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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14203907 No.14203907 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had an experience where you ate an obscene amount of one specific kind of food?

Were drugs or liquor involved?

>> No.14204174


i enjoy fruit in can, and i think one weekend i stayed home smoking weed, and ate about 8 can of litchi.

i love fruit and i love litchi, i only ate litchi for two days and i regre nothing

>> No.14204232

I was obese as a kid/teen and only recently lost it. One of my biggest binges was.
>Full Carton of Oreo Ice cream
>Two meat lovers stuffed crust pizzas
>bag of fries with half a brick of cheese melted on top
>4 twinkies
>3 cheese sandwhiches
>2 peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches
>1 tuna wrap
Not even going to bother calculating the calories, i just know it was fucked.

>> No.14204242

All that at once?

>> No.14204253

Yeah within the span of 1 hour.
I was around 350 lbs at my biggest.

>> No.14204263
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I just smoked a shitload of pot and I've eaten a dgozen eggs. Just now in facr guys. So much pot.

Just let out an enormous sulphur fart directly on my sleeping 12 year old sister on the lounge. Right in her face and hair. She woke up dry retching. I was hiding behind the fishtank looking at her past our lobsters and PISSING MESELF LAUGHING. Bitch got fucken DUNKED ON.


>> No.14204399

Yes. I should preface this by saying that I am actually obese but a few months ago when I was drunk and stoned and feeling very depressed I ate 6 Dr Oetker frozen pizzas (the mushroom kind). To make matters worse health-wise I added extra mozzarella and parmesan on all of them to make them extra cheesy. It was amazing but I felt like shit afterwards.

>> No.14204407

Damn bro 6 is a lot. The most I ever ate of those in 1 sitting was 2 and they were different varieties (one was mushroom the other was spinach). As far as frozen pizza goes I think that is the best one. I like to add garlic, onion and chili flakes for toppings.

>> No.14204422

Three triple cheese burgers from McDonald's.

>> No.14204526

I fat from child, so I'm constantly munchies mode.
I remember finishing 3 boxes full of cold bureks.
I could also manage 3 large pizza by myself, or eat an entire sugary Napoleon cake.
When some kind of digital distraction is involved, I could just eat until I get bored of eating.

>> No.14205280

I was 11 and my dad made enchiladas. I am not mexican but I love enchiladas. I think I ate a dozen. I literally could not move for 5 hours I was so stuffed and sick.

Another time when I was a lot older I made a huge batch of cheese enchiladas. I had 2 of them for each meal for about a week. I didn't shit for like 3 or 4 days and when I did it was like trying to crap out a concrete christmas tree.

>> No.14205317

what is your height and weight?

>> No.14205335 [DELETED] 

5'2 277 lbs

>> No.14205356

regularly ate 2 triple cheese dominos pan pizzas in one sitting because of weed. Actually i usually would pass out with 2-3 slices left. 6000 cals of carbs or whatever(think it might be more) tends to sedate you like that

>> No.14205373
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You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.14205383

not eating, but drank one 15 pack of natural light, one 40 oz of bud ice and three 99 bananas a day for a week or so. some of the worst withdrawals ever afterwards

>> No.14205401

I cant keep sweets in my house because when i get stoned or drunk i beeline for it. Things I have binged on while under the influence
>an entire 2 liter of soda in under an hour
>a half gallon of ice cream in an evening
>A can of lemon frosting
>All the stuff in a pack of oreo double stuffs, leaving behind slobber coated cookies
When i'm not under the influence I'm fine, and now I just munch on tomatoes and fruit when i have the munchies.

>> No.14207007

5’6 and 377lbs

>> No.14207023

I ate 19 slices of french toast cuz I fucked my order at a&w once. I didn't want to waste it all so I sat there and slowly ate it.

>> No.14207653

Over the course of a day I drank like 36 beers

>> No.14207754
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Got super high and ate about 1kg of those sour haribo things.
My stomach hurt like you wouldnt believe

>> No.14207789


>> No.14207863
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1E458D1F-3CA5-4ECB-AAB2-378BD7693156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at party
>drunk as a skunk
>decide against better judgment to smoke a bowl
>only been high once before
>liquor, weed, and antidepressants create an unholy trinity of crossfade
>sob like a bitch
>lie on floor and scarf down half a dozen donuts in a futile attempt to sober up
Never again. I’m straightedge now and only eat junk food on special occasions.

>> No.14207894

1kg of strawberry liquorice studying for finals

felt like i dislocated my jaw after finishing

>> No.14207917

I lived within a few blocks of two places recognized as some of the best burgers in the city. Then I started working at a place that wound up winning best burger in the city. I found myself wanting to just try different burgers when I wasn't eating two burgers a day at work.

I think for like three-four months my diet was like 85% burgers, 10% fries and 5% chicken wings when I'd go out to bars. I also lost like 15 lbs during this

>> No.14207996

tacos only for like 4 days. I made 2lbs of ground beef with taco seasoning and didn't have much else to eat at home. So I ate that for dinner. Threw some in a flour tortilla with an egg and some cheese and made breakfast tacos the next day. Wound up at a bar after work and their special was all-you-can-eat tacos. They had pork and chicken too so it was a bit different. Then I had some more tacos for lunch the next day and wound up at a bar again that had tacos on special so I ordered one because I was hungry but not enough to order more and since I had tacos at home. but the cook misread the ticket and made a whole taco platter and they just gave me all three and charged me for one. so I ate that for dinner. Then still had about a half lb of taco meat at home so I threw it in some corn tortillas and fried it up with cheese and beans made some taquitos with the rest of it. froze some of them and was eating them on and off for the next week or two.

Also one day I back in town and staying at my mom and aunt's house and went out for breakfast with a friend and got an omelet with gyros and feta in it(quite based if you haven't had one) My aunt came home around noon and said she grabbed me a gyro for lunch. Then my mom came home with a gyro because she had one for lunch at work and gave me one. Already having had leftovers from the first two I saved it for the next day and made a gyros, feta, spinach, onion omelet for myself, my mom and aunt since they had never had it with eggs before.

I'm pretty sure I've done pizza for several days straight and tuna salad for a few days as well.

>> No.14208027

big boi

>> No.14208029
