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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14209357 No.14209357 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm about to be broke for at least the next 2 weeks. I went ahead and bought all of pic related...
>18 eggs 99¢
>14 packs of ramen $2.99
>Tobacco ~$6
>Vodka ~$12
Did I do good? I have $5 left, should I save it for more eggs and ramen? Any other ideas for the $5? Any other budget foods you buy when broke?

>> No.14209370

I also have plenty of coffee, tea, flour, sugar, and spices from before I learned I'd be broke for a while.

>> No.14209379
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>>Vodka ~$12
>Did I do good?

>> No.14209382

>Any other ideas for the $5?
Get a chalupa cravings box, or 5 fritos burritos.

>> No.14209386

Eggs, spinach, mushrooms. Boom. Food.

>> No.14209395

Beans and potatoes are good low cost foods.

>> No.14209402

That is literally the lowest price per ounce of pure alcohol that I could find in my area. That comes out to be about 50¢ per ounce of pure alcohol. Know anything cheaper?

>> No.14209408

Spinach and mushrooms aren't cheap or filling.
Thanks, I'm thinking beans and rice. I'll calculate if potatoes or rice are cheaper by weight.

>> No.14209414

That's $5 for one meal when I can get a pack of ramen for 25¢

>> No.14209416

You shouldn't be drinking liquor if you are too retarded to manage your own money.
That's one of the major reasons that stupid poor people stay poor and stupid.

>> No.14209425

Why even tobacco?

>> No.14209426

You're going to run out of vodka before 2 weeks and probably die anyways, so you might as well at least have one decent meal.

>> No.14209438

I'm an alcoholic, I'll be limiting myself to 8 ounces a day and that's gonna be hard enough. Not denying that I was retarded with my money, and this is definitely a lesson I hope to learn from. You're not telling me anything I don't already know, nor adding anything of value to this thread. But at least you got the chance to belittle someone to make you feel better about yourself, and that's all that matters right?

>> No.14209452

That question doesn't deserve an answer because you should be able to answer that yourself. But it's because I am addicted to nicotine.
>Taco bell
>Decent meal
A week old raw egg would be more decent than anything on their menu.

>> No.14209454

Buy some really cheap bread and PB&J in order to change your diet up slightly. You're going to get real sick of eating ramen for two weeks straight.

>> No.14209461

That's fine, I've lived off of less or about that for two weeks, and you have $5 left over. It's good to have some emergency bucks left over.

>> No.14209472

Before all this I started learning to make bread, I may try to get some more yeast and make it myself. Jelly is relatively expensive to what I'm looking for, I'd love to have it but at this point it seems like a delicacy. Peanut butters a good idea, I could eat a tablespoon at a time just to not feel hungry.

>> No.14209474

What kind of stuff did you get?

>> No.14209519


>> No.14209533

You said that you still have some sugar and spices, so with peanut butter you could also make a really ghetto version of thai peanut sauce when you get sick of eating the same flavor of ramen over and over. The added calories are also a benefit.

>> No.14209536

Thanks man, that's a good idea.

>> No.14209565

What's the cheapest peanut butter you've found? What store has the cheapest peanutbutter?

>> No.14209576


Not sure if it's the cheapest but the Aldi stuff is pretty good. Do you have an Aldi in your area?

>> No.14209581

Shit, I do and I always forget about it. They do have really cheap stuff, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.14209598

Get another pack of smokes
If your gonna be broke you'll want them

>> No.14209603

I have maybe $3 in change, if I get really sick of rolling cigarettes I may get a pack of richwood or something to remind myself it could be worse.

>> No.14209630

5 bucks just buy rice and beans or if you live buy an Aldis a couple loaves of bread with some pb&j.

>> No.14209666

Go to your local brewing supply store if you have one or look around in liquor stores for a packet of champagne yeast, it's usually 99 cents. Then use the sugar you have to make some kilju.

>> No.14209669

Real simple stuff such as rice and beans, I might splurg on a slice of pizza from time to time. Generally that happens when I'm out of money, have paid for my rent and working for a next paycheck.
I think the worst was ketchup on toast, or even sugar on toast. Not very good times and I had family next door that were really cool but I just didn't want to ask them for help.
I'm weird and I admit it.

>> No.14209680

>I'm a poor stupid faggot: the post

>> No.14209689
File: 232 KB, 1500x833, Vigo_Yellow_Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If being real fancy you can get a packet of Vigo yellow rice from a Dollar General for about a dollar. I still like that to dump chili upon, it always helps to remember, one packet of that makes a big bunch.

>> No.14209691

Thanks man, yea I've been down to sugar on toast before, but I'd rather it plain than with just ketchup. Same, my parents only live about 30 mins away, but I'd go 2-3 days without food before asking for help. I cancelled my Netflix subscription as well, so if worse comes to worse I can sell my TV for another $30.

>> No.14209699

While you're there you could also pick up a bag of rice and eat your ramen over it (reserving all of the soup so everything is nice and salty). That combined with some peanut butter/ghetto thai sauce should get you through. Also, if you aren't willing to make bread, I'd pick up the cheapest loaf at Aldi since you can dip that shit in the sauce and/or soup for more calories. All of that should still cost you less than 5 dollars. It would be cheaper if you could make bread since you already have flour.

>> No.14209702

I feel sorry for you. As bad as things are for me right now, I'm thankful that I'm not as sad and lonely as you.
Is it better than normal rice? How much do you get for a dollar?

>> No.14209703

We used to eat syrup sandwiches when shit was tight.

>> No.14209706

I like the peanut sauce idea but I gotta make it with the soup, it's already too salty for me normally. And I do plan to make my own bread, I just need to find some yeast.

>> No.14209712

Pasta might be cheaper than ramen at some stores.

Ask the butcher for some left over bones or trimming, lobster shells or shrimp shells that can’t really be sold, etc to make your own broth.

If you know how to temper eggs , you can make a really good protein shake
Add a little sweetener and milk and it will taste like pancakes

Temper an egg or two with your ramen and you can make a kind of ramen Alfredo

>> No.14209719

Yeah, I was just trying to think of ways to maximize your caloric intake while still being somewhat palatable. With rice, ramen, and peanut butter you're getting a bunch of carbs and protein. You also have eggs which will give more protein.

>> No.14209722

>Eggs, ramen, alcohol, and cigarettes
Are you a character in a noir film? What's the matter with you?

>> No.14209728

I think one can do a Thai soup with peanut butter and make it pretty good with some chicken and lemon grass and maybe a chicken grass. The kind of stuff that sticks to your insides and makes you warm.

>> No.14209742

I think you forgot the rolling papers in there, and also the hidden handguns and bullets for assholes that want to try to destroy the USA. Buy shit from foreigners and get what shit you pay for.

>> No.14209761

I hate retards who think it's not possible to go out and make even a little bit of cash so that they don't have live like this.

>> No.14209764

I say "shit" because we're not selling you our own stuff. Deal with it or not.

>> No.14209774

Just because you don't mind gobbling up cum for a couple bucks a suck doesn't mean that anyone else is retarded for refusing to do so

>> No.14209780

>noir film
Have you ever determined that film noir doesn't mean anything except for a bunch of homosexuals that don't mean anything and whose writing doesn't mean anything except to themselves?
Get over yourselves and watch a fellini fag film or something that nobody in their right mind cares about.

>> No.14209793

Thanks man I'm going to research what tempering eggs is, but I did the math and ramen has more calories for the same price of pasta. Nothing I've found can beat 370 calories for 25¢, except hunting and gathering myself. Those are some pretty creative recipes on a budget man.
Yea that really is a good idea and I appreciate it. I'll try it, I'm sure the peanut butter will make it taste less salty. Thanks man.
What do you mean? Cheapest protein and carbs I could find, and I'm addicted to nicotine and alcohol. I'd like to quit them but right now when I'm already under a major amount of stress and broke is not the right time. See... >>14209438

Lemon grass and chicken aren't an option. Lemon grass tastes good but it has little to no calories, and eggs have more protein for a lower price. Good idea for when I do have money though.

>> No.14209794

The fuck?

>> No.14209800

Lemon grass isn't for calories, it's for flavor. It's very inexpensive, even in NYC at some asian grocery store, it likely costs as much as a bunch of celery.

>> No.14209803

You asked.

>> No.14209806

The point is that even if it's 50¢ I can't afford to spend it right now unless it has caloric or hunger satiating value.

>> No.14209812

If lemon grass or chicken isn't an option then man up and not be an asshole and learn to improvise. What are you, some kind of fag that can't think?

>> No.14209813

I'm OP, that made no sense to me either. I think they're ESL or drunk.

>> No.14209817

Why precisely can't you afford 50 cents?

>> No.14209825

Lol why are you so mad? I didn't insult you, I told you what position I'm in and told you nicely why it wasn't an option and I even complimented you and thanked you for the suggestion.

>> No.14209827

You come across as a real faggot and should by not doing that should kill your self right now. It's fucking 50 cents you disgusting pathetic weirdo. Why can't you deal with that?

>> No.14209832

I'm not mad, I just related an experience.
Take that as you will.

>> No.14209833

Because like I said in my OP, I will only have $5 for the next 2 weeks maybe longer.

>> No.14209841

If all you care about is surviving, just go for another 14 ramen and 36 eggs with your last $5.

No point pissing around trying to make actual meals at this point. Just keep it simple and eat 3 eggs and 2 packs of ramen a day.

If you have oil, chapatis are easy to make. Just combine flour, oil and water. Quite nice given they are so simple. Easy way to feel full.

>> No.14209849
File: 176 KB, 450x600, lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 dollars total
>spend 18 of it on things that are not food, but at actively harmful
>18/27 = 2/3
>literally two thirds of your money blown

>> No.14209852

You took a compliment as an insult and you think I'm coming off as a faggot? Get fucked retard learn how to read.

>> No.14209856

That's what I'm thinking, I've got some tortilla dough already made up. Just flour, water, and baking soda.

>> No.14209859

This >>14209438

>> No.14209863

I think he'd be better off buying rice from Aldi from a caloric standpoint. He also said that he has spices so he could do a lot with rice.
That's a five pound bag.

>> No.14209867

>Disgusting pathetic weirdo
Yea you're mad.

>> No.14209871

Damn, rice it is.

>> No.14209880

Yeah and with the peanut butter + homemade bread you'd be set for awhile. I think you might be able to squeeze the five pound bag and peanut butter for under five dollars but I might be wrong depending on your state's sales tax. You might need 50 more cents or something.

>> No.14209894

I'm not sure about the peanutbutter but the rice wouldn't be taxed here. Groceries are tax free here in KY.

>> No.14209895

You're in a sad state of affairs if you can't live off of $20 for 2 weeks. What are you just plain stupid or making posts to pretend to be stupid?

>> No.14209899

When did I say I couldn't live off $20 for 2 weeks?

>> No.14209902

One pack of ramen and an egg or two a day is not going to keep you full lmao

>> No.14209906


>> No.14209911

Tempering eggs is pretty easy
Put eggs in a mixing bull and beat them as if your going to scramble them

Boil a pot of liquid of choice (milk, broth, tea, etc)

When pot comes to a boil take a couple of tablespoons of liquid and put into the eggs, stir until combined, add mixture into pot, stir
Turn of pot

Add ice to chill or serve hot

Also a cheap cut of meat, at least were I live is the pork shoulder it’s 1.99 a pound regular and 99 cents when on sale

It will cost around 8 bucks for a whole roast but it will last you the whole week

>> No.14209912

OP said it was only for two weeks, not the rest of his life.

>> No.14209913

8 ounces a day will only last you a week unless you've got a second handle stashed some where. Consider tapering seeking medical attention or finding $12 more if 8 ounces a day is gonna be too hard.

>> No.14209914

It has before, because I'm not a fat ass that eats 3000+ calories a day.
Take your meds

>> No.14209915

Roast duck is really good and goes really good in ramen soup.

>> No.14209923

Alcohol has a lot of calories in it anyhow.

>> No.14209924

I'll get right on that one while you're the faggot with it's government bullshit. I bet you masks around you fucking faggot.

>> No.14209928

Alcohol has a lot of calories in it anyhow.
Also enjoy your DTs when you drink that all in two days.

>> No.14209933

Oh so like making hollandaise sauce? Yea I've made that before, that would be nice on some homemade bread.
I got some kilju started today, and there are a bunch of blackberries near a fishing spot of mine that I'm going to collect to make some wine. If it comes down to it I can sell my TV for $30-$40, but I'd rather save that as a plan B.

>> No.14209938

I think that you should take your sleeps and government masks like the faggots that you are instead of taking me to wear useless masks.
Are you a useless faggot?
It does seem as if you are useless government useless wearing homosexual weirdos.

>> No.14209940

Even with that I stay under 2000 a day when I have money.
Take your meds

>> No.14209941

You can always pull out instead of expecting others to pay for your problems. Have some self control you fucking cunts and blaming it on others.

>> No.14209944

Schizophrenia the post.

>> No.14209947

A pol faggot telling people to medicate themselves. Tasty irony.

>> No.14209949

Dont spend that 5$ until next weekend no matter what.

It will be a life saver to be able to buy something after eating very frugally.

>> No.14209950

Take your meds schizo anon.

>> No.14209951

Oh yeah right.
So anyone that disagrees with you and had more money that you is fucked in the head? Seems to me that you're a moron.

>> No.14209955

I should take meds because you're a moron? That makes a lot of sense, especially to you types.

>> No.14209957

also, do a water fast for a day. Its good to do a fast once in a while and will save you 1 day of food.

>> No.14209959

Listen home, I GOTCHU. You did fine, but there's some stuff you missed out on. 2 Weeks are 14 days, and trust, your ass won't be able to live from 1 pack of ramen per average on day.

WHAT YOU SHOULD STILL BUY, is ketchup,etc to flavour shit up AND MORE IMPORTANTLY cheap Rice/Spaghetti/Noodles. Shouldn't cost too much, but fills a nigger's tummy like you won't believe.

Just browse Youtube and shit for recipes my dawg, there is so much different shit you can make out of Eggs,Ramen and Rice/Spaghetti you wouldn't even believe it. If you need directions, lemme know.

>> No.14209961

How do you know that he's a /pol/tard? He just seems like a random drunk that lost his job or something.

>> No.14209964

Lingistic cues.

>> No.14209966

Get aldi egg noodles

>> No.14209970

I think you'd be able to squeeze in a packet of rice and possibly some more eggs as you could make some decent fried rice with that.

>> No.14209972

Here it comes. the foreign faggots with old nations try to blame the USA for all of their problems.
Don't you faggots know how lame that is?

>> No.14209977

Mushrooms are not a necessity. Plus they taste like shit.

>> No.14209978

>2/3 of money spent on drugs
>Did I do good?
I think you know the answer to this.

>I have $5 left
Buy some condoms. You're going to need to sell your butthole.

>> No.14209987

If sliced them up in chile then they can be pretty good. The sliced and diced up mushrooms add a nice flavor.
Try it out sometime, most eurofags with their pretenses will never do that.

>> No.14209988

Just ignore him, he's having some kind of mental health crisis.

>> No.14209990

Then again , eurofags without pretenses can't exist.

>> No.14210000

Lmao why would you assume he is lonely just because you suck? Cope harder idiot, hes probably enjoying a nice family meal.

>> No.14210014

I didn't lose it completely, but my paychecks have been less than half of what they normally are because of covid, my stimulus check hasn't come, I don't qualify for unemployment and my paycheck is 3 weeks late. Andy savings account was emptied for hospital bills after getting run over while walking in my neighborhood.

>> No.14210018

i like my mushrooms but they're not that cheap

>> No.14210031
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>spends most of the money on liquor and a shit habit
you could've gotten a pound of ground, big can of tomato paste, spaghetti, and all of that for one person is easily two dinners of spaghetti for you if you already have spices.
two packs of 18 ct. eggs with the ramen is okay, easy protein if you put in the ramen
potatoes, carrots (or onions), also could've been nice.

you're fucking garbage OP, please die already either from alcohol poisoning or your shit lungs.

>> No.14210039
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 4D1E6632-DF2A-40DA-881A-B923547B0BF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over here in indiana i got 6 pounds of chicken thighs for $5. That was the smallest size they had.
Eggs are a good play.

In college i got a can of refried beans, some tostadas and any cheese. Bake that shit and you’re golden. I lived off that and ramen for a long ass time.

Oh also i used to poach an egg in my ramen and add some sriracha. Called it sunrise ramen. Straight fire

>> No.14210043

Just drop the alcohol and the tobacco.
>hur, i know i am retarded but i don't want to change.
>hur, bashing me for my stupid choices makes you look bad

This guy is correct>>14209680

>> No.14210044

>he thinks spaghetti is a good purchase
Honestly the worst kind of pasta

>> No.14210049

For you >>14209438
I did the math, ramen and eggs are the cheapest foods with highest amount of calories except rice. Ground beef and tomato sauce would cost way more for fewer meals.

>> No.14210059

I'd like to quit them but right now when I'm already under a major amount of stress and broke is not the right time. Did it feel good buddy? How much were you bullied as a kid? I'm guessing your dad was pretty shitty to you. Did he molest you, beat you, or did he just put you down a lot? Did insulting me help you forget about your emotional issues? How long do you think it'll last?

>> No.14210064

Okay then scratch the ground beef/pork but you can still subside on tomatoes and carbs whether it's pasta or rice. Beans are also a good choice.
I personally eat rice and eggs in some capacity together nearly every other day so yeah it is better bang for buck too.

>> No.14210071

Thanks, rice eggs and beans really seem the way to go. Maybe tomato paste instead of sauce, so I can rehydrate it and make my own sauce for even cheaper.

>> No.14210104

Your complaining about vitriol on 4chan? What did you expect people to tell you? especially with a table full of bad decisions to show off?

>> No.14210107

You people really bitch about anything and everything. You're like a male Karen.

>> No.14210122

Look at the picture. Between the dirt and the terrible purchases. Its bad enough I suspicious its not staged for our amusement. And post like this >>14210059 the lack of self awareness. Its very well done.

>> No.14210128

I’m sorry anon. I am person who thinks like this and I realize now that I’m actually being an asshole.

>> No.14210132

Hmm let's count the calories:

14 packs ramen: 14 x 380 = 5320
18 eggs: 18 x 80 = 1440
1 liter (?) vodka = 2190

Total: 8950 calories with 25% of those from alcohol.

Over 14 days that's 640 calories a day.

You need more calories. Oil is a cheap form of calories, look into what the cheapest carbs are, probably rice or pasta. Note that all dry carbs are pretty much the same in calories (1g = 3.6 calories).

>> No.14210137

I usually make my sauces out of tomato paste+water+spices+dash of sugar to cut acidity+protein(if I have it).
Diced tomatoes in a can are pretty cheap especially if you can find canned stuff on sale if you're lucky. You could add that in instead of a protein just to have extra bite.

>> No.14210151

Beans pasta boulluon cubes

>> No.14210160

How are you that broke. I always always have money going into a spare fund of like 40 bucks a month for situations like yours.

>> No.14210165

Calculate by calories or by grams of protein, not weight.

>> No.14210175

A whole chicken would probably be a better deal. He can probably find one for about 5$ as theyre usually 1$ a lb. Then he can make stock and have the meat.

>> No.14210182

Yeah some form of meat will definitely help psychologically and just feel better to eat.

>> No.14210197

buy the booze skip the cigs if you are gonna be broke

sometimes if you go cold turkey on alchol you might die not smoking will not kill you

>> No.14210210

This eat the meat use the bones to make stock for the ramen

>> No.14210215
File: 33 KB, 358x358, hansolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuses, excuses
Believe it or not, we are pointing out your crap because we think you can do better than that. Unfortunately you seem to want to convince us otherwise by constantly victimizing yourself.

>> No.14210277

I just made a batch now

>> No.14210287
File: 181 KB, 975x1200, EDb58llXYAc3enx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you peeps giving this guy shit Tobbaco will not only relieve his stress it will suppress his appetite while unhealthy its not a bad play on his part

now quit being such assholes dude clearly has it rough if hes drinking cheap vodka and eating instant ramen

>> No.14210289

Holy shit where the fuck do you live?
I'm in Canada, SK and 18 eggs is about $4.50, 14 packs of ramen would be 0.50 per hamen (so $7), I don't know about tobacco or alcohol since I don't smoke or drink but I know a carton (like 20) cigarettes is about $27
How the fuck is food so cheap where you live

>> No.14210292

Masturbation and pornography will only make his life worse.

>> No.14210298

I found some avocado oil in the back of my pantry that I bought a while back and didn't like, so I'll be using that. I also have flour and I plan to use it to make some bread as well, I already have some tortilla dough made up so I can just fry up a couple in the morning. Thanks though the oil is a good idea. Rice and beans seems to be the most suggested, I'm going to Aldi's tomorrow to pick some up.
I already did the math and eggs are the cheapest protein.
I honestly wish I could but already being this stressed with the added withdraw symptoms would most likely have me do something stupid and get fired, then 2 week problem becomes a 2 month or longer problem.
I'm not victimizing myself, I have taken full responsibility for my situation. You've obviously never been in my position, I can't just turn it off like a light switch, that's just not how it works. No one responding has my best interest in mind, people like this like to insult others and feel superior because it helps them feel better about their own fuck ups, I'm just a prop for your ego. Don't insult me and pretend it's righteous.

>> No.14210302

Canadas money is worth less
27cad is 20usd

>> No.14210304

I live in Kentucky. A pack of Marlboro is $6.33 and that's with tax added in, and a bottle of Makers Mark is around $30.

>> No.14210308

yeah but that doesnt change the fact he got 18 eggs for one fucking dollar
triple the smokes price and double the alcohol and thats about what you get here

>> No.14210309

Thanks man, it's good to know that their are anons here that have the ability to sympathize and think rationally.

>> No.14210315

Onions. Cabbage. Something cheap and non-carby to throw into your egg ramen.

>> No.14210317

Well Kentucky is a huge farming and distillery state, and not just for bourbon. New York would be about as much as what you're paying.

>> No.14210319

eggs are super fucking cheap in the states i always buy a pallet of em since im usually broke and ifl eggs

>> No.14210323

I'm in a town of 500 people in saskatchewan
we have cattle on every inch of the province but beef is still overpriced
lucky. 1/3rd my pay goes to food

>> No.14210337

Damn, OP here and normally I make good money and still only pay $150 a month for food, but I'm single no kids.

>> No.14210338
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop throwing assumptions to every person who criticizes you. Every time you keep trying to defend yourself by imagining what lies behind our words. They are pretty straight forward.

>I'm not victimizing myself
>victimizes himself again

>> No.14210358

Food can still be pretty fucking pricey here but if you like frozen chicken thighs and eggs youll be able to eat like a king

>> No.14210362

I did the math
1 egg= 6g protein making it <1¢ per gram protein

1 chicken= 38g protein making it 17¢ per gram protein

Egg beats all other sources for cheapest protein.

>> No.14210364
File: 266 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200607-210219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14210383

You told a self proclaimed loser that he's a loser, and proved you are superior to a self proclaimed alcoholic. Congratulations, you win, you're better than everyone else, you have no more reasons to feel inadequate, you're the best, and you were right all along. Feel better buddy? Get it all out of your system yet?

>> No.14210424

Buy more eggs and rice. Don't spend any more on trash like alcohol and tobacco. People used to smoke common clover as a tobacco alternative, go pick a bunch out of your yard and dry it out, and smoke that until you have money again. For alcohol ferment your own.

>> No.14210442

DO you have the ingredients for pancakes?

>> No.14210453

I've got everything except the milk. That's a good idea.

>> No.14210468

>I am a victim!
>I am a victim!

>> No.14210483

Whatever helps you man.

>> No.14210531

The fuck are you on about? Stop trying to derail threads by projecting your own insecurities.

>> No.14210537

OP will have money again by the time that’s done

>> No.14210542

Kilju doesn't take that long, 5 days tops.

>> No.14210579
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>> No.14210608

Found the Amerilard

>> No.14210617


>> No.14210630

How much flour do you have? About 1/4 cup is ~140 calories, so if you make simple biscuits out of that (with some water/oil, maybe an egg, and in a pan/microwave) you can up your calories-from-carbs significantly.

>> No.14210641

I have a big bag of flour that I've used 2 cups of. I made up some tortilla dough, and I plan to make bread with the rest just need yeast, I may do a sougherdough starter instead of buying yeast.

>> No.14210655

Different Anon here but you can always go to a food bank if you get desperate/get tired of eating ramen, rice, and eggs. Just tell them your situation and they'll give you like 3 bags of food.

>> No.14210668


You could also combine 1/4 cup flour iwth 1/4 cup sugar, 1tbsp oil, 1tbsp water in a mug, in the microwave for about 2 minutes to enjoy a nice blondie for dessert once in a while (and if you miraculously stumble on cocoa powder, 1-2 tbsp's of that for a full-on brownie). You may have to mess with the oil/water ratios to get the desired consistency though.

>> No.14210693

Well this is going to sound weird coming from a broke alcoholic, but I have too much pride to go to a food bank. Honestly it's not just pride, I know my situation is my own fault and was 100% avoidable. That service is for people who are actually struggling, if I was a leech and took food that could go towards someone that actually needs it, it would break me. I said earlier in the thread that my parents live about 30 mins away and I could go to them for food, but I have gone 2-3 days without food before I asked for help. I'm 30 years old and I need to be responsible for my own mistakes, it's the only way I'll learn. For me it's easier to go hungry than to be a bum.

>> No.14210702

lol this is obviously bait, with $18 dollars being spent on tobacco and vodka.

But with that said, if I had to live on $27 for 2 weeks, this would be my plan.

- eggs ~$3
- onions ~$2
- potatoes ~$3
- apples ~$2
- oranges ~$2
- chicken leg and/or thighs ~$5
- bread from the day old bin ~$2
- cabbage ~$1
- carrots ~$1
- cheapest cuts of pork ~$5

Assuming I already had a spices and sugar, I should be set.

>> No.14210706

do be a bit careful with alcohol vs food. since alcohol has calories, being hungry can drive you to drink even more. sounds like you do have enough calories overall but be careful about starving yourself.

>> No.14210734

If you follow most of the online instructions for sourdough starter you won't have bread for two weeks.

You can use a very small amount of store bought yeast, a bit of champagne yeast or a small amount of your fermenting kilju and just treat that like the sour dough starter

>> No.14210745

Onions, apples, oranges, cabbage, and carrots are a luxury and provide very little calories for their cost. I'm basically looking for maximum calories for minimum price, the more protein the better to combat atrophy. I'd love to have a variety of vitamin rich food but the fact is that in a short term situation like this, the calories are all that matters. I hate that my OP makes so many people think it's bait, read on and you'll see where I explained the alcohol and tobacco. I know it's a waste of money but the impact from nicotine withdraws and alcohol DTs, paired with hightened vulnerability from poverty and a significantly lower calorie intake just isn't ideal for my situation at this time.
Thanks man, I was already doing OMAD before this shit hit, so I'm eating all my food calories right before I start drinking, and I'm chugging my 8oz daily alcohol allowance right before bed. A lot of my alcoholism is reliant on my inability to sleep without being drunk, and being drunk makes me hungry so that schedule takes care of both.

>> No.14210753

Thanks man that's good advice. I'm making the kilju with champagne yeast, do you think using it as a starter will make ok bread? I'm worried that it would give the bread a skunky taste.

>> No.14210757

Volunteered at a food bank once. Some have entire warehouses worth of foods, both fresh and non-perishable. The work that me and a group of about 9 others involved sorting through pallets of onions and throwing away the ones that went bad so they could be composted. Any reputable food bank couldn't run out of food if they tried, especially in regions that have high concentrations of religious communities who regularly pitch in to keep them stocked. The food you don't reach out and ask for is likely just going to rot. It would be better if it went to sustaining someone who barely needs it than if it went to nobody at all. If you don't believe it, just ask the folks who work/volunteer there if they ever run out of food.

If you truly still "feel bad" about taking food out of a food bank, just make it a point to donate back to that bank in the future, or volunteer some time in exchange. There is literally nothing wrong with utilizing a resource you legitimately need and is being offered, and refusing to get what you need because "I don't want to be a burden" is the kind of logic that leads to people offing themselves. Being dead or malnourished is probably the greatest burden you can put on others, especially in a country that consumes like 20 percent of all the food in the world anyway.

>> No.14210761

I brew wine pretty regularly and I'm also paranoid about contamination by touching the batches with anything during fermentaion.

>> No.14210771

That's pretty insightful dude, thanks. Whether or not I do need to go to the food bank in the next 2 weeks, I think I should be volunteering when I have the time.

>> No.14210772

Not where I'm from. Onions, apples, oranges, cabbage, and carrots are cheap and provide fiber, healthy sugars, and nutrients. Don't be fooled by empty calories from ramen or rice.

Remember that this is only for 2 weeks, per OP. As such, caloric intake should not be dependent on carbs and starches, otherwise the body does not metabolize them efficiently, especially if over 90% of your diet is processed starches.

>> No.14210775

buy two steel reserves

>> No.14210787

Like I said, the variety of vitamins is not important for this short term. Calories are all that counts, there's no such thing as an "empty" calorie when you're just eating to keep your body functioning.

>> No.14210794

Tangential addendum:
volunteering in general has been a lifechanger for me. You meet some amazing people that way and can make some good long-term friends, especially if you're volunteering for a cause/org you both feel strongly about. Folks I also got super-lucky once and even landed a job when I was in a bad spot in life, thanks to a referral from a friend I met volunteering for a political cause.

Also this makes me nostalgic for when I was on a monthly 60 dollar budget for food. Oatmeal and eggs for breakfast, and cabbage/onion/potato stirfry with PBJ for dinner. Pop-Tarts and tea as necessary to fill in the cracks. Was oddly fun figuring out how to survive efficiently.

>> No.14210802

I dunno. I've never tried. You'll probably have to fuck with timing to get a recipe that works. Worst case you end up with weird tasting hard tack. It'll probably take a while to work out a good recipe.

I would start by taking 8 oz of your kilju after it's started fermenting and combine with 8 oz of flour. Let that sit until it's bubbly. Then save 4 oz of that flour water yeast mixture in the fridge till the next time you bake and then add something like 6 is more flour and 3 oz water. Let that rise and then bake it probably at like 425.

Next time take your 4 oz of saved starter and add 6 oz flour 6 oz water and repeat (let it get bubbly, save 4 oz of starter, add more flour and water then bake), but screw around with how much water and flour you add.

After you master the process open an artisenal bakery with the slogan the champagne of breads.

>> No.14210812

Steel reserve is a rip off for alcoholics who don't know basic math. Most bottom shelf vodka is cheaper per ounce of pure alcohol. Hell for the same price of 2: 8% steel reserve, you can get a pint of 40% vodka.

>> No.14210815

You can try fasting
Water and salt
Google snake juice, stretch your money and lose weight

>> No.14210826

I'm always worried at the start but if you wait a day till there's active fermentation generally the yeast can out compete bacteria

>> No.14210830

Not him but vodka tastes like rubbing alcohol. I can only stomach it in a bloody mary. I can drink any rotgut whiskey or tequila straight from the bottle but vodka kills me.

>> No.14210836

Botulism worries me more than anything. I usually wait until week 2 to even touch it with the hydrometer, but I'm Walter White paranoid when it comes to brewing.

>> No.14210841

I do prefer a nice bourbon, cognac, or anything other than vodka. But as an alcoholic on a budget, it comes down to lowest price for most ethenol.

>> No.14210868

I'd never thought of botulism as a concern, turns out I should be at least slightly. I do pressure can my starter wort, but never really thought about it beyond that.

>> No.14210872

More eggs, cook the eggs in the ramen. Either microwave the soup with the eggs inside or if you boil the noodles drop the egg in at the last minute of boiling

>> No.14210881

Botulism is the number one killer with homebrewing, anything else will just make you sick or ruin your batch. It's pretty significant in prison wine.

>> No.14210890

Significant with prison wine is why I'm so worried about it in kilju, since it's pretty similar. Also it can't be detected through taste or smell, so you don't know until symptoms start.

>> No.14210899

I would bet that cirrhosis or heart problems kill more just not as immediately.

I will probably be a touch more careful though

>> No.14210919


Enjoy vomiting and pooping blood for the rest of your life then.

>> No.14210921


Not all calories are the same. You would get more energy from fruits and vegetables than processed pastas and fatty carbs. I am speaking from experience. After going from a similar diet to you, ramen and pasta and rice, to a lower carb but natural alternatives, I felt much better and still had energy.

It is a fallacy to believe you need the highest calories. Again, I speak from literal experience with such diets.

>> No.14210927

We are specifically discussing contamination.

>> No.14210946
File: 344 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200608-000010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calories= metabolic energy.

>> No.14211009

>I'm about to be broke
>buys pipe tobacco and alcohol
No wonder you're going broke, you have no idea how to spend money responsibly.

>> No.14211023

This is an adult thread, it's time for you to go back to discussing your favorite fast food and McDonalds self serve kiosks.

>> No.14211025

I'm sorry (you) haven't had enough (you)'s for today.

>> No.14211489

But you cant make stock to make delicious rice and beans out of you leftover eggshells you dumb dumb. Not thinking at least one step ahead is how you got into this situation to begin with.

>> No.14211870

You could have bought, rice, beans, sugar, slab of cheese and green beans for that one bottle of Vodka. Even orange juice is cheaper.

>> No.14211969

Just the alcoholic part. Stay strong my friend and try to slowly wean yourself out. Use meditation as well and focus on mindfulness training and behavioral correction. You got this

>> No.14212944

Use the five dollars to buy gochujang and garlic, and rice/beans or vegetables if you can afford anything after that. Gochujang and garlic can make any dish taste nice so you'll never feel like you're eating bland prison food and want to off yourself.

You are also poor and stupid because you think social mobility is real. Have fun slaving away while everyone who is actually not poor climbs the social ladder and leaves you in the dust while you post bait on 4chan.

>> No.14212993

I've never heard it called Gochujang, thanks man

>> No.14213967

For the haters, I hope OP kills one of your loved ones while drinking and driving.

>> No.14213984

>thinking they have any

>> No.14214111
