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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14198290 No.14198290 [Reply] [Original]

>love Chinese cuisine
>decide to learn cooking because of it
>check some basic recipe for chicken rice
>requires $40 spices and other unusual items (chinese wine, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sesame, cornstarch, panko etc)
>requires specialized tools (woks)
>making sauce is a bitch
>takes whole night to marinate the chicken
why is cooking so gay

>> No.14198299

Oh look. It's that time of day again where the CCP trolls do their 'let's do positive spin on Chinese 'culture'!' again.

>> No.14198305

A complete fabrication. I will now have sex with you as punishment

>> No.14198307
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>unusual items
>soy sauce
>corn starch

>> No.14198310

I've never used those. I usually just eat hwatever my parents make or order takeout lmao

>> No.14198314

I will have sex with your parents as well then

>> No.14198323

>unusual items
>chinese wine, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sesame, cornstarch, panko etc
Nigger, you should have a lot of that stuff on hand already. Who are you, Mother Hubbard?

>> No.14198329

Dude, as polarized as we are as a nation right now-even with all the protests going on over racial equality; you still say shit like this in the public square you idiotic racist piece of fucking garbage fuck you.

>> No.14198334

I'm czech

>> No.14198340

>enjoy US Chinese food
>never really mastered eggplant
>try making takeout style spicy garlic eggplant
>requires fucking two cups of oil and four tablespoons of sugar
>indeed tastes the same
>never eat the dish again

No one wants to see how the eggplant is made

>> No.14198344

>two cups of oil
jesus christ, tell me it's at least fried.

>> No.14198350

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14198354
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>> No.14198355

I don't care about your #BLM riots and protests. They don't affect me in the slightest. Go be a jogger somewhere else.

>> No.14198361

Yes, deep fried and served in syrup basically

>> No.14198363

>not already having cornstarch

>> No.14198369

> Hey man, shits rough rn, maybe don't be ironically racist

Wew, lad.

>> No.14198370

>unusual items

OP you are a child.

>> No.14198402

I am perpetually disgusted with China, but I don't go looking for communists under my bed at night.

Cooking gets easier and faster the more you do it. Sorry about marinading taking long and needing tools though, there's some things you can't fix. You can substitute out chinese wine (use your websearches anon), and the spices you can't find.

Woks are irrelevant at home. Your stove will never get hot enough to matter. Just use a deep-walled frying pan if you have one.

>> No.14198407

bro I literally made teriyaki chicken the other day "from scratch" along with honey garlic pork chops the other week. this shit isn't difficult and most of what you listed is NORMAL in asian cooking
I don't even cook with a wok just use a cast iron for home cooking you fucking faggot

>> No.14198408

> the CCP doesn't run China and all its various apparatus of state, including any and all propaganda it disseminates

>> No.14198418

chicken rice?

>> No.14198419

They don't sit around talking about how they're struggling to make Americanized Chinese fast food because it takes too long and there's too many ingredients.

There's not enough propaganda there. Those fuckers are on tiktok talking about how much they miss home because things are under control there.

>> No.14198424

completely unrelated question, what kind of food do your parents make?

>> No.14198428

>NORMAL in asian cooking
That's the problem. I AM NOT ASIAN. I dont have ching chong wine or weird ass oriental spices. I'm a simple man with a simple menu (mostly chicken with potatoes and chicken soup)
chicken with potatoes and chicken soup
sometimes tomato soup

>> No.14198441

does the chicken soup include store brought stock?
is the chicken sauted, browned in the oven or just dumped raw in the pot?
what kind of spices go into chicken soup? does chicken soup include any vegetables?

>> No.14198445

This guy again.
The faggot who loves china's everything and thinks CCP did nothing wrong (because he doesn't care and mentally blocked those information).

>> No.14198451

Must be underage, if not why post here?

>> No.14198458

I'm not sure what exactly did you expect. You wanted to cook Chinese but get mad when they ask you to have Asian ingredients? Are you mentally ill? Do you also call steaks gay and get mad because you only have chicken in your fridge? Seek psychiatric help

>> No.14198494
File: 24 KB, 700x700, calphalon deep fry deep skillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic recipe for chicken rice
I bet no one is familiar with this specific chinese recipe of "Chicken rice" but whatever you wish to make, I'm sure you'll have found some similar ingredients can be found for this and other recipes.
>unusual items
You will be using portions of these condiments and recipe ingredients over the course of many many recipes. And, it shouldn't be too expensive. This is a poverty country afterall. Seriously, just buy 1 recipe's ingredients, and build your pantry, one more item at a time for the 2nd recipe and so on...
1) chili paste (keep a jar in the fridge to spoon out, avoid garlic)
2) ginger paste in a tube (or a fresh knob of ginger)
3) tamari/soy sauce
4) fresh citrus of choice (an orange, a lemon), to zest and juice
5) corn starch (to thicken, breading, egg drop soup, and gloss sauces)
That's it. Put those items in a cup, thin with cold water, pour into your final stirfry and warm through+nuts/sesame/herb/crunchy noodles/scallions. Modify your pantry and flavors with additions:
6) deglaze w/ sherry, no need to buy inferior wine
7) marinate cucumbers for a side , or add tang with seasoned rice vinegar. Of course fresh citrus is better.
8) More: chinese 5 spice, japanese 7, curry, hoisin/blk bean, toasted sesame oil, cilantro, ketchup, honey

Nope. Zero reason to buy a wok without high BTUs to use with it.
You can use high heat+ skillet or heavy bottom cast iron. Asians buy 1 burner with high BTUs gas/3rd world simulation of 1 burner, a separate stand alone device set up (think japan, india or a USA turkey fryer). My parents have a huge nonstick electric wok that I /facepalmed when bought years ago. But for company, it cooks extreme double portions of recipes to feed 8-12 guests and mimics that hot zone bottom like a champ. Mom drags it out of a cupboard for some family nights when all the grandkids come over and/or game day chicken wing fryer. Thermostat is nice.

Pic: I use "deep" skillet

>> No.14198534
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>Love Chinese cuisine
>Look up recipes for simple dishes
>General Tso's, lo mein, fried rice, orange chicken, etc...
>Follow recipe correctly
>Never turns out nearly as good as take out

>> No.14198629

fuck that orange bastard

>> No.14198637
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>specialized tools (woks)

>> No.14198662

What's Czech food like?

>> No.14198670

Such a dumb post. You're next.

>> No.14198678

>marinading taking long
just set a timer and go jack off. you've wasted most of your life already, you really gonna cry over another hour?

>> No.14198704

Buy a bag of MSG
Will literally save your life.

>> No.14198756

I can't imagine not owning a spice cabinet. if you think chinese cuisine requires a lot of things you should look into indian food. general tso chicken is like 8 ingredients and a few garnishes. you're a retard.

>> No.14198761

whoops should have said sesame chicken.

>> No.14198771 [DELETED] 

You need some wok hei, bro.

>> No.14198782

>OP makes a thread complaining about how his chinese recipe uses chinese ingredients that he doesn't have
>Half of the replies are people talking about the CCP and being schizo over people making chinese food

>> No.14198790

You don't need the Chinese wine not the panko for that recipe
You can probably replace the hoisin sauce with molases or raw honey

>> No.14198797

czech plz

>> No.14198798

Did you not have soy sauce or corn starch to begin with??? Those are pretty typical ingredients that basically never go bad and are found in most kitchens.

Idk, don't make retarded recipes next time. Most chinese recipes I've found are fairly simple and take less time than a lot of other dishes I prepare.

>> No.14198808

>Love Chinese food
>Follow the recipe
>It comes out way better than take out because local restaurants jew out the ingridients
I fucking got Kum pao with fucking potato once

>> No.14198867

>The CCP is evil therefore Chinese cuisine is shit

>> No.14198895

best way to cook eggplant is throw it in a fire and scoop out the insides when its burnt to shit

>> No.14198958

Fuck niggers lmao

Woks are useful for deep-frying shit without wasting too much oil though. Just get a thinner steeled wok, none of that aluminium shit.

>> No.14199626

Silence nigger

>> No.14199629

>good food takes effortlessly to prepare


>> No.14199633


fuck phone posting

>> No.14199650

stfu ESL

>> No.14199715

If you want to cook Chinese food you need to buy 4-6 basic ingredients. Just like if you want to cook Thai foot or Vietnamese food or Italian food. And it's not like your fermented soy beans or your dark and light soy sauces will go bad, just get a bottle of each and you're set. You can use Sherry instead of Ching Chong wine too or substitute other spirits.

>> No.14201321

i'm hungry brehs

>> No.14201750

Basics you actually need, lots of retarded spellings are out there in english these are the characters, first spelling is the real one, but lots of companies use wade-giles which is another romanization of chinese:
>soy sauce 酱油
self explanatory, put that shit on everything
>Shaoxing (shaohsing) Rice Wine 绍兴酒
Use this like white wine, combine it w dark soy sauce and regular soy for a basic sauce add a ton of sugar for what a lot of americna chinese food uses
>Dark Soy Sauce 老抽
This is a more potent and also sweeter soy sauce
>Zhenjiang (chenkiang) Black Vinegar 镇江香醋
super fragrant vinegar with a lot going on, great for dumpling sauces with a bit of soy and sesame oil
>Doubanjiang (tobanjiang)
This is a fermented bean paste with chilis and garlic, its mildly spicy fry it up a little bit before using it in anything to open up the flavors a bit more, use it in anything "sichuan"
>sesame oil 麻油
self explanatory, use as a finisher in small amounts
>baijiu 白酒
chinese hard liquor theres a few different kinds, but you really just it on cured things or sometimes to marinate, but the flavor is very very strong
>five spice powder 五香粉 could be other things with 五香
great seasoning of some variation of ginger/galangal, sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon, cloves, anise, etc. goes well in marinades with shaoxing
>white pepper powder 白胡椒
use it like black pepper in western cuisine

Typically make a small "mirepoix" of garlic ginger and scallions, its the chinese holy trinity.

>> No.14201755

>doubanjiang 豆瓣酱

>> No.14201910

yeah and you need to fish in the sewer and boil your gutter skimmings to get that authentic chinese taste. It's a fucking scam.

>> No.14201915

get the fuck out of my board you niggerloving faggot

>> No.14201920

they cheat real hard
chemically tenderize your meat - marinade, or just melt it with baking soda
collect all your slops and boil thel, and skim the oil off

>> No.14201921

Niggas don't ever see polar bears retard

>> No.14201923


>> No.14201984

I definitely felt this way at first, but you have to find recipes that are WORTH the long process.

Obviously don’t spend a million dollars making homemade Alfredo or some Chinese sauce when you can buy that shit premade at the market.

Youtube other people’s favorite Chinese cooking playlists. Pretty helpful. Good luck.

And yes, overall cooking is gay. So if u don’t like. Don’t do.

>> No.14201998
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>unusual items
>soy sauce, cornstarch
>specialized tool: woks
culturless troglodyte detected

>> No.14202182

It doesn't even take being cultured to order a fucking wok and a wok burner from amazon anon. A retard nigger monkey ape can do it.

OP is worse than a retard nigger monkey ape, he's a faggot.

>> No.14202184


>> No.14202186

Chinese food is second only to Indian/African/Middle Eastern slop on rice for how easy it is to make.

>> No.14202188

t. wok is a specialized tool

>> No.14202201

>$40 spices
Took me some time to gather enough "courage" but I eventually ordered everything I could think of, now I'm intimidated as some ingredients remain untouched.
>specialized tools (woks)
Extreme heat too to pair with the wok, not everybody has access to it.

>> No.14202241

Unless you have a very powerful gas stove, getting a Wok is pointless.

>> No.14202246

>chinese wine, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sesame, cornstarch, panko etc
All of that can be stored for a long fucking time, i don't see the problem. You are just inexperienced.