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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 228 KB, 1500x1500, 8711327315884-1522840-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14173851 No.14173851 [Reply] [Original]

You crack the top with a spoon.

>> No.14173859

can i see your mommy pls?

>> No.14173861

that's a neat gimmick, but I'd personally want a higher hard chocholate : ice cream ratio
maybe someone could make this but with several layers of hard shell frozen chocolate from top to bottom

>> No.14173862

Nice gimmick
But i'd rather just get more icecream

>> No.14173865

Blacked: the ice cream

>> No.14173892

your mommy is pretty cool my mommy only buys the cheap stuff.

>> No.14173957

You are also supposed to squeeze the sides where it is indicated.

>> No.14174011

magnum is way too expensive for how average it is. I'd take some dreyers slow churned over that gimmicky shit.

>> No.14174058

I love your mommy

>> No.14174067

fuck off, namefag

>> No.14174072
File: 209 KB, 800x800, ksspvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way peasant!

>> No.14174083

I want it but I can’t have it. I live only to suffer.

>> No.14174100

Namefag website.

>> No.14174107

Unironically how the racists here live their lives.

>> No.14174136

>carob bean gum
>guar gum

>> No.14174168

You need some fillers in ice cream or it just wont have the best texture. Doesn't matter how high the fat content is.

>> No.14174177

don't patronize me

>> No.14174229

There exists no ice cream that would not be improved by addition of stabilizers. And using multiple different kind of stabilizer is almost always better than using just one kind.

>> No.14174650

based. namefags run this shizz

>> No.14174664

get the fuck off my board

>> No.14174673

>Ice hard chocolate
That sounds terrible

>> No.14175631

What if you don't want to eat an entire pint in one sitting? Are you just stuck with out any chocolate shell when you eat the other half the next day?

>> No.14175879

Haagen-Dazs has something like this. I think it's probably smaller than what's pictured in OP, but it's actually pretty killer. Idk if there's other flavors but there's a blackberry/vanilla swirl with this and it's pretty bomb.

>> No.14175922

Only if you ate all the chocolate shell the first time.

>> No.14175994

Read the ingredients and realize it's shit
Absolute retards

>> No.14175996

oh its like that one dessert from amelie

>> No.14176003

how often do you eat ic that you'd gara about ingts, la?

>> No.14176349


>> No.14176358

Magnum is based

>> No.14176635

Did anyone else really used to like Breyers ice cream? I remember a decade or more ago it was so good but anytime the lady brings back ice cream now and its a breyers brand, it just tastes so bad. I took a look at the ingredients and its like 30+ shit. Then I take a look at a brand I like and its just shit like - cream, sugar, buttermilk culture, and then the flavors. Fucking breyers is so bad now.

>> No.14176662
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The best of the Magnum Cracker's is the Pistachio Honey.

>> No.14176669

The based police called, you are on their most wanted list

>> No.14176702

>You need some fillers in ice cream or it just wont have the best texture
Peak cope

>> No.14176784

It made realize how mediocre/bad magnum ice is.

>> No.14176871
File: 162 KB, 2000x1000, untitled-design-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is to prevent black "people" from licking your ice cream.

>> No.14176953

>leave ice cream on the side inside of shopping bag or w/e
>chocolate top melts and ice cream melts out as well leaving a mess

nothing is stopping rascals from licking the chocolate seal

>> No.14177106

He's right, though. Ideally, if you have freshly made ice cream then no stabilizers is ideal. But, if it has to travel hundreds of miles in a truck from the factory to a grocery store then stabilizers help ensure that the texture of the ice cream isn't ruined by temperature shifts during transit.

>> No.14177115 [DELETED] 

>established by Reuben and Rose Mattus in Brooklyn Heights, New York
>According to Mattus, it was a tribute to Denmark's exemplary treatment of its Jews during the Second World War
Keep your (((poison))) out of here

>> No.14177247

how often do you eat ice cream that the ingredients would matter to you

>> No.14177258

buy a sealed one you backwater neanderthal.

>> No.14177505
File: 60 KB, 1440x1000, 2361343c-7db2-45d3-a7e5-ed0abc98beb8_1_90_0_0_3288_2283_1440_1000_0eeaa8e6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there exists a single commercial ice cream that isn't owned or giving money to the jews.
Ancient ((()))'s started out as cattle herdsman and then moved on to herding humans. Some of them make good ice cream, I'll give them that.

>> No.14177523

Alternatively don't live in a third world shit hole like the States.

>> No.14177631

good one how does ahmads cock taste?

>> No.14177820

kill yourself

>> No.14177829

Pure chocolate is cringe. Cookies and cream is the good shit

>> No.14177855
File: 60 KB, 733x1100, oreo-fudge-cookies-n-cream-ice-cream-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better than cookies and cream.

>> No.14177951


Shut the HECK (fuck) up!

>> No.14178122

That's because your mommy doesn't love you

>> No.14178189

why do these faggots spill all the food everywhere

>> No.14178286
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>> No.14178296
File: 146 KB, 1030x1230, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that colour scheme...

>> No.14178368
File: 131 KB, 816x404, A27E5DE8-6D1F-41E0-839C-AD71EAC247CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they spend too much time on reddit

>> No.14179400

So good but will also blow out your arteries.

>> No.14179896

>amerimutts actually believe this

>> No.14179897
File: 924 KB, 1600x900, homo sapiens neanderthal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please say neanda thal, hard R is very offensive to us.

>> No.14179976

Cute depiction, but it was more expansionist saps breeding like locusts, spreading into Neandethal territory, and raping all the women in sight after winning a victory by numbers against those peaceful people.

>> No.14180195
File: 171 KB, 1307x983, Neanderthal_close[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey it's anudah soah. Neanderthals didn't do nothing.