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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14210283 No.14210283 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice on what to eat with an Stomach Ulcer? My doctor just said "Don't eat anything that irritates it." I figured that some of you would know what's good.

>> No.14210305

google it why are you asking 4chan for medical advice

>> No.14210329

I'm not saying become vegetarian, but try to eat mostly vegetables & plant-based foods. For carbs, go with easily digestible grains instead of breads and baked goods. Remove dairy and processed sugars as much as you can. Eat less.

>> No.14211066

cut acidic foods and cut alcohol. I had pretty bad gerd two years ago and my doctor warned me that I was going to either develop an ulcer or start seriously damaging my esophagus. I started changing my diet around, but I didn't start getting 100% relief until I cut alcohol completely.

>> No.14211072


>> No.14211199

I'm an alcoholic and have constant ulcers and sometimes shit out black slime and always have diarrhea if I dont take pills for it. I recommend alcohol.

>> No.14211213
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>> No.14211292

Broccoli, kale, garlic, rosemary, red grapes, apples, berries, cranberry juice (100%, not juice cocktail or mixed with other juice), green tea, honey (instead of sugar) for sweetener, yogurt.

Coffee, alcohol, soda, hot peppers, sugary food/snacks, salty food/snacks, fried food, high acid food (oranges, tomatoes, pickles, etc)

Don't use a lot of pepto that'll just compound the problem.

>> No.14211305

>Go keto
>problem disappears in several weeks
You're welcome.

>> No.14211328

You likely have h. pylori and need antibiotics to get rid of it. Changing your diet won't do anything

>> No.14211332

assuming you're not underweight, just don't eat anything, go on a 5-7 day fast, longer the better.

>> No.14211357

You need to start with a very bland diet until the ulcers subside. Think rice, stocks, steamed green veggies. Stay away from dairy, the fats will make things worse. Do not overseason, use minimal salt, no black pepper but minimal white pepper is okay. Aromatics are fine. Ginger, marjoram, sage, are all okay in small applications. After a few days of feeling better on a bland diet, begin SLOWLY reimplementing foods from your usual diet. Good luck, Anon, get well soon.

>> No.14211363
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I heard kimchi helps, the fermentation process helps to soothe the stomach when consumed. One of the reasons why Korea has the lowest stomach problem rates in the world.

>> No.14211427

No antibiotics? Third world doctors?

>> No.14211448

based guy who actually knows what a stomach ulcer is

>> No.14212769

Protonix and carafate.

>> No.14212801

Avoid coffee and tea and yeah what this guy says. Go get a second opinion. Antibiotics will fix it.

>> No.14213250

Most probiotics help, yogurt and honey.

>> No.14213262


>> No.14213268

This. Go get an h. pylori test and also a new doctor

>> No.14213286

That sludge stuff is called bile, and it's a sign of early stage liver/kidney damage. I get it sometimes when I bingedrink, it's a sign your body is overwhelmed processing alcohol and cant effectively process fats. Not a good sign anon. Not saying see a doctor but seriously you should chill out a bit.

>> No.14213291

U do realize they have the highest rate of stomach cancer right?

>> No.14213293

>google it why are you asking 4chan for medical advice
we don't do this here. If you don't have constructive advice, what you do is not post in this thread.

>> No.14213311

don’t eat things that are spicy, excessively oily, acidic, overly sweet, no alcohol, and possibly no seeds or nuts. Better to eat ground meat instead of steak and pork chops for a while too. Avoid all peppers and tomatoes, unless it’s those bland tomatoes that came from a different country and have no sugar so they don’t spoil in transport. Better to eat smaller meals more often, drink milk if you can. It’s soothing. Drink room temperature liquids, and try to drink a lot of water with your meals.

>> No.14213346

OP, don't skip or take your prescribed medications late.
Set a timer to take it like clockwork and keep a regular dining schedule per your nutritional instruction. A lot of the advice they give you about ulcers can be the same advice you'll find about reflux, when you go looking online.

No latenight dinners, want to think about an empty stomach and "rest" while you sleep of your GI.
Avoid acidic irritants, and for a while this will mean no citrus, no coffee, no alcohol, no vinegar.
Do balance gut bacteria with your naturally fermented and cultured this or that, plus periodically and regularly timed supplements.
The blander the better, think hospital food, and this might mean watching high sodium items like coated pretzels, as well as things like excessive chili consumption. If it can be felt to be astringent in the tongue, then your GI lining will argue with you as well. Salt in the wound.
Herbs will add flavor in the meantime.

Do you know why you got an ulcer? What's the source for you? Was it untreated anxiety, food abuses, alcohol abuse or some other allergies? Make sure you treat your whole self, be honest with yourself, and add various specialists as you think you may need, could be psych therapy, psych meds, nutritionist, exercise/training, and other habits you might need to work on, while you do this therapy. When someone has cancer for instance, a cancer center has it all, meditation, acupuncture, the whole shebang. You're off to a good start, but think about what else?

>> No.14213709

How do you know that you have an ulcer? Did the doctor order an colonoscopy?

>> No.14213804

>retarded American who thinks antibiotics are some miracle drug
People like you are responsible for rising antibiotic resistance.

>> No.14213813

There's literally no other way to get rid of h. pylori. Probiotic treatment doesn't work

>> No.14213834

>Peptic ulcer

>Was it untreated anxiety
>Psych therapy

Holy unscientific bullshit batman, this madman is going all out on pseudoscience!

>> No.14213930

>retarded layman who doesn't know shit about peptic ulcers

OP don't drink coffee and alcohol for sure but you're gonna have to figure out yourself what food makes you feel bad and what doesn't

>> No.14214382

Ulcers can be caused by stress, so he isn't wrong.

>> No.14214509

Stress doesn't cause ulcers. They're caused mostly by h. pylori and can also be caused by ibuprofen abuse

>> No.14214726

I find famotidine more effective personally

>> No.14214838

I'm dealing with the same thing.
He put me on prilosec and didn't even tell me to diet. I am thinking about calling to get an endoscopy or something because apparently at my age, I shouldn't have ulcers, especially considering my pylori test was negative.

Just eat vegetables and fruits and lean, baked chicken. Nothing fried. Limit processed stuff. Least that's what I gleamed from online

>> No.14214866

broccoli, raw honey, and green tea should help too, maybe yogurt if anon's not sure it's pylori

>> No.14215950

How were you diagnosed with an ulcer without an endoscopy? And how did you get tested for pylori? Sometimes you'll get a false negative

>> No.14215971

Prilosec depletes u of magnesium... u will get even worse,quit it and eat healthy instead...drink apple cider vinegar daily mixed with water

>> No.14216207

That's from eating too much SPAM and SPAM-like sausages.

>> No.14216514

avoid spicy/acidic foods and alcohol for a while

>> No.14216537

I heard milk is pretty bad for ulcers

>> No.14216541

Korea also has a higher than average rate of stomach cancer.
>t. cousin has stomach cancer and her doctor spilled the beans

>> No.14216562

I heard ulcers are permanent. You never fully heal from them.
What did your doctor tell you?

>> No.14216771

Fermented/Pickled food is carcinogenic.

>> No.14216779

I had to go to the ER for stomach pain I'd had for a week
Doc wouldn't take me
They ruled out a number of things from blood work. They said likely an ulcer, to get tested by my doc in a follow up.
Pylori test was negative. Doc tossed me on prilosec for 28 days. I'm like a week and a half or two or so in now.
I don't think I'll get even worse considering it's helped to do away with the pain most of the time. I eat healthy already, about as healthy as I can here. Vinegar isn't good to drink with an ulcer dude, shit's acidic

>> No.14216797

it depends on how bad they are and other health factors of the patient. a lot of the time they heal by themselves, but if you're a heavy alcoholic or are a diabetic OOOOOOOOFFFFF

>> No.14216836

If you get them from H Pylori then they are easily healed with triple antibiotics and a ppi
If you get them from too much ibuprofen or whatever they're easily healed from stopping the medication and taking steps to let it heal
If you get it and neither of those things are the cause of it then...Yes, you are very, very fucked. Because that means your stomach just up and did it by itself. That's fucked.

>> No.14216878

I was diagnosed with one only after an endoscopy about 4 years ago. Had horrible burning pain in my stomach that would only go away after eating. Wasn't able to sleep at night. It was fucking awful

Took a stool test for pylori that came back negative so I was thinking well I'm fucked. Doctor put me in prilosec for two months but I figured I'd get retested because I wasn't gonna take that shit forever. Breath test came back positive, doc put me in antibiotics with prilosec and that got rid of the pylori. No problems since

>> No.14216884

Listen to this guy. Stomach ulcers are from bacteria.

>> No.14216897

Yeah I've been mulling it over whether I should try for a 2nd opinion.
Shit time to be doing it and I have never tried making an appointment anywhere besides the shitty clinic I always go to but it seems I really need to get it done with.
They had me do a breath test for it. Hopefully having it done from a better place can figure this out for me.

>> No.14216921

Says who?

>> No.14216946

I would for sure do another pylori test. And the endoscopy was easy as hell. The test takes about 20 minutes and you're asleep the whole time. That's the only way to know for sure what you have. Best of luck, anon

>> No.14218043

The WHO.

>> No.14218700

There's literally no way to diagnose an ulcer without endoscopy, except maybe coffee ground like vomit. No blood test or anything similar. They can be certain it's an ulcer from your history but dude you need an endoscopy and proper therapy to confirm.

>> No.14218706

My endoscopy took less than 10 minutes and I was awake the whole time. It's not comfortable, but not terrible like some people say. I'd say 90% of them are done without any anesthesia in my country

>> No.14218841

Drink aloe (yes it’s weird and might be hard to find but it works) before bed and you should feel better but look it up to learn more about it.

>> No.14218848

any gastronomic issue = go keto
just do it
or suffer and die

>> No.14218942

Take the Keto OMAD redpill


>> No.14219793

Why would Keto help?

>> No.14219828

>less iritating
>recommends hard to diget vegetables and carbs which also promote the growth of helibacter
Get outa here brainlet.

>> No.14219966

Read the thread.

>> No.14219978

>go with easily digestible grains instead of breads and baked good
processed carbs are by definition more easily digestible

>> No.14219983

talk to your doctor again, you retarded figgit

>> No.14220231

>the China Shill Organization

>> No.14220603

Why would the China Shill Organization publish a study that lets China look like idiots then?

>> No.14220815

Cut out alcohol, citrus and spicy foods. That will help the most with least effort.

>> No.14221160
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I like how everyone here has an different opinion on what the problem is.
>don't eat carbs!
>don't eat veggies!
>don't eat anything acidic
>take meds!

>> No.14221473

you mean that rock band from the 70s

>> No.14221492

>go to doctor and pay for a visit
>doesn’t ask him
>asks 4chan instead

Eat shit OP

>> No.14221507

Your problem is that you think advice has to be mutually exclusive item or else it is differing opinions. It is possible to take meds AND avoid citrus. Is there something you failed in school?

>> No.14221655

I've got the same thing, tonight's my last night of tapering, you should look into it.

>> No.14221723

Ulcers are caused by h pylori which is caused by your stomach not being the right pH which is caused by excess (more than 30-50g per day) sugar, alcohol and carbs.

Go keto, friendo.

>> No.14221935

I was diagnosed with GERD after eating/drinking too much. Luckily it wasn't an ulcer and got better. The doctor gave me a lot of good advice on foods to avoid, I hope they will also work for you:

>Coffee, tea, chocolate
>Mint, peppermint,
>Garlic and onion
>Citrus fruits and juices
>Fatty or fried foods
>Soda or other carbonated beverages
>Spicy food, pepper
>Avoid having large meals

>> No.14222652


>> No.14224408


>> No.14224415

I was writing up an elaborate shitpost about peptic ulcers spilling pepsi when you broke them, but this wise, kind anon snapped me out of my autism for a second. I hope you have a joyous life, you make this site better by the post.

>> No.14224592

Know where I can get some that's not from some creep?
Im a girl BTW.

>> No.14224597

top kek

>> No.14224628

I had pretty bad hunger pangs before. Alongside taking medication I pretty much had lots of veggies and light meat that's not deep fried.

>> No.14225159


>> No.14225502
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this the new Boxxy or something?

>> No.14225599

Sorta related but what does eating fermented/bacteria food like yogurt our sauerkraut do for your stomach? I never ate much of them

>> No.14225924


>> No.14226004

Yepp, there's been many quenns of /b, cracky, boxxy, and a few in-between, now it's Greta :D

>> No.14226649
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As little as possible fast and do a 6 hour window so it has heaps of time to heal.
Throw some cabbage in nutribullet tastes like shit but it helps a lot to heal it.
t.peptic ulcer survivor good luck anon that shit fucking sucks.

>> No.14227458

Helps with digestion/heals the gut, basically.

>> No.14227563


don't fall asleep with a lot of food in your stomach
don't eat a meal before bed

>> No.14228088

No, why would she be?

>> No.14228498

barry marshall literally won the nobel prize for proving ulcers were caused by bacteria and not stress or diet, and here are retards still talking like antibiotics won't help

>> No.14229866

Milk? With an ulcer?

>> No.14229901

Laypeople are retards when it comes to health, I cringe every time some fucktard tries to bully his way into getting antibiotics for sniffles but won't take it for h.pylori because "it's poison chemicals" and goes for vinegar/honey/ginger whatever shit "cure" instead. Enjoy your stomach cancer you fucking idiot

>> No.14231132

Nigga, why SS?

>> No.14232292


>> No.14232464

>pepcid 10 minutes before every meal
>gelatin supplement 1-2 times a day
I ate lots of chicken noodle soup when I had an ulcer. Pepcid before eating really helps avoid the most meal suffering. Gelatin supplements heals ulcers in less than a week

>> No.14232484

>The view that gastric disorders are infectious diseases is now firmly established and there is increasing evidence for a role of H. pylori infection in gastric cancers. The work of Marshall has produced one of the most radical and important changes in medical perception in the last 50 years.

>> No.14232527

What's funny is drinking less soda and switching the coffee beans is what fixed mine. Feeling alot better

>> No.14232534

This. Also dairy and aliums. Look up FODMAP

>> No.14232912

Marshall purposely infected himself with h. pylori to study its effect on the body and won a Nobel prize for his work. Fucking based

>> No.14233017

Highly recommend some raw (unpasteurized) sauerkraut and kimchi. Started eating regularly a few months ago and all of my stomach issues have cleared right up.

Other suggestions: Cut out drinks made with artificial sugars, processed foods with lots of acid, anything that has any vegetable or seed oils (grapeseed, canola, sunflower, vegetable, corn, etc.).

A little apple cider vinegar with the mother is also a good idea, sometimes you actually need a little natural acid. I like Bragg's.

>> No.14233043

If you have an ulcer stop eating carbs for a week or so, if your condition improves. Tell your doctor, and they will prescribe you a simple diet and some medication

.t someone who had two ulcers, it's bacteria related. Good luck.

>> No.14233047

you just wanna see her tits... ADMIT IT!

>> No.14233544

Yeah, I do.

>> No.14233882

>wtitch thoting
>>>/twitch/ >>>/v/

>> No.14233897

ok. where do you even buy Zinc Car Nose?

>> No.14234712

Just don't eat diary.

>> No.14234845

That's a Twitch Thot?

>> No.14235054

Fuck you asshole

>> No.14236567

>Zinc Car Nose?

>> No.14236671

Avoid spicy food and like your doc said anything that aggravates it

>> No.14238159

Seconding this.

>> No.14239234

Mastic gum and nearly eliminating caffeine seemed the most helpful for me when I had problems with this. Also bone broth, probiotics (yogurt, kimchi), ginger, and blueberries.

>> No.14240206
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>My doctor just said "Don't eat anything that irritates it."
Stay away from fiber.