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14219230 No.14219230 [Reply] [Original]

Which type of liquor is the best?

>> No.14219239

Huh, less love for Tequila on there than I'd have expected.

>> No.14219240

Whatever gets her drunk quicker and gets you laid.

>> No.14219247
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>> No.14219257

Isn't that beer

>> No.14219270

>Indian whiskey
Had no idea this even existed
Any anons have tried it?

>> No.14219280


Yes. It's not worth it, it's basically rum masquerading as whiskey.

>> No.14219295

Why has raki it's own bubble, when it's an anise liquor?
It's not even real whisky. Just some colored spirit made from whatever they have on hand.

>> No.14219313

They all have their uses.
Except baijiu. Tastes like what I imagine the My Little Pony cum-jar would also taste like.

>> No.14219322

>it's basically rum masquerading as whiskey.
That sounds interesting in its own right desu

>> No.14219324

That's between you and her :-)
Good times were had by all.

>> No.14219399

for once can we listen to poles
you can't have it both ways

>> No.14219420

who are all those weirdos drinking INDIAN whiskey?? wtf man

>> No.14219438

Indians obviously.

>> No.14219439

I'm sure that almost all of it is consumed locally and not exported. Don't think there is much of an international market for feces-flavored spirits.

>> No.14219446

h1b indians, pathetic as that is, it is what it is.

>> No.14219448


>> No.14219452

I’m not surprised. As a tequila lover I know it’s not often people are willing to entertain the idea of more than a shot or two, if they are willing to at all

>> No.14219458

Lul at all the old monk

>> No.14219466
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>> No.14219498

I aint complainin, not with her around

>> No.14219508

streetshitters or the smokum peace pipe casino savages?

>> No.14219512

clearly the ganges shit river types

>> No.14219524

i thought the injuns were allowed to sell fire water taxfree

>> No.14219528
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this is the face of tequila

>> No.14219536

yeah I'm not looking to get any indian sourced water inside of me

>> No.14219553

that's different, the ganges shit is way off and they're h1b and disgusting

>> No.14219561

But they dont do that streetshitting when they are in america, right?

>> No.14219563


That woman is only 27 years old

>> No.14219568

Sure they do, but they hide it under H1B stuff and being cheap.

>> No.14219572

yikes. here in europe its illegal to shit in the street.

>> No.14219587

Just wait until the ragheads take over, thousands of years to protect your nations and you gave it all away with that bitch merkel.

>> No.14219614

fuck Merkel and FUCK ragheads

>> No.14219665

We haven't gone full on goofy like the EU freaks.

>> No.14219684

Why is that? I also always hear the meme of "oh I can never drink tequila again" or whatever but I don't understand the joke

>> No.14219694

From experience it has to do with the hangovers, also a lot of people mistake it with the shit that has a worm in the bottle.

>> No.14219707

People that are not used to drink shots or spirits in general drink much more alcohol as if they'd stay with their beers or cocktails and so their hangover is much worse. Tequila seems to be those kind of peoples favourite for that use.

>> No.14219712
File: 101 KB, 1280x1280, monte-alban-mezcal-tequila__32524.1496361543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit, it confuses a lot of college idiots so it became a meme.

>> No.14219725

tequila is the easiest liquor to drink so people end up drinking a ton of it

>> No.14219738

I like drinking tequila while shooting my sixguns and wearing hai karate for the bitches

>> No.14219854


>> No.14219865

it's also ridiculously expensive if you want quality stuff, more expensive than whisky.

>> No.14219866

it's the go-to basic bitch liquor, people drink it because of the meme, which perpetuates the meme
ironically tequila contains monosaccharides rather than polysacharrides so an equivalent amount will dehydrate you less and should in theory give you less of a hangover

>> No.14219908

Calvados is from Spain, how jealous and stupid can you be to relate that to Trump?

>> No.14219924

*France, specifically Normandy

>> No.14219930

>in theory
Yeah right

>> No.14219936

ok ok, the only calvados I've had was from Spain. It's not as if Spain and France aren't close.

>> No.14219941

don't be retarded anon
>hangovers are from dehydration
>polysaccharides require multiple water molecules to break down
>monosaccharides require one water molecule to break down

if you were to drink 6 shots of tequila in one multiverse and then 6 shots of 80 proof bourbon in another, all else held equal you would be less dehydrated from the tequila

>> No.14219945

Yeah right, yet you're the bitch yapping about a "mutliverse"
What is that precisely?

>> No.14219970
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>welcome to the muttiverse

>> No.14219989

A cartoon charatcure, that means so much. GTFO!
De do do do, de da da da

>> No.14219999

Alcohol isnt a polysaccharide wtf are you even saying

>> No.14220000

The Police Live 2008

>> No.14220005

>According to the Beverage Testing Institute of Chicago, mezcal is the purest distilled alcohol there is and that is because its sugar is polysaccharide that is better for the body. Why? Very simple, having this chemical composition, the sugar begins to disintegrate just in contact with the mouth so that its process of absorption and elimination is much faster and immediate; while alcohol with monosaccharide sugars must be processed in the liver and then eliminated, causing what we know as raw or hangover.

>> No.14220008

Nice quads!

>> No.14220038

Ethanol is ethanol. Only really bad spirits when it comes to hangovers are (cheap) fruit brandies especially pomace brandies, which have high amounts of methanol and other unwanted alcohols.

>> No.14220058

You realize, of course, that a bottle of rum or whisky isn't 100% pure ethanol
There's other shit in it that makes it taste like something other than laboratory grade disinfectant.

>> No.14220071

there is no methanol in any commercial regulated liquor

>> No.14220095

That's not what causes hangover

>> No.14220145

>Indian whisky
Domestic market only?

>> No.14220152

i didn't look all that hard but i do know that there is some methanol in all commercial alcohols (and fruit juices too) as a consequence of how distillation works and how fermentation works.

this source is not excellent i wish i had a better paper but i didn't want to dig too hard hopefully it's convincing but if not i'll find a better one.


>Methanol is found naturally in fruit juice and distilled spirits such as whiskey, wine, and beer. A typical glass of wine contains a small amount of methanol, from 0.0041 to 0.02 percent by volume.

methanol, (as well as butanol, propanol, and other n-ols) are generated as side products from fermentation.
it's actually a tremendously difficult problem to get a pure substance. when you distill a batch of fermentation products (i don't know the name for this but the shit you'd have after the yeast had their way with grapes or whatever), you distill over products in fractions. so while you may be pulling over almost totally pure ethanol, there is a small amount of water, methanol, butanol, etc.
if they wanted really ultra pure ethanol, they could do it, it would just mean throwing away a lot of "almost pure ethanol"

regulations mean that there is some upper limit on the amount of methanol that can be in the product.
>Since 2008 there has been an EU limit on methanol in vodka of 10 grams per hectolitre of 100 % vol. alcohol (which equates to 100 mg methanol per litre of alcohol
this is an ultra small amount and not worth worrying about. your body can deal with it, it's nothing. you produce methanol when breaking down certain compounds anyway. also any fruit juice with pectin in it will have methanol in it. it's sincerely not an issue

however, there is methanol in your drinking alcohol. that's the point i wanted to make.

>> No.14220158

Sure, but by that logic the cleanest alcohol would be spyritus or vodka and not tequila. Also where should the sugar in a spirit come from? Sugar can't be distilled like alcohol, water or oils.
Of course it is. Look it up. The regulated limits of methanol are pretty high when it comes to brandies.

>> No.14220163

>In terms of volume, India is the biggest consumer of whisky in the world.[20] It has a complex tax structure with taxes levelled by both Central and State Governments. Import taxes are applied by the Central Government on imported spirits. State level taxes are levied by each individual State, with taxation levels and methods varying significantly.[21] The sale of alcohol is also prohibited in some States.

Whisky accounts for nearly 60% of the Indian-made foreign liquor market. India accounted for nearly half the global whisky market by volume in 2010.[21] The market is generally divided into segments based on price.[22]

>> No.14220180

>Yes. It's not worth it, it's basically rum masquerading as whiskey.
>It's not even real whisky. Just some colored spirit made from whatever they have on hand.
This is objectively wrong, Amrut is an excellent whisky.

>> No.14220194
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>he hasn't been to a gypsy ghetto in easter yuroop.
Streetshitting indians may be closer than you think.

>> No.14220202

>cherrypicking a single malt and acting like the vast majority isn't just piss.

>> No.14220204

What is the best liquor under $100?

>> No.14220208

Learn to differentiate between Indians and people from former Yugoslavia.

>> No.14220227

Gypsies originate from India

>> No.14220234

Yugoslavia is rightful Bengali clay.

>> No.14220237

Didn't Aryans too

>> No.14220248

No, Aryans probably came from the current Ukraine and migrated to India around 3500 years ago

>> No.14220297

You know how you make alcohol, right? It requires sugar for fermentation to produce some alcohol, which generally comes from fermented juices (brandy, Calvados, applejack, kirsch, cachaca and rhum agricole to a lesser extent), or from grains (whiskey, gin, vodka), or molasses/sugar (rum). So it's what leftover that didn't quite ferment.

>> No.14220329

Do you know how distillation works?

>> No.14220337

Yes, you take advantage of the fact that different alcohols heat at different temperatures and boil it away, then condense it. Anyway, wouldn't some particles of the sugar still be leftover or tied to the alcohols?

>> No.14220340

it's garbage. I've had literal moonshine aged with toasted smoking bricks and cut with glycerine that tasted better than Indian whiskey. they only drink it because it's safer than village methanol moonshine, they don't know any better and can't get scotch without exorbitant import taxes.

for me, it's cognac. far less popular than expected, the Chinese have a major long wang for it recently.

>> No.14220351

I've never had that, isn't it really expensive

>> No.14220377

>tied to the alcohols
No, that's the point. The sugar doesn't evaporate like the liquids and is left in the still.

>> No.14220384

For me, it’s a nice glass of gin and some ginger ale.

>> No.14220391

For me it's Listerine on the rocks

>> No.14220422

What's soju like? Is it gud?
Never had it before.

>> No.14220446
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for me it's top left only

>> No.14220510

i like anus too

>> No.14220569

It's Korean rice wine but with looser rules than sake. Pretty solid stuff though there's a reason it's common to mix the cheap shit with beer.

>> No.14220576

four loko

>> No.14220595

Your favorite, the way you like to drink it, with the people you like to drink it with.

>> No.14221092

No, it's just a fancy name for brandy.

>> No.14221100

WTF? What are you, a fag?

>> No.14221111

The Clash/Mikey Dread - Bank Robber/Rockers Galore

>> No.14221116
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>> No.14221127

That's pretty funny how "45%" is put right up front.

>> No.14221206
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I'll see that and raise you Devil's Springs vodka, made in New Jersey for your pleasure.

>> No.14221220
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that's my shit right there

>> No.14221251
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Countering you with Chartreuse, literally god-sent since it's made by monks

>> No.14221304

monks usually sell all sorts of swill so that shouldn't play a role

>> No.14221334
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best booze coming through
/thread/ over

>> No.14221339

Chartreuse is excellent though, but I guess it must be difficult to find abroad

>> No.14221393

My friend always bought tequila for our teenage alcoholic binges and it makes me sick to my fucking stomach to even imagine the smell

>> No.14221408

a particular type of brandy. anyone who compares random supermarket brandy to cognac needs to be exiled. white wine to champagne.

not really, that's mostly just the exclusive marketing image ghetto rich people have created. super classy XO cognac is usually >$100 but a VSOP or Napoleon bottling won't break the bank, and a young VS bottling can be found for like $20. Armagnac is similar but more robust and much cheaper.

>> No.14221497

How would you describe the taste? I'm curious about it but if it tastes like perfume I'll save my 20 bucks

>> No.14221817

Haven't had it for a couple of years, but the green one is floral (mint, pepper), sugary and you can taste the strong alcohol, also has a taste in the mouth which evolves with time. It coats your whole palate and you can feel the heat of the alcohol and the taste diffusing. I like it a lot, while disliking jagermeister, if that is what you're afraid of.

>> No.14221849

>I like it a lot, while disliking jagermeister, if that is what you're afraid of.
lel that was pretty much exactly it
Looks like I'll get a bottle next time I'm at the booze store, thanks m8

>> No.14221851

By the way I would rather suggest drinking it at the end of the meal as a digestive. It might be a bit too much on its own.

>> No.14221879

why are americans such alcoholics?

>> No.14221915

why are you this obsessed with americans?

>> No.14222017

i'm worried about their health

>> No.14224037

Do Americans drink more than other countries

>> No.14224498


>> No.14224544

For me it's TeKillYa.

>> No.14224928

I found the predominant flavor to be wintergreen. Kinda like if they made a gin-based liqueur. Very intense, complex and long-lasting flavor.

>> No.14225023

>have to be 21 years old to legally buy even a light beer
>bartenders are prohibited by law to serve you after you get even so much as a buzz
>drinking is heavily frowned upon
wtf are you talking about lmao. America is if anything the less alcoholic country in the world

>> No.14225037

europeons don't play beer pong

>> No.14225084

Like if you had no rednecks drinking dozens of light beers or a bottle of bourbon everyday.

>> No.14225164

based. Fuck tequila

>> No.14225250

We drink 11° beer you mong

>> No.14225256

Normal people don't drink those, it's mostly neckbeards in Gojira t-shirts.

>> No.14227292


>> No.14227348

I'd like to see this same chart in $$'s instead of liters.

>> No.14227355

what's a top cachacer?

>> No.14227369
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Amaro Montenegro without even thinking.

>> No.14227380

>had to make a national drinking age of 21 because when one state had an age of 18 and another state had an age of 16, the highway between the two was a deathtrap of drunk teenagers ramming their parent's cars into telephone poles to get beer in the more lenient state
>it's still not entirely effective because Americans still pride themselves on their drunk driving "skills"

>> No.14227407

I love whiskey and bourbon with a sizable collection of bottles from around the world. Yet, the fuck is Indian whiskey?

>> No.14227422

Anyone who's been into whisky for longer than 10 minutes knows Amrut, you're a phony.

>> No.14227429

Not whisky, for starters. It's a blend of whatever vodka or rum a pajeet distiller has on hand with a little bit of whisky for color.

>> No.14227448

Oh its "in the world". Fermented dung isnt really a liquior you know.

>> No.14227471

I've been looking it up and have a bottle of Amrut on my shelf. I did not know it was from India. So yeah, I learned something new today.

I'm use to hearing about whiskey, whisky, and bourbon from Scotland, America, Canada, Japan, Ireland, Europe, and even had one bottle from Mexico given to me by a friend.


>> No.14227479

lol where did you think amrut is from?

>> No.14227510

Going to sound like a retard but I legit thought it was a France word and came from there or another European country that has been releasing whiskey on the global market recently.

>> No.14227532

Do you have a favorite whisky that isn't from the usual countries?

>> No.14227541

its the newest thing on the rise, most of the good ones are just re-branded UK whiskeys

>> No.14227562

My best friend and his wife love to travel as they have money. Well her family has money but you get the idea. In 2017 they were down in the Caribbean and picked up a bottle of Captain Don's whisky. They managed to sneak some back in small bottles for me to try.
I've seen some whiskey blogs talk about it and the distiller, Cadushy, every so often.

>> No.14227754
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Indian whiskey?

>> No.14227768
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>> No.14227784

That works, we can chill around a campfire and cook marshmellows.

>> No.14227793

if injuns were smart, they could have made hyooge money with "reservation whisky" or cactus spirits

>> No.14227919

Back in the day I think the army would have gone after them.

>> No.14227946

I mean now, reddit would go nuts for it I'm sure.

>> No.14227956

Back before FDIC banks only had themselves so if some bandits robbed a bank then all of the depositors would get fucked hard. That's why'd there would be possies chasing people around.

>> No.14227967

The good old days.

>> No.14228093

The sugars and other huge molecules and chunks of plant matter are left over in the mother liquor.

The alcohol comes over in the distillate. A lot of other small molecules distill over as well, which gives spirits their flavor. In some cases you can take the distillate, and add it back to the reduced starting material. That's how you end up with things like port. But for spirits themselves you won't have.

>> No.14228523

na podstawie

>> No.14228737

>that much soju when pretty much only one country drinks it
wtf is indian whiskey?