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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 750x1066, EZ_x3PPXYAczCMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14214985 No.14214985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Allegation Bon Appetit Pays Only White Editors for Videos, After Photo of EIC Adam Rapoport in Brown Face Surfaces

>> No.14214996

What's bon appetit?

>> No.14214998

Check the catalog you mongoloid.

>> No.14215012

A well-known cooking magazine with a popular YouTube channel.

>> No.14215015

old one got JANNIED

twitter people want the BA personalities to disclose their salaries kek

>> No.14215016
File: 126 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-200608150748-1024--bon-appetite-test-kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did you retard, is this not a cooking related issue?????

>> No.14215018

whats a youtube

>> No.14215024

After I pointed out she was a complete phony who has been doing white face for years

>> No.14215026

whats a whats

>> No.14215030

people dress horribly these days wtf

>> No.14215045

you will never look good in a fedora. get over it

>> No.14215047
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here is the whistleblower that toppled an empire

>> No.14215060

so who are the white editors shola called out?
molly?carla? they have already responded and agree with her so i guess not them. Chris is an editor, he hasnt said anything yet neither has brad or gaby, but gaby isnt an editor. im not sure brad is either, i think he is just on air talent

>> No.14215077


Chris is the test kitchen director I believe, and yeah brad is just a YouTube content creator currently

>> No.14215078
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>what you look like in "proper" clothes

>> No.14215084

WTF does it even mean that she isn't paid? They pay her a salary to do her job. Its a great situation for her overall

>> No.14215089

I don't really get her grievance. Is she saying even in stand alone videos featuring only her she's not being paid or when she makes appearances in everyone elses videos and helps them out she isn't being paid for it?

Either way just pull a Claire and leave then try and negotiate more money as a free lancer. Rapo can get shit canned for all I care dudes always been cringe makes every scene he's in awkward and tension filled cause nobody wants to have a laugh and hang out with their boss.

>> No.14215090

man, I was expecting much worse, that costume is not a big deal

>> No.14215091

who is the guy in the green overalls?

>> No.14215093

sexy pear family

>> No.14215095

hearty kek at you mentally ill cripples getting defensive because you think dressing as depicted above isn't anything else than bizarre.

>> No.14215096

I don't care about this Rapo guy in videos but he has clearly brought their brand to a much, much larger audience than they ever had, he has been wildly successful at his job

>> No.14215097

>hearty kek at you mentally ill cripples getting defensive because you think dressing as depicted above isn't anything else than bizarre

>> No.14215100

she gets paid as an assistant, not for her youtube appearences.

i wasnt aware she ever starred in stand alone videos, i only she her helping out the other people on their shows.

of course everyone would agree with her, sohlas on air fee wouldnt come out of their pockets.

>> No.14215102

eh, nothing really stands out to me. Amiel isn't in it, hes the one who always looks absurd

>> No.14215108

he barely looks tanned.

and are you saying that the indian girl doesnt get paid too? isnt she one of the main crew?

>> No.14215116

This idea that every company has to have a diverse crew is ridiculous. On top of that, who fucking cares about him dressing like some cholo

>> No.14215118

What does this actually have to do with this board?

>> No.14215127

/ck/ - food and cooking?

>> No.14215128

lol americans and their shoes

>> No.14215129

She's referring to all the people who have regular shows.

>> No.14215130

Isn't that how 99% of jobs work? A company pays you to be there and do things it wants. Normal people don't get paid extra for certain tasks on the side
Article said she started at 50,000, thats decent money for a young person, and the added perk that people know who she is and it will probably greatly increase her future earnings relative to most food or writing jobs. Seems like a good gig

>> No.14215135

That's nothing for a poor POC woman who needs more money for them programs.

>> No.14215136

the funny part is democrats demand you have a diverse crew and then complain about being "only a diversity hire"

>> No.14215139

yeah notice how she didnt mention what she makes now

>> No.14215140

But it is neither. You should take this to the news and current events board, it doesn’t belong here.

>> No.14215143


>> No.14215151

yeah, what does a food and cooking magazine have to do with food and cooking? Great question, great use of your time to be here asking this

>> No.14215152

> 35+ replies
Not a single post about food or drink or cooking.

Get this politics/gossip shit outta here.

>> No.14215153

Almost twice as many women as men lol

>> No.14215157

how is this any different than the countless threads talking about restaurant jobs?

>> No.14215159

None of you are discussing cooking. You’re talking about politics and other unrelated to the board shit.

>> No.14215161

>have respect for a celebrity person of color
>so much so that you dress up as them for Halloween
>costume is perfectly accurate and not distasteful
>somehow this is automatically racist
>but also white people are supposed to treat people of color fairly
>and look up to them
>and respect them
>and want to be like them
Whatever happened to "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"? This isn't just some generic racial costume like when people dress up as "indian chiefs" or whatever. He's literally dressing up as a specific baseball player, presumably because he likes that baseball player. So what the fuck is the problem? Do you want people to look up to people of color or not? Because this kind of imitation comes part and parcel with such adoration.

>> No.14215163

Only a matter of time before our guy Brad gets #metoo'd or some shit when somebody makes a stink about him following like Joe Rogan or something

>> No.14215165

They look like a group of American tourists on sightseeing in Europe, Jerry Seinfeld sneakers and all.

>> No.14215166

You have terrible taste in food and are an awful cook. There, satisfied?

>> No.14215169

Is this your job? Does this have anything to do with a restaurant? No? Find somewhere else to friend simulate

>> No.14215170

Don’t @ me with your strawmans. This thread has fuck all relevance to this board.

>> No.14215172


>> No.14215175

would you rather talk about you eating dick?

>> No.14215179

$50k is practically poverty in NYC.

>> No.14215185

They are, but they are sightseeing in New York. Most young people living and working in NYC aren't from there.

>> No.14215191

why does this anger you? its a cooking related thing, its 100% in the place it belongs

>> No.14215194

But also she's married to Ham Al-Waylly who is loaded.

>> No.14215196

I see white dudes dressed like this literally every day in san diego
I also see mexican dudes dressed like this who laugh at white dudes dressed like this every single day

>> No.14215197

>Does this have anything to do with a restaurant?
absolutely, and more specifically it has to do with cooking, thats literally what this company writes about, its their specific focus

>> No.14215201

Which doesn't matter because we shouldn't be paying people on the basis of what their spouses make.

>> No.14215202

No, because that still wouldn’t be relevant to the board. You’re not just off-topic, this whole thread is actually spam. Take this gossip and drama back to your little social media circlejerks and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.14215204

lol are Europeans obsessed with shoes? Thats two comments in thsi thread. Fucking weird to even care about this

>> No.14215208

None of you are discussing cooking.

>> No.14215209

Fuck off Sohla you culture appropriating hateful racist and bigot

>> No.14215211

is he a known person?

>> No.14215212
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ok let change the subject. this seems related

>> No.14215217

Then ignore it you giant spaz.

>> No.14215220

known to the intelligence community I'm sure

>> No.14215221

ah but it means she is privileged enough to take a mildly lower paying job that will likely return her with internet fame and future earnings

>> No.14215225

It’s not a ‘cooking-related’ board. It’s the food and cooking board. You can try your little personal insults all you like but all you’re doing is proving me right. This thread doesn’t belong here. Take it to the news and current events board.

>> No.14215228

>talking about cooking related things sin't talking about cooking

Do you expect every thread to be a recipe? like wtf are you angry about if you don't care about this specific cooking topic don't open the thread, jesus fuck man

>> No.14215229

Your shoes say a lot about you.

>> No.14215233

every single (relevant) member has spoken on it now, even chris and brad who were the last two

>> No.14215237

She started at $50k, if she didn't find that to be fair she should have negotiated for more or gone somewhere else that would pay better. But she probably found that to be plenty because her husband makes more than enough so she didn't NEED to negotiate for more.
Further, we don't know how much she makes NOW, and she is guaranteed to have gotten raises since then. And if she felt those raises were unfair she should have negotiated those more as well.
If she wanted to be paid extra for appearing in YouTube videos, she should have spoken up and asked for it.
If she wanted to host her own show (which is the only thing they pay extra for, btw) then she should have pitched one.
But no, instead she just kept quiet all this time and just took what she was given without saying a single word and then just waited to let it burst out all at once in a situation like this and blamed racism for her own personal complacency.

>> No.14215238

I disagree, stop making up fake rules, why are you even here?

>> No.14215240

No. It’s a pseudo-political /pol/-tier issue involving someone who makes food. It has nothing to do with food or cooking in and of itself and does not belong in here he board.

>> No.14215243

>Threads talking about some fat jew's ass and smelling her farts...no problem as long as we have youtube links
>Threads laughing at the inevitable implosion of having too much diversity...call 911!

>> No.14215245

eh, not really at all. Also if other countries' people have different ideas than you it says even less about you as apparently American shoe choices set of Europeans in general

>> No.14215247

>She started at $50k, if she didn't find that to be fair she should have negotiated for more or gone somewhere else that would pay better.
It's not about money, it's about pandering to her satanic, snipped masters

>> No.14215249


>> No.14215250

Yes, he's a fairly well-known chef who currently works as a Corporate Executive Chef for a company. He's doing well for himself and is likely the primary breadwinner by far.

>> No.14215251

adam is hot
i want his bjc

>> No.14215256

rapoport stepped down

>> No.14215258

Man does his son have soiboi cuck hips? wtf?

>> No.14215259

>talking about cooking related things is not allowed, every word posted here must be a food, only typing the names of food is aceptable

>> No.14215261

This isn’t a ‘cooking-related’ board. It’s the food and cooking board. Even if you want to ‘argue’ that, you’re not actually even discussing ‘cooking related’ content, either. You’re all swapping gossip and sperging out about race issues. This thread actually belongs on /pol/ not here, so take it there and quit shitting up this board.

>> No.14215262

She literally said it's about money in her social media posts.

>> No.14215266

Why is Christina dressed like a toddler that suddenly grew into an adult overnight? I can't stop laughing at her in this pic.

>> No.14215268

Still irrelevant to the debate. They aren't paying her pursuant to her experience and ability if her less-experienced colleagues are being paid less for equivalent work or higher positions, which suggests they're low-balling her due to factors other than her experience and ability.

Even if you want to be some kind of circlejerking /pol/tard, you're an idiot to admit that's not some kind of disparity.

Conde Nast would have told her to blow it out her ass. This isn't a job that you can negotiate for. Thousands of chefs want to work at Bon Appetit. It's a huge, exclusive brand name with offices in the World Trade Center. You have zero leverage against them as an interviewee. If you want to work there at all, you have to accept their terms.

Appearing in videos and preparing recipes on camera is additional labor beyond recipe development and writing for a magazine. I bet you that Conde Nast has either almost no mention of video content creation in their contracts and just expects people to do it for free for the exposure.

>unironically defending a major multi-million dollar corporation because you think its workers are greedy

>> No.14215269

yeah, so difficult for me and my habit of not caring what shoes other people wear, such a struggle for me

>> No.14215272

what does this even mean a whole new level of obsession

>> No.14215274

Why are you so offended at someone pointing out your thread has nothing to do with this board?

>> No.14215281

You're gonna care when you wear my shoe up your ass

>> No.14215282

Do you think posts about broadcasters aren't allowed on /sp, posts about directors not allowed on /tv/?. Fuck like 50% of /mu/ pots are about that Fantano guy
You are clearly new to this site if you think this is off topic and not literally how all of 4chan is designed to work

>> No.14215283

I don't even know who this is. I don't sub to BA videos but I'll watch them when they pop up in my recommended and I literally have not seen a single video from this person. Isn't there a different brown girl who calls her mom/dad on all her videos?

>> No.14215284
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>> No.14215285

The restaurant and cooking industry falls under the umbrella of "food and cooking". There are threads about restaurant jobs all the time on this board that don't get complained about.

Also no one actually gives a shit about eceleb threads on a small, slow blue board.

>> No.14215286
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rappo has resigned

>> No.14215287

How the fuck is this brown face?

>> No.14215289
File: 49 KB, 800x532, tight-head-shot--adam-rapoport-july-9_custom-90f855973fa49b53b776fd1d5128c1148d7b3342-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14215292

why don't you just close the tab mate, no one is forcing you to be here

>> No.14215294

>because you think its workers are greedy
Not greedy, just dishonest

>> No.14215296

>implying having a 17 y o gf isn’t based

>> No.14215299

Oh golly gee you sure gottem! You’re so right that those threads where people discuss their duties and grievances while preparing food in restaurants have absolutely nothing to do with food or cooking! Unlike this thread that is all about “muh diversity and crazy libruls”

>> No.14215300

That raciss fucker didn't even let this marinate to its full potential

>> No.14215302

Right, I don't mind the bad taste for clothes in some of them but the shoes are horrendous

>> No.14215303

>Appearing in videos and preparing recipes on camera is additional labor beyond recipe development and writing for a magazine.
Thats not how jobs typically work, pretty hard to empathize with the "thats not part of my job description" complaint, we all work with people like that and they all suck

>> No.14215305

>claims to have more experience
Okay but what was it? I can claim to have 15 years of experience in the food industry and it turns out I've just been flipping burgers at McDonald's the whole time. How much editing has she ever really done? Does she even have a degree for it? I don't really watch any of this stuff. I swear anytime people claim they're getting shafted for something they don't realize they just aren't as good as they thought. But I don't know, and maybe she had some really good experience and has a degree. Does anyone know?

>> No.14215311

does watching ba mean you support racism?
might be a good time to resub

>> No.14215314

no since all the chefs are against it

>> No.14215315

>Conde Nast would have told her to blow it out her ass. This isn't a job that you can negotiate for. Thousands of chefs want to work at Bon Appetit. It's a huge, exclusive brand name with offices in the World Trade Center. You have zero leverage against them as an interviewee. If you want to work there at all, you have to accept their terms.
That's why I said "or gone somewhere else that would pay her more."
>Appearing in videos and preparing recipes on camera is additional labor beyond recipe development and writing for a magazine. I bet you that Conde Nast has either almost no mention of video content creation in their contracts and just expects people to do it for free for the exposure.
Yeah, absolutely. And that's exactly what happens for all of them. The people who get paid extra are ones who host full-blown shows like It's Alive, Gourmet Makes, Cooking Back-to-Back, etc. So if she wants in on that action, she should start pitching.

>> No.14215316

i only support racism against wypipo

>> No.14215317

>and just expects people to do it for free for the exposure.
the exposure is extremely valuable, this is a reasonable stance

>> No.14215321

is he even wearing makeup?

>> No.14215324

>evading soy filter on /ck/
Crossboarder newfags go back to your reddit containment board

>> No.14215327

I'm not sure what her real credentials are but it's clear she's miles ahead of the other "chefs" in pure skill.

>> No.14215328

Can wypipo joing forces with blacks and hispanics to complain about jewish privilege and asian privilege?

>> No.14215329

>Everyone leave BA to "reflect on themselves"
>Now nobody has a job, including the oh so special POC.
>They can only bitch to their dwindling fans now that they cannot afford to make videos now.

>> No.14215332

lmao he got fired.

>> No.14215334

Talking about jobs making food industrially count, jobs making food to write about it don't count

great logic

>> No.14215335

it's weird I've never seen 'bipoc' used once before today but every one of them used it in their social media posts

>> No.14215336

This isn’t “cooking related”

>> No.14215339

>He doesn't know.
Having a natural tan is racist now, White boi.

>> No.14215343

It's to signal you are cooler and more in touch with current issues to the ignoramuses still using outdated made-up words.

>> No.14215344

I just find this so insanely strange. It's just a costume. The Trudeau thing was pretty bad I guess, he was going like full HAM blackface. This is a costume he wore like 10+ YEARS ago and they're going full chimp mode about it in 2020. Who fucking cares?

Adam shouldn't even have to apologize, but he probably will be forced too, all he should have to say is "Yep sorry it was in bad taste and also it was many years ago" and it should be dropped. Why are these people like sharks in the water when 1 tiny drop of blood is spilled? Can't you just suck it the fuck up for such a small grievance which isn't even really one at all? Acting like they've never done bad shit in their past, what the fuck?

>> No.14215346

Except that's how it works in the entertainment industry. If you are part of an entertainment product and you are key in development and production of a piece of media, the standard is that you are compensated in some specific way, be it a percentage or a flat fee or at least at-scale. Conde Nast gets away with not doing that because they're not SAG actors. If they had to hire an actor or some other unqualified dolt, they'd have to at least pay scale, but they can get away with it because they're chefs who don't know shit about entertainment when they're hired.

Yeah there are so many cooking publication jobs in the world obviously, all owned by companies other than Conde Nast, one of the few major publishers of lifestyle magazines in the world, she's so stupid to not have gone to every other place she could work if she wanted to get out of food service and still work in her field of experience.

What an idiot am I right?

>> No.14215349

You realize Bon Appetite is a cooking publication, correct?

>> No.14215354

word on the street is that AOC ordered this hit for disrespecting her boricua heritage

>> No.14215356

>If you are part of an entertainment product and you are key in development and production of a piece of media, the standard is that you are compensated in some specific way
Like her salary?
> If they had to hire an actor or some other unqualified dol
Actors don't work on salary, its an entirely different model, its not comparable

>> No.14215360

>>unironically defending a major multi-million dollar corporation because you think its workers are greedy
Nope, not greedy, just complacent. If you had other options, you should have exercised them. If one company won't give you what you want then go somewhere else and get what you want. Instead you lap up the lower-paying job for the prestige, or because you actually DIDN'T have other options, and never say a word until you can use it as ammo in some race-baiting bullshit years later.

>> No.14215376

does this mean vinny's coming back

>> No.14215378

it means they're going to stop discriminating against tall gl asian men

>> No.14215379

>Yeah there are so many cooking publication jobs in the world obviously
With her combined 20+ years of cooking and restaurant experience, why would she have to limit herself to just one narrow field like cooking publications? I've turned down jobs before because they didn't offer what I felt was worth my time and ended up getting jobs in totally separate fields before. That kind of rigidity is what fucks people over, you have to be creative and flexible with your options to get what you want. Unless the BA job at $50k WAS what she wanted, in which case it's unfair to complain about it years later as though she was forced into the job.

>> No.14215384

it's jew york. what do you expect?

>> No.14215385

Bit odd if the niggers and spics in BA aren't paid for the work they do desu but the whites are

>> No.14215387

Babish bucks are too good

>> No.14215391

Its the only form of power people have over rich/famous people i guess.

>> No.14215400

No, like percentages of revenue earned on the production, or things like royalties. That is standard practice for entertainment. Literally the only reason why they can get away with it is shitty companies like Buzzfeed have exploited their aspiring influencer staff to work for peanuts so they can move to LA and say they have a job.

The food industry is not like STEM. There aren't a ton of options outside of work in a restaurant. That's why so many people burn out and leave after like a year and a half. Her options are basically take a very rare job like junior editor at a food magazine that's way underpaid, go back on the line, become a personal chef, or more or less stop working. The restaurant industry sucks and there are very few opportunities to get out of it and still have a career.

>> No.14215404

>brown pajeet thinks she deserves to be paid when probably 2% of their subs watch her

lmao, make your own channel if you think you're such a superstar and watch the views come in.

>> No.14215405

I can't believe sohla just ended racism

>> No.14215410

is this not just the boiling over point? rapo has been an unlikable piece of shit for literally ever, this is just the straw the broke the camel's back

>> No.14215411

how did they get away with it for longer than a week? and why would they work for free? hard to believe that they waited so long to speak up

>> No.14215425

I don't know why you insist on comparing to acting, a completely different thing, If you expect to get paid per appearance you shouldn't be collecting a salary

>> No.14215427

We obviously live in a systemically raciss society

>> No.14215430

>junior editor at a food magazine that's way underpaid
its a pretty good wage for a cushy job that doesn't require much education, most people would love that opportunity

>> No.14215431

thats shit only because of the fit of their suits though, dont be fat and get something thats not a sack and you will look good in a suit

>> No.14215435

yes you're thinking of Priya. She's beautiful and has a perfect body. This one is Sohla she's very fun and started this uproar she's great.

>> No.14215440

>Her options are basically take a very rare job like junior editor at a food magazine that's way underpaid, go back on the line, become a personal chef, or more or less stop working.
So you're saying she chose her best, or at least most preferred option and knew what she was getting into? What's the problem?
But here's the most important question no one has even thought to address yet: How much did everyone else start at? If she's going to claim racism on being underpaid, we need that to be backed up with the starting salary figures for all her other coworkers to know if there actually is a pattern of underpaying minorities (which, by the way, would be a federal crime and Conde Nast could get their asses sued off in court if such a thing could be proven).

>> No.14215443

no one looks good in a suit, you either look like the Trumps or like you are LARPing as a 1800s man

>> No.14215445

He just resigned a little bit ago

I’m sure more people involved with the pay and shit will get called out though. That Ducker guy in particular

Hama went even harder on Bon Appetit and said basically “fuck them” because she had pitched a show and got turned down. She was also only paid 400 for each video

>> No.14215447

is it really brown face if you're just tan and aren't actually applying like shoe polish or make up to make yourself darker? this is the tamest fucking thing to get fired for

>> No.14215450

I'm all for them being paid for their appearances in videos where they genuinely help like when Sohla has to save Claire's dumb ass because bitch can't temper chocolate but where will the line be drawn?
>hey Sohla want to taste what I just made?
>oh thanks here's a check for $1000

>> No.14215451

>no one looks good in a suit

>> No.14215455

I hope someone makes an all-white alternative to BA where "professional chefs" make "gourmet caucasian" versions of ethnic food.

>> No.14215456

Not traditionally, but as of 2020 it is even though there isn't even a history to brownface as there is with blackface, its just dumb anger by association

>> No.14215457
File: 22 KB, 246x246, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with this guy and molly? he's in her videos a lot and i think was even in one of the quarantine ones at her house. then he's got his hand on her shoulder here. did she get /weinstein/'d by him? this would be the time for him to call him out if she did

>> No.14215464

NO ONE is paid extra for appearing in the standard YouTube videos like recipes or Test Kitchen Talks, and NO ONE is paid extra for happening to take part in a shoot for a show they don't host.
They are ONLY paid extra for HOSTING UNIQUE REGULAR SHOWS. And it just so happens that everyone with a unique show is white. You know, if you conveniently ignore the fact that Carla and Andy have their own shows they get paid extra for.

>> No.14215465

Another question why is Babish white? Why can't they cast a POC in that role?

Fuck him

>> No.14215466

its not 1850, you look like a limo driver

>> No.14215475

Her tits are the only reason I watch her videos.

>> No.14215479


It's not a specific number but an inexperienced white girl made "way more" than $50k, and was hired and left before Solha.

>> No.14215483


>> No.14215487

Fuck sohla, ugly gremlin

>> No.14215489

they had extra long horses back then that served a similar purpose

>> No.14215496

You misunderstand, I am saying its not 1850, today this makes you look like a limo driver, didn't realize that would be confusing for anyone

>> No.14215500

Sohla is basically a junior role, which she applied for despite her experience so idk what she's bitching about. Claire, Brad, Chris, and Delaney, the evil white people, have all been with BA for 7-9 years, of course they get paid more than a n00b. They also get cut in on the youtube money because they are popular enough that they could potentially quit and go solo on youtube and do ok, Sohla is a nobody so they don't give her the bonus. I actually like her a lot, but she's just being a whiny bitch. I agree 50K is shit pay for NYC, but again, you applied for the job, you accepted their offer, and now you're trying to call them out to jockey for more money. Not a good look. But she'll definitely get what she wanted, even if she quits and does her own thing, she's gotten enough exposure on their channel to do alright

>> No.14215502

I love gay sex.

>> No.14215505

the only one confused here is you

>> No.14215507

Maybe they realized they were paying too much for the position and it wouldn't have mattered who applied.

>> No.14215508

>she's gotten enough exposure on their channel to do alright
yeah but if you watched her home cooking, she clearly cant into camera work and probably realizes she cant be as successful without the huge resources at BA

>> No.14215510

>failing whiney unattractive race baiting bitch burns her old workplace to the ground because stupid
>gonna be successful on her own

>> No.14215517

or she realizes that the publicity from today will make her very valuable going forward

>> No.14215521

Carla seems like the next one to get a backlash. An old worker is posting on twitter implying that Carla was just as bad and a "bully". Considering that she used to be management more people might say the same

>> No.14215523

>Conde Nast would have told her to blow it out her ass. This isn't a job that you can negotiate for. Thousands of chefs want to work at Bon Appetit. It's a huge, exclusive brand name with offices in the World Trade Center. You have zero leverage against them as an interviewee. If you want to work there at all, you have to accept their terms.
she was a diversity hire anyway, her skills are irrelevant making her even more replaceable by anyone with a brown skin tone

>> No.14215524

Right to left I'd fuck the asian with the man shoulders, the generic 5/10 blond, the dumpy looking indian, that... whatever it is who looks like a homeless crack addict who they gave a bath and a new set of clothes, actually to be honest I would fuck everyone in this photo with a vag, except the greyhead uggo on the far left, yuck I mean come on. I may be desperate but I have my dignity still

>> No.14215529

this entire time i thought chris morocco was an obvious clean cut homosexual man but i literally found out a few minutes ago he's married to a woman and has two children. what the fuck

>> No.14215533

Holy shit Adam was BASED the whole time!

>> No.14215534

I know paying "by exposure" is a meme, but sohla showing up for two seconds in a claire or brad video does way more for her than it does for either of them at this point. i don't think she should necessarily be paid for that, but she should absolutely be paid for these quarantine videos where everyone does their own little solo segment

>> No.14215537

When I first started watching I was like why is literally every dude besides brad here gay, that seems wildly improbable. Ameil being married to a lady was an even bigger shock

>> No.14215539

brad and chris are getting canceled next for having the nerve to be straight white guys

>> No.14215542

It always felt like Amiel and Adam were gay too but they are also married to women and/or have kids.

>> No.14215544

>but she should absolutely be paid for these quarantine videos where everyone does their own little solo segment
She is being paid a salary

>> No.14215553

yes, unironically. liberals are eating this shit up on twitter, she's a hero to them now for "standing up to the big corporate racists"

>> No.14215554

>Rapoport resigned

>> No.14215558
File: 11 KB, 415x316, 1591390043417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rappo already fucking fired

Conde Nast is basically de jure ruled by Anna Wintour, who is a withered old racist fashion crone-queen. She spent all that time making sure this one little Jamaican restaurant couldn't open near her because it would clearly attract roving bands of e t h n i c s. As long as she's in control nothing there will change.

>> No.14215560

I wanted to post it as a webm but I can't download the video for some reason but it plays fine if you're logged in.

>> No.14215563

it's honestly shocking. chris morocco seemed like as much of a fag as andy and the texas mchicano who paints his nails and sucks and cooking mexican food. how the fuck does he have a wife and kids. he even stands like a fag

>> No.14215564

We''re not even half way into 2020 and white men have been cancelled.

>> No.14215565
File: 108 KB, 990x1146, 2dkhuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything that destroys a wh*te m*le career is doing god's work in my book. in case you think I am being ironic or edgy, I'm not. just stating facts.

>> No.14215570

It is always surprising the first time you learn people who are "soft" can be straight and relatively hetero normal otherwise.

>> No.14215576

>people care about BA other then brad and claire

>> No.14215590

She only said "more" not "way more" and we need more than just one anecdote. We really need to know everyone's starting salary, adjusted for inflation from the year of their hire, and a listing of their experience. That way we could know if the salary is based on experience, time of hire (did white and non-white hires from the same year get paid the same but the pay fluctuated up or down as years went by?), or truly racially-motivated. And again, if they could prove it was racially-motivated they could sue the shit out of Conde Nast because that is literally a violation of federal law and is truly a serious accusation that's just being bandied about without hard evidence of trends. It wouldn't even be hard to prove: Like I said, just chart out experience, starting salaries, and hire dates, then seek patterns in the data.

>> No.14215592

wtf is a bipoc?

>> No.14215599

literally the most basic taste bruh

>> No.14215601

Too bad niggers will always be too dumb to take White jobs

>> No.14215602

it's a very high ranking title in the victim hierarchy

>> No.14215603

can someone please TLDR this for me?

>> No.14215606

so im not going to read all the twitter drama bullshit, but did that brown person go to their boss first and ask for a raise, or just start drama on twitter?

>> No.14215609

/based/ sohla btfos racis rappo

>> No.14215613

Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color

>> No.14215615
File: 124 KB, 1200x675, EN0RUGZVUAE5IZp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right?

>> No.14215616

>I would fuck everyone in this photo with a vag, except the greyhead uggo on the far left
top kek

>> No.14215619

if you live in NY/California and work for a media facing company. This is barely touching real america

>> No.14215620

left: normie and cringepilled
right: based and yummypilled

>> No.14215623
File: 202 KB, 1540x1525, 6FC007D1-A11F-481A-ABAD-3FD846CD9D28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf happened ? They all left the ship ? He did an oopsie ? Who’s this guy anyway, why is he famous ?

>> No.14215629

back left in the blue

>> No.14215630

Too bad it's not up to you. Better start getting ready for unemployment ^_^
I would enjoy having relations with both of them simultaneously

>> No.14215632

seriously I had never heard this term until like two days ago and now I am seeing it constantly

>> No.14215633

>colored person
>person of color
i dont get it

>> No.14215635

"real america" IS NY/California, and that's a good thing.

>> No.14215636

brad is based. claire has a fat ass but she's ashamed of it and tries to hide it with ugly loose mom jeans and not turning around much(this makes it hotter). molly is a jew which is a shame but she honestly doesn't look very jewish, and the way she acts is kind of cute like an outgoing girl in your class who is popular but still talks to you and is nice to you (she also has big fat tits). andy has some cringe first generation american behaviors (romanticizes his own ethnicity now, but was self-hating earlier in life) but he's one of the more skilled BA cooks and funny enough. sohla is soft spoken and nice enough but very homely looking and boring. everybody else on the show can be replaced. rick is awful. priya is like an indian girl version of andy minus the cooking skills

>> No.14215640

Indigenous to where? And are black people not already part of POC? Why did we suddenly need to add more letters? Are they trying to imitate LGBT... that adds a new letter every 6 months?

>> No.14215643

>homeboy already resigned
>people are cheering at his downfall
i feel bad for the dude, i bet that 50 some year old guy cant live off his 8 mil

>> No.14215645

holy shit, do you live under a fucking rock?

>> No.14215647
File: 67 KB, 800x450, 4e1c0a68dc9649beb4fc0b6c4ff3de66_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fl*over land already outsourced its jobs to overseas, as it should be. Should have voted for yang but you blew it, cleetus. You blew it. Your only option now is oxycontin.

>> No.14215651

>Fl*over land already outsourced its jobs to overseas
When did this happen? No one told me

>> No.14215654

Carla INVENTED Shakeshack you fucking prick.

>> No.14215656

>indigenous people
>in america

>> No.14215658

Almost but that doesnt answer my question

>> No.14215664

He was always the heel of BA. This is a setup.

>> No.14215665

>indian people are flown in to install powerlines
odd, i worked all last week and my entire crew were white as ghosts, were they just in make up to fool me?

>> No.14215667

no wonder shake shack sucks. carla is ugly and annoying

>> No.14215671

it happened before you were born, it's why there never was any hope for you

>> No.14215672


>> No.14215673


>> No.14215674

Left for the tits

>> No.14215680

Dumb fucking flyover shitbag, as a New Yorker AND a Californian, Shake Shack is based and I say that as a lover of Five Guys and In N Out as well. Shake Shack is delicious.

>> No.14215684

i don't take back what i said about carla. maybe i was harsh on shake shack but for what you pay it's very mid. if i wanted to overpay for burgers but get something tasty i'd get five guys

>> No.14215687

>head of ba gets outted for the tamest case of brown face ever
>gets fired/resigns
>sohla uses this opportunity to point out that the diversity hires who have been here less than a year aren't paid as much as the whites who have been with the company for nearly 10 years
>all of the ba cooks pressured to say they will not be in any more videos til this is resolved, lest they get cancelled

that's about it

>> No.14215690

>I worked
that's a funny way to describe selling your plasma because you spent your trumpbux on oxycodone

>> No.14215691

what the fuck is brown face? wearing a gold necklace? do mexicans own trashy jewelry or some shit?

>> No.14215692

Before the virus unemployment was like 2% in my area, I think things are fine man

>> No.14215695

Stupid fucking five guys shill trash

>> No.14215697

is this what living in california does to your brain? not able to have a discourse without insulting everyone who dosent live in the same state you live in?

>> No.14215702

the resignation is in guys
BA is over

>> No.14215705

molly in the back

>> No.14215707

Unemployment at 2% is a bad thing dude, anything below 3.5% means inflation is going to skyrocket
Learn basic fucking economics

>> No.14215708

white people are no longer allowed to spend more than 10 minutes in the sun, lest they tan a little and get accused of a hate crime

>> No.14215713

That's Chris.

>> No.14215717


>> No.14215719

jewish cock

>> No.14215724

For me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.14215726

sohla's bullshit would not stand a chance in israel

>> No.14215727

>Indigenous to where?
Native Americans.
>And are black people not already part of POC?
They are and I don't know why it needs to be separated out.

>> No.14215729

I love how fragile you tough cowboy types get when the bantz hit too close to home

>> No.14215730

its bad long term, but it pretty clearly shows that all the jobs weren't "sent overseas"

Like the bad shitty laborious jobs left and were replaced with cushy office jobs for college educated people and this is supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.14215731

>what's with this guy and molly?
They all worship her because she came up in the restaurant system without a formal education. Also, she willingly pulls shabbos goy duties on Fridays.

>> No.14215736

to his right

>> No.14215737

>anything below 3.5% means inflation is going to skyrocket
why ?

>> No.14215740

This whole ordeal pisses m off to no end. I'm pretty far left but I loathe seeing mobs go crazy. The company should have made an effort to pay people evenly and should have caved to Twitter so easily.

>> No.14215741

>everyone in a flyover state is a cowboy
read a book, learn some education

>> No.14215745

he's a jew and he didn't even make up for it by being funny whenever he cameo'd in BA videos. he was always an unfunny creep. glad this kike lost his job

>> No.14215747

based sohla dabbing on the kikes

>> No.14215749

>pay people equally
thats a good way to go under in a year. you pay people what they are worth to your company. no one watches BA for some ugly brown girl

>> No.14215752

>Molly's face
She hates him

>> No.14215754

She gives off a real 'fellow white people' vibe

>> No.14215763

Good post Chris, you supertasting son of a gun.

>> No.14215766

what does she expect? seniority at a job pays more because you have been there for the whole time

>> No.14215767

Oh for sure, but addressing the public is something you should be able to do. So if there is an outcry for more POC on the shows, fine whatever. But saying Rapoport is racist, and falsing claiming that they pay people less for being brown is insane.

>> No.14215768

Because if all job positions are filled, people have more money to spend on average, and so are willing to spend more money. Hence business owners raise prices. Moreover, less people are looking for jobs so there are less vacancies. 3.5% is the typical amount of people who are searching between jobs and trying to make a better living for themselves, so if unemployment is below that it means people are complacent.
On a local level it's not so bad but on a national level it has a big impact. It's also really interesting how federal powers deal with this, essentially tuning the unemployment/inflation tradeoff to whatever the need is (unless, of course, one goes out of control without the other changing like what happens during a pandemic).

>> No.14215771

It's separated out now because POC originally included, or was coopted, by middle eastern, indians, and east asians...who are not black...but when they immigrated to the US fell under the POC protected group status and due to their work ethic and intelligence easily replaced blacks in positions of power in the POC hierarchy.

>> No.14215773

It was funny when Molly would bully him. I wish she's do that to me.

>> No.14215774

>edgy cuck
if you worked for him he'd have smell your beta scent and belittle like your bully in hc

>> No.14215775
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>> No.14215776

Those are banned in flyover, I hope you post with a vpn, you’re playing a dangerous game

>> No.14215777

It's not about replacing jobs, it's about the 2:9 3:9 crowd trying to tank the west and set up new shop in China and India.

>> No.14215782

Literally not suprising. Check out their test kitchen talk. Rappo literally confuses Sohla and Priya.


>> No.14215784

He's not gay, "bro."

>> No.14215787

there is no way homeboy is straight. ill eat my cowboy hat if hes ever stuck his penis in a vagina

>> No.14215788

this is so fucking cringy, the only two people of color on stage and you confuse them holy shit

>> No.14215796

big ashkenazi skull

>> No.14215797

>liking a child in an adult body
>can't temper chocolate even though she's a baker

>> No.14215798

Get to munching. He's got 2 kids with his wife.

>> No.14215799

It just says they contribute nothing and he doesn't even think about them for helping the business besides them being brown.

>> No.14215807

You've never fucking tempered chocolate have you you dumbass? Stop posting.

>> No.14215808

them and chey are stuck making their respective dishes while their white co-workers can basically cook anything and have shows of just random shit.

>> No.14215810

>interrupts gaby
Bon Appetit has a white male problem

>> No.14215811

so does hugh jackman, and that guys is queer as a three dollar bill

>> No.14215816
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I want claire to ride me reverse cowgirl so i can see her huge ass bounce while molly puts her huge titty in my mouth so i can suck it


>> No.14215817

>thinking tempering chocolate is something i care about in chubby mommy that i jack off too

>> No.14215820

eh thats just brad being brad, gaby gets so fucking pissed though

>> No.14215824

This is his headspace at work: well we hired the brown ones because you have to in todays mediascape...at least they did some work or something. Who cares which one?

>> No.14215832

>agrees to work a job for $50k
>complains about it
lmao why are women/non-whites so retarded?

>> No.14215834

She knows the place went to complete shit during the short period she was the test kitchen manager, that's why they had to have Chris take over the job to save the place. She's testy about it.

>> No.14215835

holy projecting lmao

>> No.14215837

Amiel, also not gay.
If Rick isn't some kind of queer then I'm throwing my fucking gaydar away.

>> No.14215836

You asked if he'd ever stuck his penis in a vagina.

>> No.14215839

>agrees to work for 50k
>is literally an assistant, not even the main person at the job
>agrees to appear in videos
>does not ask for a raise
>decides to start twitter drama instead
fuck this bitch, she should have asked for a raise before she started shit

>> No.14215840

Aside from the profitability and popularity of the content, probably literally just gets asked by his boss how if there's no issues with "diversity" and that's it.

>> No.14215842

Rick's obviously gay

>> No.14215843

>you're a drug addicted loser lmao
>it's just banter sweetie :) teehee
Is it just me or is everything just getting more actively hostile every passing minute?

>> No.14215844

And you now the only reason Brad stopped being test kitchen manager and she got installed was because of backstage bigotry and hateful nonsense from the 2:9 3:9ers anyway. They get what they deserve.

>> No.14215852

How is that projecting? He literally doesn't know and doesn't care what their names even are.

>> No.14215853

BA needs based knowlton back


Rick is 100% gay

>> No.14215854

That why walmart haven't promote you yet!

>> No.14215858

Answer me this /ck/

How do we fix BA?

How does the company and everyone move forward from here?

Clearly some are pro-sohla but many of her coworkers dont want to shed light and will easily cause more tension as things progress.

>> No.14215861

wtf are 3:9ers

>> No.14215866

gab and brad are great together though

>> No.14215868

imagine getting a diversity hire and then complaining about it. if you were good enough for the job your skin color would not have been a factor

>> No.14215869

That’s fucking Ali G

>> No.14215870

he's saying someone is racist because he doesn't know their names

>> No.14215872

fire everyone except claire and brad

have them make a hardcore porno so they can get the sexual tension out finally. then have them make a duo cooking show

>> No.14215875

no more white staff

>> No.14215876

Sohla is unironically the most skilled chef besides Chris though.

>> No.14215878

>How do we fix BA?
You don't. You let it die an ignoble death being eaten by the monsters they created. Then the people that have value like Brad, Chris, Molly, Carla, can all go on to bigger and better things.

>> No.14215881

well i guess i don't follow how being forced to hire someone for their skin color and not actually caring about what they do there after that is necessarily racist

>> No.14215882

Duo cucking show haha cause Brad's married LOL

>> No.14215883
File: 19 KB, 500x394, moreofthisplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a show with all cute brown girls of various backgrounds, and one white, who is bullied often because of her subpar looks.

they can keep claire on board for this, and get some cute black, arab, south asian, and indigenous women. replace the vile m*les, every last one of them.

>> No.14215886

Is that her bf?

>> No.14215887

dismantle it, let everyone go solo with their own channels and fail because nobody actually gives a shit about the recipes and just like the interaction between hosts as a parasocial friend simulator

>> No.14215890
File: 29 KB, 400x400, perplexed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this dude in Brown face? He's literally a black haired jew with brown eyes in his natural skin tone, wearing New York baseball attire.

Looks like half the Jews from New York. His girlfriend was teasing him about looking Puerto Rican.

He's dressed like Pete Davidson.

>> No.14215891

take ur meds bro

>> No.14215892

They need to pay people a little better. 50k for new york is low. I get people have a responsibility to negotiate, but good companies will pay you well upfront.

Next, they should hire a few more POC and have them cook ethnic food. They will be tokens, but that's basically what Twitter is asking for.

Internally they'll probably make some sort of Woke Committee.

>> No.14215893

BA isnt about being a good chef. its about selling magazines to normie women and gays with colorful over photo shopped pictures and fancy sounding ingredients. the youtube channel is about personality and editing. cooking skills have literally nothing to do with any of it

>> No.14215894
File: 96 KB, 219x230, A635669A-9188-42A5-91ED-1563B3D460D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They need to rehire handsome motherfucking vinny. It’s clear it fell apart after he left

>> No.14215898

Then why did she settle for 50k? She accepted the job.

>> No.14215899

that's only because they think women belong in the kitchen

>> No.14215900

I can smell the curry

>> No.14215901
File: 182 KB, 1360x2048, 176476_10150097495111097_1861133_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is claires husband. if this chubby goon can get her, what is your excuse for not having your own mommy?

>> No.14215903

>find out neither sohla nor priya are the femcels i hoped they were all in the same thread

fuck this, burn BA down

>> No.14215904


>> No.14215905

what does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.14215910

Priya is a virgin, she's never had sex AFAIK

>> No.14215911

shes already making more then the average assistant editor, but shes still crying about it

>> No.14215913
File: 894 KB, 1920x1080, mandypatinkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jew passing for Latino or Spanish.

>> No.14215916

cooking ability unironically has nothing to do with why people watch this shit. nobody is actually making these gourmet kit kats or whatever (or at least not 99% of the viewers)

>> No.14215926

>camera guy is better looking than the hosts
This trio of madmen is an easy win.

>> No.14215928

you just assume that because she has her weird parental dependency, but you can never trust someone who lives in a city like new york to be pure

>> No.14215931


She literally nuked poor Rapo's career. She hasn't even been there a year. For fucks sake.

It's not even her race or people Rapo was LARPING as. And for Christ's sake... swarthy Rapo does look Puerto Rican.

>> No.14215933

Except for the fat guy with the squeaky high pitched voice

>> No.14215937


Their careers are gonna tank if they dont bring up anything regarding Rapo and Sohla, the rest of the test kitchen too if they stay quiet.

>> No.14215939

more like brown BA down

>> No.14215944

>get hired as an assistant
>work at job for 10 months, making 3k more a year then the average pay for the job
>complain that people who worked there before you were hired dont have the experience you have
i dont get it, is she saying they should have fired the editor because he only had 8 years experience, and she had 15? does she think thats how jobs work, because you have more experience, you should replace the guy who was there before you?

>> No.14215945

he's a heel, and he can chef

>> No.14215946

brown BA town burning down

>> No.14215948

>Their careers are gonna tank if they dont bring up anything regarding Rapo and Sohla, the rest of the test kitchen too if they stay quiet.
I don't think it will affect them any more than it affects most of the others, as in it will only serve to show them what happens when you feed the monster. If anything they'll be more exclusionary and bigoted in the future, and that's a good thing desu.

>> No.14215956

Sure, but he's got the testosterone levels of an 8 year old girl

>> No.14215960


>> No.14215965

>nuked his career
he'll be fine dude

>> No.14215967

too lazy to find the clip but Molly gives away her address towards the end, she lives above one of her favorite deli's

>> No.14215968

Like if you tickled the guy he'd piss his pants giggling

>> No.14215969

>bitch is complaining about a picture taken 17 years ago
i fucking hate people

>> No.14215979


>> No.14215981
File: 10 KB, 474x291, buzzfeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


only 3 fuckers in the BA cast get 1 million views on their videos regularly.


Brad and Claire bring in most of the traffic.

Sohla is the new kid. The dumb bitch just had to wait for her contract to be up. She was on the rise for less than a year.

She just caused controversy and horseshit. Does she want out? Buzzfeed trying to get her for TASTY?

She nuked Rapo, the channel, and team chemistry.

>> No.14215988
File: 693 KB, 536x774, vinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its clear my initial post did not show how handsome this motherfucking vinny is. BA needs the dude back

>> No.14215993

i really hate that everyone feels they have to jump on the bandwagon nowadays, or else they look like they support it. its like fuck, let this brown bitch have her beef with the boss, not every employee needs to get involved

>> No.14215996


Delany seems to have a good thing going. I think he's one of the more likable BA people

>> No.14215999

i like that i'm not the only person in this thread that just discovered chris isn't gay. /ck/ is kinda cozy i should come here more often

>> No.14216003
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female to male trans. his "wife" is male to female trans

>> No.14216004

He's a adhd acting hardcore kid. He's done pretty well for himself.

>> No.14216014

I guess, God bless the guy, hope he makes a zillion dollars from youtube but still...

>> No.14216019

Team chemistry has been due for a nuke for a grip.

The thanksgiving shit and quarantine stuff. All trash.

>> No.14216025
File: 15 KB, 300x225, sohlaseriouseats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wants to be famous. She's ambitious.

She was on another failed youtube cooking channel before this. Look her up.


>> No.14216028

>Delany seems to have a good thing going. I think he's one of the more punchable BA people
I agree.

>> No.14216029



>> No.14216037

yeah delaney is cringe. he has 100% tried to cosby every woman at BA

>> No.14216038

Why is Claire wearing an apron while everyone is in casual clothes?

>> No.14216044


Hey if you think he's punchable fair enough. I don't hate the guy.

>> No.14216047

God I want to suck those hangers while she bends over preparing my meal.

>> No.14216049

look at how the blond twirls her hair while the greyhead is talking. she wants to fuck. what a weird kink.

>> No.14216052
File: 25 KB, 474x406, smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems like quite a few in the cast didn't like him.
Claire, Molly, and others would cringe when he walked into the test kitchen.

Maybe they talked Sohla into fucking him because she's brown and can get away with it.

They'll probably #metoo his ass. Probably fucking his mulatto secretary, too.

>> No.14216072

Damn her boyfriend is a total chad. There’s no way those titties aren’t perfect

>> No.14216097
File: 404 KB, 620x413, morocco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with him? Why does it look like he has tits or whatever the hell that bump in the middle of his torso is

>> No.14216098

lol okay

>> No.14216111

I'm not Jewish. The tribe wouldn't have me.

>> No.14216115

loose fitting shirt

>> No.14216118

she is famous now, way more people are aware of her today than yesterday, its definitely a short cut to more views and more income in the future

>> No.14216121

some guys have tits and thick thighs but a small waist. Really unfortunate, but I guess they could also just work out.

>> No.14216150
File: 12 KB, 474x267, chrisburroughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. He's female to male trans, closeted bisexual/gay, or just a false-gay dandy.

Remember the infamous case of Chris Burrous/Burroughs. LA reporter, married with children, that died of a drug overdose while getting fisted and having meth stuffed up his anus.

Effeminate guy could be married with kids but still be on the down low.

Just because a dude has effeminate mannerisms, doesn't mean he's gay. Lots of dandy's out there and a lot of gay macho's too.

>> No.14216183

it's so crazy this is how this guy died. being a DL PnP guy. he used to have like a weekly restaurant recommendation segment on the news

>> No.14216220

anon... most people don't think italians are nonwhite these days

>> No.14216258

>all italians are white

>> No.14216300
File: 29 KB, 474x266, glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're gonna release people from their contracts, I guess.

> Sohla... gone.
> Chris promoted because he was test kitchen boss or gone because he hired Sohla

Sohla gotta lay low because any video she will be on will get downvoted like crazy and trolled. Sohla probably ends up on Buzzfeed.

They could poach people who used to work on Tasty or don't get much screentime there. Lots of other cooking youtubers who also write out there.

Maybe they should hire Glen from Canada. Host of my favorite cooking channel... Glen and Friends.

Underrated. Old man knows his shit. He films commercials, particularly for food. Runs a cooking channel for the lols.


>> No.14216318

kek you think a good option for them at this time would be to hire a white guy?

>> No.14216322

dont worry, rick is a confirmed gay

>> No.14216347

a lot of the more recent chemistry was mostly manufactured. you can tell from early videos that they legit were annoyed by eachother, especially Andy and Brad. Carla and Chris were much harsher with criticisms too

I remember an old reddit poster from a couple years ago said they got wasted with one of the main people from Bon Appetit. The person was just going off on how most of them can't even stand each other. It's just like any other job but they play up the "we're one big family" factor now

>> No.14216359

I'm just saying, you can't use em as your diversity tickboxes these days
you don't know what's going on, they forced out the puerto prince already, they'll make nominal concessions on pay/appearance fees, put out a press statement on twitter pledging to hire less wypipo, and keep printing money. that requires keeping most of the public faces, who all got mob pressured into/true believed in group bargaining for those demands
the vocal minority wants flagellation, and no one else even knows or cares that this happened. sohla will probably stay on with no backlash. the funniest part of this all is that she basically said her coworkers are incompetent and they all still stood by her lmao

>> No.14216371


He's not white. He's Canadian.

The chemistry is the dysfunction. That's why they're watched. The reality show factor.

They all hated Rapopport.
Chris is annoyed by Claire.
Claire wants Brad and the Ginger to spitroast her.
Andy is the gay queen that gossips behind everyone's back.
Gay Mexican is friendly with all of them, tries to stay out of shit.
Molly and Andy are lady friends.

There is a segment in one of the videos where Andy, Molly, and Gabby are talking shit about their coworkers and ask for cameras to get cut.

>> No.14216372


I gotta respect Sohla for not pulling any punches. She doesn't seem to give a flying fuck at all

>> No.14216377

he actually made a post basically saying "so now you all can stop thinking that I just left because I didn't like making shows with my friends"

>> No.14216396

100% she's drunk and 100% everything she said is delusional bullshit

>> No.14216405

>. She doesn't seem to give a flying fuck at all
I mean, this is obviously a great career move for her, she is instantly like 10 times as famous as she was

>> No.14216407

she's clearly intelligent and competent, but I gotta wonder about ressentiment when she leaves and calls out j four names trans rights' publication for racism, launches a nyc restaurant that fails and blames it on racism, then within a year calls out her employer for not paying out to its most recent hire

>> No.14216424

>> Chris promoted because he was test kitchen boss or gone because he hired Sohla
Gaby hired her

>> No.14216428

It’s actually pretty embarrassing how much Sohla knows/can do comparatively to the people around her. And she’s doing like...an entry level job. Must suck to be super overqualified for the her position