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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, sausages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14194699 No.14194699 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit. I just discovered that you can eat sausages without a bun and they are delicious.

>> No.14194708

What do you mean?

>> No.14194715


>> No.14194717

Impossible. Stop lying.

>> No.14194719

he eats them orally

>> No.14194725

Using his mouth?

>> No.14194727

Bull fucking shit.

>> No.14194730
File: 19 KB, 614x355, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f33415967724137594d754c6770513d3d2d3733393839323731342e3135613434356436393933656434366239303934313137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just when i thought 2020 could blow my mind any more. ffs

>> No.14194734

how do you get the sausage out of the bun

>> No.14194736


>> No.14194751

You eat the bun around the sausage, of course.

>> No.14194764

sup reddit

>> No.14194776
File: 858 KB, 692x954, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up reddit first

>> No.14194780

OP is lying, its a hoax

>> No.14194796

I thought the sausages were mealworms from the thumbnail

>> No.14194830

you have to go back

>> No.14194840

I can't eat the bun fast enough it keeps coming back

>> No.14194841

Just wait 'til you get some sauteed onions and peppers on those bad motherfuckers.
God's gift to grinds.

>> No.14194846

legit newfag regurgitating a few posts that he thinks makes him fit in. honestly ck isnt bad but dont go browsing in other boards if you can help it

>> No.14194848

murican retard

>> No.14194853

>ck isnt bad
as long as you're here instead of reddit it is

>> No.14194870

Use your bun torch to cauterize it you retard. Do you also not have plates?

>> No.14194879

theres def not as much pol tranny shit here as in some other boards and thats all i need

>> No.14194939


>> No.14195460

No really. I had no buns and I decided to try them without buns and they tasted good without buns!

>> No.14195477

Are your local Rabbi allowed this?

>> No.14195489

What if you made a bun out of meat? And then used the bread as the sausage?

>> No.14195520
File: 321 KB, 960x1280, awestruck_chihuahua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14195606

>fun is reddit
Fuck off faggot

>> No.14195659

Like raw? nah mate isnt that good, its better cooking them up and then to get better flavor get a bun and toast it

>> No.14195685

Nice. I also eat mine without a bun. I sometimes even put it in spaghetti, chili and soup/stew.

>> No.14195700

When I was a kid I watched some German movie about a schizo who got released from the asylum and went on a killing spree. There was a really intense scene where he ate a bratwurst with some mustard and it looked really good so I started doing it. There was also a wiener dog in the film who bit him for killing his master. I thought that was pretty cool so I got a weenie dog too.

>> No.14195720

hory shit

>> No.14195730
File: 36 KB, 251x320, ANGST BLU-RAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. You are thinking of pic related and it's literally the movie that gave me an appetite for bunless sausage. He did eat it with a roll or something but not together like a sausage in a bun.

>> No.14195735

See you on the news, anon.

>> No.14195737

Oh hell yeah

>> No.14195750

wait what? Can everybody do that, is there a recipe?

>> No.14195764

I have never seen one. I had to figure it out myself.

>> No.14196050

That's some good sausage

>> No.14196876

Tell me about it. It's not even food porn. The sausage just seems like it is scrumptious.

>> No.14197199

The buN, not buM. Bums are a faceless mass and spring from dirt and the ground, like insects and mice.

>> No.14197204

ngl I thought those were dried mealworms in the thumbnail

>> No.14197221

Can you still slice the sausage with no bun? I'd imagine the texture would be fucked.

>> No.14197312

I did too at first.

>> No.14197330


>> No.14197345

Gonna post a recipe or just keep us in suspense? c'mon dude i've been trying to figure out a way to get rid of the bun for years be a pal

>> No.14197353

cook sausage
eat as required

>> No.14197413

No fucking way

>> No.14198645

I haven't tried yet. I just at the sausage without the bun. No slicing. I will report my findings next time I attempt bunless sausage.

>> No.14198649

This thumbnail looks like worms.

>> No.14198673

w-what? how???

>> No.14198777

Sometimes I eat corndogs without the corn wrapper. I was thinking of a name for them and I was gonna go with dogs, but that didn't really tell you the optimum temperature for them so I call them hotdogs.

>> No.14198811

> corndogs without the corn wrapper
What the fuck? How?

>> No.14198817

Just peel it off like any other wrapper. Protip you can smash the corn wrapper into a ball and it kinda taste like a sweet bread or cake of some kind.

>> No.14198949

Sausages go with fried potatoes anyway. The bun is only necessary for a hot dog or if you want to make a sandwich.

>> No.14198957


Next you're gonna tell me there's a way to eat apples without the pie, this is too much

>> No.14198967
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 1567756383051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Louisiana Hot Links

>> No.14198986

I do like that brand, the red dye doesn't completely boil off like other red links.

>> No.14199110

Can they be cooked without a bun though?

>> No.14199116

>boasts about no MSG
Thats like putting "no flavor" on there

>> No.14199141

>no gluten
>no MSG
just marketing nonsense for soccer moms

>> No.14200100

>A chicken, pork and beef product
I like sausages and know not to ask too many questions, but why are they cutting the good stuff with chicken like that?

>> No.14200103

Is your palate really that busted up?

>> No.14200117

>I just at the sausage without the bun.
People keep saying this, but they refuse to say HOW! HOW YOU ASSCAKE EXPLAIN HOW

>> No.14200181

I think you cook it and then you take the bun off. I wish OP would explain how he did it.

>> No.14200205

Did you added any condiments?

>> No.14200683

Mustard of course.

>> No.14200858

Oh. Do you peel it off like a banana? Or crack it like a nut?

>> No.14201052

how did you stop it growing back?

>> No.14201184

nice filename