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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14202204 No.14202204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the last time you got food poisoning


>> No.14202209 [DELETED] 

Do you think Trump has a medical doctor following him around everywhere to prevent him from doing shit like this?
Like he has body guards to protect him from external threats and a medical guard to protect from his own ideas

>> No.14202216

Last time I got food poisoning I was just confused about what caused it because nothing I ate the previous day should have been bad
Nothing was even close to its expiration date and nothing tasted odd
It was a weird one

>> No.14202217
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Europeans will never feel this clean

>> No.14202219

Are you unable to go 5 minutes without thinking about trump?

>> No.14202225

I think it's the first time i've posted about him in a month, i just remembered that theory he had

>> No.14202226

He never said drink bleach.

>> No.14202232
File: 137 KB, 911x671, IMG_3669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas station sushi
>washed down with mcdonalds smoothie
Became one of my least a favorite days very quickly.

>> No.14202237

if I remember he said to inject disinfectant, which is even worse lol

>> No.14202240

>gas station sushi
Never seen that in my life.

>> No.14202245
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>gas station

>> No.14202263

And I hope you never do.

>> No.14202277

He literally announced to his fellow americans that drinking and injecting disinfectants is a good thing.

>> No.14202278

never had food poisoning, when I eat raw chicken or whatever the fuck I just have an upset stomach for an hour and shit out all the poison in a flood of diarrhoea

>> No.14202281

pizza. Ended up with diarrhea and vomit that night. Then fever and diarrhea for next 2 to 3 days.

>> No.14202287

More like God Emperor of retards

>> No.14202338
File: 33 KB, 248x252, itsfuckingnothing2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CDC researchers set up an online survey of household cleaning and disinfection knowledge and practices.
>In all, they surveyed 502 US adults and used statistical weighting to make it representative of the country’s population.

>> No.14202370

did you sleep in grade school math class?

>> No.14202373

Why is the subheading such a wonderfully fag statement?

>> No.14202374

I like dunking toast in a nice coffee

>> No.14202376

Salmonella. It was quite unpleasant. Pooped black watery vinegary shit every few hours for a week. Had to shower off each time it happened since it sprayed out and there was no way to wipe clean. Didn't vomit though.

>> No.14202378

Got it once, lasted three days; got it on the third, developed into a full blown stomach virus which lasted two months.

>> No.14202380

502 is way too fucking small a sample size. There's a reason most Pew studies are 3000-5000 people.

>> No.14202399

>502 is way too fucking small a sample size.
So yeah, you slept in grade school math class.
>There's a reason...
and that reason is that it's a different kind of survey

>> No.14202407

I majored in maths, retard. You can't extrapolate a sample size that small to anything meaningful, no matter what weighting you apply.

>> No.14202427
File: 6 KB, 456x273, wefwfwef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I majored in maths
and you STILL have a grade schoolers understanding of statistics. That's pathetic. Or maybe it's just american education

>> No.14202448

It's spelt math.

>> No.14202486

your welcome :)

>> No.14202498
File: 41 KB, 333x500, Kubo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kubo is back baby

>> No.14202500

Had a burger from t.g.i.f when I was 16 and I was sick for a fucking week. After that I've never eaten there or at any other of those similar restaurants (chili's, on the border, etc) Its actually what started making me cook my own meals. The only outside food I eat now is pizza occasionally.

>> No.14202506

cool but why the fuck would you think that pizza is safer than burger?

>> No.14202515

Not really. I doubt it would be fatal. Until it has been tested you can't say anything.

>> No.14202522

>Until it has been tested you can't say anything.
>Not really

>> No.14202532
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>if you've never jumped into a volcano, how can you know if it's dangerous?

>> No.14202537

i got a cold burger at red robin's once.

>> No.14202541

Last November, made a chicken pasta dish and I couldn't have fully cooked the chicken breast, only thing I think that could have caused it but I never had food poisoning before or since.
I first thought I had the vomiting bug till I realised I couldn't fart without shitting myself for 2 days straight.

>> No.14202557

>Until it has been tested
why does your MAGA-brain think there are all the warning labels? Just for fun to scare away customers?

>> No.14202558

That’s food poisoning.

>> No.14202564

Those are for drinking not injecting.

>> No.14202575

He used “maths.” In the US, we would say “math” and never pluralize it. I don’t think he is from the US.

>> No.14202578
File: 191 KB, 1300x1011, hazard-warning-label-on-bottle-of-bleach-sodium-hypochlorite-hydroxide-AW79FH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are general warnings retard. And some of them also specifically mention drinking because retards like you don't know what the big orange sign means

>> No.14202580

Very loose use of the term literally

>> No.14202583

That’s fair. You should try drinking bleach.

>> No.14202586
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they're keeping the good stuff for themselves

>> No.14202589

>irritation is fatal
God you people are soft.

>> No.14202593

>because retards like you don't know what the big orange sign means
case in point

>> No.14202596

I left a chunk of park in my car before masking broccoli cheese soup one time. Never again.

>> No.14202605

Do you think you're dying when your skin gets a little itchy?

>> No.14202612
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>> No.14202614

I never claimed it might be a little uncomfortable, retard. Do you think chemo feels good? Medicine isn't always flowers and sunshine, no matter how much you imagine it is in your fantasy world.

>> No.14202617

>because retards like you don't know what the big orange sign means
case in point

>> No.14202624

doesn't food poisoning last a while? If having a big shit a few hours after eating and then being fine is poisoning the doctor people should rethink their grasp on the english language

>> No.14202625

>those are just for drinking
>ok those are not just for drinking but...

>> No.14202630

Never said to drink it, retard. Typical how you people "argue." Just pretend the other person said something you don't like even though they never did.

>> No.14202631

I know you've never even heard the word before, but "denaturation" doesn't magically become a good thing because you inject it instead of swallowing it

>> No.14202633

>american reading comprehension
see >>14202564

>> No.14202634

Honestly he probably does have doctors that they check with to make sure he doesn't do something that could kill him. The last thing we need is him putting himself on some drug and dying then his supporters crying about how someone killed him for years to come.

>> No.14202643

God you are simple. I was talking about the warning labels, try to follow along.

>> No.14202645

>killed five patients by injecting their dialysis tubes with bleach.
Trumpets don't even know how to use google lol

>> No.14202655

>I was talking about the warning labels
>double american reading comprehension
see >>14202625, pro tip "those" = "warning labels".

>> No.14202667

>calls people simple because he forgot what he said 5 minutes ago

>> No.14202678

Never said to drink it. Only other warning is that might irritate. Maybe you think irritation is worse than death, I would have to disagree.

>> No.14202694

My clinical stats teacher always used to say that any study with a sample size <10.000 could not accurately reflect reality and would proceed to explain to us what algorithms and techniques to use to extrapolate data from small sample sizes. Miss him lol a good prof.
But we were studying disease, which oftentimes don't affect many people let alone tens of thousands of able-minded people willing to participate in studies.

That being >>14202515 is clearly retarded and I don't need a case study to tell that injecting bleach is bad for your health (wonder what blood pH you'd get from that kek)

>> No.14202698

see >>14202655

>> No.14202708

nobody said you did retard.
God dammit, i'm a fucking immigrant and I have to teach you English

>> No.14202718

>clinical stats
see bottom >>14202399

>> No.14202738

??the type of survey is irrelevant to the raw likelyhood of your results being an accurate representation of reality.
It's all about that sample size and how you treat the data in accordance with said s.size.
Stats are just applied math dude

>> No.14202741

Write another essay that nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.14202757

A clinical study has a million different factors to control for and the population is not randomly selected, it's a completely different kind of study to: YES/NO Did you drink bleach?
>Stats are just applied math dude
exactly, see picture >>14202427

>> No.14202766

Keep drinking that bleach anon I'm sure no one's gonna give a shit about you either once you an hero

>> No.14202776

Never said to drink it, retard.

>> No.14202783

You know that drinking something toxic is dangerous because it gets in your bloodstream right?
Injection is just like drinking but way worse...
Trying to keep it simple ya know

>> No.14202786

Nope but you defended injecting it, because your god emperor suggested it

>> No.14202788

Not really. Just said it hasn't been proven. But keep jumping to conclusions and exaggerating, I know it's all you can do.

>> No.14202789

How do you know it's bad to drink if you've never tested it?
Fucking libtard

>> No.14202796

Because people have done it. Are you really this retarded?

>> No.14202797

see all posts you're desperately ignoring

>> No.14202799

>people haven't injected bleach

>> No.14202802

Those are all jewish hoaxes to discredit trump you fucking libtard

>> No.14202807

see >>14202797

>> No.14202813

See: my ass

>> No.14202826

During WWII a french doctor Marcel Petiot amont other things injected Bleach in jews to kill them
You gotta go back

>> No.14202838
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>I'm gonna start screaming insults until the mean facts go away

>> No.14202842

>believes in WWII
lmao, there's a reason you almost never heard about it before obama

>> No.14202845

Drinking bleach isnt bad for you. Look it up. Don’t belive the libtard SJW MSM commie liars. They just hate Trump and want to hide the truth from you.

>> No.14202870

2/10 bait
obama gave it out

>> No.14202884

>2/10 bait
>already fell for it once

>> No.14202888

>cult 45'er
>asking if he's really that retarded
Why would you even have to ask?

>> No.14202899

Not how this works buddo sorry I don't make the rules
Better check these

>> No.14202920
File: 511 KB, 430x489, 02EF62D9-5CEB-40A9-8502-6A5B6118E3D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas station sushi
Of all the decisions you could’ve made, why did you make that one?

>> No.14202927
File: 739 KB, 750x807, 1590460500104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took bleach baths when I had scabies years ago. Didn't work.

>> No.14203062

it took me a while to figure out because I kept getting it once or twice a week. I finally figured out that the batch of chicken enchilada casserole I had made sat out too long. I had divided it up and froze it to take in my lunches. Since I changed out what I ate each day I would go as long as 1 or 2 weeks before I would be spewing from both ends. Threw out the casserole and no more food poisoning.

>> No.14203072

>doesn't food poisoning last a while?
some times but not always. If you are squirting out the ass and vomiting and it lasts only a day that's food poisoning just as much as if it lasts a week.

>> No.14203287
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 1590008288186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ - Conspiracy Theories & Vagely Food-related Shitposts

>> No.14203316

I was going to post about my food poisoning experience but this is just another /pol/ thread.

>> No.14203317

sometimes fod poisoning can take up to 72 hours.

>> No.14203323

I hope you aren't suicidal anymore anon, I love you.

>> No.14203370

Wow so epic good job go suck King George III's cock you faggot.

>> No.14203394

Yes. Big pharma is scared about us finding simple affordable cures.

>> No.14203396

This sounds like a cure for tds

>> No.14203415
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Don't listen to them guys, pretty sure these are the same people who think the world is round

>> No.14203430

Many medical sample sizes are in the 300-500 range

>> No.14203450

If you don't dunk your food in bleach how do you know if it's clean?

>> No.14203755
File: 1.20 MB, 3647x2735, BURGERBOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder americans now wash produce and such in bleach. After all, it's mandatory to bleach chicken in burgerland, so you're used to ingesting bleach anyways.

>> No.14203813

>that man and woman are considered 8/10's
>half the children are already overweight at age 10

>> No.14203828 [DELETED] 

Any time """Americans""" are doing (incredibly stupid thing) what they mean is niggers.

>> No.14204508

I was at a conference in California with some coworkers, we decided to find a place to get pizza after we were done for the day before taking the train back to the hotel. Found some place near enough the conference center. Pizza was fine enough, but all three of us woke up the next morning with the shits that kept coming back. I got the worst of it, ended up having to duck out of the keynotes. Kept going until the next day, decided to skip the last day and stay in my hotel room. Basically had to pop pepto bismal like skittles to keep from shitting myself on the 7 hour flight back home to the east coast the next day.

Fun times.

>> No.14204560

yeah, those trump supporters sure are niggers

>> No.14204623

You may have hit the nail on the head accidentally but you still hit the nail on the head.

>> No.14204889
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>> No.14204939

Tr*mp voters are more Russian than American

>> No.14204968

String array 'dejected' does not exist.

>> No.14206473

Bump for funniest thread in a while

>> No.14206480

Americans actually defend mainlining bleach.

>> No.14207403

>6 piece dairy queen steak finger basket
>Followed by 2 fire melon gatorades

Was like 13 and barfed in the sink cause I couldn't make it to the toilet. My dad made me clean that shit even though I looked very ill. Made me the man I am today (trash man).

>> No.14207463

>steak fingers

So steak tendies? That sounds like dog treats to be honest, not surprised at the result.

>> No.14207468

>that many people stupid enough to drink bleach
america is done

>> No.14207689

Brown people will do anything to emulate their betters.

>> No.14207872

lmao this desperate cope is hilarious

>> No.14207883

But wasn't it white Trump voters that were doing it?

>> No.14207959

2 options really, either white people are drinking bleach, or trump is as dumb as a bleach drinking nigger

>> No.14207982

>keep getting sick
>eat same thing every day anyway

I can't believe it took you that long to figure it out. Chicken's the worst thing to leave out besides eggs.

>> No.14208016

gross, why are those 6 year olds in bikinis

>> No.14208017

I think I had food poisoning once from some dodgy takeaway chicken. Wasn't sick or anything. Just felt bloated and nauseous for a few days.
Don't accept leftover chicken when you're piss drunk

>> No.14208030

I was staying in South America, there was green eggs and room-temperature fish. I was high and drunk as shit and ate it all without even thinking. I was a human water balloon for the next 48 hours and could not leave my bed or the outhouse for more than like 10 minutes at a time.

>> No.14208034

He actually didn't

>> No.14208045

he said that they "should look into it", "they" meaning his corona task force and the CDC. They should look into injecting bleach and lysol, see what that does. Because stable genius,

He also said something retarded about UV lights as well.

>> No.14208059
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>And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

>> No.14208060

No he asked if it was possible. It also turned out there was a company developing just that and when they tweeted about it they got suspended

>> No.14208062

Nobody said to do it.

>> No.14208088

>a company developing just that
When you say "company" do you mean a kid running a lemonade stand or what

>> No.14208100

and yet there were people like you who were stupid enough to take what he said so seriously

>> No.14208106
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who voted for Trump is a cancer of this planet and will be excised

>> No.14208112

>if it was possible
Of course it's possible, but only a retard would even think about it.

>> No.14208117


>> No.14208130

>all these people defending an LD tard
I just want you to know you are tards (if you're not trolls)

>> No.14208133

I don't think you realize how little medical knowledge most people have around the globe.

>> No.14208140

what a dumb headline, no one is doing this

>> No.14208147

Yes. But Trump has ALL the medical knowledge? Of course! That's WHY he's president of ALL the US Americans doctors. You can't know LESS than the doctors you are president of! It's the law of constitution!

>> No.14208152

With the increase in cleaning product sales it makes sense. They tried to blame the increased reports on trump but they've been happening since covid came into play

>> No.14208154

you're mom is dumb LOL!

>> No.14208158

The loudest voice in the country had NO effect on what people do. No siree bob

>> No.14208165

prove it

>> No.14208172

How about you prove your face

>> No.14208176

Not really. You can look at the reported cases if you really want to. A lot of them came from people cleaning their groceries like the media told them to

>> No.14208182

>nod realy
/pol/ idiots are all fags
literally all of you are fags

>> No.14208189


>> No.14208197

If you can find a sudden spike in reported cases after that press conference please show me. I cant.

>> No.14208199

You lost. You lost, okay? The military is not on your side. Tucker Carson is right. This IS a coup. And there is nothing you can do in the face of it. When the government doesn't have the support of that which lends it its power, it is no longer a government. It is as true as it is around the world. Just because we're a "liberal democracy" doesn't make it any less true here.

>> No.14208209

What does this have to do with drinking bleach

>> No.14208221
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It means you're done

>> No.14208231

Okay. You drunk or just very unstable?

>> No.14208243

Fortunately most of those are not in charge of a country

>> No.14208262

>Trying to defend Trump by saying that nobody is stupid enough to actually listen to him


>> No.14208321

Tin Naftali:
>this cannot be the way that this country is evolving
And now, it won't be

>> No.14209102

I think you'd be surprised
Who's defending him? I'm just laying out facts

>> No.14209111

Me and my wife were drunk one night and she made some tendies, she's already ate like two and I bite into it and it's pink raw in the middle. Somehow neither of us got sick and her dumbass was like meh I'm hungry and took another bite.

>> No.14209129

As long as the meat was handled properly up til cooking the risk of getting sick from it being undercooked is surprisingly low

>> No.14209215

No we're not.

>> No.14209240

never had

>> No.14209246

Shut up.

>> No.14209254

So both?

>> No.14209348
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1585052403433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a little bit of bleach

>> No.14209396

I see they are conveniently sorting "Washing your hands with household cleaner" and "drinking bleach" into the same big box.
You never washed your hands with dishwashing liquid because it was right there and the hand soap was all the way out in the bathroom? I have.
Or maybe I mix a bucket of general household cleaner and water so I can scrub the bathroom and I give my hands a quick wash in that before I put on my gloves and get started.
Now I'm sorted in the same 39% as the bleach drinkers.

The "study" was bullshit from the start, but their interpretation of it is nothing but a big fat lie.
I'm disgusted with people who write shit like this knowing full well that most retards just read the headline and believe it.

>> No.14209404

Nice and hot

>> No.14209406

That wasn't me. And yes, you should shut up

>> No.14209413

>go out to lunch with coworker
>coworker insists on subway
>because basic bitch
>even though last time got food poisoning at subway
>but that was at different subway
>with warm meat
>go to new nicer subway with coworker
>get cold cuts
>completely different sandwich
>get food poisoning
>shit for two days

>> No.14209417

Dishwashing liquid is just soap, but the rest of that stuff you do is fucking retarded.

>> No.14209442

Wait, are you not supposed to wash your hands with dish soap?

>> No.14209449

That pic definitely doesn't hold true for samples of human beings in a country as diverse as the US. You'd have to be an absolute retard to think so.
It's not about math/maths but rather about sociology.
And as others have pointed out; the way they sort people who wash apples in the same category as people who drink bleach is incredibly dishonest and obviously done in bad faith.

>> No.14209458

Schizophrenia is a serious condition. Seek help

>> No.14209546

Those seem to refer to studies of specific groups of people to begin with, though. I.e. a 500-person sample of people who were all pre-selected because they have the same illness or take the same medication.
A sample of 500 will never accurately represent the 320+ million people who live in the US. But it might provide a decent impression of the most common side effects of a drug they're all taking.
Do I really need to explain this to you?

It probably dries your hands more than hand soap but it's not going to make your fingers fall off.
It might also get you lumped in with people who drink or gargle bleach by unethical "researchers", though.

>> No.14209553

Just stay on /pol/ please. No one cares.

>> No.14209554

Do Northern Mexicans really?

>> No.14209560

oh europe
whatever would we do without you snidely insulting us all the time?

>> No.14209600

I forgot that if youre not overly critical of trump you're a far right pol faggot. Sorry.

>> No.14209643

How the hell do you get food poisoning from pizza?

>> No.14210839

Bad noodles right before going to a concert. Puked my fucking guts up in the retard toilet because the others were full, kept actual retard waiting (sorry retard), threw up again after proceeding to mosh

>> No.14210845


>> No.14210878

ive sprayed lysol in the air around me, and on my mask and glasses and my face, to kill any surface viruses. obviously i close my eyes and mouth. some of it gets inside me. i figure its not that harmful. i also years ago doused myself in vodka and then took a shower, after not being sure if i had physical contact with a person wiht body lice. completely unnecessary action, and the steam from the shower vaporised the vodka on me and made me dizzy for a minute. but no, im not STUPID, just subject to occasional manic reactions. no harm no foul.

>> No.14210893

Trump honestly comes off like some kind of weird performance artist

He could probably publically come out in support of bestiality without losing his base. Is this some kind of psy op? What's going on

>> No.14210957
File: 105 KB, 850x494, Map-showing-the-global-prevalence-of-S-stercoralis-infection-The-map-was-constructed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case #1

Many years ago, I ate an entire bag of freezer section taquitos. Cooked for the proper amount of time and at the correct heat. When I went to bite into it, it's still cold on the inside, I just shrug it off, think nothing of it, and keep eating. Big mistake. Many pales of shit and barf later. It continues until I started to become delusional and try cursing the gods in Spanish (which I do not speak) asking the gods of El Monterey to spare me from his wrath or let me transcend this plane of existence.

>> No.14210965

Here's my understanding of the situation. People were so fed up with the system they elected this guy. He's the opposite of a politician and it was a gamble. The media then proceeded to shit on trump 24/7 making him even more appealing to an already cynical and jaded voter base. It's come to such a point that no one takes these news sources seriously and will defend the guy to the end. Sometimes they're in the right, sometimes they aren't.

>> No.14211319

Without the media he would be nothing. Which is what makes these people's professing of hatred for the media so ridiculous

>> No.14211443

You retards are literally saying that basic mathematics is wrong.
Any error above +/- 5% at CL95 has nothing to do with sample size.

>> No.14212152

I don't think I've ever had food poisoning. I was very ill at 9 years old after the first time I had McDonalds, but I think I got sick from the flight.

>> No.14212887

How does that even happen? Did she literally just take them out after 5 minutes?

>> No.14213006

Ate some shady chinese food and spent the next day and a half shitting myself to death

>> No.14213009 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 751x751, mutts law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the logical endpoint of the bleached meme

>> No.14213023
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Chicken Teriyaki from Subway run by some chinks during my first year of college. I spent a week lying around in bed making frequent trips to the bathroom where I was puking and shitting my brains out. I had the worst headache ever which doubled in pain whenever I vomited into my toilet which was filled with my watery shit since I had no time to flush it before puking. I sat there in the bathroom for a solid hour just wishing for someone to walk in and put a bullet in my fucking head putting me out of my misery. After I fully recovered a couple weeks later I quit going to Subway for 3-4 years. Whenever I go to one now I just get a pizza sub and nothing else.

>> No.14213057
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>Whenever I go to one now

If you got food poisoning from it before, why did you go back?

>> No.14213066

It was just the perfect tipping point. The media covered a non politician voicing actual concerns of most of America. Immigration, industry, china fucking us. The worst thing they did was start laughing at him. It was a guy voicing actual concerns of the middle and lower class, and the elite were pointing and laughing.

>> No.14213123

I ate Subway for a long time and this was the only time it got me sick so got over it. I just order pizza subs instead and nothing else, especially if there's chicken. I wouldn't want to go back to that particular Subway that made me sick. I don't eat there often like I used to, maybe once a year.

>> No.14213722

What even is a pizza sub?

>> No.14213745

He's a con artist who's doing this because he's making a shitload of money off his followers, who are either assmad white supremacists or people with mental illness issues. He ran for president because Obama hurt his feelings when he made fun of him in 2011. The first troll president schtick was funny for a minute, but the joke got taken too far.

>> No.14213801

Baked potato soup at Red Robin. I got the noro virus. I was so sick for a week. It was the worst.

>> No.14213860

Why are american petrol stations so fucked? I've had sushi from a service station multiply times and have had no issues

>> No.14214259

I'm from San Diego CA but am living in Europe right now. One thing I miss most is California burritos. Imagine my surprise when a place opened up that said it had "authentic California burritos"
I went once and it was meh. The second time was amazing. The third time also tasted good... until a few hours later when I started shitting and throwing up uncontrollably. I've been tempted to try it again tho

>> No.14214362


Has Trump stated that he's thin?

Disinfecting surfaces kills the virus.
Asking a question, as dumb as it may be, as to whether or not it is possible to do something similar is not the same as saying people should inject disinfectant.

I think if the media didn't blow up saying the President told people to inject bleach, it would have been nothing. Or at the very least handled it in a way that addressed the fact that it was a question.

>> No.14215125

>when I eat raw chicken

Why do you do that, though?

>> No.14216676

502 is a good sample size. Online surveys are shit though and the people who took the survey are likely not representative, and the weighing can't completely fix that problem.

>> No.14216844

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

>eat sketchy thing
>thing makes you sick
>gets it again

Just make it at home with ingredients you trust more, you already know the result you're going to get from the place that made you sick.

>> No.14217201

Maybe. I'd definitely agree that he's terrible at addressing the nation and pretty much anyone, but I don't mind some of what he's done. The economy is great and bouncing back almost seamlessly, he started talks between north and south korea, and he actually stood up to china which is one of my favorite parts about the presidency. If he wasn't such a retard on Twitter and in conferences, he'd be fine imo. I'm also a big fan of his reluctance to get into wars where we aren't really needed. The major downside though is the divisiveness he spews and the alienation from a lot of countries he's caused.

>> No.14217326

gas station food are gamble most of the time
the one i live close by at least serves decent warm chicken sandwiches and cheap sushi

surprisingly its sitting on a shitty place
close to a very loud highway, next to a used car lot and near some homeless tents

>> No.14217616

Some sort of salad poisoning. I vomited my guts out filled with little salad bits soon after.

>> No.14217619

Salad is a common source of food poisoning, but food poisoning doesn't occur "soon after." It takes a while.

>> No.14217780

your welcome :)

>> No.14218905

Official cleaner of Knorr stockpot!

>> No.14220094

>bad noodles

Expired or just made wrong?

>> No.14220177

Got one of them soft pretzels at Sam's Club and was shitting my brains out for two days. I'm guessing one of the stupid spics working there didn't wash their shitty hands

>> No.14220313
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Several years ago I decided to eat a large hot dog from the 7/11 near my apartment. The hot dog itself was fine, but the condiments I put on top were not. They had been sitting out neglected for some time. Not thinking, I slapped some of their nasty ass sauerkraut on that shit and gobbled it up. Shortly afterward I thought to myself, "huh, my stomach feels a little funny. Probably that sauerkraut." The rest of the day pursued without incident and I went to bed normally.

The next day at work I started feeling nauseous, then extremely sick, then dizzy. I got exponentially worse as the morning continued. I ran to the employee bathroom and vomited, then went back to work. My supervisor came to me and said, "dude, you know we gotta send you home." And I said, "probably a good idea." As I made my way back to get my things, I barfed again on the sales floor.

My coworker offered to get me a cab/ take me home, but I said, "naw I got it." I managed to drive myself home, but struggled to find a parking spot, as was usual for where I lived. Eventually I parked in a loading zone and stumbled into my apartment where I knelt down and laid on the floor. My wife said, "omg are you ok?" to which I replied, "I think I'm food poisoned. I need you to go move the car... Actually, you know what, I need to go to the hospital." As she helped me to the car I proclaimed, "THIS DAY FUCKING SUCKS."

My wife rushed me to the ghetto ass hospital emergency room, where two of the three times they called my name I was shitting out my brains and what little water I had left in me in the nasty ass bathroom. They eventually put me on an IV of saline where they eventually forgot about me. In the room next to me some podunk hoodrats were being treated after being in a horrible fight.

I eventually was able to leave on my own power once I was able to keep down some gram crackers and water. Couldn't return to work til I got a doctor's note, which took three days due to a holiday weekend.

>> No.14221457

Leftover egg foo young with shrimp. Probs about 3 days in the fridge. Went home from work with a mild fever, went to bed. Woke up to snakes wrestling in my guts. Most intense pain I've ever experienced. Spent a couple hours per day just sitting and shitting naked in the bathtub under a lukewarm shower, oozing filth like a tag teamed indonesian hooker. 2 Weeks of foxhole prayers. First solid shit I took a picture of it and went around to show my friends high fiving everyone. Lost 15 pounds in two weeks.

I still eat shrimp egg foo young and reddit space, but I don't keep leftovers anymore

>> No.14222465

>I still eat shrimp egg foo young and reddit space, but I don't keep leftovers anymore


>> No.14223806


Pressing X hard.

>> No.14224463

This is why I don’t eat fish

>> No.14225052

Fish are friends, not food.

>> No.14225060

Nice, I hope they all attempt it at some point

>> No.14225230


>> No.14226363
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>> No.14228015

>soft pretzels
There’s one I wouldn’t normally expect

>> No.14228037

Trump wasn't talking about bleach, he was talking about UV light, but of course the media took what he said out of context, added a slight lie, and let the chaos unfold. This is why we need to start executing "journalists", they are pure scum

>> No.14229307
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>two food poisoning stories about Red Robin itt
Glad I’ve never eaten there

>> No.14229311


>> No.14229435

No, I am saying that it's not about mathematics; it's about people.
A sample of 500 can be perfectly fine if you're looking for side effects of a drug, but it's useless if you're looking for beliefs and actions of a population of millions of people. Because people are far more chaotic than the drugs they take.

Hell, you can't even trust people to answer truthfully. Remember that statistic that says a disturbing number of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows? Anyone who's not a completely fucking idiot should be able to figure out that people give answers like that as a joke.
They fill out five pages of boring questions about how often they buy milk and whether or not they have seen an advert for HBO in the last week etc. etc. and then they come to a question like "does chocolate milk come from brown cows?"
Of course some of them are going to tick "yes". Not because they believe it but because they think it's funny.
All those thousands of people who put "Jedi" as their religion don't actually believe Star Wars is real life either, you know.

Had some very tasty Indian food in a restaurant in London on a school trip and got horrible diarrhea all the next day. We were all over the city that day being tourists so I got to see a lot of different pub toilets. More than a few of which I had to pay to use.
And also a toilet in a church or cathedral. Never really knew those had loos, but that one did.

>> No.14229459

If the American president has no integrity, why should anyone expect the same from the media?

>> No.14229483

Ackshully he was referring to bleach

>> No.14229506

>thirty-nine percent of surveyed people admitted to at least one risky practice

So 38.9999999999999% of people didn't wash after going for a piss and one lunatic suicidle cunt drinks bleach and suddenly we have that headline?