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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14208656 No.14208656 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14208664

Ben & Jerry's

>> No.14208707

My mom's ice cream

>> No.14208715

overpriced Jew shit

>> No.14208738
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>> No.14208740

Blue Bell

>> No.14208742

Turkey Hill

>> No.14208743

I like your mom's cream.

>> No.14208745


>> No.14208748
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>> No.14208779

Let me guess you’re white

>> No.14208794
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Clover is the best brand for plain ice cream but it's only available in California.

>>14208738 is the best nationally available brand.

If I want ice cream with chunks of stuff mixed in it then I like Haagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry's.

>> No.14208809

Black lives matter, racist.

>> No.14208814

It was Blue Bell before they could get you sick.

Tillamook is great, I just wish they had a banana ice cream.

>> No.14208866

i like tillamook, but i wish my supermarket held flavors other than mudslide, chocolate pb, strawberry, vanilla, and that blueberry pie thing

>> No.14208873
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for me it's Grycan

>> No.14208888

To you

>> No.14208893


>> No.14208903
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>> No.14208904
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brunning and stave

>> No.14209038

Yeah, in 1995

>> No.14209047
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>> No.14209051

Holy fuck yesss I never thought I'd see this again because I only remember having it when i was a toddler this shit is amazing

>> No.14209112
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How about Russian racist ice cream company? They produce such great ice creams as "Poor Jew" (chocolate, prunes, nuts), "Little Obama" (chocolate-covered chocolate ice cream) and "Hohol" (banana and bubble-gum flavored).

>> No.14209117

haagen is good
had pistachio today, was based

>> No.14209130

sup Hasan

>> No.14209131

Looks like zoomer ice cream

>> No.14209140

>Hohol (Ukrainian: Гoгoль) is a Ukrainian Cossack surname. In Ukrainian, hohol is a type of duck.
those racist bastards

>> No.14209155


>> No.14209184

why do people keep shilling this shit. It's nowhere near Haagen Das quality and one look at the nutrition facts/ingredients list would instantly confirm it.

>> No.14209212

haagen dazs is also pricy jew shit
the guy came up with the name because he was taking refuge in denmark during ww2 and later in the us when he founded his business he realized that american sounding names are associated with lower quality products and european sounding names suggest high quality. thus he named his ice cream in a way that looked danish to him, but means nothing in any european language.

literally a jewish trick. still good ice cream desu

>> No.14209266

It's far superior to overrated Häagen-Dazs

>> No.14209275

you posted it. the only real debate is best flavour, which is really just personal preference unless you choose rum raisin because then you just need to ruin everything good in life.

>> No.14209284
File: 219 KB, 1275x1500, jeni's splendid ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream
What's it like to be a tastelet poorfag, /ck/?

Their best flavors are
>pineapple upside down cake
>brandied banana brulee
>cognac and gingerbread
>sweet potato with torched marshmallow
>brown butter almond brittle
>goat cheese and red cherry

>> No.14209308

Irish cream

>> No.14209309

why are they $8 per pint tho

>> No.14209321


>> No.14209326


>> No.14209338
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I love Jeni's but holy hell is it expensive. Most of the time I gotta go with Graeter's

>> No.14209498

Because they're really good and not made with bullshit.

It is expensive but it's worth it unless you shovel gallons of ice cream into your face on a weekly basis. You don't do that, do you, Ohio-kun?

>> No.14209542

>Ben & Jerry's
that shit sucks, my supermarket randomly stopped having häagen dazs so i had to make do with Ben & Jerry's and its so inferior that i stopped eating ice cream unless i get by a bigger supermarket that have häagen dazs

>> No.14209588
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>> No.14209647

I don't think it's good enough to justify the price.

>> No.14209668

I pity your palate, your wallet, and your quality-ignorant "the most possible quantity of food for the cheapest feasible price" American attitude.

>> No.14209683

he does sounds pretty based

>> No.14209717

I'm sorry that you've convinced yourself that you're special and refined just because you like overpriced ice cream.

>> No.14209738


>> No.14209743
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Americans are so unlucky they don't have this brand. This shit is to die for.

>> No.14209749
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Don't be sorry; my life is great. Save your sorrow for your shameful outlook on life.

>> No.14209769

Shut up tranny

>> No.14209785
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I can't believe nobody mentioned pic related, there's not even a contest!

>> No.14209789

based, favourite flavour?
hate how much the price has inflated over the past few years tho, miss being able to get it at 5$ every other week

>> No.14209828


>> No.14209837
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Do they still sell these?

>> No.14209847

Yeah I know what you mean. It's up to about $11 that when it's on sale for ,$5 it feels like a bargain. Think it's on sale rn at woolies
But I'd have to say cookies and cream > vanilla > chocolate brownie. Shits to die for. Also Black and Gold homebrand ice cream is amazing. Perfectly soft.

>> No.14209986

B&J adds a bunch of water to their ice cream to make it cheaper.

You can see water is even in the ingredient list twice. Once on its own and then more water from the "liquid sugar". It's actually pretty crappy ice cream.

>> No.14210019

damn I just had tillamook cheese today for the first time. gotta try the ice cream

>> No.14210020

"Liquid sugar" might refer to simple syrup, as you make it by just boiling sugar in water until it evaporates and turns liquid

>> No.14210135


>> No.14210272
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LIDL is based

>> No.14210435
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I truly feel bad for all you non-texans

>> No.14210559
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Halo Top is always good shit. Favorite is the Chocolate Mocha Chip.

>> No.14210586

i've literally never seen this shit anywhere else in my entire life.
i'd try it though.

>> No.14210613

Ding ding ding ding

>> No.14210615

I only ever see them at an amusement park around here. Nowhere else, ever.

>> No.14210678

I've only had a few standard flavors from Tillamook but their vanilla is definitely better than Haagen Dazs. Haagen Dazs strawberry is better than Tillamooks. Tillamook is also the better value.

>> No.14210703
File: 122 KB, 512x512, milk n cookies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is divine.
That chocolate cookie swirl is what sets it apart from others. It's like a ribbon of oreo cookie without the frosting

>> No.14210935
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>Patrician's choice

>> No.14210939

Also did I mention they sweeten the fuck outta this in the US? Enjoy your diabetes with B&J and any other ice cream.

>> No.14210999


>> No.14211233
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Of the stuff you can get in a normal grocery store around me? Probably this.

>> No.14211691
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none compare

>> No.14211703

Maybe. But there's no reason to use that over plain sugar except for cutting cost. I don't think I've seen any other brands use it either. Water just thins it out which is why they have to use guar gum and carrageenan as thickeners. And it even just has plain water as another ingredient on top of that.

>> No.14211959
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This one was the superior option while it existed

>> No.14212261
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Witness my magnificence and despair!

>> No.14212269


Kill yourself cuckold.

>> No.14212283
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>> No.14212284

Based choice anon. Sammontana makes God tier ice cream.

>> No.14212314
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>> No.14212483

They still sell Dippin Dots at my local grocery store, though I wouldn't seriously consider getting them as anything other than a novelty.

>> No.14213043

why would i eat ice cream when i can get custard

>> No.14213052

99% ice chunks. Get out you disgusting faggot.

>> No.14213110
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Blue Bunny>Ben & Jerry's

>> No.14213122
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>> No.14213131

too sweet

>> No.14213137
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>> No.14213138

>cock hole

>> No.14213149

You're joking right?

>> No.14213221

They do, but not at grocery stores.
You have to special order Dippin Dots, they can't be stored in a typical freezer (they need to be stored below -40F).
The ones you see at the grocery store are just tiny ice-cream balls.

>> No.14213521

Ariskt och baserat

>> No.14213566

Har du ätit deras glass?

>> No.14213635

This concept of ice cream coming in brands is foreign to me.

>> No.14214082
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This shit is cash

>> No.14214153

>frozen dairy dessert
>Objectively highest quality
>personal favorite
best value brand

>> No.14214816
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is this the one with the tiny little caramels in it? yes that one is the best

but I also love these because I dunno, they put drugs in it or something. it's so air-filled and fluffy it's not even ice cream anymore but it's delightful

>> No.14215002


>> No.14215022


>> No.14215037


>> No.14215039

make that essentially three times. Skim milk is whole milk plus water.

>> No.14215506

entry level boring overpriced bullshit. i bet you think maruchan is the best ramen too.

>> No.14215579

It comes out of Cincinnati but you can find it in other midwestern cities, or you can buy it online and get it shipped to you.

>> No.14215587

without a question, mayfield.

>> No.14215604

>entry level ice cream
>not like my patrician advanced ice cream

>> No.14215735

I like haagen dazs and blue bell
but my absolute favorite is publix premium chocolate cookie quarry
that shit is so fuckin good i struggle to not eat the whole pint in one sitting

>> No.14215829

My Midwest nigger

>> No.14216275

It's not good; you like that you can eat it without blowing your macros.

>> No.14216287

Blue moon is a fantastic flavor. Cedar Crest also makes a nice version of it.

>> No.14216309

How can anyone possibly stomach ice creams with artificial flavors and additives? That's why I like Haagen Dazs, simple ingredients

>> No.14216317

Cheap and reliable. Def my pick

>> No.14216345
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Graeter’s by far

>> No.14216495
File: 214 KB, 1600x900, blue_bell_ice_cream_cone.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's actual Ice Cream.
Bluebell Ice Cream Cone flavor is pretty great if you don't cut your mouth on it

>> No.14216505

genuinely awful texture for an "ice cream", even the flavor isn't good.

>> No.14216508

Absolutely based regional choice

Marionberry and Strawberry are my favorites.

>> No.14216535
File: 93 KB, 900x550, df0217-EDD-VanLeeuwen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obnoxious brooklyn hipster brand that's like $9 a pint but ho-lee motherfucking shit is it good


based. i don't remember the name but i had a sample of their "pad thai" ice cream in the store once and was expecting it to be disgusting but was blown away, it was so fucking good

>> No.14216543

the fucking caramel toffee crunch should come with an addiction warning label

>> No.14216547

It's odd that haagen das vanilla is thought of as basic I think it's by far the best freezer section ice cream you can get. Vanilla done right has depth you can't get elsewhere.

>> No.14216570
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for me?

>> No.14216642

Do you live in a trailer you fucking bum?

>> No.14216653

You know that aimed for women and faggots right?

>> No.14216661

Dude Magnum sucks, their white chocolate literally tastes like puke.

>> No.14216696
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>> No.14216697

That's not even real ice cream retard

>> No.14216790
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>> No.14217094
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HEB Swoon are great for the price

>> No.14217211
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B&J's chocolate cookie swirl is fantastic. I love it in pretty much every pint that's got it. I've got pic related in my freezer right now.

>> No.14217225

Faggy shit

>> No.14217230

Every time I get this brand, the pint is full of ice. I can tell that the flavor of the ice cream is good, but having ribbons of ice crystals all throughout it just ruins the texture.

>> No.14217235

anyone here know best vanilla ice cream brand in australia

>> No.14218554

Oreo cookies are very overrated american shit, so now I know what to stay away from.

>> No.14218582

fight me

>> No.14220165

kroger brand cuz its cheap

>> No.14220295
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bunch of lesbians itt
How can I buy restaurant "grade" 5 gallon buckets that won't fit in my fridge?

>> No.14220425

anons are hopeless, too retarded to understand stabilizers and overrun. pretty much any brand primarily sold in the larger containers is lower quality because the price point would be ridiculous if it was actual ultra premium ice cream

>> No.14220459
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 316291-600x600-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this is the winner. poor fuckin retard anons will never understand. pic related and brambleberry is my favorite. if you are forced to compromise on ice cream it's probably because you're fat as fuck and eat it so often you had to start cutting costs

>> No.14220855

Damn son, I've never actually had those before.

>> No.14220867

I used to always get these at the corner store when I was a kid. I haven't been able to find them in a long time though. :(

Based, I've only tried Jeni's chocolate flavor, but it was some of the best chocolate ice cream I've ever eaten.

>> No.14220932
