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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14223100 No.14223100 [Reply] [Original]

Why are burgers considered unhealthy? It's literally protein with veggies. A slice of 350g of carbs at most. It's like a salad in a bun.

>> No.14223106

buns are 35g*

>> No.14223110
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This is how people who eat burgers actually think. Your brain has become mush.

>> No.14223233

(((doctors))) suggest eating about one burger size amount of red meat per week max

>> No.14223266

it's probably all the sugar in the buns that's bad for you.

>> No.14223350

> 5g of veggies
> 100/150g of red meat
> 35g of bread
Why don't you find out by yourself, retard

>> No.14223378

yeah it definitely couldn't be all the saturated fat in the actual burger

>> No.14223386

What you make at home:
>Normal bun
>1 slice cheese
Good for you.

>4 slices cheese
>Buttered bun with added sugar
>Butter soaked in to burger
>Mayo and or sweet sauces
Terrible for you.

>> No.14223390

Ketobalds actually think this

>> No.14223395

Most burgers have meat patties. A slab of pure protein would be gross.

>> No.14223413

because of perception

why are vegetables considered healthy when they have very low nutritional bioavilability and cause all sorts of inflammatory responses in the body?

>> No.14223421

>>4 slices cheese
>>Buttered bun with added sugar
>>Butter soaked in to burger
>>Mayo and or sweet sauces

>> No.14223422

t. sugar addict

>> No.14223441


>> No.14223449

What fagmag did you read that considers them unhealthy and why don't you live your own life instead of living some oprah shit?

>> No.14223457

>why are vegetables considered healthy when they have very low nutritional bioavilability
Don't use words you don't understand for one.

Secondly, they're considered healthy because they're an excellent source of many vitamins that you won't get from other foods. They're also healthy because they have low calories (which is what you meant to say, retard), so they can be temporarily more filling while providing less calories.

Or did you think high calories = healthy, you mong? Better start eating sugar and fat by the spoonful since it has a lot of calories for my body hehe

>> No.14223462
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Yeah, right.

>> No.14223466

vegetables are at best a source of fiber
they are completely non-essential if you eat snout to tail

>> No.14223473

When was the last time that you saw flying saucers?

>> No.14223475

>fuck vegetables let me just drink soy hehe
Weird how people who have all meat diets need to take supplements because they'll get scurvy and other ailments, retard
when was the last time you saw your toes?

>> No.14223478

this is the only right answer

>> No.14223480

Do you often see little green people after seeing flying saucers?

>> No.14223484

People get scurvy because they eat shit meat and no offal. You get all of the vitamins you need out of quality beef that was fed properly.

>> No.14223485

Last time I saw my toes was about an hour ago when having a smoke and a vodka. How about you?

>> No.14223486

Enjoy your gout.

>> No.14223488

it’s literally the opposite, with home cooks claiming their 2000 calorie abomination is good for you because they made it themselves

>> No.14223490

you're like my dad who thinks pizza isn't bad for him

>> No.14223495

What? Scurvy is from the lack of vitaman C you fucking moron.

>> No.14223500

>why won't the butcher let me eat the cows anus instead of eating a bell pepper? fucking nazis
>smoke and vodka
wow ur so cool
>2000 calorie diet is home cooks and not the science and health community
I came here for recipes, I didn't realize /ck/ was filled with literal retards who don't understand health, fitness, and science

>> No.14223503

I know, step aside!

>> No.14223505

enjoy your outdated food pyramid, boomer.

>> No.14223507

>vitamin c from beef/offal
>literally not scientifically sound, whatsoever
leave it to /ck/ to be the mongs who go U JUST NEED TO BUY GOOD MEAT

>> No.14223510

where did i say diet and not the burger you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.14223515

no shit, dumbass.

>> No.14223518

Most of the time burgers are eaten, it's from fast food places. Homemade burgers are fine as long as you use good ingredients and non-shit bread.

>> No.14223543

Yeah, you can never go wrong with a homemade burger, so I’ll just use a half pound patty, slather it with some cheese and mayo, and put them between two large brioche buns. Can’t be bad for you if you made it yourself!

>> No.14223560

I'm not the dumbass, but some of these folk are, duh! Apparently you're the dumbasses not knowing what C is.

>> No.14223571

I'm the dumbass because I know how to prevent and stave off scurvy?
You must be a total asshole.

>> No.14223575

eating one burger a day is absolutely fine.
problem is, muricans eat like 6-10 a day, which is not fucking healthy at all.

>> No.14223578

He's clearly operating at quarter capacity because his retard diet is turning his brain to mush.

>> No.14223585

Maybe he's just drunk, that can be forgiven.

>> No.14223602

nobody I know eats that many burgers a day. It's the fucking size of the burger with all the condiments and all the giant sides that causes problems. fries especially

sure, a normal sized home made burger a day would probably be fine

>> No.14223613

step aside, I need me some condoments with lube!

>> No.14223623

>6-10 a day
maybe if you’re one of those morbidly obese people that can’t get out of bed

>> No.14223628
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>> No.14223633

They hide their twinkies under their pillows.

>> No.14223634

yeah, that too.
Let's say i aimed for a regular sized burger, with about 7.5cm diameter and about 5cm height.
i didn't say i was american, plus, i'm sorry for your situation. Just stop eating and you'll be fine.

>> No.14223645

They can be perfectly healthy and actually better than what a lot of people eat. But then you have burgers that are just meat, cheese, bacon, and mayo. Those end up being gross to eat, it's just too much fat with no acidity or freshness to balance anything out, and they're not as healthy.

Burgers are usually seen as junk food too because they get eaten with a big pile of greasy french fries dipped in sugary ketchup and usually with a big soda to drink too. But that doesn't mean the burger itself is unhealthy. Most people would be better off if they ate another small burger instead of more fries and soda.

>> No.14223990

is there anything wrong with eating a burger containing a patty, red onion, lettuce and cheese?
no butter or gross sauces or anything.

>> No.14224003
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This. I make these burgs regularly.

>> No.14224015

They're unhealthy if they came from a fast food restaurant with all that sauce and grease and oil. If you make it at home with none of those things and maybe take off a bun it might be healthy, kind of like plain popcorn vs butter popcorn

>> No.14224028

I regularly make burgers with whole grain bread, lean beef, 1 slice of cheese and, and veggies piled high. What goes onto the burger is everything and most restaurants do not have health in mind when making anything, let alone a burger.

>> No.14224069

Ding ding ding

>> No.14224762

Yeah when I make burgers they're 565 calories and 32g of protein. Because they're so easy and delicious I eat them all the time and I still have abs because they easily fit into my macros. Most fatasses are fatasses because of sides/sugary drinks. Burgers really aren't bad, but fries definitely are. Of course anything from a restaurant is slathered with butter and vegetable oil and therefore will make you obese. They lie about the calorie content on the menu.

>> No.14224820

Lose the fake cheese and mayo and they're not terrible.

>> No.14224829

Why do you put sugar in your buns?

>> No.14224831

Why do you put fake cheese on your burgers?

>> No.14224846

Shitty ingredients, and maybe too much cheese. The idea of a burger is perfectly fine. Just don't use walmart ingredients and 4 slices of cheese.

>> No.14225297

Please leave this thread if you do not:

Make your own buns from homegrown or at least locally grown wheat
Grind your own meat bought from your local butcher, or slaughtered yourself from your own cow
Grow your own tomatoes / onions
Make your own cheese from milk from either your own dairy cow or at least local farm

Without doing all these things you have absolutely no say on how healthy your burger is because you weren't involved every step of the way to see and shape each and every ingredient's process and in reality can't cook anything at all.

>> No.14225301

for me it's the mcdouble

>> No.14225402

Cheese and mayo are unnecessary. Iceberg lettuce & a thin slimy tomato slice has no nutritional value. The bun is full of sugar and empty carbs. The meat patty is shit meat and/or too big

I make a decently healthy burger at home with good meat, wheat bun, and just onion, pickles and mustard

>> No.14225451

It's disturbing that a lot of people's go-to sauce in this thread is mayo.

Make a good burger sauce with a relish you nobs.

>> No.14225514
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"Why are burgers considered unhealthy? It's literally protein with veggies. A slice of 350g of carbs at most. It's like a salad in a bun"

>> No.14225615

"healthy" foods don't really exist. Some iron deficient vegan would see more health benefits from a cheeseburger than a normal person would from eating kale for a week.

>> No.14225646

just look up the nutrition facts on fast food burgers basically everyone does it, it's an annoyingly high amount of carbs for just a bun

>> No.14227373

What is the ideal order of operations for a hamburger?
That is, where should all the ingerients and toppings be in relation to the others?
Should ketchup be on the bottom of the patty or on top?
If on top, should the lettuce be directly beneath it, or should onions be between the two?
shit like that, I know it exists since there are ways to make a structurally unsound burger, but I don't know how to make a sound one

>> No.14227431
File: 30 KB, 682x714, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a single

>> No.14227440

Probably the correlation between overweight people dining at fast food chains and the fact that they mostly sell burgers.

In reality a home made burger is quite healthy as long as you remove the bun. Its sacrilege, i know, but that amount of carbs and sugar is the most unhealthy part of any sandwich.

>> No.14227467

depends on what you put on the burger anon. We all know that lean chicken and whole wheat bread is healthy, so just take some lean chicken and make a patty, put it on a whole wheat bun, shove it right up your ass and you'll be healthy in no time.

>> No.14227581

>Why are burgers considered unhealthy?
Because most people don't get just one, combo meals are the problem and more importantly the fries+soda are worse.

SmashBurger did 100 burgers for 100 dollars, never got anything but the burger and a cup of water. Lost some decent weight because I biked 1.2 miles for it daily

>> No.14228736

That makes sense if you don’t think about it or make your own burgers but if you go to a fast food place or restaurant expect it to be as unhealthy as possible

>> No.14228780

Stop watching Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson faggot. You aren't an eskimo fighting for survival.

>> No.14228812

On average most sites will tell you 1 pound of 80/20 beef is 1000 to 1300 calories.
A quarter pounder from maccas is about 550 depending on the site.
You only get 250-300 calories from the meat.
The vegetables are certainly under 30 calories.
The rest is sauce, bun and processed cheese.
If it's a meal it's + 500 calories of chips.
You are not eating well when it's fast food burgers.
If you make your own burgers you can just remove the bread if you want and skip all the heavy sauces if you want.
When I make them I normally will have it with cheese, bacon and egg and make a tomato salsa on the side that I can add on because a slice of tomato is not a salad.
It's not super healthy but I don't eat it every day.

>> No.14228816
File: 8 KB, 229x213, Shut up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bread full of sugar
>Greasy mess of red meat and cheese chock full of saturated fat and trans fat
>Condiments full of sugar and/or fat
>Your daily value of sodium and half of your daily calories in one fucking sandwich

I don't know, genius. Maybe the fact that it's a fucking heart attack in a box.

>> No.14228858

>he thinks buns of any form are healthy
Loser, I scoff at you whilst eating my lettuce "buns".

>> No.14228865

my mom calls me sugar buns

>> No.14228891

I had a breakfast of tomatoes, peppers, some bread, and some salami.
It was pretty lean, minus the bread.
Id consider that healthy.

>> No.14228907

My home burger is a lean 5 oz patty, about 100 calories. Add maybe another 20 calories because I butter-base my burgers in a cast iron pan.

Bun is just an ordinary supermarket brioche about 150 calories.

Cheddar, veg, mustard ketchup, mayo. another 150 calories max.

It's comes out around 500 calories.

This is not bad on a 2000 calorie a day maintenance diet. Just don't drink pepsi with it, and have a salad as your side. If you want it to be healthier, just skip the cheese and ketchup, and choose a bun with less butter/sugar and more fibre. Like maybe a whole wheat kaiser bun or something.

Personally, I like to have my burger with a glass of milk.

>> No.14228952

Same reason people put salt in buns

>> No.14229108

post your buns and we'll see just how sugary they are

>> No.14229823

>5 oz patty, about 100 calories
Soy patty I guess cuz it sure as hell isn't meat

>> No.14230046

You're right. Doctor told me I had a couple months to live and then, I ate cheeseburgers for eleven years. True story.

>> No.14230166

Post hairline

>> No.14230276

doctors also think if you have two beers a week you're a alcoholic

>> No.14230287

>>4 slices cheese
>>Buttered bun with added sugar
>>Butter soaked in to burger
>>Mayo and or sweet sauces
>Terrible for you.
i have never in my life seen anything close to that unless you're talking about hipster meme burgers that they don't even eat and just take pics of it

>> No.14230295

>healthy because they have low calories
low calories are a bad thing ask any starving nation and not everybody in America over eats so vegetables are healthy meme flies out the window with context

>> No.14230334

>on a burger
that's just unAmerican

>> No.14230339

a small amount of yellow mustard and ketchup is like 10 cal. and add a lot flavor

>> No.14230355

well it melts but doesn't separate because it has emulsifiers, cheddar gets sweats and you end up with grease dripping all over the place. That being said i use a little blue cheese

>> No.14230464

its supposed to be a patty not a giant meatball you fat disgusting fuck

>> No.14230494

>ketchup on a burger

>> No.14230538

the shape doesn't matter. 5 oz of meat isn't going to be only 100 calories. even if it's pure protein it only takes 25 grams to get to 100 calories, and 5 oz is nearly 6x that in raw mass. so unless your "meat" is only 20% protein (and no fat at all) or less, your estimate is way off.

>> No.14231324

>hey're considered healthy because they're an excellent source of many vitamins that you won't get from other foods.

name some

>> No.14231381

If you used whole grain bread from a baker, got high quality beef and cheese, then yeah, that would not be too bad.
The burger in your pic is processed, sugary buns with no fiber, shitty processed cheese full of additives and bad fats, cheapest meat, probably also treated in some way with chemicals, also, not the best amount of fat. The little sliver of veggies wont save that. Not to forget the immensely sugary ketchup.
That's kind of the point for a burger, it's not supposed to be healthy. If you used lean ground meat, it would not taste very good.
Eat it on occasion, use high quality ingredients and make as much of it yourself as possible.

It's retarded to think only in terms of macro nutrients. With your statement, you could almost make the same argument about any fast food.
Pizza? It's just some carbs protein and fat, even some tomato. I don't see a problem.
Stale white bread with a slice of processed meat and cheap mayo? That's a balanced meal, I even put a thin leaf of lettuce.

>> No.14231394

If people just want a normal burger yeah because the meat is usually fatty enough, especially if it also has cheese. But at some point people just wanted to have something over the top indulgent so they get rid of the vegetables and mustard and just put everything fatty on it.

>> No.14231406

Even lean 95/5 ground beef is closer to 200 calories for a 5 oz portion. Most people are bad at estimating how many calories something has.

>> No.14231508

In fast food the buttered bun with sugar and the mayo are standard.

At most sit down places they do the buttered bun and soak extra butter into the burger (or use an extra high-fat ground beef) standard.

If you get a specialty burger at a sit down place you're probably getting all 3. Have you never in your life seen an Applebees or TGI Fridays?

>> No.14231513
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Nice roll
Kys fatass

>> No.14231741

whatever shithole country you're from, stay there!

>> No.14231762

depends on where you eat and sometimes people make heart-attack burgers in their own home.

I think the worst factor is butter and fat , the more fat the meat has the worst.
Grandma buyed meat without fat , it tasted almost like nothing and it wasnt juicy at all but it was "good for me"

>> No.14232123

Fat isn't bad for you.

>> No.14232368

anybody that doesn't BBQ their burgers needs to be shot, nobody wants to eat your greasy skankass smelling no flavor having POS

>> No.14232559

McDonalds and other fast food restaurants are not using 80/20. Expect a much higher fat content.

>> No.14232841

>>In fast food the buttered bun with sugar and the mayo are standard.
lol no place I have ever been puts sugar mayo and butter on the bun you are crazy

>> No.14232864

All the fats and carbs make it calorically dense. If it fits your macros it’s fine though.

>> No.14232866

>30g protein
>60% dv
Fucking DYELs

>> No.14233822

American education, everyone

>> No.14233880

Sedentary lifestyle. Much of the civilized world aren't doing 10-12 hours of intense backbreaking labor anymore so our nutritional needs are far lower than they used to be. Only issue is that we still eat like we're physically active beyond casually walking less than a mile a day, especially those of us in America where we love greasy fat fast food and sugary syrupy soda for nearly every meal. This is why burgers and fries are considered unhealthy in our society, we aren't burning off all the calories/carbs/fats/sugars/salts properly so that shit just sits in our bodies and builds up.

>> No.14233900

processed not-cheese
lettuce (it's not UNhealthy, but don't act as if eating some nutrionally-null slice of iceberg lettuce counts as "veggies")

>> No.14234585

stob pickin on me

>> No.14234597

I despise ketchup with a passion. and hate pretty much all other condiments. overpowering flavour. and not necessarily a nice one at that. I have always been fussy though.

>> No.14234638

you might just be using to much, i go really light

>> No.14234732

the buns already have sugar in them and some places are starting to use brioche buns which has butter/sugar/egg in it. not sure about all fast food places but you can generally get a burger from most of the big chains that has mayo on it by default.

>> No.14234745

I was kinda thinking about this too but for a chicken sandwich or "chicken burger" as the brits say.

Lean chicken breast (cooked in olive oil in pan)
some mayo/hot sauce
some fresh mozzarella
+baked potato or some side

anything wrong with that really? I'm just doing calisthenics at the moment.

>> No.14234791

association with american stereotypes, people thinking they're only made at fast food restaurants, cooklets using too much oil

how could you pretend you're better than everyone without exagerating how bad things are?

>> No.14234796

Sounds good. I'd add some more vegetables to the side instead of just eating a potato, but otherwise it's pretty healthy.

>> No.14234855

The real reason (apart from the mystery meat in a cheap burger) is that it's a food bought by plebs.

>> No.14236524

no. its more than two beers a day for a week, or if you binge it all in a day.

>> No.14236549
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>binge drink 10 beers every other day for 5 years
>go to doctor
>"I drink 2 beers a day"
>get blood test
>your liver is doing great anon!

>> No.14236581

story of my life ... I don't even know how I'm still living.

>> No.14237461

Never tell the doctor you drink daily, or do any illegal drugs for that matter, or they'll blame any problem you ever have on the drinking/drugs

>> No.14237485

pretty much anything fried is considered 'unhealthy'

>> No.14237489

Just remove the bun and they are healthy

>> No.14237490
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>"Keep doing what you're doing!"


>> No.14237497


>> No.14237515

Whenever I come to seekay I become hungry. Even though I just had top ramen with cheese bits

>> No.14237532

And that is why I believe people need to learn about portion sizes

>> No.14239051

bUt yhatS 3O gHraMs 0F prOt1Ne

>> No.14239064

What the hell are cheese bits

>> No.14239118

It's 1 whole gram of sodium. Do you know how much that is you dumb soccer mom's?

>> No.14239150

there is literally nothing wrong with putting a bit of sugar in your bread, its food for the yeast so it rises better, and its not like you are putting in a lot of it, for my burger buns its 10%~ sugar to flour (by weight).

>> No.14239212

>Make your own buns from homegrown or at least locally grown wheat
I make my own buns and mill my own wheat but the wheat itself was bought from Amish out of state, however its only 15%~ of that with the rest being bleached stuff because other people are squeamish about too much wheat in their bread.
>Grind your own meat bought from your local butcher, or slaughtered yourself from your own cow
if its home made its deer which we butcher but normally we aren't the ones who shot it (got 6~ deer last year from friends of friends of friends) but we buy our beef.
>Grow your own tomatoes / onions
I don't put those on my burger, just meat, bun, and cheese for me, maybe ketchup.
>Make your own cheese from milk from either your own dairy cow or at least local farm
I can make table cheese but I don't make anything that I put on a burger, like smoked cheddar or a swiss, but once more they are made by Amish.