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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14216265 No.14216265 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here, first time giving the 'ol cooking a shot

>> No.14216273

looks like shit

>> No.14216277

That pan is for grilling, not for doing whatever the fuck you did

>> No.14216283
File: 8 KB, 220x184, 040DE0C2-D3F7-4B20-B264-1E3888295779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it was my first time

>> No.14216284

learn to control your fire...not everything is meant to be cook on high heat

>> No.14216289

next time, give the 'ol killyourself a shot

>> No.14216290

I've seen much worse. I've seen much better too.

>> No.14216293

grill pans are a meme

>> No.14216297

Thank you for giving constructive criticism
I thought /ck/ was a comfy board, all the replies have been rudepilled
Read above

>> No.14216302

what a fucking retard, you literally came here and made a instagram post. wtf are you looking for.

>> No.14216303
File: 60 KB, 1024x486, EEMkyvAXsAYhKcP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first fuck up was buying that pan. Your second fuck up was using it. Your third was making whatever that is and ruining good meat. Your fourth was not trying the onions first and ruining them. Your actual first was choosing to be born. And your fifth was escaping your autism containment board, pic related good luck kid.

>> No.14216308

Frying* not trying

>> No.14216313
File: 915 KB, 1165x614, pussies BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and if you're gonna cry like a little bitch when someone criticizes your cooking, this isn't the board for you. This is probably the meanest board on 4chan.

>> No.14216333

that pan is only for getting grill marks on large items (like chicken breasts... eggplant slices... hot dog....)

>> No.14216360

as long as you eated it

>> No.14216368

btard reporting. I can confirm this is true.

>> No.14216382

You must be 18+ to post here.

>> No.14216403
File: 377 KB, 1095x730, mumen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-well anon, I liked it...

>> No.14217663

this looks real awful and terrible and the reason everyone is ganging up on you is the fact that you paraded it around like it's anything but. look up a recipe next time and ditch the dorky grill pan.

>> No.14217691


There there
Deglase w/ white wine and reconstitute the sause with basil salt pepper jalapenos
Pour over the meat, serve with rice

>> No.14217699

You need a regular cast iron skillet and a steel spatula with a flat edge
Also simmer the meat at a lower temperature to make it softer.

>> No.14217716

What did you make?
None of these people have cooked anything in the past month. They're all microwavers and take out fags. Ignore them.

>> No.14217758

if you liked how it tasted and it didn’t kill you, then be proud of your first dish. You’re from /fit/ so you’ve hopefully got more ambition than a chunk of this board. Don’t post here looking for compliments, ignore the microwave kiddies, and be ready to learn and improve. Use every damn failure to learn. Stick to the recipes, but actively think about the ingredients and what each step achieves, so that you can go off your own judgement later on.

Go on and become the /fit/ god of cooking, anon.

>> No.14217906
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 8AB9469E-0E1B-4726-AA74-E4844F4DB526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wanna do beef and onions then try this recipe out OP

>> No.14217912

>This is probably the meanest board on 4chan
That's true, there's a lot of self loathing homosexuals on /ck/.

>> No.14217914

hey, we loathe other homos just as much tyvm

>> No.14217960

>some kinda sauce?
So there's not a sticky for this board that can at least teach you the basics, but I'll go over a few things that were real eye-openers for me when I moved out and started having to eat my own handiwork.
1. Wet things don't brown. The Maillard reaction, which is what happens when you get things hot and they get browned and delicious, happens at a higher temperature than that at which water boils. This means if you have a lot of water in your pan, your steak won't brown until that water boils off. Patting your meat off and putting it into a hot pan first, before your aromatics (onions, peppers, garlic, shallots, whatever) will get you a much better result than throwing everything in together. It's more effort, but not THAT much more, and the result is worth it.
2. Mise en place makes your life much, much easier. Think about how you're going to cook a dish, in what order things need to go in, how long it'll take, and prepare accordingly
3. It's easier to add than to take away. Obvious, but keep this in mind.
4. Grill pans suck. You can still get work done with them, don't get me wrong, but they compromise things that are good about a normal skillet with things that are bad about a grill. It's like the Smith Machine of pans.
If I was doing steak 'n peppers 'n onions, I'd get my shit ready beforehand. Chop my peppers and onions, probably a little garlic. Keep the garlic separate, it can brown up really fast and get kinda bitter. Get the pan hot BEFORE you put the meat in, add a little oil (don't use seed oils if you're trying to be /fit/, use olive oil or coconut oil). Pat your meat dry with a paper towel, hit it with a little salt, and immediately put it in the pan. Just get color on it, you don't have to cook it through. Once it's brown, take it out, drop the heat down, and add in peppers and onions. You should have a lot of brown meat stuff at the bottom of the pan; that's fond and you want this.

>> No.14217966

You can also add spices at this stage; looks like you've got some red pepper flakes at least. Frying spices in hot fat releases a lot of the volatiles into the fat directly, which is good. Onions and peppers are full of water, which the cooking process will release. This should deglaze the pan, but you can help it along with something like stock, wine, vinegars, any aqueous solution, really, but use it to bring more flavor. If you're doing Chinese-y style pepper steak, use mirin or shaoxing wine. Cut up your meat into bite-sized pieces while the veggies cook down.Stir the veggies and taste them. You gotta balance salt, fat, acid, sugar, and spice. Once your veggies are as cooked as you want, add back your meat and any accumulated juices, and cook it through on a medium-low heat.

>> No.14217971
File: 151 KB, 975x962, 1521295368104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fine anon don't sweat it, the more you cook the better you'll get, just learn from the mistakes you make on the way.

>> No.14217993

informative and not written like shit, hope OP reads this

>> No.14218701

I made white sauce on your mother's face.

>> No.14218707

You sound like a gigantic retard that does nothing but watch TV.

>> No.14219062

The grill pan really is what makes this so bad. Imagine the clean up after cooking whatever that thing is in it, OP will probably have to soak it for days to get the food out from between the grill lines.

>> No.14219117

This is all good advice. One other thing that really threw me of when I first started cooking is not to rush. Don't put your pans on high. I used to rush, use too high heat, and things would burn before cooking through.

also, unfortunately a lot of people have stoves that aren't gas. This makes some things extra difficult, because you can't "turn down" the burners quickly. If you have a cooktop like this, And are doing something that requires you to "turn down" a burner, you'll need to use two burners. When my pot reaches boiling, I'll move it to the lower burner to simmer.

Also, use your fucking oven. I use my oven so much more often than I did when I was first cooking. Cookie sheets have a really wide surface area which makes it possible to cook 2-3 servings of food in one batch without overcrowding a pot or pan on your stove. If I'm making chicken fajitas, I dont waste time cooking that shit in a pan. I fire up the oven, cook my peppers a bit, then add chicken and cook until done. Plus oven roasted vegetables are fucking delicious, and get way more browning than you'll get in a pan.

>> No.14219122

Bruh. the first cast iron pan i bought (with doing 0 research) was a square pan with grill lines. It was impossible to clean.

>> No.14219656

Yesss, making fajitas on a sheet pan is the best. I think the only vegetable I really prefer steamed instead of roasted is broccoli, but I'm not sure if it's meant to be roasted or not.

Great advice about the stovetop, too. I got used to cooking on gas, moved, and had electric for a few years and it sucked, but now I have a gas stove again. It's so much better.

>> No.14221013

You can also sear your meat first then take it out.
Then cook the vegetables and make the sauce season it and then add the meat to heat though.
This works well on thin slices of beef to cook them and keep them juicy instead of drying out and turning into chewy rubber or dry and flavorless because all the juice cooked out.
Just make sure if its non stick to not fuck it with high heat.

>> No.14221042

It's up to you if you want cast iron because it seems hard to take care of but steak don't stick because it's fatty so you just need to dry it after each use and don't need to get autistic about the seasoning.
You make the best steaks with them just heat it up cook both sides and stick a temp probe or guees in it and your done.

>> No.14221053

And this

Although a lot of cooking looks like shit and that looks like an excellent burrito-filler. Use a flat pan next time and you probably cooked the vegetables/meat in the wrong order but if it’s cooked it’s cooked

>> No.14221072

You’re all fucking faggots because this board is definitely in the spirit of an aging 4chan group that misses when this place used to be extremely toxic and most “mean” posts are humorous if you aren’t a candy-assed little bitch.

The only people that are truly toxic are the ones that can’t find any humor in self-deprecation but find plenty of humor in humiliating others.

>> No.14221205


>> No.14221223

If I could take a time machine back to 2012 i’d slap your mother while she was pregnant with you, fag

>> No.14221300
File: 431 KB, 764x501, 1591048636020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's rude anon
If I had a time machine, I wouldn't let your mom drink while pregnant with you. And maybe slap that bitch around a bit.

>> No.14221373

OP has never cooked a goddamn thing in his life and you think he’s going to properly maintain a cast iron? You don’t know what you’re talking about either, steel spatulas will scratch off the patina. Wood spatulas are used with cast iron.

>> No.14221412

It's okay man. I'll give you a pass. Just pay it forward when a fatass posts on /fit/...

>> No.14221424
File: 393 KB, 509x568, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shit is dry. Are you /fit/ because you're working out your teeth?

>> No.14221429

hopefully the last time as well

>> No.14221476

You must be 18+ to post here.

>> No.14221511

Shut up dude you’ll ruin all the vetting on /pol/

>> No.14221619

>>>/hm/ <3

>> No.14221813

Looks like a pile of shit, but even with this dish, there are little things you can do to make it taste better and use down the line

1) you better have seasoned that fucking meat
2) brown your meat in the pan before adding your onions and peppers. Once meat is brown take it off, keeping some of the rendered fat in the pan and add your onions and peppers until soft, then add the meat back in and eat
3) there is not a goddamn food item on this planet that would benefit from a cooking surface such as that. Your steak, burgers, chicken skin, etc will not have a good crust or get crispy and it will be a bitch to clean. Flat surfaces only

>> No.14221875

If parents fail to teach their kids cooking should they be put to jail for abuse?

>> No.14221888

It's such an easy skill to learn, I work with actual retards and they can do it.

>> No.14221897
File: 222 KB, 1536x2048, BzyCqiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did a nice job anon. I can clearly see you have so much room for improvement. So, do this reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep.

>> No.14221929

Heres a guide for home cooks:
Never experiment
Always follow a recipe, always go to the store to make sure you have every item on the recipe
never experiment or diverge from the recipe
Re-read the recipe so you understood what it wants from you
If you don't have an utensil recommended by the recipe don't make the recipe or buy the utensil
Never go "I'll cook whatever is already in the fridge" because then you're trying to not follow the recipe which is the path to edible food.
Throw out food that a recipe doesn't tell you to use.
Never follow a recipe from memory alone.
Always plan ahead.

>> No.14221930

fuck you

>> No.14221937

Shut up and take my updoot!

>> No.14221943

What the fuck? Just throw anything together. Were you really too retarded to fugure it out?

>> No.14222173

I'm a home cook and my guide is watch YouTube videos till you find what you like and have the equipment to make.
Sub out any ingredients you can't get access to like chef John says.
If it's a recipe with pastry or crust or baking follow a measurement amount.
If not just eyeball it 1 massive tomato, onion potato can be 2 normal sized one so who knows and meat is done depending on the size and thickness so guess or temp probe it.
If you did it once just guess form memory and add more of whatever you liked last time.
Unless it's baking.
You will figure out what works at some point if you keep cooking.
Eat your fails.

>> No.14222344

Is this a meme I missed. Why would anyone sane do this?

>> No.14222377

A+ if eastern euro or amerifat, F if from anywhere else

>> No.14222393


>> No.14223458
File: 183 KB, 2048x1079, 1589839692356 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pan

>> No.14223499

So you're saying you're self employed?

>> No.14223522


First thing you gonna have to do is throw that pan in the trash and get a regular, non-meme pan.

>> No.14223845

Yes actually, I am a contract worker.