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14227359 No.14227359 [Reply] [Original]

I want to give my doctor a nice gift of fruit for him and his family

He is very kind and helped my family recently so a very high quality 4-pack of Asian Pears or some other fruit is needed.

Only issue is I live in the USA so when searching for gift fruit the only thing that comes up are the cheap american baskets.

I am looking for pic related. I had a friend who got one for Christmas, but he went back to Korea.

Has anyone bought fruit from Japan or Korea and shipped it to the US?

Has anyone found a good USA gift fruit company?

Does anyone know a good fruit for this season? (early summer)

Non-gift boxes are fine if the fruit is top-notch

>> No.14227476

get him some golf balls, you autistic weeb

>> No.14227494

Better hope he actually understands how much those things cost.
>order Japanese fruit gift that costs like $100 IN JAPAN
>have it shipped overnight from Japan
>spend like $150-200 when it’s all said and done
>doctor opens box
>”why the fuck did my patient send me four pears?”

>> No.14227504

>giving your doctor gifts for doing his job
Cringe. The next time you see him, during a checkup or whatever, just casually thank him, faggot.

>> No.14227521

This is like that episode of the Man in the High Tower where that based old nip guy made such a big deal about the strawberries he brought that bird for dinner. I had no idea this was actually a thing with them. Mad times.

>> No.14227528

Have you ever tasted a $10 pear? You can tell it is a $10 pear. I am looking to avoid extra costs, a US domestic supplier would be best.

He gave me advice about someone not his patient so my family could better care for them. Aside from this he has been top notch to me for 5 years after finding many untalented G.P.s

>> No.14227552

I assume this is some sort of peculiar bait and I look forward to some riveting discussion

>> No.14227557

>Have you ever tasted a $10 pear?
I mean, are we talking about a US farm producing a $10 pear or a Japanese one? Jap fruit, the really expensive kind, is artisan to the nth degree, but that doesn’t necessarily make them better (diminishing returns and all that). The famous square watermelons aren’t even edible, for fuck’s sake.

>> No.14227591

>but that doesn’t necessarily make them better
yea, you never had one. the pear I had was $10 or $15 from korea. It smelled like flowers and tasted like the best fruit I have ever had. So yes, they are better - expecially in certain situations.

>> No.14227595

I'll level with you, OP. I get this is a based and cool gift idea, and there's no denying this kind of fruit is a whole taste experience of its own. But unless your doctor is Japanese or Korean, or similar inclined on their traditions as you are, you may actually risk offending him more than anything. To spend money on four expensive pears, etc. when you can spend the same amount of money on, say, a nice hamper he can share with his family, or even a good bottle of sake if you want to go that way is just something someone who's not Japanese would think. I dunno. It's up to you what you want to gift him and you know him better than anyone, but that's just my opinion on that. I'll assume you wouldn't gift western style gifts to a Japanese person in Japan unless you knew for sure they would like them/understand them so I think the reverse works here, too.

>> No.14228061

just go to your local asian supermarket, buy some fruit and box it up really nicely.

>> No.14228142

This is easy to get in the UK, I suspect it is in the US too. The trick is to go through high-end department stores, in the UK if you go through Harrods or the like you can get this no problem (there's a small premium as always, but it's easy). I don't know anything about US department stores, apart from there being good ones in New York. I'd phone them up and request this specific product.

>> No.14228436


>> No.14228510

Pearson Farms.

>> No.14228626

dude they have these at asian markets. Just get em there.

>> No.14228650

you've outdone yourself this time OP, 8/8 excellent post

>> No.14228655

Yeah situations like fighting ninjas and saving waifus

>> No.14228699


>> No.14228753
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>> No.14228909

is japanese the most convoluted and poorly realized language around?

>> No.14228914

could you tell the difference between a $10 pear and an $11 pear???

>> No.14229077

Why not try going to an asian market, specifically a high end one.

>> No.14229083

For anybody who didn't know yet the "Asian pear" is actually a pear-apple hybrid.

>> No.14229106

Not as good as a $4 peach which only cost that much because it was at the state fair.

>> No.14229113

If you live in SoCal all the markets in little tokyo have the authentic japanese fruit gifts.
You could try marukai online website

>> No.14229122

Harry & David, their pears are fucking delicious

>> No.14229148

Your post made me laugh anon

>> No.14229150

he's already got you, does he need more fruits?

>> No.14229167

Op, look up oregon pear gift boxes. Grandma sends them every year and they're the only pears I'll eat.

>> No.14229174

Dude, just go to H-mart and get some Asian pears there. Koreans are Japanese-lite.

>> No.14229178
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>> No.14229190

Are those significantly better than the ones I've always gotten from Asian supermarkets and Target?

>> No.14229204

well did you know that oranges are in fact a berry

>> No.14229207

so are pineapples
really makes you think

>> No.14229219

No I didn't, it's weird because it has a peel

>> No.14229228

i think for non asians this would be a bit....weird?

people do it because "oh its just pears dont feel bad about this gift but actually you KNOW this shit is expensive"

its kind of a flex for asians. $150 fruit and $200 mooncakes. Then it becomes like a gifting war with each side spending all sorts of money on premium "humble foods"


>> No.14229776

It's a retarded tradition and might come off as racist and especially if you're not japanese he is going to think you are an ass.
Much safer

>> No.14229852

Gift fruit is the most retarded fucking thing and I hate the Japanese for not just stocking normal fruit you can enjoy every day

>> No.14229948
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>> No.14230198

Mooncakes have always been expensive, they're occasion food and not "humble" food. Fwiw expensive fruits are a wholesome, family oriented gift.


>> No.14230230

you can literally buy ordinary mooncakes for like $10. That is humble food.

its not the same as some fancy snowskin XO durian godiva chocolate $200 mooncake

>> No.14230237
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Giving people fruit as a gift is fucking autistic. Only exceptions are if it's related to your profession, ie you're a fruit farmer, or geographically relevant, ie you send some peaches from Georgia.

The fact that you're not even putting the gift together yourself and you want to buy a premade Box is triple autistic.

Here's what happens to your faggot gift of fruit:

Doctor: "Wow look a box of apples that are a type I don't care for. I already have a bunch of apples in my kitchen so into the trash this shit goes. What a nice gesture from patient xyz, too bad I'll have to diagnose him as autistic."

I bet your doctor would rather have a couple positive reviews online.

>> No.14230240

You're insurance company paid him at least $10k, your business is his gift. If you really want to, he's gonna enjoy a $25 Starbucks gift card more than she fruit he knows nothing about. Giving people food is weird.

>> No.14230243




>> No.14230247

Be honest OP, it's because he's the only person to ever touch your balls isn't it?

>> No.14230258

What kind of sperg turns down free food? If I was a doctor I would love it if my clients gave me snacks, don't tell me you wouldn't too.

>> No.14230264


ok, so just buy him a big box of chocolates filled with liquor.

>> No.14230266

I don't care for pears.
If someone gave me pears as a gift Is pretend to be thankful and then immediately throw them away when I got home.

>> No.14230283

but these are the juiciest, sweetest, biggest pears picked by virgin japanese prepubescent girls.

>> No.14230327

What's a food you don't like at all? If someone offered you that food and told you it's top quality would you stop disliking it?

>> No.14230338

This - see if you have an H-Mart near you, they usually have big 9-12 packs of the things on a pallet looking you in the face when you first enter. They aren't necessarily all fancy looking like your pic, if that matters.


>> No.14230351 [DELETED] 

I found a bulletin board where you can talk with people all over the world.
This bulletin board has automatic translation function.


>> No.14230354

Imagine being such a consoomer that you spend $50+ on four pears. Just get him something useful that he will use for years instead of a fruit box he will most likely share with others than immediately forget about other than "that was a good pear"

>> No.14230360

Dude >>>/int/

>> No.14230371

That makes it worse.
I assure you that your doctor is not a weeb faggot loser like you.