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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14219635 No.14219635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you normally drink with dinner, /ck/?

>> No.14219639

Water, from the tap, room temp.

>> No.14219641
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the tears of LIBTARDS

>> No.14219642

Squash, as healthy as water but actually tastes good.


>> No.14219644


>> No.14219652

Imagine the smell

>> No.14219655

Obama was such a chad

>> No.14219670

Kind of sounds like the powdered drink mixes I drink sometimes. How diluted is squash, though? I assume it's enough to make the sugar content pretty negligible?

For me, it's a nice mixed drink, or a sparkling water, if I'm at home. Usually a beer if I'm eating out.

>> No.14219685

I buy the no-sugar squashes so there's no calories or sugar content for any amount I use. For high juice types of squash it's still pretty negligible and much lower than most other types of juice based drinks.

>> No.14220206


>> No.14220250
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>> No.14220264

based dronestriker

>> No.14220323

I do not

>> No.14220415

>Woah drone strikes water u sum kinda war monger?

>> No.14220433

He was supposed to be directing BLM for a "summer of chaos" so that he could declare the election untenable due to the crisis and take a de facto third term. You really need to keep informed on this stuff.

>> No.14220442

I usually drink hostile media whipping darkies up into a frenzy over statistically insignificant events

>> No.14220448
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I normally drink all day and pass out wake up puking and do it again, why do you ask?

>> No.14220453
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Hmm, that's a good point. I wonder why the press might be "hostile". Certainly it's not like any authoritarians have been calling them the "enemy" and beating/shooting/tear gassing them for doing their jobs

>> No.14220458

take it to pol, faggots

>> No.14220473

OJ or water

>> No.14220494
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If you're not putting vodka in the OJ you're the faggot

>> No.14220521

Some may say it began as soon as he announced his bid for POTUS. I'm not even a yank and I can see what's going on over there. Have some vino and calm down.

>> No.14220531

I like how you guys are now going straight for "not even american u have TDS" because you know you'll be laughed out of the room for admitting the truth

>> No.14220540
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>marshal law

>> No.14220541

What "truth" are you referring to? My countries media is known for being one of the most unbiased. It's very clear the difference in emotive language and angles your media always takes.

>> No.14220550

>just asking questions!
In during you never actually commit to any specific position because your own is indefensible

>> No.14220552
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>> No.14220583

I already made the point, American media despised Trump since the beginning and has whipped the darkies up into a frenzy over a statistically insignificant event. A woman from my country, with no criminal record was shot dead in minneapolis by a black cop a year ago and nobody gave 2 shits or held vigils or rallies. Some yank criminal thug gets killed by a white cop and there's endless media coverage and organised protests.

You fucks are brainwashed morons.

>> No.14220632

That shooting was a huge deal in anti-police circles, you just didn't hear about it because you're a bootlicker and ACAG

>> No.14220638

if it's a conspiracy theory from 5 years ago that never came to pass, who cares?

>> No.14220648

the irony of people who are literally bending their knees and crawling at the feet of blacks calling anyone else a bootlicker isn't lost on me

>> No.14220660

cope and seethe

>> No.14220672

the non-irony of someone from a country that exports white nationalist terrorists defending human rights abuses isn't lost on me

>> No.14220703

Lol it's true. Lefties are gigantic bootlickers if it comes to the state agreeing with a modicum of their politics, either on an individual level, or an institutional one. Immediately the leftist goes into a rage upon reading this text, yet has not come to realize I do not care one bit about him or his cities. He wallows in his own filth, dies by the hands of the nigger he worships, and he is ignored by the rest of the country, i.e rural/flyover.

I'm not even going to vote, I don't give a shit about either party. I just hate bootlickers, and I gotta say, leftists are slurping up nigger cock from a jewish leash lol.

>> No.14220730

I remember it based solely on the fact that House of Cards was based around that concept.

It's relevant because they're claiming Trump is trying to do that right now. And to be fair, there's far more evidence of this than there was of the Obama claims.

>> No.14220763

>It's relevant because they're claiming Trump is trying to do that right now
I think they sorta lost the plot then

so they are mocking the idea of an asinine conspiracy theory, but then making the same asinine conspiracy theory

>> No.14220778

It's calling out hypocrisy. They're basically saying, "Hey if you thought Obama was trying to rile people up and declare martial law in 2015 then where the fuck is that same criticism of Trump right now?"

>> No.14220803

I don't really see the comparison, there are legitimately riots burning down neighborhoods every night across the country and mayors ordering police to not do anything about it
it's just about as appropriate as a time could be to send in the national guard

>> No.14220816

Trump also keeps going out of his way to defend police brutality. Today he tweeted that an unarmed 75 year old man who was shoved to the ground by riot police and left to bleed from the ears "could be an ANTIFA provocateur."


>> No.14220832

who eats dinner? you don't need energy to sleep.

>> No.14220837


You know that the corporate propaganda industry lies to your face every minute of every day, and the sole reason for their existence is to manipulate you, right?

>> No.14220854

How on earth am I a bootlicker? I'm a bona fide hoon, you think black cunts are oppressed try building and street racing modified cars in Australia. I'm public enemy #1. Besides the point, there were no rallies or vigils when she died.

>> No.14220861

>I'm oppressed because I run over grandmas trying to cross the street

>> No.14220868

I'm not that guy and I'm not pro-cop, I hate non-whites and if I said that publicly the cops would have a field day.

>> No.14220879

Democrat mayors and governors mind you

>> No.14220884

I have the reactions of a cat, I dindu nuffin

>> No.14220886
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I can't work out if Trump is as dumb as a bag of hammers or if he's just trying to appeal to the cognitively challenged.

>> No.14220889

Sorry that I hijacked this thread guys I just think OP image is being intellectually dishonest

>> No.14220893

yeah I remember the conspiracy, but like every single conspiracy about him it was just lunatics and their lunacy.

Remember when we built a wall and made Mexico pay for it?

>> No.14220938

>half of the cops are fat
kek amerisharts are an endless source of amusement

>> No.14220943

We built the wall around the White House instead. Mexico will receive the bill shortly.

>> No.14221356

100% of drivers think they're an above average driver

>> No.14221384

Most of the people I know who support him are either dumb, liars or (very, VERY rarely) outright malicious. There are a few good eggs. Quite a few, actually, who voted for him. Outside of one guy who works for me, I never asked any of the not dumb good eggs why they supported him then nor if they still do. My employee jokingly said that I couldn't ask and he'd go to HR (there are four of us, what HR?) and said that he felt the US needed a shake-up. He said at the time that he regretted his vote but now says that he stands by it because if Trump didn't happen, none of the potential change happening now would have.

In any case, I don't think Trump is actually dumb, no. He says some dumb things, sure, but I think it may just be a lack of impulse control. I think a bunch of dumb thoughts everyday. You might, too. But I don't say them aloud (nor do you, I would guess). He does.
Still, other things he says and does show signs of excellent planning and intelligence, taking advantage of his base's general simplemindedness or lack of honesty or morals. For example, I do not believe that he thinks the NFL kneeling fiasco is about the flag or military. I think he knows it's about brutality. But I think he believes that if he sets up a simpler boogeyman to tear down, like "they hate our flag!" his equally simple base will foam at the mouth in his support.

I also don't think Trump is outright evil. He needs the hugs his mother never gave him. Srsly. Look it up. She was never interested in interacting with him and has publically stated "what sort of son have I created?" in dismay of the sort of person he'd become, the sort of son who cuts his siblings out of a will then threatens to cut off medical care for his sick nephew (who was an infant at the time).
You've heard the phrase about someone "only a mother could love?" His didn't seem to love him. Maybe if she had, we wouldn't be in this situation.

>> No.14221415

I think I'm a pretty shitty driver, actually. When I first started, I thought I was great because I'm a cautious driver. But I've since realised I'm not cautious. I'm a nervous driver, which is dangerous for other drivers around me. As a result, I only drive when I absolutely have to.

>> No.14221494

that guy was an outspoken antifa supporter, so why would you doubt that?
look at his twitter and facebook, it's all public

and if you think a light shove is police brutality then we have some bigger problems here. Maybe you shouldn't get in the way of riot police if you have the equilibrium of a toddler

>> No.14221531

if you think police brutality is the largest threat facing black people today you're not in tune with reality. Whether it's your choice or if it's because you've been manipulated I can't say

in the last year there have been exactly 10 unarmed black people killed by police in the united states
not exactly a genocide. The big problem with all this BLM shit is it's a lie. You haven't heard the left mention david dorn a single time
and they stay quit about the rampant black on black violence. They deflect and say it's because of white people

it's all bullshit. Why would I ever side with democrats when they actively hate me? When they blame me for everything? when they are celebrating the idea of us disappearing?
You've left me no choice but to go with trump

>> No.14221562
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>he thinks Zion Don has "white" peoples best interest at heart

>> No.14221576

Not him, but I don't care about your nicknames for everyone. What did he say that's an incorrect observation? Be specific.

>> No.14221577

I don't remember making this post

>> No.14221601

Imagine the smell...

>> No.14221611

The one on top is only married into Judaism unlike the bottom who is an ethnic Jew by birth.
Really makes you think.

>> No.14221669

>What do you normally drink with dinner, /ck/?
Most of the time, I do hydrate
unsweetened iced tea
seltzer water

For some occasions, there is a food pairing like a beer or an iced coffee with really spicy food, or dark beer with greasy heavy food, or wine to enhance cheese. I will take advantage of something a cuisine is known to do well, like a fresh limeade w/pho, or a cuban coffee, or a retsina wine, that kind of thing.

>> No.14221718

His tranny husband has more muscle than him

>> No.14221722

jesus christ talk about worth a thousand words