?

Also where/when did he say that?

>> No.14231459

technically Claire and Priya aren't either

>> No.14231460

Ultimately Delany will get fucked. Carla will survive her shit really just boils down to petty workplace drama nothing about her situation was racist regardless of what some twitter trannies think.

Claire and Brad will probably stick around but wishful thinking they pack up and leave so that the channel dies as a fuck you to Sohla and the twitter trannies

>> No.14231463

Of course they're staying, where else would they go.
How would I live without Amiel's bullshit 90 ways to fuck up pizza videos.

>> No.14231465

Claire has already "left" hasn't she ? doesn't she just come in to do the gourmet makes series.
Delaney will either get pushed out the limelight or leave. Carla doesn't have the following of brad or Claire she will either stay or do something out the public eye. Brad will put his foot in it despite having done nothing wrong. He seems to stumble over his words at the best of time. He's going to shoot himself i the foot for sure.

>> No.14231482

agreed. Carla and Delaney probably won't survive because of the "controversy". Claire and Brad might leave just because they can easily set up shop elsewhere. They seemed completely over making videos anyway

The only thing is that it might look bad if they walk away from the company when they're trying to "turn things around" and make it fair

>> No.14231488

Problem is that Brad has a family so it's harder for him to make the leap into going it alone on YouTube or something.

>> No.14231490

A glance a twitter in general and his insta shows that Brad got shat on by the angry mob for doing too little too late, and whatnot. He's said he won't shoot any new videos for BA until things are resolved.

>> No.14231496

But why won't Carla survive this shitstorm? Sure she is in a somewhat of a lead position in BA, similar to Chris, but to blame everything on her as if she's the one paying people...?

>> No.14231501

If you had to choose person who is the star of BA in your opinion, who would it be? Who'd have to leave for you to stop watching BA YT channel?

>> No.14231503

Yup. Seems like guys like Chris and Brad just wanted to hunker down and watch out for their families best interests. Cue the spam about them being racist for not speaking up, making better money, them needing to resign, and all the rest.

Brad basically got bullied into supporting the craziness, but still got shouted at for being so slow about it. Chris is still silent and getting REEEEEEEEE'd at.

>> No.14231506

This isn't even question. Claire and Brad are by far the main stars of the channel. Losing either of them would be very detrimental to BA.

>> No.14231509

Carla actually stepped down from that position and I'm pretty sure Chris took it over. She is now "editor at large" which I think is sort of like what Claire does. She did it to have more freedom and time making her books so it could be easier for her to just walk away

>> No.14231510

Just imagine being more upset at a boomer saying something stupid than being incapable of coming up with a coherent restaurant concept

>> No.14231511

I hate that claire became more popular when brad was the one who really started off the personality segments but then you have zoomers shouting shit like WE STAN SKUNK STRIPE QUEEN and it makes me wonder if I'm just too old for any of this

>> No.14231518

it's fucking crazy how people were commenting on Chris and Brad's pictures full of demands and accusations within TWO HOURS of the news breaking. I get we are living in a new era where everyone expects responses immediately but it was absolutely ridiculous

"Molly responded within a half hour, therefore she cares more!"

>> No.14231521


Brad, 100%. Then probably Claire

>> No.14231522

if you dont want to fuck claire, you dont get it

>> No.14231526

Brad is a nice guy but I don't think he is savvy or careful enough. It's too easy to slip up and impossible to be forgiven. If you have a single hole in your statement on twitter someone will find it.

They are all just average people who seem genuinely decent people thrust in front of millions with no press training or PR.

>> No.14231528


It's almost like Brad and Chris have kids, and don't hover around their social media all the fucking time. Some people are just nuts

>> No.14231532

Yeah, this shit's insane.

ALSO, what about that Korean recently writing like a 5 page post on Instagram talking about how she stayed silent because she normalized oppression, etc.? What a great change for all opportunists to earn some social media points. But they don't realize that if the company gets fucked and the YT goes down...they won't have their job anymore. And nobody will hire their salty asses

>> No.14231538

There will never be a correct ratio because the people doing complaining are 1) multiple different groups of people with different ideas of "diversity" and 2) have a worldview centered around being upset so naturally they'll never be happy

>> No.14231542

It's one of those things that black americans are weirdly protective about, often acting as if they invented putting pasta and cheese together

>> No.14231550

is there any possibility of Conde Nast just nuking Bon Appetit all together?

>> No.14231566

we don't negotiate with terrorists

>> No.14231571

i think that just depends on how profitable BA is, if it's profitable, i doubt they'd axe it

>> No.14231577


another employee comes out to talk about Delany

>> No.14231588

why the fuck would Brad and Chris risk a career suicide when they have families to look after? These SJWs are fucking insane

>> No.14231590


>> No.14231597

Yeah, it's sad. Brads Instagram is just a place where he posts pics of his kids, food, and wholesome stuff. Now he's got people spamming them about how bad of a person he is, and how he was too late/hasn't done enough.

Brad has young kids, can barely speak English, and doesn't strike me as social media obsessed. No shit he didn't have a response ready instantly. And I doubt anyone with a gripe in the Kitchen was talking to him about their contract.

>> No.14231602

>>"But I think cancel culture is dangerous to all of us"
>>proceeds to cancel Delany

>> No.14231618

Apparently the logic is that it's inclusive to minorities, women and trans individuals, even though the word "folks" is neutral.

It's literally just one of those cases where a neutral word is shunned because people decided to become insecure about it.

>> No.14231620

Every single guy there is gay/seem gay but Brad, shit's annoying (Andy's okay)

>> No.14231626


>> No.14231627

THEY want to simultaneously be represented & openly talked about, e.g. called BIPOC to show awareness of the variety of races/ethnicity, etc., AND be considered normal, just like whites are....SO, LIKE, MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MINDS WHETHER YOU'RE SPECIAL OR NORMAL

>> No.14231629

One of the things I'm curious about is: why would everyone in the test kitchen know each-other's salaries? I can't imagine that co-workers go jabbering on about their salaries to each-other, that just doesn't make sense

>> No.14231638

I've always liked Andy and think he's hilarious and a good cook. My first reaction to hearing he helped axe a story about Antoni from Queer Eye was laughter. He probably roasted the shit out of that guy

>> No.14231639

This. One of the first things I learned at the restaurant I work at is to not go around talking about pay because all it does is stir up shit. One of the dishwashers started to do that and we ended up having nothing but drama for the next three weeks.

>> No.14231640

brad isn't a jew, and for everyone commenting molly just married a jew but she isn't one (how tf can a jew be blonde hair and blue eyed LOL)

>> No.14231646

the argument is that companies push people to not discuss pay so that shit like what's happening at BA can go unnoticed.

>> No.14231661


Interesting. I always thought not discussing salary was more of a societal norm, but I guess I could be wrong!

>> No.14231662

That should be the norm in the industry

>> No.14231668

>how tf can a jew be blonde hair and blue eyed LOL

It's rare but possible, like blonde-haired blue eyed italians. My old bosses were the most stereotypical new york jew looking jews and their youngest daughter was strawberry blonde and blue eyed. Shit sometimes skips a generation or two.

>> No.14231670

It is a societal norm it only started being a thing when women started bitching about the non-existent pay gap

>> No.14231676

We mostly stopped bickering because it got old, the dishwasher in particular quit with a no-call no show and we all realized our pay disparities were nothing compared to BoH vs FoH

>> No.14231677


I also don't think Carla is Jewish - I'm pretty sure she's Italian. I think she married a Jewish person

>> No.14231691


desu i was in a very similar environment to BA, in a non-profit restaurant-project thing. We also had people from Latin America and similar characters that you see on their channel.

the truth is, people don't always mix like. Claire fake laughing together with that Argentinian (?) woman Gabe/Gabie? about the "oh I love you" bullshit made me cringe so hard remembering my own experience. meh


>> No.14231694
File: 61 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much simpler times. RIP

>> No.14231697

She's probably just an italian who grew up in an area with lots of jews and thus grew up with that vibe. As Lenny Bruce put it that in New York, "even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish"

>> No.14231713

Mix in commies who think they're destroying evil capitalism by stirring the pot all the time and you've got a few places I've worked in

>> No.14231715

it's kind of hilarious that one of the last videos that will be up at Bon Appetit for a long time is the test kitchen responding to their fans. They basically point out that the idea the viewers have of their personalities and who they are is bullshit. Molly even tells people to "get a life" at one point, haha

>> No.14231731

Kinda glad to see BA burning from the inside. The most annoying part was noticing how the channel as a whole seemed to attract an excessive amount of weirdo cat-ladies who obsess over Claire and more or less think they're her for being able to bake some so-so pastries.

At least Brad's kinda cool

>> No.14231760

>black people celebrating a holiday create by slave masters


>> No.14231780

I don't know what so say America. I feel sorry for you. It's a fucking social minefield overthere. Can't say or do anything without it being racist or offensive. How did you let it come this far guys?

>> No.14231791

Another reason why you shouldn't have social media attached to your name. If you don't have a Twitter/Instagram, nobody can scream at you or complain that you didn't put out a statement.

>> No.14231801

The "star" is definitely Claire, there's no need to argue that. Her videos get by far the most views. But Brad is the "star" for me, if he quits I won't watch anymore.

>> No.14231802

It's because it's discouraged and considered taboo to the benefit of the company. In the software engineer industry, I rarely see my team talking about pay, but people are way more open to talking about compensation online anonymously, so it's easy to see who's getting lowballed or if they should go somewhere else.

>> No.14231803


>> No.14231869

idk this Stiff Steve guy is pretty based

>> No.14231878

Swap Molly and Delaney and it's perfect

>> No.14231902

Ever notice how defensive so many of them are over any critique of their creations? If they really wanted to hear honest takes on what they make then they'd use random people or compare their dish against a store bought or other restaurant's.

>> No.14231909

I think 4channel at large gets Brad better than the general yt public.

>> No.14232008

imagine how defensive the BIPOC would be if they actually had their own shows on BA YT channel

>> No.14232011

>>14231791during this time it barely matters if one has social meddia accs or not
no answer = oppression and fuck you if you just don't have time to be online due to serious life reasons

>> No.14232015

parodying white wannabe gangsters? but he's white.... what?

>> No.14232039

you need an F tier just for priya and her disgusting food

>> No.14232054

this but also I just hate seeing women be successful

>> No.14232078

Nah literally if you just don't have social media all this SJW nonsense can't even effect you

>> No.14232157

The only thing i find offensive is the idea that you can ruin someones livelihood over something they did 20 years ago.
The fact that this picture is completely inoffensive to anyone who's not a whiny little bitch just makes it worse. Twitter morality is a joke.

>> No.14232171

>mac and cheese
>thanksgiving staple food

damn, that's ratchet.

>> No.14232216

Isn't that just a spic chip butty?

>> No.14232256

It was sarcasm, anon, maybe should've added more ! for you to notice.

>> No.14232261

checked and based.

>> No.14232267

He looked directly into the camera and said "black lives don't matter" before carrying on with the interview.

>> No.14232269

wow, based.

>> No.14232283

yeah but that turned out to just be a joke about black feathered chickens

>> No.14232481

that never happened tho

>> No.14232540

chapo check

>> No.14232561

There was nothing wrong with the core group. Aside from Andy but chalk that up to him being gay. I have gay work friends but I always watch over my shoulder around them. They will stab you in the back.