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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, ENTIRE TACO BELL MENU (tacos + nacho fries + burritos) MUKBANG 먹방 _ Eating Show 2-30 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14224668 No.14224668 [Reply] [Original]

how mukbangers not all obese and ready to keel over and die? I'm watching these videos and they're have like a full menu from some fast food place that an entire fucking family would eat and they're eating it all themselves. they're overloading their bodies with ungodly amounts of calories, carbs, cholesterol, unhealthy fats etc. for some of them, no amount of working out or whatnot would stop weight gain. they must be fasting in between each video and only eating for their videos. pretty sad existence and an unhealthy relationship with food.

>> No.14224670

imagine the state of her asshole after all that food

>> No.14224673

none of them record videos of it but they purge. it's the same lie that everyone tells on social media

>> No.14224675

Imagine being a lonely loser that wants to watch mukbang videos lmao

>> No.14224686

they purge and/or just don't eat for a day or two before or after

>> No.14224693
File: 258 KB, 600x439, 1426714651862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you understand you're posting on 4chan right now?

>> No.14224771

I want to smash Stephanie Soo's face in with my truck's bumper.

>> No.14224775

Somebody already did, din't they?

>> No.14224824

Who the fuck watch those, lonely loser or not. Amazing.

>> No.14224903

i've always wondered about it
my best guess is that this is a sexual fetish and that's why people watch. it's not far from other food-related ones like feeders and all that shit
i just don't like how you can watch one cooking video and then this stupidity gets into your recommended videos

>> No.14224922

Either they don't eat for days after consuming all of this shit, or they throw it up as soon as filming stops.

>> No.14224941


>> No.14224972

I assume people often watch it out of morbid curiosity or due to the "wtf is this guy real" reactions that the thumbnails bring

>> No.14224977


>> No.14224984

I’ve done worse to assholes

>> No.14224990

this hits me in the feels. been here since 07 and hated every minute of it...

>> No.14224998

I always assumed the people eating have an eating disorder where they purge afterward and the large subsets of watchers are like fetish>curiosity>other people with eating disorders.

Shit should be banned it's like diet gore porn

>> No.14225006

Me too. I punched my dad in the face once

>> No.14225026

I know someone who watches them and he has watched la beast and other people for years because he likes eating competitions and he got into mukbang after that. he links me videos of that stuff every so often and I make fun of him for watching people eat. he's never come up with a defense for it.

>> No.14225042

i used to watch yuka kinoshita around when she started because i was a lonely loser
then i discovered that all her content and reactions are the same in every video and got bored of mukbang as a whole

>> No.14225047

talking to other people on 4chan is better than just watching someone eat imo

>> No.14225056

Are all mukbangers sponsored by COLDEST?

>> No.14225070

> how mukbangers not all obese and ready to keel over and die?
LMAO what kind of pidgin English is this?

>> No.14225116
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>talking to other people on 4chan is better than just watching someone eat imo
keep telling yourself that, anon

>> No.14225121

>I accidentally forgot to type a single verb in my sentence

>> No.14225128

Not my fault you type like a third-worlder.

>> No.14225142
File: 328 KB, 220x125, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14225163

>mistyping a single verb
>"typing like a third-worlder"
you must be a pleasant person to be around

>> No.14225168

we're all goblins here

>> No.14225174
File: 3.14 MB, 469x324, wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14225214

honestly it isn't even "wow the carbs" for me
how does someone fit that much food inside of them without literally bursting

>> No.14225269

I'm more concerned with all the gas

>> No.14225270

literally just throw away shit during the jump cuts, retard

>> No.14225273

they throw it up
your body takes a long time digesting fat and protein

>> No.14225275

Watching people eat and listening to them chew is one of the most disgusting things you can witness. I have no idea why anyone watches this trash.

>> No.14225278

This. They must purge. The obvious fatties like that gross girl Trish whatever aside.

>> No.14225281

so what you're saying is you never eat with other people?

>> No.14225283

Mind that it's probably already cold as a white house buffet as they start shooting the video

>> No.14225285

> 07
So you came in with the Chanology raids. That means you're still a newfag, newfag. Lurk more.

>> No.14225293

those asian (((asmr))) vids where the mic is right next to their face and every chew and slurp is audible

it literally sounds like a very long blowjob session. with eating.

>> No.14225292

go away
t. 06er

>> No.14225317

I’m on 4chan what do you think?

>> No.14225374

I eat in front of my computer and pull up videos of other people eating on youtube so I don't feel so lonely.

>> No.14225392

They throw it up between takes.

>> No.14225486

They're skinnyfat I don't know

>> No.14225515

Pretty much this, I've also heard that they'll purposefully starve themselves for about a day or more so that the huge portions are justified.

>> No.14225531

It didn't start as a fetish, shockingly. Asian culture is so hyped on the idea of constantly working or being busy so apparently some, if not most, don't have the time to meet up with friends to eat together or these people live alone. When mukbang started out it was mostly as a way to just connect with the audience, like these people were sharing the large meal the mukbanger has presented.
It also became a way for some people to "feel full" without actually eating.

>> No.14225536

>pretending people remember Chanology
The Tumblr raids of 2014 are what people remember more, faggot. If you're this old why are you still here?

>> No.14225588

Fuck off newfag

>> No.14225613

I saw one of these of some really hot girl eating McDonald's and she had busted blood vessel(s) in one of her eyes which is common in people with bulimia, so there you go.

>> No.14225738

thats what one bitch said. she'd not eat for like 2 or 3 days i think so she can eat shit ton of food for her mukbangs.

>> No.14226116

i occasionally do mukbang but maybe only half of whats in the pic.

i also usually eat rice/instant noodles and korean food. as for how we do it, i starve myself and eat a huge meal at night and then im usually fine afterwards, but if its too much i purge myself. my friend also does mukbang but she lives a very healthy life and eats greens, oats, fruits and all that bland crap for 6 days a week, then absolute fatty pig shit for one day.

as for the audience, i was once obsessed with watching mukbangs (especially clean eating korean ones who prepare their own meals) because it made me feel very satisfied and happy just seeing my favourite food being eaten in large amounts, but i think im just retarded

>> No.14226164


It's like porn for starving people. The same way porn is for sexually repressed people.

>> No.14226218

same reason people watched epic meal time

>> No.14226282

There's this dessert mukbang channel where the girl eats huge spreads of carbs and sugar. She posts two or three times a week. She doesn't look bad either. It's strange.
While watching her video I got to thinking, is she purging after filming? Then, I realized. When she was done chewing, there would be a cut in the footage. She took a bite, chewed - jump cut.
Again and again. There wasn't one clip of her swallowing the food. My conclusion was video editing is a tricky way to disguise spitting out the food for them to eat larger, more extreme spreads and post more often then swallowing competitors. The illusion is convincing.

>> No.14226301

not going to happen
t. 99er

>> No.14226357
File: 2.66 MB, 444x238, purge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14226362

At least LA Beast has a personality and does stuff other than eating challenges

>> No.14227080

LA beast is actually entertaining. I'd like to see these other mukbangers eating a cactus.

>> No.14227096

I can't look at any grotesque mukbang pile of food without seeing nikocados asshole.

>> No.14227109

as someone who lives with a life long bulimic, these videos are nauseating to watch.
All of these videos should be removed from youtube and their accounts banned.

>> No.14227344
File: 205 KB, 480x480, you win.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get a gold star

>> No.14227739


I've never seen a more disgusting human being in my life.

>> No.14227839

i think these mukbang eaters fasted for a week to look thin.

>> No.14228499

They vomit a lot.

>> No.14228506

Got a link?

>> No.14228564

your breath is terrible and your teeth will rot. have a nice day

>> No.14228625


>> No.14228636

They're throwing it up off camera.

>> No.14228643

Do it bro. You're bumper will be fine, I guarantee it

>> No.14229217

Damn, that's both sad and nice at the same time.

>> No.14229250

god 1999 4chan would be cool as hell

>> No.14229342

Seems like it.

Does it even work?

>> No.14229605

>asian american mukbangs
click baity
While this girl eats what she can, which is still a lot but that's why is cool to watch a skinny person eat a lot.

>> No.14229609

She probably throws it all up later, none of the food reaches the asshole

>> No.14229613

it's for normies who want to live out the experience of going on a dinner date again.

>> No.14230679

How observant of you