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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 700x700, amundsen_choco_mud_cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14192642 No.14192642 [Reply] [Original]

>bacon chocolate donut with sprinkles and coffee plus extra semen flavored beer
>it tastes like barley water

>> No.14192683
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I've had a few of these mate and I can confidently say you're spewing a load of shit.
Anyway, good beer thread.
Currently back on the hazy shit, Polly's is deffo one of the better NEIPA breweries on my fair isle.

>> No.14192687

>>it tastes like barley water
Every time.

>> No.14192965

I tried a "salted caramel" sour. It tasted like pickle juice. Wasn't terrible, but come the fuck on.

>> No.14194349

Just avoid these hipster beers in general. They're all shit and basically exist as conversation starters.

>> No.14194360

The very idea of a salted caramel sour sounds like vomit. It's a shame that it's so easy to get beer to market that even complete retards manage to sell some shit.

>> No.14194377
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This. Here is how you actually do this concept in terms of beermaking, even then, I can only drink like one of these. Hell, I had this 14% ABV coffee stout once that...drinking it is like halfway between pleasure and challenge, then you realize how drunk you just got, they're kinda fun but you only need one.

>> No.14194384

My personal philosophy is the more shit they pile and pile on the outside of the can, the less they care about what's inside the can. "Personality" to substitute for true character. Poor taste in label graphics reflect poor taste in brewing.

Basically all my favorite flavored beers have minimalist can or bottle design. Tasteful minimalist design on the outside, tasteful minimalist brew on the inside. I don't want a beer that taste like I'm choking on cherry chocolate chip dick, I want a beer that compliments and doesn't overpower my food.

>> No.14194388

>drinking faggot beers

They are always an expensive gross meme

That old bay beer was actually ok though

>> No.14194389

Founders in particular makes tasty beers that are not that fun to drink. They do this syrupy low attenuation on a mega-high gravity wort thing that makes it more like drinking a concentrated drink syrup with booze in it than a beer. I like their execution of flavor, but I don't even enjoy drinking a full bottle of anything Founders.

>> No.14194448
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>> No.14194458

i can't drink beer anymore desu

>> No.14194464

>candy fizz

>> No.14194558

This is a mind-bogglingly retarded way of selecting beer to drink. Enjoy never, ever tasting the best of anything.

>> No.14194581
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Eh, I enjoy the novelty of it.
More often than not it's just a simple collaboration, the local brewery owner is friends with a local doughnut shop owner and they make a limited batch of doughnut beer for fun.

>> No.14194610

Dangerously based

>> No.14194633
File: 737 KB, 2500x1667, kitschy beer labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tasted enough beer to notice the trend, not invented a trend to preclude beer from tasting. If you have poor taste, it will manifest itself in more than one way.

I don't hate a donut beer for being a donut beer. I hate gaudy hipster can and bottle design because to me it seems like the poor taste in the design carries through to being poor taste in brewing beer. Anything with one of those oh-so-quirky labels is either overbittered to the point of overpowering the beer underneath or oversweetened to the point of overpowering the beer underneath, in much the same way as the label is overdesigned to the point of overpowering the beer within. They sell an attitude, not a good beer.

>> No.14194642

Amundsen's dessert in a can series is overhyped garbage! It tastes like sugar water and artificial flavoring.
Too bad considering they have fairly decent stouts otherwise.

>> No.14194652

Can't relate m8
All the hipster breweries I frequent make both gaudy obnoxious can art as well as tastefully understated can art.
The beer inside is good either way.

>> No.14194657
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fuck desert

>> No.14194704

>cherrypicking one specific brewery to fit your flawed hypothesis
Middle kek

>> No.14194733
File: 274 KB, 1200x630, sunday-roast-beers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a main course then?

>> No.14194753
File: 191 KB, 1000x1000, Amundsen_Dessert_In_A_Can_Chocolate_Peanut_Butter_Caramel_Brownie (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man pic related is one of the best dessert stouts I've had. You're not one of those "beer should taste like beer and nothing else" wankers are you?

>> No.14194758
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I'll expect a full meal.

>> No.14194779
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100% agree

>> No.14194781

If you've ever shopped for beer you know there are many many labels like the ones I posted. I just found a picture with many together which, surprise, happened to be posted by a brewery.

>> No.14194794

>You're not one of those "beer should taste like beer and nothing else" wankers are you?

No, not at all. I'm all for experimentation and novel takes on brewing. But those don't sit well with me.

>> No.14194836


>> No.14194886
File: 227 KB, 1200x1041, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, did I stutter?
Give me a plate with all the fixings

>> No.14195168

Every dollar spent on marketing is a dollar that wasn't spent on high quality ingredients, equipment, or personnel.

>> No.14195172

Zero dollars will be earned in revenue if there is no marketing to inform consumers of your product

>> No.14195197

Word of mouth is better marketing than wacky can graphics.

>> No.14195208

Overly sweet beers are too easy to make for this to be believable. I can believe that it's shit, but probably because it's too sweet with no subtlety.

>> No.14195211

pastry stouts are good

>> No.14195236

>>it tastes like barley water
um, like beer? What does this even mean? Are you saying pastry stouts aren't pastry enough? I feel like thats a stance most people wouldn't agree with at all

>> No.14195242

The wackiest graphic isn't how marketing works. Having a coherent brand is important, being able to make a new beer with a new label and having people instinctively know you made it is very important (well for well respected brands, for low end brands like Budweiser the exact opposite is true)

>> No.14195246

There isn't a whole lot of "marketing" in the way of advertising in alcohol. Ads for spirits are vague and try to be sensual, and I'm old enough to remember the stupid ass beer commercials of the 90s, but modern companies don't do that anymore.

There's no marketing except the label, and the label says everything there is to know about your brand. If you are tasteful and brewing careful beers that are tasteful and sessionable, your label reflects that. If you have the mentality that "more is more," you're putting your too-sweet or too-bitter malt-scented sodas into some really shitty looking cans to appeal to other sugar-addicted sois who think like you.

>> No.14195258

Binge drinking alkies know nothing of taste.

>> No.14195259

>flavor bad, i want my beer watery so I can drink a fuck ton of it in one sitting

>> No.14195285
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I have never seen a post more succinctly put down my feelings as well as this. It applies to wine too.

>> No.14195291

If you want to eat a hot fudge sundae then eat a hot fudge sundae you sugar addicted faggot. If it has to be boozy then just go neck a bottle of Godiva chocolate liqueur like the basic bitch you are.

>> No.14195297

Yet the marketing thing that makes these threads always picks a can with over the top art on it, as well as sickly sweet shit inside it, for the OP image.

>> No.14195310

If those are the only beer cans/beer threads you notice or make then you're the immature corn syrup guzzler those beers are marketed toward.

>> No.14195318

I drink a very wide variety of beer, pastry stouts are usually very good, plenty of smaller beers are also very good but the people mad about pastry stout are almost always insufferable, there is literally nothing wrong with wanting beer to taste like things and not be Bud Light. Sessionability is almost always a negative driver on quality and taste

>> No.14195322

I use them to add entries to my "don't touch this shit" list.

>> No.14195328

its always literally this exact same picture man when the topic is being mad at pastry stout, its a meme

Now the vast majority of beer threads overall have no coherent pattern

>> No.14195358

you know, there's more flavors to beer than crappy lager and reddit sugar sodas. You make me think of someone who only drank shitty party beers until they turned the legal drinking age then just went crazy with whatever gay sweet shit you find at the store.

>omg chocolate raspberry soy latte flavored beer!!!!!

>> No.14195381

>you know, there's more flavors to beer than crappy lager and reddit sugar sodas.
Yeah I do, I drink pretty much all of them, and very few of them are served by "sessionability"

>> No.14195390

There's quite literally a massive market of delicious fruited or flavored beers that are not unbearably sweet and poorly attenuated like the garbage dessert beers that always get posted around here. Do you really think the beer market goes 0 to 100 from light domestics to soda-like dessert-flavored craft beers with nothing in the middle?

I'm having a fantastic blood orange dry hopped wheat ale from Quaff On! right now and it's easily drinkable without being boring or plain. I almost exclusively drink fruited ales; I just don't like when they're too sweet to enjoy. Balance is important. Meme beers have none.

>> No.14195397

Are you quoting the wrong post? I absolutely do not think that?

>> No.14195404

god i miss these, i remember when these first came out, it was like nothing i've ever seen before

>> No.14195431

Fooled me, since you defended sugar beers with absolutism and mentioned Bud Light as the alternative.

>> No.14195458

I was defending beer in general, specifically rejecting that flavored stouts are simply "sugar beers"

>> No.14195474

No one said anything like that. Just that sugar beers are shit.

>> No.14195486

>you're putting your too-sweet or too-bitter malt-scented sodas into some really shitty looking cans
You literally just said any sweet or hoppy beer is just soda and bad

>> No.14195499

No, I very clearly said that TOO sweet and TOO hoppy beers are bad. The adverb "too" exclusively means that the quantity of the adjective is beyond an acceptable level.

>> No.14195772

implies that your definition of acceptable is light beer

>> No.14195793

It really doesn't. Again, it seems like you seem to think there is a giant void between Bud Light and a double chocolate graham cracker raspberry marshmallow fluff milkshake meme beer. Your intellect is woeful.

>> No.14195801

you were complaining about beers not being sessionable enough man

>> No.14195825

If you have to nurse a beer because it's too sweet and thick to be drank like a beer, if it takes you so long to drink your beer that your beer goes warm and flat, then your beer is shit, plain and simple. You NEVER have this problem with Euro beers, even strong Euro beers like Belgians, because they know balance - a concept American brewers and drinkers alike can rarely grasp.

Sessionable doesn't mean light. It means you can drink it without getting sick to your stomach on the residual sugar of the stupid thing.

>> No.14195890

>If you have to nurse a beer because it's too sweet and thick to be drank like a beer, if it takes you so long to drink your beer that your beer goes warm and flat,
literally never had this problem

also stronger stouts should be somewhat warm relative to fridge temp, they are still pretty solid at room temp

You have no idea what you are talking about man. American brewers make all the same styles as are available in Europe, they just make other stuff too, there is so much good stuff to be had from such a wide variety, don't get mad that some people like beer more than you and are willing to try things from a wider field

>Sessionable doesn't mean light
It means low alcohol and low flavor, generally less than 5% ABV, beers with such little body usually cannot support robust flavor profiles, the only exception being sours because the acids that make them sour are basically additive to the alcohol, so they effectively drink with the depth of a considerably stronger beer ABV wise

>> No.14195902

the beers in this thread are the rick and morty of beers

>> No.14195913

>It means low alcohol
True, since one goal is to be able to walk home without a public intoxication charge.
>and low flavor,
Not true at all.
>generally less than 5% ABV,
Back to true.

>> No.14195915

pretty good but randomly hated by Reddit because other people know about them now and they aren't their special secret?

>> No.14195923

>only need one
What are you, some kind of straightedge faggot?

>> No.14195929

>beers with such little body usually cannot support robust flavor profiles
>the acids that make them sour are basically additive to the alcohol
You have no idea what you're talking about and I say that as a brewer myself.

>> No.14195939

you would know pleb

>> No.14195942

>True, since one goal is to be able to walk home without a public intoxication charge.
lol, is this seriously a problem you face in your life? What the fuck man?
>Not true at all.
Its objectively true, the flavor available to a beer is directly proportional to the amount of malt in it, especially when you are writing off adjuncts as "making it soda", and mad at hops as you are. All of the complexity of beer comes from fermentation which doesn't happen when there is no more malt to ferment

If something is more than 5% ABV it is not considered a session beer, I don't know what "back to true" means though. There have been a few brewers that have pushed the terminology a bit beyond 5% in the "session IPA" boom a few years ago, but that was marketing bullshit

>> No.14195951

the acids come from sugar just as the alcohol does, its just different fermentation processes, both come from the initial malt, so a sour beer with 5% ABV began with more malt, at a higher gravity, than a lager with 5% ABV

>> No.14195975

How can the beer be sweet? Don’t the yeast eat all of the sugars?

>> No.14195976

>Its objectively true,
Your opinions are not facts, anon.

>> No.14195994

how do you develop deep depth and robust flavor without adding more malt or more hops or more adjuncts?
Like Belgian yeast help a bit, souring can add complexity, but thats basically it

>> No.14196000
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>> No.14196015

>Don’t the yeast eat all of the sugars?
Not really, since alcohol is poison to yeasts. There are almost always some about, since some yeasts can handle more than others, some mashing techniques leave unfermentable sugars behind, and some brewers add unfermentable sugars before bottling.

>> No.14196019

IPA is good, Rick and Morty is good, sorry that Reddit disapproves

>> No.14196025

By using highly roasted malts for one method.

>> No.14196029

more relevant to pastry stout is that most have added lactose, which yeast cannot metabolize

>> No.14196058

That would be the last clause, anon.

>> No.14196067

i didn't read that far

>> No.14196091

>thirty-seven words were too many.

>> No.14196103
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lmao i bet you sip one mikes hard and you get trashed too

>> No.14196104

No one is writing off adjuncts nor is anyone mad at hops and I've said it about ten times. You are so stupid with your hard-line black-and-white thinking I am surprised you manage to put your pants on in the morning you contrarian fuck.

Your statement that "complexity comes from fermentation which doesn't happen when there is no more malt to ferment" is ignorant of brewing practice. There is no such thing as over-pitched yeast; they'll provide the same myriad complexities as relative to yeast strain and fermentation temp whether the wort is high or low gravity, the only difference being the length of time the ferment takes to fully attenuate, and more malt/more yeast food meaning a higher ABV at the end. But you can have a full attenuation on both low gravity and high gravity worts making a beer very dry, or low attenuation on both low gravity and high gravity worts making a beer very sweet and heavy.

The residual sweetness level is due only to the efficiency of your fermentation; the quality of flavor is due only to the strain of yeast and types of malts; the complexities come only from your fermentation temperature and mash/step mash temperature; the ABV comes only from attenuation of malt content.

The point we are making about shitty meme beer is that it is crucial to get the right level of fermentation for your intended end product. Whether intentional or not, meme beers are selling high-gravity worts with low attenuation that leaves the beer syrupy and too sweet. It has NOTHING to do with added flavors or fruits, adjunct grains, the mere presence of hops, ABV, or anything else. The gripe being made in this thread about the meme sugar beers is faulty brewing practice.

>> No.14196106
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Braindead "more is more" zoomer mentality.

>> No.14196111

holding a can of this is a homosexual dogwhistle and means "i'm a bottom/vote biden".

>> No.14196112

>There is no such thing as over-pitched yeast; they'll provide the same myriad complexities as relative to yeast strain and fermentation temp whether the wort is high or low gravity
Absolutely not, they only produce these tasty chemicals byproducts while fermenting, when they run out of sugar to ferment they stop the chemical reactions that add this depth. The concentration of these complex flavor compounds is proportional to the amount of malt. Drink a Belgian single vs a quad and tell me they have the same depth of character (this isn't about attenuation, not sure why you are going off on that)

>> No.14196116

>Whether intentional or not, meme beers are selling high-gravity worts with low attenuation that leaves the beer syrupy and too sweet
some of them man, there are a lot of different big flavorful dark beers out there at all different levels of sweetness

>> No.14196121

>thinks budweiser is too strong tasting so he sticks to Bud Light

>> No.14196122

>Drunk off one(1) beer
You need to be 18+ to post on this site, anon, faggot.

>> No.14196128

>>True, since one goal is to be able to walk home without a public intoxication charge.
>lol, is this seriously a problem you face in your life? What the fuck man?
Can we revisit this one please
You can't drink stuff with over 5%ABV because you get drunk and disorderly convictions when you do? Please tell us your life story, how does this happen? How is this a problem you face?

>> No.14196131
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>Can we revisit this one please

>> No.14196137


>> No.14196149

The whole thread has been about sugar beers. I have no problem with dark beers, flavored beers, fruited beers, hoppy beers, or any other particular type of beers other than poorly made ones.

I'm not sure why you keep asserting that high malt = high yeast flavor. They will continue to make yeast flavor until they have eaten all the sugars, are cold-crashed/campden'd out, or are killed by the alcohol level. You can arguably get more yeast flavor in a low-gravity high-attenuation beer because the yeast are able to digest all the sugars present and not be overpowered by extra malts where a high-gravity wort will kill your yeast with high ABV and still drown out some complexity with residual sugar. Slow and steady wins the race; you don't want fast ferments and a thin layer of trub. It's all about attenuation, sorry you don't realize that.

>> No.14196156

Who drinks just one fucking beer? Some people drink to enjoy the flavor and the evening, not just to get wasted. See: all of European beer culture.

>> No.14196159

>The whole thread has been about sugar beers
this whole time I have been telling you it is more complicated than that

>> No.14196160

>Who drinks just one fucking beer?
people who aren't alcoholics

>> No.14196161

A session involves hours of drinking with friends and acquaintances, anon. If that time is spent downing Doppelbocks and Belgian tripples, then yes, you can wind up conversing with officer overly friendly on the way home.

>> No.14196167

>I'm not sure why you keep asserting that high malt = high yeast flavor
yeast only create flavor when they are fermenting
>They will continue to make yeast flavor until they have eaten all the sugars
um, yeah, thats literally what I am saying, so when you give them more to work with they create more complexity and flavor

>> No.14196172

>Who drinks just one fucking beer?

>> No.14196180

I primarily drink highish ABV stuff, usually 7-12% (which is a very broad range of course), maybe its just because I am white by I have never even once been concerned about getting fucking arrested for being drunk walking home. Does this even happen? I'm not trying to drink 15 beers, this is not a real world problem

>> No.14196185

not if you aren't driving

>> No.14196193

>avoiding the entire point
You're hopeless.

Extremely lame.

Depends on where you live, anon. I had a friend get a DUI charge for blowing under the limit (later thrown out in court but there were still court costs) the cops some places can be real shit.

>> No.14196198

Public intoxication covers walking from the bar to your hotel, anon.

>> No.14196204

>>avoiding the entire point
I am only avoiding it in so much as it has literally nothing to do with what I am talking about

>> No.14196212

I have literally never heard of someone getting in trouble with the police for walking while drunk, hell even when I was underaged I didn't think twice about it, just got a little quieter when walking by cops I guess

>> No.14196214

i have never even seen a cop in real life

>> No.14196226

I have, so your experience is rendered irrelevant.

>> No.14196227

>the cops some places can be real shit.
Respect our troops, you hippie commie faggot.

>> No.14196246

elaborate, how did this happen, where? To be fair I am from the midwest where drinking is very strongly tolerated in general, we tend to drink more like Europeans and less like coasties and southerners

>> No.14196252

Yeast do not create "more complexity" with more malt. That is a non-factual statement made by someone who has at most brewed an extract kit and more probably has no experience at all with the production of actual beer. I already explained why this is the case, but you apparently lack the mental faculties to sit and read more than maybe ten words at a time, you ADHD-riddled sugar-addicted faggot.

They create the same complexities. In increasing levels. Which get drowned out by residual sugar. And they get killed before they can reach the same attenuation in high gravity worts. You literally cannot create the same magnitude/concentration of yeast byproduct in a high-gravity wort as you can in a low-gravity wort unless you have an associate's in brewing chemistry and some very specialized products.

So far the only thing you have proved is that you equate sugar to peak flavor and I cannot express how much that makes me think ill of you.

>> No.14196263

Walking from my college to the train station in Queens, NY, decades ago.

>> No.14196266

please compare a belgian single to a quad

Your explanations of attenuation are entirely secondary to this case. I am not arguing for a low attenuation rate, holding atenuation constant, stronger beers are more complex, yeast have more to work with when there is more of a base to begin with, you cannot have sessionability and complexity and depth at the same time, you have to pick what you value more

If you doubt this, next time you are going to drink a beer, add 50% water and tell me how it tastes

>> No.14196270

are you not white? I have heard NYC cops don't much like non whites

>> No.14196273

Kinda see where you’re coming from but you’re gonna close yourself off from a lot of great beers with that way of thinking

>> No.14196274

>imperial stout

>> No.14196281

>are you not white?
Opinions vary, since I'm Sicilian, Irish, Polish, and German.

>> No.14196286

eh, doesn't sound like something the NYPD would inherently harrass

What were you doing when they cops came at you, surely you weren't just being peaceful?

>> No.14196306

>What were you doing when they cops came at you
Buying a slice of pizza to eat on the way to the J.

>> No.14196329

fucking weird man, I can't imagine being harassed just for being drunk and not being violent or driving

>> No.14196403

Welcome to the Big Apple.

>> No.14196410
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>Welcome to the Big Apple.

>> No.14196417

>Respect our troops,
Cops are civilians, anon. You can tell by their shitty ability to keep their heads when they're under fire.

>> No.14196425

On the flip side, anon will also avoid a lot of shitty beer.

>> No.14196455

lol because actual troops are such high quality individuals

>> No.14196470

best beer can chicken i ever made

>> No.14196545

>gf buys some chai latte milk stout abomination
>literal suspended solids at the botton
>takes like vanilla and cat piss
Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.14196573

>buy chai spiced apple cider
>tastes exactly the the smell of stale urine and cheap apple cinnamon scented air fresheners in the restroom at work

masala chai is just one of those things you can't transfer to cold beverages.

>> No.14196599

Your argument simply doesn't translate in a practical sense. It is hard enough to get full 100% attenuation (see: all the malt has been used, the exact fucking thing you've been talking about, not even knowing what the fuck attenuation means because you're ignorant and uneducated) even in a basic low ABV ale. There is not a practical problem with yeast "running out" of malts to convert. It simply does not happen unless you try to make it happen. You are full of shit and you don't know a bit of what you're talking about. Finish reading your book and come back to me.

>> No.14196629

Perfect explanation. I prefer to split a KBS / CBS with a friend, even if it's a 12oz. bottle.

>> No.14198106
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Strawberry beer, refreshing.

>> No.14198345

Why are you so obsessed with cum?

>> No.14198395

As a master brewer with experience of beer from all over the world who brews a lot of different styles for many customers this thread is hilarious. What matters entirely is route to market. Can you be good at everything? Yes to a point, but exceptional requires specialisation. I love crazy craft can hype beer with great artwork and limited release collaboration with artists or local coffee roasters etc. The more passionate people involved the more interesting I tend to seek out and drink the story. I also make a lot of steady beer for steady people who want middle of the road at a fair price and are embarrassed by the idea that beer has a story. Also sessionability is an important quality as is balance but many hide mediocre beer behind it. Extremes are bold and exciting, risky and playful. I try for 80:20 as the 80 pays the bills and the 20 builds the reputation and gives me something to talk about. Also whoever mentioned Campden tablets plz... AMA yo.

>> No.14198628
File: 161 KB, 1200x1200, shiner-smore-beer-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of "dessert beers" this one was actually pretty enjoyable which surprised me. Shiner has a lot of good winter beers but all that's stocked around me during the rest of the year is their bock.

>> No.14199905
File: 53 KB, 1500x1000, 38704815_281294525991842_2206177292382633984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a beer I think you'll love

>> No.14200466

the amount of alcohol in a beer is directly proportional to the amount of malt the yeast fermented, attenuation rates are a whole different discussion

>> No.14200577
File: 69 KB, 1200x630, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shoop of their cola can, the beer is in bottles.

>> No.14200610

>the only flavors he's capable of understanding are sweet and bitter

>> No.14200625

>unhealthy drinking habit
Like chocolate and peanut butter

>> No.14200635

if you don't like malt and hops you don't like beer

>> No.14200687
File: 11 KB, 275x183, tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call your bullshit and raise you treehouse.

>> No.14201217
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You're right, and we're not talking about the amount of alcohol in a beer.

You were claiming there were fewer complexities in a beer with less malt because "the yeast run out." I am telling you that literally never happens unless you fucked up big time. Even in a very dry and light beer, the yeast have not "run out" of malt to convert. Full 100% attenuation (the yeast "running out") is not practical to achieve in a commercial brewery or indeed even desirable.

You lack the mental faculty and education to keep the chemical concepts straight and keep bouncing back and forth between what you claim "your point" was. The point is you don't have a point, you're wrong, you're spewing shit out of your mouth and all over your keyboard and I know it and I think at some level you know it.

>> No.14201221

Will you talk to me on discord?

>> No.14202109

One of you guys is bickering about some weird shit that sort of does/doesn't make any sense. Yeast produce esters and phenols. The amount and types are strain dependent and influenced by conditions. The majority of esters are created during the reproductive aerobic phase. Strains behave differently, but you can manage their performance by changing variables such as pitch rate (where as you've a number based on volume and gravity), pressure (tank geometry and actual pressure), temperatures during various phases, composition of wort and so on.

To simplify yeast strains are generally described as 'clean' or 'fruity' and/or 'phenolic'. It comes down to gene expression. This is true under typical use though there is some overlap depending on atypical use.

It is rarely that yeast has 'run out of malt' though that is simply a very strange way to say the composition of the wort has had an impact upon this particular strains ester profile.

Belgian beer doesn't develop full complexity due to yeast activity during the primary ferment. There are clean belgian beers. There are quick belgian beers. It really is specific to each style and often brewery I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Wheat beer fermented relatively cool is quite ordinary aside from some character specific to the yeast and the belgians make a good wit. Bit of bubblegum, bit of banana, touch of clove.

You've usually a more interesting grain bill + a complex turbid mash schedule producing a comparatively complex wort with an excess of starches and polyphenols providing suitable substrate for non-saccharomyces yeast and prokaryotes with specific metabolic characteristics and by-products characteristic of that style. There is potentially a whole lot of stuff going on over time.

IDK. Difficult.


AMA my dude. It might take a while to get back to you.

>> No.14202213


Oooh, wild beer co eh?

>> No.14202737

I'm from MD where you can't sell beer in convenience stores so I've never seen this before. Sheetz is known for having amazing chili dogs. So based.

>> No.14202743

The beers you like have the label you like. Maybe you are being influenced by the label design.

>> No.14202915

>You were claiming there were fewer complexities in a beer with less malt because "the yeast run out.
they yeast can only continue to act if there are fermentable sugars. Every flavorful ester that yeast makes is a byproduct of them living, these byproducts are more or less proportional to the amount of fermentable sugar available (though you can mess with other parts of the water chemistry and temperature to change what by products are made also, not saying this is the only factor). At the end of the day, if you have a beer with 2% ABV vs 6% ABV, there just wasn't much "living" going on by the yeast, it would support a smaller community for less time, that means less of the flavorful fermentation byproduct chemicals

Attenuation rates are a whole different thing, you whole argument seems to be based on you think I am saying I specifically like low attenuation when I have not once suggested that, I have only ever been arguing that a more robust malt backbone gives brewers and yeast more to work with when building complexity and depth in beer, so stronger beers inherently have more potential to be robust than light beers of otherwise the same character

>> No.14202917

>You lack the mental faculty and education to keep the chemical concepts straight
oh, by the way, I am literally a chemist

>> No.14204018

Dude I'd give it up. Yes stronger beers tend to have more going on. No it isn't always due to yeast character. Yes weaker beers tend to have less going on. No it isn't always due to an absence of yeast character. There is that word again, balance. Stronger beer will need a stronger yeast character if you want to say it has prominent character from the yeast. Weaker beers can have even low to moderate amounts of yeast character dominate the profile. You need to look to specific examples of what you are trying to say to make it clear instead of dick waving about chemistry etc (it is biology anyway, at least the way you are talking).

Yeast have a metabolism outside of glucose. Other organisms contribute flavour to many brews outside of brewers yeast. There are other reactions happening during fermentation, maturation and after pack.

>> No.14204033

yeast character was just a specific example I called out, I was in no way suggesting it was the primary reason, the example came from the guy being against hops and adjuncts so I used yeast as an example. Any other variable has a similar story, stronger beers allow more complexity from it

>> No.14204041

>instead of dick waving about chemistry etc (it is biology anyway, at least the way you are talking).
Its biochemistry that describes how they are made, the chemicals are what you are tasting

>> No.14204848

My wife loves cherry chocolate chip dick...so...to eqch their own.