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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14226096 No.14226096 [Reply] [Original]

How do you learn to like food that you don't like, for me it's tomatoes

>> No.14226117

Try it in different ways. Not your own cooking, mind you, get someone capable to do it.

>> No.14226122

A vine ripened home grown tomato is a wonderful thing on its own. The rest belong on burgers and hoagies.

>> No.14226146

Usually by smothering it in butter.
Worked wit most veggies for me.

>> No.14226150

> not liking tomatoes sliced with a drizzle of olive oil and some balsamic and a dash of salt and pepper on a slice of toast
There's something wrong with you.

>> No.14226155

i don't like fresh tomatoes but i like them canned

>> No.14226217

Grow your own. Grocery store tomatoes taste like garbage. Lots of people discover they like tomatoes once they eat a fresh one.

>> No.14226656
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Why do American tomatoes look so weird, is it a GM thing? The tomatoes you get here all look like this

>> No.14226664

Different type of tomato jackass

>> No.14226673

Try cherry/grape tomatoes next time you're picking stuff up. You may just dislike tomatoes simply because you're getting flavourless ones from the grocery store during the off-season.

>> No.14226814
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The human body can't digest tomato seeds. "Poop tomatoes" are a common occurrence at wastewater treatment facilities

>> No.14226822

Just eat it, at first you won't like it, keep eating it, next you'll tolerate it, continue eating it, eventually you'll kind of like it.

>> No.14226846

Billion dollar idea

>> No.14226854

Imagine being so fat and retarded you don't even like tomatoes.

>> No.14226858

That's how most seeds work, not with just humans. It's how plants spread. Nature is messy.

>> No.14226862
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believing this will work

>> No.14226865

They're not all the same. Just like apples or any other fruit.

Get the better tasting toms if you're using them raw like heirloom, grape, vine ripe. The bottom tier cheapest grocery toms are flavorless slop and not enjoying them raw is expected.

>> No.14227018

Wow anon, how fascinating.

>> No.14227092
File: 249 KB, 1800x1041, focused_178196912-stock-photo-halves-of-colorful-tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP hear me out.
Tomatoes are delicious. Grow some yourself in your garden and eat them fresh off the vine.
Can be sweet and juicy.

I'm not a huge fan of the tomatoes most establishments use. Boring old red tomato grown at some mega farm and picked too early so we can rush rush rush and make profits

It's all about those heirlooms man.
Purple, black and yellow tomatoes, oh my!

>> No.14227106


This guy knows what's up.
I dont eat tomatoes sobieski can digest the seeds. I eat them for thr tasty fleshy juicey bit.

>> No.14227133

It does work, though there should be a method
Pick a mealtime, say lunch.
Before that meal, eat a small piece of disliked item.
Continue the same routine for 21 days.
By the end of the 3 weeks youll be at least indifferent to the previously disliked flavour. Most likely even enjoying it

>> No.14227154

well it's likely you don't like them because most store bought tomatoes are artificially ripened crap. Even the "hothouse" and "vine ripened" ones are all NOTHING like a real fresh vine ripened tomato.

>> No.14227164

no it doesn't work except maybe for tastelets like you.

>> No.14227165

This. Modern day mass farmed tomatoes are bland and watery. Try farmers market vine ripened tomatoes.
On a similar note, try tasting the higher quality versions of foods you think you don't like. For me, I hated mustard and mayonnaise for the longest time because I thought they were just the shitty, unsettlingly neon sewage that comes in a bottle--thats only the case because tons of preservatives and pigments are added to boost shelf life and appearance.

tl;dr cheap modern versions of many foods may convince you you hate certain foods by representing them poorly

>> No.14227166

I don't eat food I don't like. The foods I don't like are animals, oils, and truffles.

>> No.14227170

I used to be in the same boat. Start subtle. Start by adding thinly sliced tomato to sandwiches. You'll get used to it. Then start adding things like cherry tomatoes to salads. These days I'll eat tomato ripe off the vine or like this >>14226150

>> No.14227254

I takes time and patience, like when I decided to become a homosexual. Sure it was painful and pretty gross at first but now I don't mind such because it has become routine.

>> No.14227264


Eat small amounts regularly.

>> No.14227289

When I was visiting my friend in Holland there was a Dutch guy there with 3 or 4 70s American cars. They were so damn big compared to the cars his neighbors had, it was hilarious. There was also some guy with a new F150 there. It eclipsed every car on the road I saw there.

>> No.14227303
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I can never have more than 3 thin slices

>> No.14227354

But you can eat at your computer like a virgin.

>> No.14227363

I fucking hate raw cold tomatoes.
but I like pretty much everything made from tomatoes, soup, ketchup, sauce, even dried tomatoes, fucking everything except cold raw tomatoes.
if I get a burger, I throw the tomato out,

if I get a döner kebab, I throw the tomato out,

fuck tomatoes. my parents have a garden full of all kinds of tomatoes, I still refuse to eat them.
i don't want to try them, i don't want to like them, fuck tomatoes .

>> No.14227382
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FUCK water chestnuts.
Post other useless vegetables or whatever the FUCK a water chestnut is

>> No.14227385

This was supposed to be a thread. Oh well fuck it and fuck these gross pieces of shit

>> No.14227396

how much doo poop ripened toms cost per pound?

>> No.14227401

how to survive without all kinds of animal related food, and all kinds of oil? like, do you just eat grass? are you even human?
like... no fat, no oil to prepare veggies... nah, I refuse to believe.

>> No.14227449

I never said I don't eat fat. I don't have it extracted. The mouthfeel is unpleasant , and eating it instead of anything else would make me some combination of hungrier and fatter later, because it's 100% non-nutritive calories. It's nice no longer having constant chest discomfort.

>> No.14227459

Worked for me. Literally just keep eating it until you like it. Granted I'm not an autistically picky man-child.

>> No.14227463

fucking why? why force yourself to eat food you don't enjoy, just because society pressures you into eating it, if you like it or not? stop being an NPC, and mindlessly follow everything, like all others do, just because everyone else does it this way.it's ok to hate some things, if you don't like tomatoes, don't eat them.

>> No.14227474

We used to have a low-hanging tomato vine in the backyard and my dog would eat them before they were even ripe, right off the vine, then he had a different garden he always shat in

The next year his shit garden sprouted a massive tomato plant with the most beautiful juicy tomatoes I've ever seen

>> No.14227493

I still don't get it.
no animal fat, no vegetable oil . what else is there to prepare human food?

do you just eat fatty avocados all day?

>> No.14227520

Tends to work with liquor.

>> No.14227525

There's cooking methods other than frying. It's been a few years since I've eaten an avocado. Other seeds exist.

>> No.14227583

so you just boil and steam all veggies?
might be ok for soups, but I don't think I could came up with something new after 2 weeks of vegetable soup and steamed stuff all day.

>> No.14227644

I dont eat cheese. That shit is revolting

>> No.14227676

I don't like them raw. For me it's the watery texture

>> No.14227764
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Try roasting them for a sandwich, anon

>> No.14227835
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1333, 1556178966356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try being white you'll never HAVE TO.

Like I did. As a PoC. Apologise for the holocaust now please. Right now. Sau it.


>> No.14227945


>> No.14227990

Sheer will... you get over your pathetic ego and force yourself to eat it until you are able to appreciate it. Also reframing your mindset helps.
For me this has worked for tomatoes, olives, onions, blue cheese, mushrooms, anchovies, clams, sashimi and purple cabbage. Each time costs a little effort but I'm always very glad I did it after

>> No.14228588

>Tomatoes are delicious. Grow some yourself in your garden and eat them fresh off the vine.
>Can be sweet and juicy.
Not that guy, but I did that and I still can't stomach raw tomatoes. I enjoy cooked tomatoes and even some un-cooked preparations are okay (salsa, sun-dried, pickles, etc) but raw tomato simply prepared makes me gag and always has.

>> No.14228937

Pathetic. Are in control of your body, or is your body in control of you? In your case it's clearly the latter

>> No.14229061

I never cared about tomatoes, especially on burgers or sandwiches because if the overly wet, seedy insides. I learned to like tomatoes on salads, tacos and sandwiches by only eating to outside skin part of the tomato, and discarding the watery, seeded inside.

>> No.14229087
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>fucking why?
Isn't life better if you can enjoy more things, especially if they're not bad for you? The fact that you would conflate learning to like tomatoes to being an NPC shows that you have a sub room temperature IQ.

>> No.14229102


Who says he'll ever enjoy it? It might just go from "inedible" to "I can choke it down"and he'll never actually gain any joy from consuming raw tomatoes.

>> No.14229139

If he has high neuro plasticity he has the capacity to develop an appreciation or even love for them. If he's a smoothbrain then he's likely stuck with his current tastes for the rest of his life

>> No.14229143

I used to hate onions until I stopped being a bitch and gave them an honest try.

>> No.14229144
