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14214977 No.14214977 [Reply] [Original]

Bartenders are like janitors and mall cops, they get power hungry and think they have way too much power.

How many times have you been kicked out of a place by a bartender or threatened?

>> No.14214995


>> No.14215008

I hate when bartenders tell me I’ve had too much to drink and cut me off.
Faggot just give me my fucking drink I pay you. When they cut me off I pay my tab and leave a penny tip. Fucking faggots.

>> No.14215011


>> No.14215020

>How many times have you been kicked out of a place by a bartender or threatened?
Maybe like 4 or 5 times, and every single time was because i was doing coke and pounding miniatures in the bathroom between rounds of drinks and got way too fucked up

>> No.14215021

I kick out racists almost every day.

>> No.14215027


None because I’m not a jerkoff

>> No.14215032

This. Also, if you drive in your fucked up state, or do some other stupid thing that gets people hurt, the bartender can be held liable for overserving you. They're not going to risk their job and their freedom just to serve some asshole another drink

>> No.14215034

I've never once been kicked out of a bar. I got warned once for being too intimate with a girl, but that's it.

If you're getting kicked out of bars, time to get your life together. Bartenders put up with so much shit.

>> No.14215035

no you dont pussy

>> No.14215038

I got kicked out of TGI Fridays for being too rowdy during a NHL game which was bullshit

>> No.14215099

Take your racist ass off of my stool and get the fuck out of my bar.

>> No.14215107
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Lol this fuckin guy

>> No.14215113

L-look, man. I'm n-not racist and I didn't say anything racist, but I'll g-go ahead and l-leave. S-sorry.

>> No.14215137

Never been kicked out of a bar, but I once was politely asked to leave by the staff after beating the living daylights out of a belligerent guy on the sidewalk outside.

>> No.14215144

Like mall cops and janitors that get paid way more than you lmao fucking faggot.

>> No.14215182

Wouldn't it be hilarious if bartenders, janitors, and mall cops worked for free? Can you imagine doing all that for no money- not even tips?

>> No.14215187

Yeah this. It was nice working at a hotel bar where most of the times, I never had to worry about anyone going for a drive or doing anything retarded. But a lot of times, there's an understanding among drunk idiots and their drunk friends who understand that, if you can barely stand or are dropping glasses left and right, you should probably get the hell out of there. Not too many faggots get so blasted they aren't acutely aware of this, although it does happen.

>> No.14215189

i can respect bartenders as small business owners, "mixologists" on the other hand deserve a grand reopening of auschwitz.

>> No.14215193


Wouldn't it be hilarious if OP stopped sucking dicks? Can you imagine all the dicks that would go unsucked?

>> No.14215198

absolutely based

>> No.14215213


>> No.14215214

This is why I dont tip, go fetch me another beer faggot

>> No.14215215

I prefer my vibrator desu

>> No.14215255
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Nope just hate faggot bartenders that cut you off and I also hate tipping. Makes me happy to not even feel an ounce of guilt not tipping these holier than thou faggots. Unless I'm passing out, vomiting on my floor or being aggressive there is NO reason to cut somebody off they're fucking adults they can make decisions on what they want to put in their body.

>> No.14215280

At what point does a bartender cross the line to being a mixologist?

>> No.14215288

see >>14215032

>> No.14215297

when you start pretending that making an old fashioned is on the same level as being a pastry chef

>> No.14215307

Stupid argument anybody at any time within drinking can do something stupid as fuck and it can be argued that the bartender is liable since they served you a mind impairing substance. Name one instance where a bartender got fucked and sent to prison for somebody else's actions?

>> No.14215320

first result on Google, you fuckwit

>> No.14215330
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Go on...

>> No.14215331

(You) are trying too hard

>> No.14215350

Yeah charged with the crime of over serving drinks not actually liable for the crime the retard did dumbass. Drunk or not people are responsible for their actions. Do we charge every bartender that was serving somebody who gets caught drinking and driving? No.

>> No.14215362

Dunno if it was the negros who complained because they dont like hockey or whatever, I was asked to leave once by the bartender and than the manager, I finished my beer as they stood around me and left

>> No.14215388

We got last called around 11 PM because we interrupted the soy boy behind the counter from hitting on a 4/10 middle aged woman.

>> No.14215396

ITT: Retards don't understand the chain of causation and what that means in liability suits.

>> No.14215401

Used to work at a bar. People only get kicked out when they deserve it.
>tell people to stop vaping inside
>they continue vaping
out you go

>> No.14215420

1. They do it because they will get in trouble for overserving. Also you’re probably creeping out the regulars.
2. If you were a regular it would never happen because you’ve built up trust with the bartender.
3. They don’t care because you aren’t a regular and one shitty tip from some anonymous jerkoff doesn’t matter.

>> No.14215422

Once I got kicked out of a bar because some bitch threw a beer bottle at me - I ducked, it went over my shoulder and hit my friend in the head. I got security and security threw everyone involved out.
>she must have had a reason
I had never seen that bitch in my life and she was accusing me of having slept with her best friend's SO or something, incoherent drunken babbling, completely had no idea who she was talking to.

>> No.14215434

>You get wasted in my bar because I kept selling you drinks
>you drive home and kill someone on the way
>I'm now getting sued for overserving you
Blame the American legal system. Not the bar.

>> No.14215452

Uhh based department? Got a guy you might want to take a look at

>> No.14215488

>How many times have you been kicked out of a place by a bartender or threatened?
literally never

>> No.14215501
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in most places in america at least its either literally illegal for them to server you after they think you have "had enough" or they can be liable for any damage you call or for your death if you like drunk drive

also if you are to the point where someone wants to cut you off you are likely driving away more people then you are out drinking and paying while being a twat

>> No.14215525

I live in the south and whenever something like this gets said everyone agrees. Racists are a loud and small minority. Fuck 'em. I'd punch your teeth in if you tried to start some shit with that bartender for kicking you out. The only racists in my town of 2000 all hangout together and ain't welcome anywhere but each others garages.

>> No.14215528

holy fucking based

>> No.14215540

If i don't get kicked out of a few places each week I feel like I'm losing my edge; the ol Chinese bat flu has been a real drain on my belligerence maintenance

>> No.14215541

See, America doesn't really have a problem with racism.

>> No.14215550

Yes this one anonymous post on the internet surely proves that

>> No.14215551
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>they're fucking adults they can make decisions on what they want to put in their body

>> No.14215573

Does it really count when you eat enough for 3?

>> No.14215581


>> No.14215583

I've been cut off plenty of times, but only told to leave for urinating off a back patio off a bench.

>> No.14215685

Nah, but there's a good percentage of townfolk and especially farmfolk that'll be racist as a nazi at you depending on where you live. We are hardcore nonracists in my town thanks to the most wholesome, giving, and overly compassionate buddy I got, and if you go three or four over there's a bar full of 'em. My best goofball friend, the man i chose to be my best man, best buddy from high school is black... and you'll hear "NIGGER" the moment he walks in the door in a few towns around here. That's how you fuckin lose a bar fight. I'll punch your fucking lights back on if you say that in front of us you tarded mustardgrower.

>> No.14215706

You sound like an authentic working class hero to me.

>> No.14215721

Phew that actually got me a bit sweaty to type. I'll fucking show up at your land and shoot your racist ass if you fuck with my friend. I'll fucking kill you. Fuck racists. All humans are welcome everywhere they go if you ask me.

>> No.14215723

One time I was at a pub and my gf put her head on my shoulder. Some female door person came over, literally yelling at us to get out, no sleeping allowed. I left without paying the tab. She wasn't even competent enough to make sure we paid the tab

>> No.14215748

you wouldn't do shit you, limp-wristed biscuit-eating son of a bitch.

>> No.14215759


I'm also gay, if that matters

>> No.14215803

Ok racist. Post your forearm with a timestamp and the screen with the (you) and you got my word you'll see mine. Flimsy bastatd.

>> No.14215819

why not post yours first?

>> No.14215822

What if I was gay? You gonna make a drunk about that too? Tell them gays to stop kissing, in fear, neat the bathroom outta sight, or better yet outside cuz of pieces of shit like you, and I'll fucking kill you too. Post your fucking forearm you mustard growing lipless downy.

>> No.14215902


>> No.14216141

You first, tough guy

>> No.14216168

How many Applebees have you been banned from? Shit, dude.

>> No.14216253

How's it feel getting culturally enriched?

>> No.14216261

in my town, nobody is not racist.

>> No.14216604

that's what happened in ever inner city neighborhood once the white people were driven out

>> No.14216619

Like I said I think the nigs complained

>> No.14216622

I once got super drunk and was making out with some woman, then stumbled over to the bar and barfed all over table. The bartender kicked me out and I spent the night in the backseat of my car in the parking lot. When I woke up in the morning there was a pile of shit outside my door, it looked like man shit. I know it wasn’t me because I’ve never been black out drunk so maybe it was the bartender for ruining his night

>> No.14216717
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>going to bars
If you go to bars, you're a worthless person. Everything about you is unoriginal, repetitive, and boringly predictable. I hate how many people are social whores nowadays. You all sicken me.

>> No.14216737

>implying I want someone who promotes the mixing of races touching my drink
Must be a low class place, considering how low your standards are.

>> No.14216748


>> No.14216755

You're really having fun with this LARP, huh? haha

>> No.14216767

>t. Just got to college with a fake I.D.

>> No.14216774

Ur a tool. That is all.

>> No.14216817

lol if u haven't been kicked out of a applebees or chillis

>> No.14216854

And ur a faggot I hope nobody tips you bar cuck

>> No.14216981
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>tips you bar cuck

>> No.14216990

What's up with the recent hate of janitors?

>> No.14216994

>I live in the south

No you don't.

>> No.14217030

He meant south NYC.

>> No.14217051

I feel like bartenders should be in charge of the bar. Like a captain with a ship. There he has total control. No power beyond.

>> No.14217139

I've bartended in London and Atlanta before, and at least in America if you're being kicked out of a bar 99% of the time you deserve it. I've never seen someone be unjustifiably kicked out but I've seen countless times that people should have been kicked out but weren't. It's different if you're just another patron -- to you it's entertainment. But to the bar staff who are being harassed (esp women) and basically have to muster all the self-control in their body to not murder customers it can be hell sometimes.

Additionally, in the States the liability thing other anons have mentioned plays a huge role. I was never once schooled on checking IDs or overserving when I was working in London but in Atlanta it was a huge deal. That's a pretty small sample size though.

>> No.14217163


To add onto this, a fun fact for Euros who probably don't have to deal with this: when I was working that bar in Atlanta I was reprimanded for failing to ID a woman (who was an undercover) who was clearly in her mid to late 30s, because legally you are required to ID anyone who appears to be under 40.

>> No.14217169

You gotta be a piece of shit for a bartender to have to kick you out.

>> No.14217176

one time at a bar i was smoking a joint and the bouncer came up and escorted me out and said "you know what you did" and i was like "yeah yeah"

>> No.14217216

I'm in Canada, and they've done the same shit at least in Saskatchewan, and Alberta. It's fucking trash cause I was always cautious since I don't want my life to be ruined from some guys being dipshits. I did love kicking out guys like this >>14215008 who apparently think they can control them self when they're drunk, but clearly can't tell they are being aggressive.

>> No.14217685

banned for exposin ursf as janny

>> No.14217705

>legally you are required to ID anyone who appears to be under 40
Why are Americas drinking laws so retarded in general?

>> No.14217738

I've been cut off twice, and both times I kept drinking. First time was for slav squattin' in a pool hall during a party because I was letting someone have my seat, so I sobered up and then started swiping beers. Second time, I was lit up like a fucking tree, sobered up over a period of two hours while talking with the waitress, and kept my drinking light the rest of the evening after having a chat with a local cop doing a field sobriety test for a laugh.

>> No.14217753

Knew someone who was a little tipsy, asked bartender for a drink, they said no I’m not serving you, buddy got pissed, they called the bouncer who proceeded to literally throw him onto the pavement. He won a $100,000 settlement due to broken ribs

>> No.14217791

Nigga have you ever been outside for more than ten minutes? I've met kids who turned out to be old enough to be parents and adult looking literal children. it's a safe bet to just ID nearly everyone.

>> No.14217793

>have you been kicked out of a place by a bartender or threatened?
Never. That shit doesn't happen here.

>> No.14217803

Never lol. The closest was one night i went out and they had 4$ lemon drops, and my light weight ass kept throwing them back while the barely 21 bartender kept serving 'em, eventually one of the older dudes came up and asked if i knew that each one was a full shot of vodka to which i drunkenly slurred "food?" and was apparently told that their kitchen was closed. Ended up having to have my much heartier friend drive us home as he had actually moderated his intake.

>> No.14217806
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but if you blame the legal system, aren't you still blaming the bar?

>> No.14219083

Alright, what did you do?

>> No.14219098

They can’t stand you because you were fucking up the vibes and were gonna leave a shitty tip anyway lmao

>> No.14219400

>Bro you ever seen girls nowadays??? No I don't notice their round prepubescent faces because I can't stop staring at their pushed up tits. It's just impossible to tell these days man

>> No.14219471


I've gotten so drunk at bars that I literally had to roll myself out of the bar because I was too drunk to walk.

Bartenders kick you out because you are acting like a drunken asshole.

>> No.14219522


>> No.14219565
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Going to a shitty bar instead of the one in my basement

>can't get kicked out
>no noise complaints
>my rule is law
>not getting ripped off for cheap drinks
>bartender is me
>tits out policy
Among other benefits... So anon quit being a faggot, buy some lumber, and be your own bartender.

>> No.14219591

Nah pay your tab and fuck off now before the bouncer literally throws you out

>> No.14219841

Because a lot of the more temperate Christian denominations migrated here or began here, so north america tends towards Puritanism in terms of legislation.

>> No.14220215

>When they cut me off I pay my tab and leave a penny tip
>still tipping
kek americlaps are mentally ill

>> No.14220507
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>> No.14220651

>too rowdy for even the nigs
Jesus Christ anon

>> No.14220658

None because I'm not a douche that acts like a retarded faggot when I'm inebriated. If you've gotten anywhere close to being kicked out of a place you're a guaranteed asshole/Karen.

>> No.14220661

Ive only been kicked out of one bar but thats because I put my cigarette out in a police officer's cup of water. He was there to watch the crowd and catch dds but I didnt know that cup was his lol, I just threw it in a random cup I saw

>> No.14220665

Playoff hockey baby

>> No.14220907

>power hungry
They are legally obligated under their bartending license to figure out if someone is drunk, cut them off, and send them home.

>> No.14220933

Because tipping is so ubiquitous and expected, leaving no tip leaves the possibility that you simply forgot to leave a tip (especially if you're drunk like that anon was saying). Leaving a penny shows intent: You remembered to tip and chose to leave only a penny as a statement against their service to you.

>> No.14220996

Bouncers abd bartenders are the scum of the earth.

>> No.14221039

but then you've become part of the problem

now YOU are the asshole bartender

>> No.14221502

>I can't hold my drink

>> No.14221606

this but unironically